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#1Silverblade_The_EnchanterMay 02, 2008 19:30:56 | Question: since psionics is such a vital part of Athas, and psionics isn't out until Players HandbookII, as far as I then to implement it, in 4th ed DS games? best way I can think of, is WILD TALENTS use the rules for multiclassing, you must buy a feat, this gives you one psion power, either of choice, or random (as DM chooses) See below for ideas on powers. --------------------------------------------------------------- PSYCHIC WARRIORS multiclass fighters with psion powers bought with feats, and not taking fighter paragon path. --------------------------------------------------------------- PSIONS As per wizards, however, their power source will be "psionic". Limit them to effects that deal with charms, telekinetic like effects, and other things which are reasonably psi-like. I think the Expanded Psionics handbook went overboard in damage dealing with area of effect powers, it was too much like magic! Psionics should -alter things (stone to acid for example, and also setting things on fire); -hurl things (lots of ways that could be given varied powers), charm, dominate, fear,paralyze and read minds (it should excel at this); -alter the body of the user (including healing and metamorphosis, so a few cleric powers, self only maybe used?), -illusions (which occur only in the victim's mind and are thus phantasms, iirc?) When the 4th ed PHB comes out, will need to hunt through it to see what powers are suitable. ![]() looking forward to 4th ed DS!! (I love Spelljammer, but IMHO, DS is easier to play for a DM who's nerves are frazzled :p) |
#2greyormMay 04, 2008 7:44:27 | best way I can think of, is... Hrm...sounds good to me. I don't know a lot about 4th Ed. but that's just how I'd want to handle psionics if I were in charge. (I've yet to like any official version of the psionic rules, they've always been overly complicated -- more mechanically intensive than other supernatural powers -- and often a bit unfocused in terms of being distinct from wizardly and priestly powers. I did find the Green Ronin psychic feats and skills idea a nicely divergent implementation.) |
#3flipMay 05, 2008 12:59:58 | WILD TALENTS Not a bad approach, and will probably work out well enough for the time being. I'm actually working on forms and such for a Powers data set on ... PSIONS Might be problematic, though again, we can work out some of our own powers. I say problematic, because I understand it, Wizards are actually getting far fewer of those charms and telekentic type powers, in order to leave the niche open for psinoics! |