


Jun 21, 2003 5:02:29
I play DnD for a while now (only FR) but it has ocurred to me that Mordenkainen, a wizard from the Greyhawk setting, also is on Fearun. Maybe it's a stupid question, but can anyone take a minute to explain me, how Mordenkainen en Faerun are connected? TNX


Jun 21, 2003 8:53:30
I'm going to ask the obvious question first: how exactly do you mean that Mordenkainen is "on Faerun"?

The only thing I can think of is that you mean spells such as Mordenkainen's Sword are also used in the Realms, name and all. If that's the case, the in-setting reason is that the system did (and, depending on the circumstantial evidence you view, still do) share a common universe, and world-traversing spells long ago allowed such magics to cross-pollinate from one world to another.

The meta reason is just that the designers used that for their own ease, knowing they were supported by the common universe bit (indeed, way back in the day there was a theory that Greyhawk and the Forgotten Realms might even have been on the same world - though this theory was later debunked).


Jun 21, 2003 10:39:39
I got the idea when I was reading "The Seven Sisters" ADnD accesory. In the Simbul's entry there is a meeting between Mordenkainen, Elminster, Simbul and another archmage. So I wondered if that actually was true...


Jun 21, 2003 11:16:52
hmm, that sounds suspiciously like that one article of "The Wizard's Three" where Elminster, Dalamar, and Mordenkainen had the Simbul crash their little party...I should go read that accessory.

Before 3E began stomping on that practice, there were quite a few little examples of the various campaigns crossing over. Khelben once invented a spell designed specifically to negate the various Bigby's spells, after the two met and took a strong dislike to each other, for example.


Jun 21, 2003 15:24:07
I posted a reply to this in the FRCS File. ;)


Jun 22, 2003 18:27:07
Considering the Steel Dragons, also called Greyhawk dragons, also live on Faerun, I'm guessing there's some interplanar travel between the mages/creatures etc.


Jun 24, 2003 18:11:36
Interplanar travel was fairly common among the high-powered prior to the events of "Die, Vecna! Die!"

After that, the cosmology was changed and soon 3E D&D was created, keeping the idea of the cosmologies becoming separate (and of Vecna's attaining godhood).

Dr. D