Post/Author/DateTime | Post |
#1jonesyJun 17, 2003 23:21:12 | The aim here is to gather a list of all the dragons ever to appear in the Dragonlance novels. So if you find a missing dragon, let me know and the list gets updated (whether a story is considered canon or not is beside the point, every dragon with a name is fair game for the purposes of the list). Small spoiler warning: because of the nature of this thread the list might spoil the plotlines of some novels because of dragons with an active part in the story. Version 1.6 January 19th 2004 -Legend: Name/Nickname(s) (type) - relations .novels appeared in (most notable appearances) -The Dragon Gods: Paladine/The Platinum Dragon/Draco Paladin/Bah'Mut .TLoH Takhisis/The Five-Headed Dragon/The Dragonqueen/Tii'Mhut .TLoH -The Five Daughters of Paladine: Aurora (gold) - defeated the Five Sons .TDaW .The Dragons Haraineer (bronze) .TDaW Querrasian (copper) .TDaW Sheeranar (brass) .TDaW Tianaran/Argyn (silver) .TDaW .The Dragons -The Five Sons of Takhisis: Akis (white) - defeated Haraineer .TDaW Arkan (blue) - defeated Tianaran .TDaW Corrozus (black) - defeated Querrasian .TDaW Furyion (red) - defeated Aurora .TDaW Korril (green) - defeated Sheeranar .TDaW -Second generation dragons (the first ones born on Krynn): Aurican (gold) - son of Aurora .The Dragons Aysa (bronze) - daughter of Haraineer.The Dragons Blayze (copper) - son of Querrasian .The Dragons Burll (bronze) - son of Haraineer .The Dragons Crematia (red) - daughter of Furyion.The Dragons Darlantan (silver) - son of Tianaran .The Dragons Kenta (silver) - daughter of Tianaran .The Dragons Mydass (gold) - daughter of Aurora .The Dragons Oro (gold) - daughter of Aurora.The Dragons Smelt (brass) - son of Sheeranar.The Dragons Turq (silver) - daughter of Tianaran .The Dragons -Third generation dragons: Auricus (gold) - son of Aurican .The Dragons Callak (silver) - son of Darlantan .The Dragons Daria (silver) - mate of Callak .The Dragons Dazzall (brass) - son of Smelt .The Dragons Deathfyre (red) - son of Crematia .The Dragons Tharn (copper) - son of Blayze .The Dragons -Fourth generation dragons: Arumnus (gold) - son of Auricus .The Dragons Azurus (blue) .The Dragons Bolt (bronze) - mount for Kaz .The Dragons .TLoH Corro (black) .The Dragons Cymbol (copper) - son of Tharn .The Dragons D'Argent/Silvart/Silvara/Arlena Plata (silver) - sister of Lectral, mount for Gilthanas .The Dragons .DoWN .DoaNA Heart/Gwyneth (silver) - sister of Lectral, mount for Huma .The Dragons .TLoH Kord (brass) - son of Dazzall .The Dragons Lectral (silver) - son of Callak, brother of Heart .The Dragons Regia (gold) - sister of Arumnus .The Dragons Saytica (silver) - sister of Lectral .The Dragons Tombfyre (red) - son of Deathfyre, mount for Ariakas .The Dragons .EoA -Fifth generation dragons: Dargentan (silver) - son of Lectral .The Dragons Darlant (silver) - son of Lectral .The Dragons -Dragons with unclear ancestry: Aerensianic/Aeren (green) - mate of Toxyria .TPK Aester (bronze) .SotW Amylyrix (bronze) - mother of Duranix .BotD Andorung (red) .SotW Arkas (gold) .The Dragons Asperitius/Ashe (copper) .DoaNA Aureal (gold) .TDoK Auris (red) .TDoC Beldieze (silver) .TDaW Blackshanks (black) .TDoC Blade (blue) - guardian of Tramd's citadel .DtD Blood Gem (red) - mount for Phair Caron .DtD Bloodglitter (red) .TDoK Blusidar (bronze) - mate of Duranix .SotS Bolt (blue) .HaF Borac (black) .TDaW .TDoC Cerium (blue) - mount for Mirielle Abrena .LoS Char/Kaeley (blue) .TDaW Charynsanth (red) .Conundrum Chase (silver) - one of the guardians of the tomb of Huma .TotNS Chayne (silver) .CotL Claw (copper) .TDoK Cobalt (blue) - mount for Sara Dunstan .LoS Coss (black) .The Dragons Croesus (copper) .TDoK Crucible (bronze) - friend of Linsha Majere .TCC .CotL Cupelix Trisfendamir/Pteriol (brass) .DaL Curor Bonebreak (black) .TDaW Cyan Bloodbane (green) .DoWN .TLoH .TWoS Darknight (black) .Stormblade Dathylark (brass) - one of Iyesta's brass guards .CotL Desiristian (gold) .CotL Dnestr (black) - Khoal's collaborator .TBW Doom (red) .DtD Duranix (bronze) - friend of Amero .CotP .BotD .SotS Dusk (blue) .R&O Ebon Nightshadow (black) .TGD Eclipse (black) - twin of Murk .The Citadel Elgan/Gannie (silver) .TDaW Firefang (red) .TWoS Firegold (gold) - mount for Crysania .TotNS .DoSF Firestorm (red) .TCC Ferno (red) .DoaNA Flame Searclaw (red) .WotL .TGD Flamestrike/Matafleur (red) .DoAT Flare (blue) - mount for Sara Dunstan and Steel Brightblade .TSG .DoSF Flarion (red) .Draconian Measures Flayzeranyx/Flayze (red) .Fistandantilus Reborn Fyremantle (red) .Dragon's Bluff Gallinthus/Gale (blue) - mount for Dhamon .DoaNA Gilar (brass) .SotS Glisten (gold) - mate of Sunfire .The Citadel Goldstrike (gold) - (possibly) mate of Firegold .TotNS Harkiel (red) - the creator of the draconian race along with the mage Dracart and the cleric Wyrllish .The Dragons Hekhorath (red) .SotW Hipparan (copper) .KotC Hollinstress/Firebird (red) - lieutenant of Malys .DoaNA Howl (blue) .LoS Icekill (white) .BiA Immolatus (red) .BiA Infernus (red) - the one who made minotaurs slavesoldiers for the ogres during the third dragon war .LotM Jaegendar (black) .TDaW Jahet (black) - mount for Maldeev .TBW Kalkon (brass) .TDaW Kerristillax (white) .TDoC Khirsah/Fireflash (bronze) - mount for Tas .The Dragons .DoSD .Legends Khisanth/Onyx (black) - the guardian of Xak Tsaroth .DoAT .TBW Khoal (black) - betrayed the Black Wing .TBW Klassh (red) .TDaW Kopernus (copper) .TDI Korylark (brass) - one of Iyesta's brass guards .CotL Koryon/Kory (silver) .TDaW Lhode (black) .TBW Mirror (silver) - guardian of the Citadel of Light .TWoS Murk (black) - twin of Eclipse .The Citadel Murmoroc (blue) .TMoN Neetra (black) - Khoal's collaborator .TBW Oliver (bronze) .TDoK Pteros/Pitch (black) - Khisant's tutor .TBW Purestian (brass) .CotL Pyrite (gold) - mount for Fizban .DoSD Pyros/Ember (red) - mount for Verminaard .DoAT .BtM Quallathan (gold) - mount for Laurana .The Dragons Razer (bronze) .TDoC Razor (blue) .TWoS Ringg (gold) .CotL Salamantix (copper) - twin of Suphenthrex .SotS Scorchfinger (red) .TPoG Seridanax (bronze) - son of Duranix .SotS Shadow (black) .TBW Shalebreak (blue) .TDaW Sheen Vlootsad (silver) .TDoC Shimanloreth/Shimmer (bronze) .TDI Shimmer (bronze) .DoaNA Skyleth (silver) - sire of Ilinana .TDaW Smalt (blue) .TWoS Softfire (silver) .TtSY Spuryten (blue) .The Dragons Squall (blue) .LoS Sterellus (bronze) .TOoG Sthenn (green) .CotP .BotD .SotS Sthinissh (green) .SotW Sunfire (gold) - the protector of Gwynned .The Citadel Sunrise (gold) - mount for Ulin .DoaNA Suphenthrex (copper) - twin of Salamantix .SotS Talon (black) .TBW Tanalish (brass) .TDI Tariskatt (bronze) .TDaW Terrisleetix/Sleet (white) .DoAT .DoC Tevarrek (copper) .TDaW Thassalark (brass) - one of Iyesta's brass guards .CotL Thrakdar (brass) .TDI Thrakdil (brass) .TDI Thunderstrike (blue) .BiA Tiberia/Ty (silver) - daughter of Tyberion, mount for Kaz .LotM Tosch (brass) .LaW Toxyria/Toxy (green) - mate of Aeren .TPK Tumult (blue) .LoS Tyberion (silver) - sire of Tiberia .LotM Tyrannus Bloodbane (green) - ancestor of Cyan Bloodbane .RotBS Venerable Ro (bronze) - sire of Duranix .SotS Venge Scarlet (red) .TGD Viper (green) .DtD Werewrym (black) .BiA -The Overlords: Beryllinthranox/Beryl/The Green Peril (green/alien) .DoaNA .TWoS Gellidus/Frost/The Ice Tyrant (white/alien) .DoaNA .TWoS Khellendros/Skie/The Storm Over Krynn (blue/alien) .DoWN .DoSD .Legends .DoaNA .TWoS Malystryx/Malys/The Red Marauder (red/alien) .DoaNA .TWoS Onysablet/Sable/The Living Darkness (black/alien) .DoaNA .TWoS -The Dragonlords: Brynseldimer/Brine (sea) .DoaNA Fenalysten/Cinder (red) .TOoG Iyesta/Splendor (brass) .TOoG Lorrinar/Fume (green/alien) .TOoG Mohrlex/Pitch (black) .TOoG Pyrothraxus/Pyro (red/alien) .TRatS Cryonisis/Ice (white) .CotL Frisindia/Freeze (white) .CotL Stenndunuus/Thunder (blue/alien) .CotL -Miscellaneous dragons: Clamor (blue/chaos) - corrupted by chaos .TDoC Dhamon (shadow) .Redemption Hopsloth (amphi) .Lord Toede Ilinana (silver half-dragon) - daughter of Skyleth .TDaW Liam (silver half-dragon) - the son of Huma .TDoC Mapshaker Wanderfuss (kendragon) .TDoK Primus (chaos/fire) - mount for Zarak Thuul .TLT Tempest (sea) .TDI Verden Leafglow (green/neutral) .WotL .TGD Wyrmfather (undefined) .TLoH -Additional unnamed uniques: Starlight dragon (chaos/starlight) .TDoC The Novels: .BiA (Brothers in Arms) .BotD (Brother of the Dragon) .BtM (Before the Mask) .Conundrum .CotL (City of the Lost) .CotP (Children of the Plains) .DaL (Darkness and Light) .DoAT (Dragons of Autumn twilight) .DoaNA (Dragons of a New Age trilogy) .DoWN (Dragons of Winter Night) .DoSD (Dragons of Spring Dawning) .DoSF (Dragons of Summer Flame) .Draconian Measures .Dragon's Bluff .DtD (Dalamar the Dark) .EoA (Emperor of Ansalon) .Fistandantilus Reborn .HaF (Heroes and Fools) .KotC (Knights of the Crown) .LaW (Love and War) .Legends (The Legends trilogy) .Lord Toede .LoS (Legacy of Steel) .LotM (Land of the Minotaurs) .R&O (Relics & Omens) .Redemption .RotBS (Reavers of the Blood Sea) .SotS (Sister of the Sword) .SotW (Spirit of the Wind) .Stormblade .TBW (The Black Wing) .TCC (The Clandestine Circle) .TDaW (The Dragons at War) .TDI (The Dragon Isles) .TDoC (The Dragons of Chaos) .TDoK (The Dragons of Krynn) .TGD (The Gully Dwarves) .The Citadel .TLT (The Last Thane) .TMoN (The Middle of Nowhere) .TOoG (The Odyssey of Gilthanas) .TotNS (Tears of the Night Sky) .TPK (The Puppet King) .TPoG (The Players of Gilean) .TRatS (The Rose and the Skull) .TSG (The Second Generation) .TtSY (Tanis the Shadow Years) .TWoS (The War of Souls trilogy) .The Dragons .TLoH (The Legend of Huma) .WotL (War of the Lance) 192 dragons 2 dragon gods 87 metallic 18 gold 23 silver 18 bronze 12 copper 16 brass 93 chromatic (8 alien) 30 red (2 alien) 22 blue (2 alien) 11 green (2 alien) 23 black (1 alien) 7 white (1 alien) 1 amphi 1 chaos/fire 1 chaos/starlight 1 kendragon 2 sea 1 shadow 2 silver half-dragons 1 undefined (Wyrmfather) |
#2zombiegleemaxJun 18, 2003 11:14:51 | I am once again impressed at this compilation of dragonlance knowledge. Keep it going brother. |
#3brimstoneJun 18, 2003 11:31:38 | What about Shatraklaang (Klaang)? Has he been in any novels/short stories? He's a pretty important dragon in the 5th Age...but I'm not sure if he's technically been in any novels. He's the dragon that lives in Wayreth Forest...he (along with the Master of the Tower) acts as the forest's protector against the Grey Knights and Beryl. Oh yeah and we need to add the Shadow Dragon from DoaNA and the Dhamon Saga. |
#4jonesyJun 18, 2003 11:36:14 | Originally posted by Brimstone I don't think that he has ever been mentioned in a novel. What source is he from? |
#5brimstoneJun 18, 2003 11:48:46 | Originally posted by jonesy He's from The Last Tower: The Legacy of Raistlin, Dragonlance Fifth Age Boxed Set, and Wings of Fury. And I edited the one above...we need to add the unnamed Shadow Dragon from Rabe's trilogies...unless he's already in there an I just missed him. It'd probably be too difficult to put that puppy in alphabetical order, huh? ![]() |
#6jonesyJun 18, 2003 13:48:54 | Originally posted by Brimstone Well the thing is, if I start adding unnamed dragons, it becomes an inhuman task of finding them in the novels. Sometimes not even their colors are mentioned. Although I do think that Rabe made a mistake not naming the shadow dragon. I'll turn the list into an alphabetical one when I get the time (maybe tomorrow). ![]() |
#7jonesyJun 19, 2003 1:48:16 | They should be in alphabetical order now. I'm going to be offline for a week starting today due to heading out on a little holiday trip to the countryside. So now you know. ![]() |
#8old_sageJun 19, 2003 6:36:35 | Impressive. I had forgotten about this little nugget back on the old forums. Once again, well done jonesy. ;) Old Sage of Palanthus |
#9zombiegleemaxJun 19, 2003 23:52:58 | You're missing Tosch, a male brass dragon from Love and War. A friend o fmine pointed that out, so give credit to Kengar Half-Elven/Magic Pontiac(he doesn't come to these boards, but I showed him this post). |
#10zombiegleemaxJun 23, 2003 14:19:32 | Cyan Bloodbane also appeared in the novel about Huma. (Unsure of the title, can't seem to find it.) Basically where he is a "young" dragon. |
#11zombiegleemaxJun 23, 2003 14:38:43 | /me ![]() That's the most compreensive list of draconic references in a single document (though Weldon's Timeline comes close I think). You should submit it to the Nexus (if you haven't already). Good show! |
#12jonesyJun 25, 2003 7:18:39 | Thx to Jacen and his friend for Tosch. ![]() Eldritch that would be TLoH, The Legend of Huma. Already there. ![]() After adding blue Bolt from Heroes and Fools we now have the first occurrance of two dragons with the same name (Kaz's bronze Bolt). |
#13jonesyJun 25, 2003 9:38:14 | You should submit it to the Nexus (if you haven't already). Good show! Nexus and (and any other DL site for that matter) are quite free to snatch the list and use it on their site if they want. After all it hasn't been compiled by me entirely, and it's not exactly anyones property being just a list of all the dragons in the DL novels (so it belongs to Wizards if anyone). And as long as new DL novels keep appearing, it stays a work-in-progress and I'm therefore quite happy keeping it here. ![]() |
#14zombiegleemaxJul 03, 2003 10:51:03 | There is also Venge Scarlet and Ebon Nightshadow on pp. 5 of TGD. It's in the second paragraph. |
#15jonesyJul 03, 2003 10:57:13 | Originally posted by aurican Thanks. Completely missed them. ![]() |
#16zombiegleemaxJul 04, 2003 18:46:37 | I now own Middle of Nowhere but I havent read it yet. However I did manage to skim through it and found only one Dragon. The dragon isn't even part of the story it is just part of an analogy used by one of the characters in the book. The dragon's name is Murmoroc and he is a blue dragon. |
#17jonesyJul 05, 2003 9:15:53 | The dragon's name is Murmoroc and he is a blue dragon. That's a...very funny name. :D |
#18zombiegleemaxJul 07, 2003 23:23:18 | In Brother In Arms on the last page their is mention of Thunderstrike (blue) Werewrym (black) and Icekill (white) |
#19jonesyJul 08, 2003 11:12:21 | Originally posted by Hels Avatar [Elvis mode] Thank you. Thank you very much. [/Elvis mode] |
#20talinthasJul 08, 2003 11:42:59 | btw, verden became kind of brown, with bronze and green and red highlights, sort of like tree leaves in the autumn. |
#21jonesyJul 08, 2003 12:03:28 | Originally posted by talinthas It was easier to just say 'neutral', instead of 'kind of brown, with bronze and green and red highlights'. :D |
#22zombiegleemaxJul 09, 2003 9:22:01 | Also, in Reavers of the Blood Sea there is an artifact that Kiri-Jolith called the eye of ~cant remember his first name~ Bloodbane. That would indicate that there is at least one Bloodbane that came before Cyan. =) |
#23jonesyJul 09, 2003 9:25:23 | Originally posted by Halabis Already on the list. ;) |
#24zombiegleemaxJul 09, 2003 12:51:46 | There is also a dragon called Viper in Dalamar the Dark. I dont beleive it says its color though. It is the dragon that first comes out of the dragon orb before Cyan does. |
#25jonesyJul 09, 2003 14:21:07 | Originally posted by Hels Avatar Judging by the name Viper could be green, but I'll just mark undefined. |
#26zombiegleemaxJul 10, 2003 7:29:43 | In fact, there's also a bronze dragon in Stephen D. Sullivan's novel "The Dragon Isles" which is also called Shimmer as in Jean Rabe's trilogy. The only difference is that the full name of his dragon is Shimanloreth. I think you missed that one. |
#27carteegJul 10, 2003 8:38:48 | Viper was the green dragon inside of the Silvanesti DragonOrb. See reference of Dragonlance module number twelve, page twenty-five, column one, paragraph four, sentence three-*ERK!* (Somebody please thwap the gnome at my keyboard if he comes back.) |
#28jonesyJul 10, 2003 9:18:20 | Originally posted by Steffen Bogh And you are sure they are the same dragon? |
#29brimstoneJul 10, 2003 14:08:12 | Originally posted by jonesy I can look tonight. I think that Shimmer is in the first SAGA module (or the second). I'm sure it would have his full name in the module...I don't recall it being mentioned in the book. |
#30gforce99Jul 11, 2003 13:22:39 | Was Malystryx really an alien dragon? She is not a descendant of any of the original chromatic dragons? |
#31brimstoneJul 11, 2003 14:24:43 | Originally posted by GFORCE99 That question is better left answered until you read the War of Souls trilogy. The origins of the Dragon Overlords and some of the lesser Dragonlords is an important plot point in that series. ![]() |
#32zombiegleemaxJul 12, 2003 12:22:27 | I got a letter from Stephen D. Sullivan where he explained that Shimmer wasn't the same dragon as in Jean Rabe's novel. So there's two dragons in the saga with the same name![]() |
#33jonesyJul 12, 2003 16:49:40 | Originally posted by Steffen Bogh Ok, so that I finally get this straight now: 1. Is Rabe's Shimmer also called Shimanloreth? 2. It Sullivan's Shimanloreth also called Shimmer? |
#34zombiegleemaxJul 14, 2003 3:34:36 | Jean Rabes = Shimmer Stephen D. Sullivan = Shimmer, Shimanloreth Jean's Shimmer is only called Shimmer, but it says that the dragons real draconic name is too difficult for humans to pronounce. And remeber, it is two different dragons!!! ![]() |
#35jonesyJul 14, 2003 4:43:58 | Jean's Shimmer is only called Shimmer, but it says that the dragons real draconic name is too difficult for humans to pronounce. Too difficult for humans to pronounce? That's a cheap way for Rabe to say 'I couldn't think of a name'. ![]() Two bronzes with the same nickname. Wonder how they know which one the other dragons are talking about at any given time. ![]() |
#36brimstoneJul 14, 2003 12:56:54 | Originally posted by jonesy Dragons never go by their "nicknames" with each other. This is a point that has been there from the very beginning in Dragonlance...and unfortunately has been completely butchered by most of the authors in the DL world. A Dragon has two names. One is his Dragon name, one is his Mortal name. The mortals only know the Mortal name. To know a dragon's true name is to have power of him. Which is why the Dragon Overlords (to the mortals) should only be known as Malys, Skie, Beryl, Sable, and Frost. No one should know their true names. What started as a very interesting idea...has now turned into just a pain in the a$$ because the names no longer have any meaning (beyond true and "nick" names)...and we still have to learn two names. ![]() |
#37zombiegleemaxJul 20, 2003 15:00:56 | Amylyrix (bronze) is the mother of Duranix. Mentioned in Brother of the Dragon pp. 153. |
#38jonesyJul 20, 2003 15:21:08 | Originally posted by aurican Gotcha. |
#39zombiegleemaxJul 20, 2003 17:32:55 | Sara Dunstan's dragon is wrongly written. It's called Cobalt and in the list it's called Cobolt ![]() |
#40zombiegleemaxJul 20, 2003 21:08:10 | Are all the Dragons from the 'Dragons of ...' anthologies accounted for?. I was thinking about going through them to find any that may have been missed. |
#41jonesyJul 21, 2003 5:03:11 | Sara Dunstan's dragon is wrongly written. It's called Cobalt and in the list it's called Cobolt Doh. :embarrass Are all the Dragons from the 'Dragons of ...' anthologies accounted for?. I was thinking about going through them to find any that may have been missed. I *think* they are all there. ![]() |
#42zombiegleemaxJul 21, 2003 15:29:27 | More dragons from Sister of the Sword: Gilar (brass)-pp. 44 Suphenthrex (copper)-pp. 44 -twin of Salamantix Salamantix (copper)-pp. 44 -twin of suphenthrex Venerable Ro (bronze)-pp. 74 -sire of Duranix |
#43jonesyJul 21, 2003 16:02:54 | Originally posted by aurican That's really the name? Venerable? |
#44zombiegleemaxJul 21, 2003 16:32:01 | It says that he was known as Venerable Ro. Then it goes on to explain how new generations got extra sylables in their names. Sthenn and Venerable Ro were of the first generation. So his real name must be Ro. The title Venerable was probably added by Duranix or another of his kin. |
#45cam_banksJul 22, 2003 6:46:05 | Originally posted by aurican Sounds like an Everquest deity. ![]() Cheers, Cam |
#46jonesyJul 22, 2003 10:59:35 | Originally posted by Brimstone I was thinking about that and came to two conclusions: 1. If the true names weren't as important as has been hinted, then it really wouldn't matter whether they used the name or the nick. 2. If the true names are as important as has been hinted, then they would probably avoid using them even among themselves for fear of eavesdroppers (etc.) so the nick would be the one mostly used anyway. The overlords came from a wholly different world and they can be excused for 'misusing' their names because of probably very different customs. |
#47zombiegleemaxJul 27, 2003 1:08:15 | In Dragons of Krynn there is a short story entitled Scourge of the Wicked Kendragon where a kender named Mapshaker Wanderfuss is turned into a brass dragon. |
#48jonesyAug 02, 2003 16:04:46 | Originally posted by drarbb I thought long and hard about not adding the kendragon because of it's, umm, somewhat temporary nature, but well, I did. ![]() |
#49brimstoneAug 07, 2003 12:01:32 | a new one for ya to add: Crucible. He's a Bronze, in the Linsha Trilogy. And....(DLCS/Lisha Trilogy SPOILERS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Crucible needs to replace Hogan Bight. Yep...ol' Hogan needs to be taken off the list. He ain't a dragon. |
#50jonesyAug 07, 2003 12:10:48 | Well I'll be a three-headed platypus with an accordion. Herbert sure pulled one over us. ![]() |
#51brimstoneAug 07, 2003 12:25:07 | Yeah... heh heh Well...either that or the DLCS is mistaken (I haven't actually had a chance to start City of the Lost yet). But the Timeline in the DLCS mentions this. Along with another huge spoiler...but I'll not mention that one. ![]() So, word to the wise...don't read the entry for year 38 SC...or year...uh...I can't remember. Just be careful at the last few entries. One spoils The Dark Thane too. Don't get me wrong though...I prefer them being there then them not. I do wish I'd know they were there though so I could have avoided them for the moment. Heh heh...oops. ![]() |
#52zombiegleemaxAug 07, 2003 13:11:05 | Which of the Dragon Overlords are NOT from "off-world." In other words any of them domestic? |
#53jonesyAug 08, 2003 8:46:32 | Originally posted by DaemonAngel Only the ones that have the 'alien' tag are from somewhere else. |
#54brimstoneAug 11, 2003 9:50:01 | Okay...Jonesy...I may have been wrong about Crucible/Hogan Bight. One of the new books says they aren't the same, the other says they are.... So...I guess just leave it as Crucible for now, and after someone has read City of the Lost it can be completely corrected. ![]() |
#55jonesyAug 11, 2003 11:02:28 | Originally posted by Brimstone Maybe Crucible=Hogan? It might be that City of the Lost won't correct it, since it's only the first part of a trilogy...just have to wait and see. |
#56brimstoneAug 18, 2003 10:51:46 | Originally posted by jonesy It probably will. Thanks to the DLCS, I've pretty much spoiled the majority of this book. HUGE things will be happening. Now...I rechecked. 2 references (on in the DLCS and one in the AoM) states that Crucible and Hogan Bight are one and the same. 1 reference (in the DLCS) says Crucible and Hogan Bight have an agreement. Which indicates they are two different people. So...I'm not sure which is true (it'd be nice to not have the the same book even). who knows which is right. I guess we'll have to wait and see. ![]() ![]() |
#57talinthasAug 18, 2003 12:47:40 | well, City of the Lost pretty much answers that argument =) |
#58brimstoneAug 18, 2003 13:33:57 | Originally posted by talinthas Could you let me know what the answer is? It will help greatly...and the book has already been completely spoiled by my reading of the DLCS and no worries about that. ![]() You can just send me an e-mail if you don't want to spoil it on the boards here. :D |
#59talinthasAug 18, 2003 13:42:25 | well, as corroborated by AoM and the DLCS, Hogan = Crucible. Thus, of course there will be agreement between the two =) |
#60brimstoneAug 18, 2003 13:44:25 | Originally posted by talinthas Cool. Of course the DLCS also says that Hogan and Crucible are not the same. Well...I know which one to fix now. ![]() |
#61talinthasAug 18, 2003 13:47:08 | thats not neccessarily an error. It could just be reporting what the population believed. I'll Have you know that Fizban always agreeed with paladine, but we never saw them together..;) |
#62brimstoneAug 18, 2003 13:56:29 | is in the section on how to play DL in pre-WoS 5th maybe it's an "in-world" observation. Maybe I'll just leave that one alone. I've got 4 full pages anyway...with only still 50 pages to go...who needs one more? ![]() |
#63zombiegleemaxAug 19, 2003 7:59:42 | ****SPOILER SPACE**** Well, I don't know if this is exactly a spoiler, but better to be safe than sorry. Anyway, I've finished reading City of the Lost and it does not say that Hogan Bight and Crucible are one and the same, however, it is strongly hinted that they are. Good book by the way. |
#64carteegAug 19, 2003 15:54:57 | 'Strongly hinted' in the same manner that if you have any doubts after reading even just TCC, Varia taking a break from laughing at Linsha to laugh at you. :D [At least she figured out the cat!] |
#65zombiegleemaxAug 20, 2003 17:38:40 | There's also Malys's lientenant Hollinstress and her two brothers Ryidan and Karasheel. I'm not sure about the spelling. ![]() Other than that though.. wow! That's all I can say! ![]() |
#66jonesyAug 21, 2003 0:15:22 | Originally posted by Raven15 I would still need to know where they get mentioned. ![]() |
#67zombiegleemaxAug 21, 2003 18:18:01 | Originally posted by jonesy Hollinstress is in Eve of the Maelstrom and her two brothers are in some gaming product, I think the Age of Mortal boxed set. |
#68jonesyAug 22, 2003 2:35:28 | Hollinstress is in Eve of the Maelstrom... Oh yeah, she was the new lieutenant of Malys. I'd forgotten her name gets mentioned. ![]() ...and her two brothers are in some gaming product, I think the Age of Mortal boxed set. No novel reference, no admission (with a couple of exceptions). |
#69zombiegleemaxAug 23, 2003 18:43:17 | *shrugs* Okay, whatever float your boat. :D |
#70jonesyAug 24, 2003 6:38:40 | Originally posted by Raven15 Well it is a list of dragons in novels ;) |
#71zombiegleemaxAug 25, 2003 15:49:00 | Murmoroc, the blue dragon mentioned in "The Middle of Nowhere," is a *fictional* dragon who appears in the minotaur epic poem "The Lay of the Blue Dragon." Likewise, Scorchfinger, mentioned in my novella "Enter, a Ghost" (The Players of Gilean) is fictional in the storyline, and so perhaps is not worthy of mention in the dragon list. Unless one wishes to be a completist . . . ^_~ Paul Thompson |
#72jonesyAug 25, 2003 16:45:33 | Originally posted by Mr. Apol And one most certainly does. Well, except that Murmoroc was already on the list. ;) I assume Scorchfinger is a red dragon? |
#73zombiegleemaxAug 26, 2003 7:59:38 | Yep, he's a red. PBT |
#74jonesyAug 26, 2003 8:09:23 | Originally posted by Mr. Apol And on the list. Hmm. I noticed I had counted Khirsah three times on the list, once as bronze, once as brass, and once as unclear. :embarrass |
#75brimstoneAug 26, 2003 16:04:22 | Originally posted by jonesy Why is there confusion on this, by the way? Just curious. |
#76jonesyAug 27, 2003 0:08:59 | The Dragons claims that Khirsah is a brass dragon, while Dragons of Spring Dawning says bronze. Although, now that I checked, Test of the Twins also says that he is bronze, so I think I'll go with that. |
#77brimstoneAug 27, 2003 16:08:43 | Originally posted by jonesy Sounds like the best plan. ![]() |
#78jonesySep 04, 2003 14:27:04 | Brynseldimer/Brine (sea) Do I have this wrong? I've never been quite clear on what the differences (if there are any) between a sea dragon and a brine dragon are. |
#79cam_banksSep 04, 2003 15:58:58 | Originally posted by jonesy It's confusing because there's something called a brine dragon in Otherlands, as well as the more common sea dragon (whose picture always gets exchanged with the amphi dragon). Sea dragons resemble dragon turtles but they have even more dragonlike features, are smarter, and are considered "true" dragons (they have age categories, etc). Brine dragons are aberrations found in Watermere which don't have any turtle-like features, and look a lot more like the Loch Ness Monster with an enormous toothy grin. What's most confusing is that Brynseldimer, the sea dragon overlord, is also called Brine. Don't confuse him with the brine dragon from Otherlands. Cheers, Cam |
#80jonesyNov 13, 2003 4:43:27 | Shameless bump to get the list back to the first page as I was offline for almost a month. ![]() |
#81old_sageNov 14, 2003 2:52:58 | I'm glad. I was beginning to think that this wonderful thread had been forgotten...;) |
#82zombiegleemaxNov 15, 2003 15:12:02 | Originally posted by Cam Banks Well, what's an Amphi dragon then? Are you going to count the wierd dragon in The Son of Huma short story in The Dragons of Chaos? I htink he's referred to as the Starlight Dragon? He's unnamed, but I think he should get a mention due to sheer coolness factor. |
#83jonesyNov 15, 2003 15:28:01 | Well, what's an Amphi dragon then? That's the frog lookalike that was in Lord Toede. Are you going to count the wierd dragon in The Son of Huma short story in The Dragons of Chaos? I htink he's referred to as the Starlight Dragon? He's unnamed, but I think he should get a mention due to sheer coolness factor. 'Starlight Dragon'? Where did you get that from? I could enter Liam as a silver dragon, but the story isn't exactly clear on what really happens at the end. Edit: or it is, but it isn't. Liam is on the list now anyway. ![]() |
#84zombiegleemaxNov 15, 2003 16:46:13 | Originally posted by jonesy Or something to that effect. It's because it looks like it's made of stars, or something.
I would put him as a silver half-dragon. |
#85jonesyNov 15, 2003 16:58:41 | Or something to that effect. It's because it looks like it's made of stars, or something. Oh you mean the chaos dragon. Hmm. The main reason I insist that the dragons all need to have a name is that otherwise the same dragon might get on the list twice. On the other hand that particular beast is (so far) a unique dragon. What would I call it? Starlight dragon? Chaos starfield dragon? Chaos star dragon? Star dragon? ![]() I would put him as a silver half-dragon. Well then what is the difference between a regular and a half-dragon since Liam looked like a normal silver? |
#86zombiegleemaxNov 15, 2003 21:41:54 | Originally posted by jonesy Maybe it was called the Starfield Dragon. I just remember that somebody called it something having to do with stars. I always called it a Chaos dragon myself.
No, when he changed, he looked sort of like a mix of a human and a dragon. Don't you remember? |
#87jonesyNov 16, 2003 9:15:47 | I read the story again and you are absolutely right. The description portrays a dragon with human features. I'm still undecided as to what to do with the chaos dragon. Are there other similar dragons out there that haven't been given a name but are still unique? |
#88zombiegleemaxNov 16, 2003 12:10:59 | Ooh, this list is cool. ![]() |
#89zombiegleemaxNov 20, 2003 7:59:50 | Something on the starlit dragons. |
#90zombiegleemaxNov 29, 2003 20:28:43 | fizbans_fireball--> you posted on "What Dragonlance Novel are you Reading?" that you've already picked up your copy of Sacred Fire. Are there any dragons in it, not already mentioned in the trilogy? Also, anybody who has read Dark Thane: Are there any dragons in it? |
#91jonesyNov 30, 2003 10:52:50 | Dragons in the Kingpriest trilogy? Why would there be? |
#92zombiegleemaxNov 30, 2003 22:45:33 | I don't know, maybe it was mentioned in a song or story within the novels. You never know. |
#93zombiegleemaxDec 09, 2003 20:32:25 | I was looking through the list and noticed that Iyesta's guards are missing, and a few other dragons mentioned in the book. Iyesta's Brass Guards Dathylark Korylark Thassalark Desiristian--Gold Chayne--Silver Ringg--Gold Purestian--Brass White Dragons mentioned with Thunder Cryonisis Frisindia |
#94jonesyDec 10, 2003 2:08:44 | Thanks. And finally all of the dragonlords have a novel appearance. ![]() |
#95jonesyDec 10, 2003 9:14:31 | Doh! I just noticed that the list didn't include the two most important dragons, Paladine and Takhisis. ![]() Has Paladine appeared in his Platinum Dragon form in a novel? |
#96brimstoneDec 10, 2003 10:46:54 | Originally posted by jonesy Yes, in the Legend of Huma when Huma first receives the Dragonlance. Just for fun, you might want to give them their Istarian names, too. (Bah'Mut and Tii'Mhut) Of course the Tarsis name is pretty reminicent of Tiamat as well (Mai-tat). Anyway...It would be cool to at least ad the Istarian names, I think. ![]() |
#97jonesyDec 10, 2003 11:34:02 | Originally posted by Brimstone How on Krynn did I forget about that.
And there they are. ![]() |
#98zombiegleemaxDec 10, 2003 12:41:18 | not sure if this has been mentioned, but Brine wasn't a dragonlord, he was a dragon overlord, at least according to the AoM book. He's got a totem and everything last i read. |
#99cam_banksDec 10, 2003 12:52:29 | Originally posted by Magus_Extreme Brine is something of a special case. None of the other Overlords even knew he existed, and he wasn't an alien dragon (he was native to Krynn). He did, however, teach at least one other sea dragon how to create dragonspawn, although he never had any of his own. It's possible his brief appearance in the Dragons of a New Age trilogy sold him a little short. Cheers, Cam |
#100brimstoneDec 10, 2003 12:55:32 | Well...unfortunately AoM used the term incorrectly (the terms are used incorrectly alot). There were only 5 Overlords. I suppose Brine fancied himself an Overlord...but from its conception (and creation of the two terms) Brine has always just been a Dragonlord. Dragonlords can have Skull Totems,'s just that while Malys was around, she wouldn't allow anyone but herself, Skie, Beryl, Frost, and Sable to have them. Now that she's gone, Freeze and Ice for sure have been creating their own. And it may only be a matter of time before Fume, Pitch and Cinder create their own as well. We could have another Purge on our hands. We'll see, I guess. ![]() |
#101brimstoneDec 10, 2003 12:58:21 | Originally posted by Cam Banks Did they not know...or did they not care? Someone had to teach him how to create dragonspawn. (which isn't an Overlord specific magic, just like the skull totems). |
#102zombiegleemaxDec 10, 2003 19:37:37 | Besides Liam and Ilinana are there any other half dragons mentioned in any Dragonlance books? A friend sent me stats about half-dragons, but I can't remember any other examples. I'm not sure where he got the stats from. |
#103jonesyDec 11, 2003 1:57:30 | Originally posted by drarbb Well there's Dhamon, but he's not exactly your avarage half-dragon. |
#104brimstoneDec 11, 2003 10:07:18 | Um...which one is Ilinana? |
#105cam_banksDec 11, 2003 10:11:35 | Nicely summarized from Uziel's site: "The silver dragon Skyleth falls in love with the human woman Ulanya. Skyleth and his tribe all have sworn to remain in human form since the Third Dragon War, and live in isolation in the village of Dragonmere. Ulanya has their first child Ilinana, however dies a year later after a miscarriage. Skyleth buries his lover and takes Ilinana back to Dragonmere with him. The People of the Dragon are angered by Skyleth's actions and particularly by him bringing a human into their midst. The copper dragon Tevarrek challenges Skyleth and the two transform into dragons to battle over Ilinana's right to live in the village. Skyleth wins, however both dragons die during the fighting. Ilinana is then cared for and raised by the 'People of the Dragon'." Cheers, Cam |
#106brimstoneDec 11, 2003 10:24:27 | Okay...and where is this information from? Is it a short story or what? EDIT:'s a short story from Dragons at War. |
#107jonesyJan 14, 2004 7:01:20 | Bumpity bump goes the list as it hits 192 dragons. ;) Edit: I just hit a new problem as I was re-reading The Dragons: This is what is said on the list: Dargentan (silver) - brother of Silvara and Heart .The Dragons Darlant (silver) - brother of Silvara and Heart .The Dragons Saytica (silver) - mate of Lectral .The Dragons But what The Dragons says would look like this: Dargentan (silver) - son of Lectral .The Dragons Darlant (silver) - son of Lectral .The Dragons Saytica (silver) - sister of Lectral .The Dragons Notice the problem? Where exactly did it say that Dargentan and Darlant were Heart's siblings and that Saytica was Lectral's mate? Or did I really have those three wrong the whole time? |
#108jonesyJan 19, 2004 1:43:40 | No comments? Fine, I'll just change it to what is said in The Dragons then. |
#109brimstoneJan 19, 2004 10:23:26 | Actually, I'm not sure how I missed this. Hold on...lemme look. know, it's been like 7 years or so (if not more...probably more) since I read The Dragons and I have no idea where the information about Heart's siblings came from. I do know that we see D'Argent as a young wyrmling and that we realize she is Heart's sister somewhere in the book (most likely closer to the end) perhaps in the same section it mentions the other siblings. |
#110jonesyJan 20, 2004 1:22:50 | I think part of the problem became to be because we have Lectral talking about how he loves Saytica, who is called his sister during an entirely different occasion, while without a mention of who is the mother of Darlant and Dargentan. Oh and Silvara calls Lectral 'uncle', while clearly called his little sister elsewhere. |
#111jonesyJan 23, 2004 17:53:49 | I suppose you should lock this thread down now that pure novel discussions are no longer allowed. Anyone who still wants the current version of the list should get it while it's still here. I might be continuing this in the novel board. We'll see. Anyway, a big thank you to everyone here who helped the list grow to what it is now. |
#112ravinrayOct 24, 2004 9:43:21 | And I edited the one above...we need to add the unnamed Shadow Dragon from Rabe's trilogies...unless he's already in there an I just missed him. How did a shadow dragon make it to Krynn? I skimmed through Eve of the Maelstrom, and read the part where it attacked one of Malys' red servants. Is it an aberration (Graygem transformation perhaps) of a native dragon? Or, like the overlords, from an alien world? |
#113cam_banksOct 24, 2004 9:55:26 | How did a shadow dragon make it to Krynn? I skimmed through Eve of the Maelstrom, and read the part where it attacked one of Malys' red servants. Is it an aberration (Graygem transformation perhaps) of a native dragon? Or, like the overlords, from an alien world? The shadow dragon in that trilogy makes more of an appearance in the next one (the Dhamon trilogy: Downfall, Betrayal and Redemption). More about its origins and its motives are revealed in there, and lead directly after that to the recent novel Lake of Death. Cheers, Cam |
#114jonesyOct 24, 2004 9:58:59 | Why oh why did you resurrect this thread? You could have asked what you needed to ask by creating a new one. |
#115talinthasOct 24, 2004 14:40:17 | this thread is a valuable resource =) you should really compile it and send it in to the Nexus. |
#116nabzifOct 24, 2004 23:31:27 | I seem to remember it mentioned more than once in Chronicles and/or Legends that the largest most fearsome dragon on Krynn was a great red female...I think it was mentioned at least once when describing Cyan Bloodbane, in that he was "second only to the Great Red" or some such...perhaps this unnamed red was also the one that was rumored by the land's inhabitants to be "responsible" for the Maelstrom over Istar (which also appears in one of Keith Parkinson's paintings if memory serves)... |
#117talinthasOct 25, 2004 0:11:52 | the great red they referred to was Ariakas's mount. |
#118jonesyOct 25, 2004 5:57:25 | this thread is a valuable resource =) Umm, it's been there for a long while now. ![]() |
#119talinthasOct 25, 2004 14:00:27 | shows how often i actually go to the nexus, now doesnt it =) |
#120daedavias_dupOct 25, 2004 14:16:26 | the great red they referred to was Ariakas's mount. Which would be Tombfyre, would it not? |
#121uziel.the.fallenOct 26, 2004 9:18:31 | Which would be Tombfyre, would it not? Correctamundo. Bearing in mind that Tombfyre was male, not female though. |
#122zombiegleemaxMar 20, 2005 1:51:07 | Sirenfal- female brass enslaved by the Tarmak Methanfire- blue male mentioned (mount of Akkad-Dar's father, Bendic Darthassian) |