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#1arsulonMay 16, 2008 3:54:37 | This is a little something I wrote up while I was reading a lot of "planetary romance"; which is to say, science-fantasy stuff like Burroughs' Mars novels and that sort of thing. Most of my gaming experience has been with WOTC's Alternity game line, much of which has been recycled for the d20 Modern line, so this timeline uses a lot of that game's nomenclature when it comes to psionics, interdimensional travel, alien races and that sort of thing. Timeline of Athas The Blue Age
The Green Age
The Age of the Dark Sun [LIST] [*]Champions discover Rajaat's form and consciousness have acquired extra-dimensional properties precluding his death (in a conventional sense); using knowledge forcibly extracted from captured fraal and Rajaat's notes, Gallard traps "the First Sorcerer" in a space-time wrinkle, in which seconds translate into centuries relative to Athasian space-time [*]The wrinkle is anchored to the "Black Sphere", another metaconductive "obsidian" artifact discovered in the Pristine Tower complex; it requires staggering amounts of power to maintain the prison [*]Remaining fraal attempt to bargain for their lives, hinting at records of ancient mindwalking secrets buried in Pristine Tower archives; intrigued, but mistrusting Rajaat's allies, Borys executes the survivors and pursues his own studies [*]Borys discovers and miss-identifies one of the disciplines mentioned by the fraal: a psionic technique for the creation of purpose-directed thought-forms, or tulpas, of great power [*]Physically unable to accommodate and direct the energies needed for the discipline, Borys uses life-shaping techniques and the power of the Dark Lens to alter his physical form: he believes this is preparation for an even greater transformation; the remaining champions excitedly begin their own transformation regimens [*]Believing he is fueling the creation of his new form, Borys completes his investiture of power in the tulpa; due to his misinterpretation of the discipline, it takes physical, visible form (appearing as an image from Borys' subconscious representing, for him, power: a dragon); it consumes him utterly [*]The Borys-tulpa or "Dragon", imperfectly executed, begins a mindless rampage across the already ruined land; intentionally destructive, it is also the harbinger of terrible psi-storms [*]Creation of the "King's Compact": an agreement between the surviving champions to each rule a city-state modeled on repressive, pre-industrial, earth-analog cultures; the compact includes provisions for the annihilation of indigenous culture, the suppression of literacy and scientific inquiry, and a moratorium on the development, recovery or use of technology above PL 1 (this compact is violated from its inception as each champion hoards at least some PL 6+ artifacts) [*]Each champion founds or adopts a relatively isolated settlement, corrals starving and traumatized survivors of the disastrous dimensional shift, and begins their cultural pogrom; while formal titles vary, they are, in the eyes of their subjects, "sorcerer-kings", in some cases taking new names to reflect their transcendence: Manu of Deche / Hamanu Uyness of Waverly / Ablach-re Gallard / Nibenay Albeorn / Andropinis Inenek / Lalali-Puy [*]On the verge of "becoming a dragon" (this thought-image will dominate all future attempts at using the tulpa creation technique, as each sorcerer-king believes it is the natural result of the process) Dregoth and his city Guistenal are attacked by his fellows [*]Ablach-re leads the former champions, acting on information that Dregoth has infected himself with a dangerous, engineered, cell-replicating virus which should sustain his mind though the transformation [*]Devastating the city and surrounding lands, the sorcerer-kings confront and kill the writhing, half-mad, tumorous mass that was once Dregoth; his remains are secreted away by his followers, who witness their ruler's "resurrection" thanks to the regenerative virus; they soon share his fate, living a subterranean, half-alive, half-dead existence, now infected like their immortal master [*]The Dragon's behavior normalizes as it rediscovers its core "programming"; it contacts the surprised sorcerer-kings, demanding the lives of slaves as a means of maintaining the energy level required to keep the Black Sphere functioning; the sorcerer-kings comply [*]After decades of increasing suspicion, Hamanu discovers Sielba has violated the King's Compact: Yaramuke possesses near-universal literacy, state-sponsored science and civil service academies, and a merit-based system for earning emancipation [*]Hoping to blackmail Sielba into making trade concessions, Hamanu dispatches spies to uncover the full extent of her violations; they are captured and killed after transmitting mental images of a rudimentary atomic weapon [*]Hamanu invades Yaramuke in hopes of capturing the weapon intact; his forces face street-to-street combat with armed, near-fanatical citizenry; with exception of weren shock-troops, Urikites routed by withering cannon-fire as they reach the citadel [*]Hamanu breaches the citadel, engages Sielba in single-combat, battering her into a coma; believing her dead, he leaves to rally his forces for the occupation of Yaramuke [*]Sielba's remaining templars evacuate their queen to a secret island location and detonate the atomic weapon [*]Hamanu eliminates remaining witnesses to his abortive campaign, camping his surviving forces near Black Waters: they soon succumb to radiation poisoning [*]Hamanu returns to Urik, proclaims victory; anticipating its wrath over incident, he empties treasury to appease Dragon [*]Dragon constructs Ur Draxa with Urikite booty, using it to house the Black Sphere [*]Sielba's templars fail to revive queen; she is placed in relic cryo-berth from the Messenger; though comatose, her subconscious mind broadcasts powerful telepathic call for help; long after guardian-templars perish, superstitious travelers declare "Siren's Song" cursed [*]Shocked by Hamanu's naked aggression (and reminded of their own mortality) sorcerer-kings re-evaluate positions and strategies: Kalid-ma accelerates attempt to transform, determined not to share Sielba's fate; Kalak watches Kalid-ma's ziggurat project intently, hoping to learn its secrets, tries not to provoke Urik; Hamanu rebuilds treasury and army; Abalach-re, traumatized by Sielba's death, distances herself from own power as "Grand Vizier", secretly develops death-wish, half-hoping she will be overthrown; Nibenay withdraws from present, obsessed with discovering where "everything went wrong"; Andropinis eagerly anticipates his fellows turning on each other, consequently becoming lax; Tectuktitlay insulates self from reality, layering his divinity with more and more blood sacrifices; Lalali-Puy re-imagines herself as savior of her people and Athas' ruined biosphere [*]Period of introspection sees increased experimentation with "life-shaping"; desire for novelty and specialized servants results in new life-forms; e. g. "mule" or "mul" a sterile humanoid derived from human stock: strong, robust, but weak-willed and easily "ridden" (for espionage or recreation) by sorcerer-kings using psychic projection [*]Aleerin miners, pushing roots of fastholds deeper into Athas' mantle, encounter Series VI life; "crystal plague" decimates population, but survivors form symbiotic relationship with silicate colonies; aleerin soon regularly born with Series VI life replacing or supplementing tissues and organs; aleerin characterized by eerie single-mindedness, illimitable patience and unnatural affinity for metal and earthwork; [*]Kalid-ma successfully constructs tulpa and is consumed by it; new "Dragon" and attendant psi-storms ravage city and countryside; Kalak, having carefully observed the transformation, alerts Hamanu and Borys-Dragon; combining their efforts, the new Dragon is destroyed [*]The Messenger, sheds its remaining rock and ice debris on a close approach to the sun; previously obscured solar cells begin to recharge [*]Balic's slave population is decimated by an outbreak of psionic vampirism; barely contained when the Dragon arrives for his tribute, Andropinis must sacrifice some of his templars and a portion of the city to appease its wrath [*]Alarmed by the Dragon's retribution against Balic, Kalak dangerously accelerates his plans for transformation; labor and resources are re-directed to building a ziggurat [*]A Tyrian senator of House Asticles is murdered by his aleerin body-servant; templar and noble scrutiny of slave activities increases; as a result, an arena slave with ties to Veiled Alliance is discovered; she is publicly executed; social tensions increase [*]A popular mul-human fighting pair are killed in a training match with a gaj; a riot results, but is quickly suppressed by templars and weren of the Royal Guard [*]Kalak's High Templar of the King's Works is crushed in a construction accident; the only witnesses are a weren labor gang [*]Public discontent over templar crack-downs, failing economy, crime in t'sa market, appropriation of privately held slaves for ziggurat construction and closure of iron mines [*]Kalak announces lavish celebratory games for the ziggurat's dedication ceremony [/LIST] |
#2king_cromagMay 16, 2008 10:24:47 | Wow! That is some really good work. It is a fun take on the world but realtively faithful. I especially like the write up on the brown tide. |
#3Silverblade_The_EnchanterMay 16, 2008 12:39:51 | That is well done! ![]() Loved Burough's Mars tales, oh, they are being filmed, cartoon/CGI version iirc. |
#4greyormMay 16, 2008 15:55:35 | Excellent job! Heck, INCREDIBLE job! You've actually made me like the canonical history of Athas. I especially like the details you provided on how psionic power shaped and was used by the society, and the setting's color and background doesn't seem "tacked on" for once. |
#5xlorep_darkhelmMay 16, 2008 16:33:08 | Very well done, and intriguing variant/alternate timeline, integrated nicely into the Dark Sun timeline, but with quite creative differences. |
#6ZardnaarMay 17, 2008 3:08:52 | Sweet as. I like it- kinda twisted and I don't remember much of d20 Modern and even less of Alternity. |
#7youngpreserverMay 17, 2008 14:11:39 | I'm an alternity fanatic. With a complete understanding of all the terminology you used, let me just say this... Excellent. Definitely an interesting history and a great read. I was already considering working DS flavor into the Alternity setting for some gritty realism, plus that would allow me to play with such a fantastic core mechanic. Keep up the good work! -Jason |
#8arsulonMay 17, 2008 23:54:02 | Thanks a lot for the great feedback guys: I'm glad you liked it ![]() |
#9JaysynMay 20, 2008 15:11:23 | That is a very creative reinterpretation of the Dark Sun timeline. |