Post/Author/DateTime | Post |
#1zombiegleemaxJun 19, 2003 13:49:31 | I am currently running a Ravenloft campaign under 3rd edition Ravenloft rules and i was wondering if any players or GM's of the campaign setting had any NPC ideas? I am not worried about which domain in Ravenloft they are from or if they are from another plane altogether. Don't be affraid of originality either, my game desperatley needs it. Cheers! |
#2zombiegleemaxJun 21, 2003 12:14:23 | Yay if you need a man to be behind of the schemes here he is. He is from my own world-campaign, here is his really resumed history... His name is Gares he was the prince of a great country named Zeteginea who soon went to the way of the warrior to defend his country, as years passed by on the battlefield he went to knighthood (paladinhood) of the Order of The Invincibles, a legion of knights devoted to defend the realm from its most dangerous foes. At the age of 26 he and his comrades found a gate to the lair of a powerful demon called Galf, there he fought with the devil himself and sealed him far in the underworld, only he came back, and with something strange in his heart... he felt it was his fault for all his friends had been killed and he only thought about the country. He became a solitary and recluse man and soon after this, a man disguised as a wanderer called Rashidi ascended to be the counsellor of the queen, noone knew he was an evil archmage devoted to ressurect the Devil god named Diablos. Rashidi used his incredible powers and keen intelligence to cause the prince to be tainted by his evil, and in a stormy night Gares destroyed a village of innocents (losing all paladin powers). Not satisfied by what he had done to the prince he controlled the queen to make a great war, he needed the deaths of many innocents to ressurect Diablos. Preparing his legion of undead and devil monsters he performed a dark ritual on the prince, opening his soul to the Demon king, after that day, the prince turned himself into a black knight(blackguard). Rashidi appointed him to be the general of his army and so he battled on... Eventually after a year of battles, a group of heroes fought against him and deafeated him three times, killing Rashidi in the proccess, but Diablos was alive in this world again. Knowing this, the heroes used their most powerful attacks and with the help of the gods, sent him and Diablos to different prisons. There is it, Gares could have been sent to Ravenloft and as he discovered more about the world, he thouht he would fit in the role of a Dark Lord. About Stats and stuff... Gares: Human/Free-willed-Undead(Fallen)[Search in Terrors of the Deadlands] Align: Lawful Evil Class: Fighter 6/Black Guard (10-20)[In my campaign he was epic level.] Abilities: Str above 20, Dex 13, Con above 20 Int 15, Wisdom 16, Cha 25 All this was bolstered by the Fallen Template and the powers of the Demon, but as he was separated from his Dark God you can change his abilities. Saves: Calculete them after your modifications. Special abilities: All of Blackguard list and these: Hell Circle: Gares was able to create a portal to hell which exploded in a pillar of fire who reached the skies. the range is 20ft, 10 ft radius and 100 ft high. Special Mount: He has a Nightmare as his special mount. Feats and skills: Pick your skills as if you were to get his classes and if any point remain put it in diplomacy. Here's my Feat suggestion to him but you can change it as you please: Weapon Focus(Large Axe), Weapon Specialization(Large Axe), Power Critical(Large Axe), Power Attack, Cleave, Sunder, Great Cleave, Improved Critical(Large Axe), Great Smiting(Epic), Overhelming Critical(Epic)Devastating Critical(Epic). Items of Interest: Well, I gave him the Demon Armor (Dungeon Master) and a magic Axe with the propriety of being vorpal. Well, I hope my Fallen Dark Lord can help ya. And If you want, I can send you his NPC sheet ![]() For those who are fans, yeah my campaign was based on the Ogre Battle title from Square(c) Brother Klaus... |
#3zombiegleemaxJun 22, 2003 12:10:57 | Wow, Thanks heaps mate. I love the idea of the NPC you've given me. It also ties in well with the fact that one of my PC's want's to end up becoming a Black Guard. Impressive storyline as well, i was looking for some originality like that and you just provided it. Well Done and Thanx again mate! ![]() |
#4AshlockJun 23, 2003 10:39:07 | My current Ravenloft game has a handful of fun NPCs... - Lady Merridawn ("Meeri"), a halfling paladin from Darkon who, as a child, actually arrived as an outlander, though she has no memory of that. She has dedicated her life to tracking down a monster she calls the Bugaboo. In fact, it's a bugbear that was transported to Ravenloft when she was a child, and their fates are intertwined in a kind of grim fairy tale. - Penelope, a monk from Levkarest, part of the Order of the Riven Heart. Her travels with her brother, who is... - Andor, a young anchorite of Ezra based out of the Great Cathedral. - Valador, a grim, one-eyed ranger from old Gundarak, cursed with lycanthropy that he failed to shrug off. He roams the Core, fighting the werewolf within him. So long as he believes he can save more lives than take them, he continues to endure his curse. But if he feels the balance has tipped towards evil, he will not hesitate to take his own life (with the silver bullets and pistol he always carries). - Ivnadia, a Zarovan sorceress, who is also the mother of the half-Vistani PC in my game. Just to name a few. ![]() |
#5zombiegleemaxJun 25, 2003 23:49:18 | Cool, I especially like the idea of Lady Merridawn in Darkon. I will have to use her as an NPC almost straight away. The other ideas are great as well, I will just have to flesh out the Order of the Riven Heart and the Great Cathedral before I can use them. I was also thinking of taking the PC’s to Gundarak at a later stage and I really like the concept of Valador and will have to use him. Plus I can never have on two many ideas for half-Vistani, so that’s another definite. Thanks heaps for the help, its more than appreciated. ![]() |
#6AshlockJun 26, 2003 4:57:50 | Droopy - I have illustrations of both Merridawn and Valador, if you're interested. I can email them.... |
#7zombiegleemaxJun 26, 2003 5:27:18 | Ashlock, I really like your idea of Valador and may incorporate that into my game if you don't mind. I like the idea of a man infected with Lycanthropy who carries silver bullets to use on himself. |
#8AshlockJun 26, 2003 5:38:04 | Yeah, Valador is great fun. He's usually quite melancholy. It took a while in my game before he admitted what he truly was to the PCs, and then only because another NPC revealed it. I have a drawing of Merridawn here: Lady Merridawn - paladin of Arvoreen And here's a couple different Valador attempts: Valador #1 - with pistol Valador #2 He's got an eyepatch because long ago, when he terrorized a village in wolf form, one lucky peasant actually owned something silver...perhaps a dagger...and got in one good shot before dying. Valador awoke the next morning, human again, and laughed bitterly at his missing eye. He finds it fitting. |
#9zombiegleemaxJun 27, 2003 17:08:16 | hey brotherklaus played a bit too much ogrebattles? It was a cool game... heh I was wondering why that sounded familiar |
#10zombiegleemaxJun 28, 2003 21:23:13 | Originally posted by brotherklaus Ogre Battle rules. :D I have some stats for an uber-powerful lich named En Sabah Nur that I used when my PCs where in Ravenloft. He was epic level, so let me know if you can use him and I'll post him up. |
#11zombiegleemaxJun 30, 2003 0:43:25 | Hey Aslock, I love the pictures of your characters mate. I was wondering if you mind if I use them for my game to show the PC’s? Due largely to the fact that I am not very good at describing NPC’s appearances, any help or prop whatsoever would always be a help. Just thought I ask mate and thanks for putting up a link to the pictures to give me a better visual idea of what they look like. ![]() |
#12zombiegleemaxJun 30, 2003 0:45:08 | Hey Rothgar, If you would like to post your lich's stats, please go ahead and be my guest. I am looking for all sorts of ideas to improve my campaign and a lich never goes astray. ![]() |
#13AshlockJun 30, 2003 5:21:08 | Originally posted by Droopy Not at all—feel free to use them. I even have more. I re-drew Malocchio and Gabrielle Aderre from the module The Evil Eye, a number of Vistani, and bunch others. |
#14zombiegleemaxJul 02, 2003 10:25:30 | Well, here he is. I used him as a BBG in my epic level campaign a while back where the PCs were basically a planar task force who's goal was to maintain the balance. They only traveled to Ravenloft a few times, and it was to give chase to Nur who found a way to, not only leave the Dread Realms, but to travel to all planes of existance with ease (I took that artifact out of his equipment BTW). He was planning on creating a colossal army of undead and fiends and conquer Faerun. At least that is what they thought he was planning, but he was using the Abyssal army as a diversion. His real goal was to become an Overgod. O' course the PCs managed to defeat him before his plan could come to fruition, get the jist of it. En Sabah Nur: Male Human (lich); Wiz24/Acm5; CR 31; Medium-size undead; HD 29d12; hp 188; Init +8; Spd 30ft; AC 32; Atk, +25/+20/+15/+10 melee (1d8+11/19-20x3 Tyrant's Eye [see below]), or +20 melee (1d8+6+paralysis touch); SA, fear aura, paralyzing touch, bone command, magic mimicry; SQ, undead traits, fast healing 5, lich sight, undead control, undead mastery, vortex of evil, skull scry, proxy travel, augmented spellcasting, turn resistance +4, damage reduction 30/+4, immune to cold, electricity, polymorph, mind-influencing attacks, archmage high arcane; AL NE; SV Fort +9, Ref +18, Will +26; Str 22, Dex 18, Con ---, Int 26, Wis 26, Cha 22. Skills and Feats: spellcraft+30, knowledge (arcane)+30, knowledge (planes)+28, knowledge (Cormyr local)+12, knowledge (nobility and royalty)+20, knowledge (Darkon local)+28, hide+23, move silently+28, listen+20, search+28, sense motive+18, spot+18, alchemy+12, scry+24, concentration+24/ scribe scroll, eschew materials, iron will, improved initiative, spell penetration, greater spell penetration, craft wondrous item, spell focus (necromancy), spell focus (enchantment), combat reflexes, combat casting, skill focus (spellcraft), quicken spell, silent spell, still spell. Epic Level Feats: Epic spellcasting, and improved spell capacity Special Qualities: Fear Aura (Su): En Sabah Nur is shrouded in an aura of death and evil. Creatures less than 5HD in a 60ft radius that look upon him must make a will save (DC 26) or be affected as though by fear cast by a 20th level sorcerer. Paralyzing Touch (Su): Any living creature En Sabah Nur touches must make a fort save (DC 26) or become permanently paralyzed. Bone Command (Su): En Sabah Nur can create structures of bone at will (though this ability does require that bone to be present). He commonly uses this ability to create a swirling mass of bone splinters, similar to the blade barrier spell, dealing 10d6 points of damage. The size and strength of the bone structures is determined by the amount of bone present (and by the DM). Magic Mimicry (Su): En Sabah Nur is able to draw on, and redirect the magical energies of other spellcasters. Whenever an arcane spell is cast in his presence, En Sabah Nur may recast the spell on the following round, without expending any of his own prepared spells. The spell is recast at the same level of effect as it was originally cast; further more, En Sabah Nur does not need to know the spell in order to mimic it. Also he cannot mimic the spells of a higher-level caster. Lich Sight (Ex): In addition to darkvision (60ft), En Sabah Nur cannot be blinded or impaired by any light no matter how bright, not even from a magical source. Likewise, magical darkness does not impair En Sabah Nur's vision. In the eyes of a lich it is as if neither light nor darkness exist. Undead Control (Su): En Sabah Nur may attempt to control any undead equal or less than 10 HD. The range for this is an astounding 20,000ft; En Sabah Nur must have some way to perceive the undead it is attempting to command though. Attempting to control undead within range is a free action, and En Sabah Nur may make any number of such attempts in a round. Targets must make a will save (DC 26) or be commanded by En Sabah Nur as if by an evil cleric, except that he can issue orders as a free action. The maximum number of HD of undead he can control is 60; and En Sabah Nur is able to see and hear out of any one of the undead he controls. Undead Mastery (Su): Like Undead Control, except the range is 26,000ft and the maximum number of HD of undead he can control is 260. En Sabah Nur does not have to perceive the undead, all undead that are not currently controlled are affected. The undead do not get a save, but those that are 9HD or greater are immune. All En Sabah Nur can do though is to command the undead to come to him, or to attack a specific target or targets; more detailed control is not possible. En Sabah Nur cannot use his undead control ability while he uses undead mastery. Vortex of Evil (Su): Once per week, En Sabah Nur is able to send out a call to nearby beings of evil alignment. The call creates a feeling of greed and ambition in the subjects, and urges them to travel to En Sabah Nur's location. Only those of intelligence 7 or higher can be affected. The call is felt by all such beings in a radius of 26 miles. A successful will save (DC 26) enables a target to ignore the call. Once a called being arrives, they are free of any obligation or attraction to En Sabah Nur, and he must either persuade or force them to aid him. Skull Scry (Su): En Sabah Nur can use any skull in a 100mile radius as a focal point for his sight and hearing. He can see through the target skull's eye sockets and hear as if he were in the skulls place. A skull that is attached to a spine, magically animated, or encased in flesh is immune to this ability. Proxy Travel (Su): En Sabah Nur may instantly take the place of any undead he controls, regardless of the distance. This ability is similar to the spell teleport without error and the targeted undead creature is instantly destroyed. Augmented Spellcasting (Ex): En Sabah Nur can prepare double the number of 1st, 2nd, and 3rd, level spells available to a 29th level wizard. Archmage High Arcana: Arcane reach, mastery of counterspelling, mastery of elements, mastery of shaping, spell power+1. Wizard Spells Prepared: (4/10/10/10/6/4/4/3/4/4/1) save DC = 20 + spell level. En Sabah Nur has a wide variety of attack, defensive, and utility spells, included quickened teleport without error, and quickened delayed blast fireball. All of En Sabah Nur’s spells are prepared with the Eschew Material feat if necessary and possible, and many are prepared with the quickened, silent and still spell feats. En Sabah Nur’s Spellbook: En Sabah Nur is probably one of the most powerful liches ever to grace the face of the Dread Realms, and as such, has spellbooks that contain all arcane spells listed in the Player’s Handbook, the Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting, Magic of Faerun, and any other source the DM deems appropriate. Possessions: Tyrant's Eye (minor artifact – damage as a +5 morningstar with the improved critical feat and the critical damage x3 instead of x2/ has the effects and/or abilities of a rod of negation, ring of mind shielding, and a rod of absorption), ring of protection +5, bracers of armor+8, Ring of Utter Darkness (minor artifact – 2/day – the ring can loose a 50ft long line of black fire that deals 10d6 points of cold damage (reflex DC 17 half). Also, those hit by the line must make a fortitude save (DC 17) or become panicked [see DM’s Guide]/ casts deeper darkness at will), cloak of resistance +4, amulet of proof against detection and location, wand of lightning bolt 5th level (22charges), wand of summon monster 6 (16charges), Ioun Stones: light orange rhomboid (etherealness 1hour per day), dark purple rectangle (+5 bonus to reflex saves), dark purple spheroid (as ring of freedom of movement), light red octagon (acts as ring of force shield). |
#15zombiegleemaxJul 04, 2003 0:48:25 | Wow, thanks for putting the effort in Rothgar to put him up on the Message board. He's tough for sure (i suppose what else to do you expect from an Epic Level character?) and i will have to introduce him a little bit later. This is due to the fact that the PC's just aren't goo enough to deal with someone like that yet. He should make a good behind the scenes character for the mean time though. Plotting against and hampering the PC's efforts. Perhaps i will even drop his name every now and then. Thanks heaps for the character he is going to be more than useful. ![]() |
#16zombiegleemaxJul 04, 2003 9:29:48 | No problem Droopy. ;) I'm just glad I could help. BTW, sorry for going off topic, but the monster book that myself and others were working on, called the Chronicles of Terror, is completed. If you'd like to check it out (and why not it's free :D ) go here: Chronicles of Terror |