Diaboli on Mystara



Dec 17, 2008 10:14:20
The Diaboli is another race that is uniquely Mystaran. Yet their extra-dimensional origins mean that most campaigns have treated them as marginal. The AC1010 Almanac had a community of Diaboli settle in Norwold, allying themselves with Erical. What was the reason for their appearence there? Is this the first large scale presence of Diaboli on Mystara?

I think it might be interesting to try to integrate the Diaboli more closely to Mystara. From the monster description it seems clear that Diaboli visit Mystara from time to time. Do they favour certain regions more than others? Would it be possible that Diaboli kingdoms have been set up elsewhere?

Some ideas may be drawn from the background of the Immortal Harrow:
Harrow was a diabolus in the Nightmare Dimension eight centuries ago. After much practice and study, he became a talented sorcerer and an expert illusionist. His life was completely upset when a dimensional breach opened in his tower and he got sucked in another dimension by a more powerful mage, who held him as his slave. When he recovered from the trip, he found himself bound to the will of the first Master of Illusionism, an hakomon living in the Ethengar Steppes. Exploiting Harrow's knowledge, the hakomon Sinjad Virayana was soon able to subjugate a few Ethengarian tribes to his will and to summon other creatures from the Dimension of Nightmare to do his biddings. When the hakomon finally died after a conspiracy orchestrated by other envious Khans together with Harrow's own help, Harrow was finally free and he began to wander across the World Known, looking for a way home.


Dec 18, 2008 9:18:30
Some more info on the Diaboli of Norwold:

REDHORN (Chaosarchy of)
Location: Continent of Brun, southwest of Alpha, along the southern shore of the Great Bay. NW

Area: 498 sq. mi. (1,290 sq. km.).

Population: 700 diaboli, 50 humans.

Languages: Diabol, Alphatian.

Coinage: Gems, gold nuggets or barter commonly used.

Taxes: None (everything belongs to Diablerus I).

Government Type: Chaosarchy (diaboli's concept of government, not unlike formal anarchy like can be found in Surshield, Bellissaria).

Industries: Mining (gold), crafts (goldcraft), fishing.

Important Figures: Diablerus I (Baron, diabolus, male, M10/F5), Alden (Alphan Ambassador, human, male, F3).

Flora and Fauna: Redhorn consists of grasslands and farmlands, with some woods in the southern parts, near the rolling hills to the west. Strangely enough, the landscape seems often "warped" at night-time, with otherworldly red and greenish hues emanating from the ground. Local animals have long left the countryside since the diaboli settled the land, and previously unseen and distorted parodies of the former wildlife now roam the dominion [probably imported from their own dimension by the diaboli. Arcadius.]. Other stranger and alien monsters occasionally pop up in the wilderness, threatening the diaboli as well as the few humans who live here.

Further Reading: CM1 Test of the Warlords, previous almanacs.

No description this year. [Adik and Arcadius provided us with basic dominion information, but no insight-watch for more next year. Ed.]

Source: http://pandius.com/redhorn2.html
