* * * Wizards Community Thread * * * -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Thread : old school DM needs a hand Started at 04-23-04 10:14 AM by splifer Visit at http://forums.gleemax.com/showthread.php?t=226478 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- [Post 1] Author : splifer Date : 04-23-04 10:14 AM Thread Title : old school DM needs a hand hi i am new to this forum. i was sent here from someone i met on a 3rd edition forumn. said yall would be better able to help me. My friends have finally talked me into doing a 2nd ed game high lvl using existing characters from R.A. Salvatores books about Drizzt Do'Urden. This is an idea that i hate, but i am willing to try it out. i have read every one of his books so i have a pretty good idea of every character in them. So i narrowed the choice of characters down to 10 none of whom are of the main 6 characters. i detailed their equipment,spells,magic, etc.... as it was described in the books. well a few of my friends expressed an interest in haveing a chance to play Jarlaxle so i went to work on a sheet for him. well alot of his stuff is really sketchy. Most of the stuff i know from the book "Servant of the shard". but alot is still unknown. i know i could just make up stuff, as a DM that is my right afterall, but in my opinion it takes away from tha aspect of playing him as he is/was. i was curious if any of yall would have any info on this for me. Also he carried around a feather that when blown upon summoned a Diatryma, an underdark bird. i have been able to find no info on this creature, any info on this would also be greatly appreciated. People keep telling me that as a DM i can just make this stuff up, well ive been DM'ing for over 15years now and i like to know as much as possible about what is in my adventures as i can. i feel that it helps me as a DM when things come up. it allows me to explain why certain things cant be the way the players want them instead of just grabbing the DMG for the 200000th time and pointing to page 2. thanx in advance for any help yall can offer Splifer Of'thahogleg -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- [Post 2] Author : diaglo Date : 04-23-04 12:38 PM have you visit the creature catalog on EnWurld? http://www.enworld.org/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=26 they may be of assistance. esp... BOZ. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- [Post 3] Author : Faraer Date : 04-23-04 02:25 PM Jarlaxle is written up in Menzoberranzan (http://www.rpgnow.com/product_info.php?products_id=810&) and Villains' Lorebook (a free download (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/downloads) from wizards.com). But if your players challenge your campaign and rulings, and want to play villains, you have worse problems than not being able to find sources. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- [Post 4] Author : splifer Date : 04-23-04 08:47 PM lol nah they hardly ever challenge anymore, maybe only 1 or 2 times every few months. and who said Jarlaxle was a villain? he was just someone who did what he had to do to survive, but whatever. no sense gettin into that debate here. i do appreciate tha links though. i hope ill b able to find some answers there. have u never played a villain campaign before though? is a really nice change for people who are used to always playing the hero. Splifer Of'thahogleg -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- [Post 5] Author : Wyrmbane Date : 04-25-04 12:56 AM have u never played a villain campaign before though? is a really nice change for people who are used to always playing the hero. Check out Reverse Dungeon. :devil: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- [Post 6] Author : Falstaff the Fighter Date : 04-26-04 10:56 AM and who said Jarlaxle was a villain? I'm gonna go out on the limb and say it was because he lied, cheated, stole, murdered and used anyone and everyone around him to better himself with little thought or concern for the suffering of those he used. He might have had charisma, and he might have done it with style, but there is no question that Jaraxle was evil, and if your evil, your a villain. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- [Post 7] Author : splifer Date : 04-27-04 09:37 AM hehe AHAH! question for yas though Falstaff. Do you think Darkelves consider themselves evil or do they consider themselves good and all other races evil for what they do? Do goblinkind think themselves as evil or do they believe what they do is for tha good of their respective race? Do u think that Sadam and Bin-ladin considered themselves evil men or do u think that they viewed the western world as the evil ones? Im sure that they wouldn't hesitate in saying that USA lied murdered cheated and stole while they were in their respective countries. Its all a matter of perspective. Splifer Of'thahogleg -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- [Post 8] Author : diaglo Date : 04-27-04 10:19 AM Originally posted by splifer hehe AHAH! question for yas though Falstaff. Do you think Darkelves consider themselves evil or do they consider themselves good and all other races evil for what they do? Do goblinkind think themselves as evil or do they believe what they do is for tha good of their respective race?... stick to alignment. don't bring Real World politics into the Fantasy system... Alignment is an actual truth in this game. so yes, goblins and drow consider themselves evil. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- [Post 9] Author : Falstaff the Fighter Date : 04-27-04 11:36 AM Well, seeing as how this is 2e, yes, the drow and goblins do know they are evil, just as Diaglo said. They know this and could actually tell someone if they choose to. Heck, go back one more edition, and they can even speak Chaotic Evil. In D&D, pre-3e, a creature ALWAYS knows if it is good or evil. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- [Post 10] Author : Glak Date : 05-01-04 04:47 PM "Falstaff. Do you think Darkelves consider themselves evil" "Do goblinkind think themselves as evil" of course, they just like being evil. "Do u think that Sadam and Bin-ladin considered themselves evil men" hell yeah they do. Though many of Bin Ladin's followers don't realize the he/they are evil. The guy at the top almost always knows. They just like being powerful warlords. "Im sure that they wouldn't hesitate in saying" of course not. They lie to trick others. Standard evil technique. "Its all a matter of perspective." Moral relativism is the purest form of evil. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- [Post 11] Author : vader42xx Date : 05-01-04 05:03 PM I've actually always used alignment as a game tool and not a world tool. Meaning that, whatever edition I'm playing, a character or creature doesn't usually think of himself as evil. You'll find that every war in history has been fought by two sides who both consider themselves the good guys. It's just all in how they look at it. And I don't think that Bin Laden (or any other real world figure) considers himself evil in the least. He honestly believes what he is doing is right (divine, just, and what needs to be done). That's what makes him so dangerous. The fact that he's willing to blow up inocent people is what makes him chaotic, evil. And other than the alignment languages in basic (not sure if 1e did that or not) I can't think of any rule or game mechanic that says a character or creature considers himself evil. As for alignment languages I've always looked at those as a daliect used by like minded people. Anyway, to me a world (fantasy or not) where people think of themselves as this or that alignment is pretty static and makes for very flat characters. The most dangerous villians in history are those who are evil to the core but firmly believe that they have every right to do what they are doing...what's more, that they have a duty to do what they are doing. Not only very evil, but very interesting as well. :smirk: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- [Post 12] Author : splifer Date : 05-02-04 10:12 PM heh well Vader42xx put it alot better than i did, but i am glad to see im not tha only one who thinks like that. Peace Splifer Of'thahogleg -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- [Post 13] Author : OlafTheUnbathed Date : 05-09-04 12:31 PM Moral relativism is erroneus twaddle. Fortunately, in D&D, there are alignment rules to cover these issues to any degree that they are meaningful in an heroic fantasy game. If the alignment rules seem inadequate to the task at hand, you are most likely overreaching the sensible limitations of the game. Should you go off and customize to your heart's content anyhow? You betcha. Put on your flame-retardant suit and have fun. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Downloaded from Wizards Community (http://forums.gleemax.com) at 05-10-08 08:20 AM.