What would you do for DarkSun 4e?



May 21, 2008 23:04:12
Well yes, What would you do for DarkSun 4e?

I´m planning to run Darksun as soon as posible, my current timeline has a Huge Thri-keen Invasion advancing to the Hearth of the tablelands, but since 4e is so dramatically changing, I´ll have to create numerous House Rules to adapt the system...

Importantly, I don´t plan to follow the Paizo version estricly and my storytelling will echo the Athas.Org direction. And, well Darksun is the father of good old epic gaming.

To increase the gaming experience around here we have discussed that the PCs will stick to PHB classes and Athas creatures and NPCs, the world in general terms will work as background mechanics...most likely, we´ll use the same 3e monster themes that Athas.org has published, but my concern is with the narrative...

what do you think would be a good and proper approach to play Darksun 4e, so that it geets a new feel and still keep the same Cool storytelling?


May 22, 2008 3:18:42
Get our own forums for starters:P


May 22, 2008 17:40:45
Well lets just wait till this forum is Re-loaded or wahtever they´ll do and hopefully, someone could steer Athasian fans in the right direction...