Weird Mystara



Jan 15, 2015 13:08:29

I am currently thinking about running a 5E Mystara campaign.  I want to find and replace humans with half-orcs, haflings with tieflings, dwarves with dragonborn, but I can't decide to replace elves with gnomes or go with something else.


Any thoughts?



Jan 17, 2015 10:27:51



I can't see replacing humans with half orcs because the size of mystara  would mean that the orcs of thar  would have had to achieve supremacy  


I can't see Tieflings  replacing  halflings because the tiefling is the result of  dalliance with something infernal and i strongly doubt they would trust one another long enough pr have the actual numbers to found a nation let alon maintain one.


Dragonborn Kind of the same thing as  tiefling only hey someone in your family made it with a dragon..... although in this case I don't think that dragonborn would have the numbers  to forma  kingdom


Gnomes can easily live with both halflings and dwarves so communities in rockhome or five shires totally doable




i am going to  be honest I don't think replacing races is a good idea adding to existing races is a better idea 



Jan 22, 2015 13:17:30

Thanks for the feedback.  I am moving towards an alternate Mystara that has high magic and tech using the animated movie Wizards as an influence.


Wizards Trailer


Currently, I am working on Fungheim (Alfheim), where the dominant race is a large number of myconid sovereigns that live beneath the dark canopy of the Canolbarth.  Above, atop the canopy, dwell the forest gnomes.  Along the rivers and below the surface are the rock gnomes, and I want to have kenku be a race that boats along the rivers and trades with the rock gnomes.


I have in mind to make Thar a human enclave.


The ideas are still bouncing around in my noggin.