Post/Author/DateTime | Post |
#1dragonbringerxMay 14, 2008 11:01:03 | I am posting here because I am getting no feed back from the videogame boards. Mainly because they are mostly against 4th ed, so I come here where obviously people are more open to it. So, I have merely copied what I wrote in the other thread for some hope of feed back. Hey guys, I usually trot around the horror boards, but this idea best fits here. So, say what you will about it but either way 4th edition is just around the corner (or here by the time some us read this) and so this got me thinking. Well, many people are talking about how 4th ed feels a bit much like WoW, but I beg to differ. I feel that yes in some of the multi-player aspects it does have some WoW to it, but I feel on a hole it feels more like an Elder Scrolls game to me. Well, between the weapon groups, the condensed skills, multi-class feats, tons of at-will abilities, etc. On a whole I feel that putting these rules into a Elder Scrolls setting would be awesome. So, if you are a 4th ed hater, please don't post here. This is a thread for people who want to contribute to an idea. Now that I got that out of the way, I can start on the good stuff...crunch.:P Now, I don't have that much (yet) but as I get more ideas I will try to update as often as possible. Also consider that the fate of these threads as a whole is largely unknown so if anything happens I will do my best to save what I can and recreate this again (with updates) once the big 4 is out. I would also like to state that because I don't know all of the rules system yet most of this will assume certain things. I use the many excerpts around wizards to get some idea and for some rules compiling. Races :whatsthis Nord Abilities: +2 Strength, +2 Constitution Vision: normal Speed: 6 Languages: common, nord Homeland: Skyrim Skills: +2 acrobatics, +2 endurance Cold Resistance: Resist cold 5 + 1/2 level Cold Touch: Strength vs Reflex, (daily, standard, weapon) 1[W} + 2d8 + Con mod cold damage plus target is slowed (save ends) Extra Healing Surge: 1 Favored Class: Fighter Redguard Abilities: +2 Constitution, +2 Charisma Vision: normal Speed: 6 Languages: Common, Redguard Homeland: Hammerfell Skills: +2 Athletics, +2 Diplomacy Adrenaline Rush: (daily, minor) You heal an amount equal to your second wind, or gain it as temporary hit points that last until the end of the encounter. You also gain +1 saving throws until the end of the encounter. Poison Resistance: +5 to saves vs. Poison Disease Resistance: +5 to saves vs. Disease Favored Class: Paladin Breton Abilities: +2 Intelligence, +2 Wisdom Vision: normal Speed: 6 Languages: Common, Breton Homeland: High Rock Skills: +2 Arcana, +2 Insight Fortify Magicka: Choose an at-will spell from either the wizard or warlock 1st level class features. If you are already one of these classes, either choose an extra spell or one of the other class. Resist Magic: (encounter, immediate interrupt) when a spell would hit you, force an enemy to reroll the attack roll. He must use the second roll even if its lower. Shield: +1 to all defenses (encounter, standard) Favored Class: Wizard Imperial Abilities: + Charisma, +2 any Vision: normal Speed: 5 Languages: Common, Imperial Homeland: Cyrodiil (heart of the empire) Skills:+2 Diplomacy, +2 History Voice of the Emperor: (daily, immediate) You gain +5 to any one Diplomacy check. Absorb Fatigue: (daily, standard, weapon) Strength or Constitution vs Fortitude. Hit - You heal your second wind amount (uses a healing surge) and target is stunned (save ends). Miss - You heal your second wind amount. Favored Class: Warlord Wood Elf (Bosmer) Abilities: +2 Dexterity, +2 Wisdom Vision: low-light Speed: 7 Languages: Common, Mer (elven) Homeland: Valenwood Skills: +2 Stealth, +2 Nature Resist Disease: +5 to saving throws against disease. Command Creature: Charisma vs. Will (daily, standard). Target creature becomes confused (save ends). Favored Class: Ranger High Elf (Altmer) Abilities: +2 Intelligence, +2 Charisma Vision: low-light Speed: 6 Languages: Common, Mer (elven) Homeland: Summerset Isles Skills: Arcana is a trained skill for Altmer Natural Magic: You can spend an action point to reuse an already spent encounter power. Bonus Skill: Any 1 extra Favored Class: Warlock Dark Elf (Dunmer) Abilities: +2 Strength, +2 Wisdom Vision: low-light Speed: 7 Languages: Common, Mer (elven) Homeland: Morrowind Skills: +2 Perception, +2 Dungeoneering Elven Sight: Once per encounter, reroll a missed attack roll. You must keep the second roll even if its lower. Fire Resistance: Resist Fire 5 +1/2 your level. Dunmer Speed: +1 to Initiative checks Favored Class: Cleric Khajiit Abilities: +2 Dexterity, +2 Charisma Vision: low-light Speed: 6 Languages: Common, Khajiit Homeland: Elsweyr Skills: +2 Acrobatics, +2 Stealth Demoralize: (encounter, minor) You mark one enemy. Night-Eye: (At-will) You can see in total darkness. Cat-Like Reflexes: +2 Reflex Defense Favored Class: Rogue Argonian Abilities: +2 Dexterity, +2 Intelligence Vision: normal Speed: 7 Languages: Common, Argonian Homeland: Black Marsh Skills: +2 Athletics, +2 Thievery Poison Resistance: Resist Poison 5 + 1/2 your level Water Breathing: You can breath underwater normally. Favored Class: Rogue Orc Abilities: +2 Constitution, +2 Wisdom Vision: Normal Speed: 5 Languages: Common, Orc Homeland: Orsinium (Nova Orsinium) Skills: Endurance is a trained skill for Orcs. Berserk: (encounter, standard, only while bloodied) Healing, weapon: You make a basic attack and heal your second wind (use one of your healing surges). Brave: +5 on saving throws against fear. Favored Class: Fighter In this section I will stat out the elder scrolls armor using 4th ed rules. Now, to keep it simple I will be using Elder Scrolls 4 as my reference and I will not do individual armor pieces cause that would just be needlessly complicated and defeats the purpose of 4th ed. Now, for the most part this is pretty easy. In case any of you are unfamiliar to the 4th ed rules for armor it is: Light armor - add armor bonus to AC and Dex or Int mod to AC Heavy armor - add armor bonus to AC (no Dex or Int) Shields - add shield bonus to AC and Reflex one other quick thing to consider, in Elder Scrolls, they put a lot more emphasis on item weight then d&d does. New Equipment Light Armor Cloth - AC 0 - ACP 0 - 0 lbs. Fur - AC 1 - ACP 0 - 1 lbs. Leather - AC 2 - ACP 0 - 3 lbs. Chainmail - AC 3 - ACP -1 - 7 lbs. Mithril - AC 3 - ACP 0 - 5 lbs. Elven - AC 4 - ACP -1 - 8 lbs. Glass - AC 4 - ACP 0 - 5 lbs. Heavy Armor:fight!: Iron - AC 5 - ACP -1 - 8 lbs. Steel - AC 6 - ACP -2 - 12 lbs. Dwarven - AC 6 - ACP -1 - 10 lbs. Orcish - AC 7 - ACP -2 - 15 lbs. Ebony - AC 8 - ACP -5 - 20 lbs. Daedric - AC 8 - ACP -4 - 24 lbs. Sheilds -Other than Item hp, hardness (or whatever for 4th ed), and weight, the stats for shields are the same. Weapons The PHB weapons are fine for the stats. Now, the only thing I could see adding as far as weaponry is concerned is arrow types. Personally I like the arrow types and think their worth putting in. Not quite sure how I would handle it least not yet. So, for right now: Arrows: Coming soon... ![]() Now...there are still 2 major things left on my list: Religion and Alchemy My ideas thus far are this: Religion and birthsigns Normally these birthsigns give you some special greater power that you can use once a day or enhances something. So, I was thinking of having the birthsigns be represented as feats that you can only take at 1st level. These feats would either give you some special daily ability or enhance something... ![]() Alchemy: I am not going to do a potion mixing system (tried it once before...and well lets just say ![]() What I will do is take some of the unique alchemy components in the game and allow them to do strange things when eaten, added to something, or help you craft poisons (which would do poison damage and maybe some other condition like staggered, slowed, unconscious, etc). Oh! and monsters too. But that will come much later if at all. I'll only stat out the really unique beasties and some standardized npc's. Just like they are doing with Orcs, I'll do with these some point...eventually. Well, what do you guys think. I know its still a bit early for 4th ed stuff, but why the heck not. I figured I'd start now with what I know, work out the kinks later (after a few plot arcs) and then when I feel like playing something that isn't standard setting... I'll already have it all here waiting for any of us to use. |
#2dragonbringerxMay 19, 2008 14:55:00 | Well, here is the 3rd portion of my Elder Scrolls setting. Birthsigns birth signs are going to be done as feats that must be taken at 1st level. I'm thinking that they can even be improved at paragon levels with a feat. Not too sure yet...and honestly I'm not even sure about the feat thing...but here goes. Also, some may (and will) change after 4th ed has been fully released and I have a better idea of how everything works. Birthsign --- Prerequisites (1st level only) --- Benefit Mage - Gain an at-will power Apprentice - Gain an extra encounter power, one less trained skill Warrior - +2 Fort, +2 Endurance Thief - +2 Reflex, +1 Speed Shadow - Invisibility for 1 round (maintain as a minor action) Daily Lover - Stun enemy (save ends) Daily, Dex or Int vs Fort Ritual - +1 Healing Surges, Can use a healing surge as a minor action (Daily) Tower - ?????? Serpent - Poison enemy for 1d8+Con mod damage (on going 5, save ends, Daily, Str or Dex vs Fort) and use a healing surge. Atronach - ????? Lady - +2 Will, +2 Insight Steed - +3 Speed Lord - ????? ????? - I'll figure something out for these. Feedback? Anyone? |
#3Neutronium_DragonMay 19, 2008 23:24:24 | I've only had a quick glance, but something leapt out at me with the races. Favored class mechanics are already gone, but... khajiit *warlocks*? They're one of the few races you never found as conjurer or necromancer types, and are pretty scarce in the Mage Guild too. Their lore also puts them squarely into the rogue category. |
#4dragonbringerxMay 20, 2008 14:42:23 | Oh thanks...I fixed it. It Khajiit says Rogue now, that was a simple type-o. I ment to put rogue, and I do realize that the favored class rule is gone, but the flavor is still there. Halflings are still rogue, dwarves are still fighters, teflings are warlocks, etc. Thanx for the feed back though, I'm still working on the feats and religion aspect. |
#5dragonbringerxMay 24, 2008 12:24:27 | ahh dubble post... |
#6Urban_Sniper_02Jun 10, 2008 8:50:48 | I've recently picked back up on my Oblivion habit, and with my 4E books on the way, I'm giving serious thought to giving my first campaign a go in the Oblivion setting since everyone who would be playing has been or is an Elder Scrolls junkie. Once I've read over things, I might have some input to add for you, but right now, at the very least, you've got a good starting point. EDIT: One thought on birthsigns, though. Instead of making them feats, I would just make them something that is unique to the Elder Scrolls campaign setting that every character (or at least, every important (read: PC, possibly some NPCs) character) has at first level. At this point I couldn't say if it would be greatly overpowering or not, but given that the game is typcial 1 vs. Oblivion, I'd say it could fit the setting rather well. |
#7Neutronium_DragonJun 11, 2008 21:24:09 | I would suggest +2 Constitution, +2 Charisma for the Imperials. It fits with the legion requirements and their general cultural archetype. |
#8icilJun 16, 2008 14:40:10 | Atronach: Your arcane encounter powers do not recharge after a short rest. You also gain Siphon: Siphon (At-Will Power, Arcane) Spend a healing surge. Recharge one of your arcane encounter powers. Move Action, Personal Eh, just trying to think of something edgy off the top of my head. |
#9dragonbringerxJul 01, 2008 13:22:37 | i love the suggestions guys. Incase you havent seen yet check out my new thread i've started with full 4ed updates. I've completed races and armors. Link is here. |