Post/Author/DateTime | Post |
#1idabriusJun 10, 2008 21:23:38 | On page 190 of the DMG there is an ever so small blurb detailing a location that we Planescape fans all know and love with all our hearts - Sigil, the City of Doors. |
#2rob_douglasJun 11, 2008 2:54:26 | 160 - not 190. Just flip the middle digit. ;) Good to see it there. I think that, city of Brass, and the Githyanki cities will be part of core 4E. ROB |
#3friendlyfiendJun 11, 2008 9:05:17 | Yep, it may only be a tiny mention but it still brought a smile to my lips. |
#4subtleJun 14, 2008 2:48:43 | Hopefully it will get mentioned again in the manuel of planes. I am impartial to the wheel cosmology, but sigil is close to my heart. |
#5idabriusJun 14, 2008 7:40:36 | Even without the Great Wheel, Sigil could be the center of a new lovingly crafted Planescape. Of course, that would mean an exploration into subjectivity and postmodernism, something this edition of D&D doesn't seem to be... ready for. |
#6the_ubbergeekJun 14, 2008 15:29:58 | Or pompous declerations from self-styled 'hip and cool' planar know-it-alls. ;) Good or bad, that's one's view. |
#7sciborg3Jun 14, 2008 17:18:40 | Hip is cool is the motto of 4.0, a desperate attempt to cash in on youth culture as shown by the middle-school mentality of design team members. We put a bullet in the head of angels! Aasimar reminds of ass - yuk yuk yuk! Sigils arrogant berks were *in-game*, not men-child actually ripping off Exalted. Yet for all their talk of "fixing" the fluff to defend 4.0 coming out too soon, devils and demons are more confusing than ever. The long suffering, beautifully tragic celestials are replaced with bland faceless angels and stupid looking elementals with helmets. Sad to see all that history thrown away, not to mention the pathetic shoehorning of the Exalted cosmology into FR and gutting all its long developing plotlines. |
#8joni-sanJun 16, 2008 10:55:42 | Aasimar reminds of ass Let's be honest here, more than half of the mentions of Aasimar on these forums were spelled Assimar. Ditto for Genasi being Gensai. |
#9sciborg3Jun 17, 2008 11:30:41 | heh heh ok i'll give you that.... |
#10Shemeska_the_MarauderJun 17, 2008 12:51:16 | Sad to see all that history thrown away, I don't have high hopes of 4e (given its apparent design philosophy and style thus far) giving a flavorful, deep look at the planes in the way you, I, and many others have always enjoyed them. What we have now is a rather shallow pastiche of what we had before, mixed with some other influences (devils speaking "supernal" seems a bit overt) that when combined don't spark my interest in the way that they're described and presented. I appreciate Michelle Carter (as awesome as she is) managing to get Sigil referenced in 4e, but I fear if it's ever formally presented that it'll be a pale shadow of itself, given the radical changes to many baseline assumptions in the cosmology. So I can only urge you to go take a look at the cosmology for Pathfinder once the setting book comes out in August (and not just because I wrote that section... hehe) ![]() |
#11lord_karsusJun 24, 2008 12:52:57 | -Rhetorical question: What good is a Sigil where all of the "scenery" around it is nearly unrecognizable? |
#12shinmizuJun 24, 2008 16:06:09 | -Rhetorical question: What good is a Sigil where all of the "scenery" around it is nearly unrecognizable? No good, no good at all. Come join us in Union, instead. We just got a Starbucks! |
#13atticuseternalJun 24, 2008 17:03:45 | -Rhetorical question: What good is a Sigil where all of the "scenery" around it is nearly unrecognizable? Well, for me at least, Sigil is much, much more than than the sum of the "scenery". The atmosphere, "cant" speak, Lady of Pain, and uncountable number of portals all contribute to the "feel" of the city. And besides, although the Great Wheel is gone from core, it's a simple enough matter to place all of the old planes in the Astral Sea as dominions or whatnot. |
#14lord_karsusJun 24, 2008 18:56:29 | No good, no good at all. Come join us in Union, instead. We just got a Starbucks! -All the more reason NOT to go. -The City of Brass...Now, THAT'S a city. What do they have there? Chai tea, I guess? |
#15That_Blasted_SomoflangeJun 24, 2008 21:45:36 | -Rhetorical question: What good is a Sigil where all of the "scenery" around it is nearly unrecognizable? See... Now, maybe it's not the best example, but the thing that made me love Planescape the most was actually the computer game Planescape: Torment. And, when I played that game, I got a good feel for the setting, and you know what, I didn't and hell I still don't know a damn thing about the cosmology. Does that make me dislike the setting? No. Does it make it any less interesting? No. Perhaps the scenery about Sigil is the city itself, or it is constantly changing. After, all it's called the city of doors, so why couldn't the sky be a door in and of itself? I really see Sigil as still being the City of Doors, but now it is both nowhere and everywhere at the same time. How about this: The sky, and the city itself is constantly changing. No arbitrary day or night cycles. Now, that I can get behind. To say that the setting will suck without seeing it, well, that's just silly talk.. I mean, I've always taught that prejudging something is bad. Shouldn't we try to get rid of prejudice, because those that cling to it just come off as being really ignorant to me. |