Post/Author/DateTime | Post |
#1zombiegleemaxJun 24, 2003 5:55:35 | I was thinking of playing a defiler/psion/+dragon (prestige class previously posted) in the forgotten realms. It would provide an interesting role playing experience, not to mention interesting situation for the dm. Most people in Athas are athiests... since there are no gods. So my happy defiler would be an athiest who doesnt pay homage to any god and doesnt use the weave or the dark weave... in other words he would be a big problem for mystra and most other gods... I've decided he wouldnt teach anyone the way of defilement and would just keep to himself and his megalomaniacal goals. What I ask is what do you think would occur in Faerun if someone so driven and so different were to appear. This is only hypothetical at the moment but I am pretty sure I am gonna play him since I talked it over with the DM and he seems eager for a chance to gobble this opportunity. It would be interesting because I would be a person used to be persecuted because of magic use and yet I would see magic use more blatantly used around me... Just want your input I guess.. see what you guys think of it. (This will be a once in a lifetime thing no more thousands of defilers overrunning faerun (I like faerun mostly the way it is)). |
#2zombiegleemaxJun 24, 2003 6:41:47 | Interesting In 2e, dragons were 20th lvl defilers and 20th level psionicists. In 3e, this would pretty much make them of epic levels. If your DM is cool with it (or if he's running an epic level campaign anyhow), then go for it. The character is not likely to run into as much (if any) persecution in FR, unless of course his actions reveal him to be evil (which all dragons are). Granted Athas has no gods, but its not full of athiests either; the clerics there worship the elements (mind you, not elemental lords or specific beings, but the natural force of the element itself). The analogy would be some primitive tribal cultures venerating nature spirits and such (the purview of the Athasian druid) such as some Native American cultures. |
#3zombiegleemaxJun 24, 2003 14:18:25 | well the dm is planning to dm until epic levels (35-40sh)... and He is willing to give me the ability to grant templars (and only templars of course) spells (so I would have to newly train them up)... I believe that my character would be widely persecuted... I dunno but he will want to become a dragon... with no similar competition (or at least competition that has such psionic AND arcane ability) he would go on and try to take over the world (aahhh another megalomanic hehe)... He would use magic blatantly and spit in the face of gods mostly believing they are nothing more than powerful outsiders, he would be ignorant to organizations such as the harpers and would laugh at them if he learnt about them (believing them similar to the Veiled alliance). Also the new type of magic he would bring into the world would be troubling... I dont use the weave, so Mystra wouldnt like me, I dont use the Dark weave, so Shar would hate me, Red Wizards would try to capture me to learn my type of magic, Zhents would try to catch me to learn my powers, and hell anyone with grand schemes of power would try to catch me, mystra's followers would try to destroy me hehe, Shar's followers would try to kill me too.... So many enemies (Ahhh the possible fun) and of course I dont expect to live past 30th level if even that long... So if I survive longer I will be very happy (if I survive till the very end EXTREMELY HAPPY lol)... it will be interesting... |
#4xlorepdarkhelm_dupJun 24, 2003 15:49:48 | It's cool that he'll let ya do it, and I'd be interested in seeing how it would pan out. Bear in mind, however, that "officially" merely being a Dragon isn't enough to be able to grant powers to templars - you have to have been a Champion of Rajaat for that little bennie. But sounds like you have a pretty cool DM all the same ![]() |
#5zombiegleemaxJun 24, 2003 16:04:53 | what the DM and I came up with was that because this was the first transformation to a dragon in the forgotten realms it would create a vortex similar to the one when all the sorcerer kings transformed or began transforming into dragons, and the primal elements would imbue me with the same power they had (hence allowing templars and only templars (There are none in faerun so I have to draft em anew heh) to cast divine spells because of me)..... It will prove interesting... Dunno... kinda excited about my inevitable death lol |
#6xlorepdarkhelm_dupJun 24, 2003 23:33:17 | It's a cool idea, and as I said, I'd love to read more about how it goes, it's just it doesn't fit into my interpretation of Dark Sun's wizards & advanced beings. Still, pretty spiffy ![]() I don't buy into a lot of the ideas from the first-run Dark Sun concepts, other than as "false info" to be passed to my players (what people believe, not necessarily being true) as things like Rajaat, his Champions, and the events of the Prism Pentad didn't exist when the setting was first released. As a result, I tend to believe that there's not so much mysteriously appearing "vortices" like the "knowledgeable" people of Dark Sun believe there to be, but rather it's metephysical link that the SK's have with the Pristine Tower & Dark Lens - an arcane ritual that Rajaat never revealed to anyone how to accomplish. It wasn't something that started with their transformation, as I believe that some of the SK's weren't ready for the Dragon transformation when they were made Champions (while others, like Dregoth I'm certian were already along the path), and the original purpose of what became the Templars was to be healers (and Generals?) of each Champion's army. Then again, I love feeding all kinds of false information to my players, especially on Dark Sun... when reading & writing are as rare on a world, things aren't all that well documented. |
#7zombiegleemaxJun 25, 2003 3:33:38 | Well I just want that type of flare of character, the details arent as important right now... heh I might actually write a book about this guy if it all works out... mostly because it would be very interesting... As for how the Sorcerer kings got their power, while the vortex is a good idea it still is up to the almight DM, the mortal god of the specific D&D campaign heh... I just really like the concept... must play... must... lol ![]() ![]() |
#8flipJun 25, 2003 8:56:29 | Originally posted by xlorepdarkhelm No, the events of the prism pentad were well in mind when the setting was first released. Keep in mind that Troy Denning is one of the creators of the setting. Rajaat is one of those things that was intended ever since the setting was first concocted. Now, the elemental vorticies? Those aren't his. He never really touched on any reasons that the SKs could grant spells in anything he authored. |
#9xlorepdarkhelm_dupJun 25, 2003 12:04:50 | ok, maybe I used the wrong terminology there. it wasn't that the prism pentad books weren't accounted for by the writers, it's more that the way it was writtein that many things revealed in the prism pentad, and later in the re-released (revised) setting, are vague and ominous, plus riddled with what seems to be what the common people believe as opposed to what is really going on. The original source material's great for me to get some ideas as to what to tell my players, but when setting up the campaign, I like to have a bit more substance to what really is going on in the background, rather than the vague beliefs you might hear from a wizened old man in the slave quarter... |
#10zombiegleemaxJun 25, 2003 16:39:26 | Curios. I've got a nearly reversed situation - i'm playing the 'original' draconian, on athas. Background: originally, the spell that creates draconians was supposed to grow eggs of evil dragons to full-size, the first time they used it... it didn't work, but spawned my character (draconian from a blue dragon egg) He was an outcast on krynn, and in a bungled assasiantion attempt was thrown into a dimensional vortex and wound up on athas. Now he reached 11th level after 2 years of campaining, and has access still to the weave... i'm roleplaying him as a hopelessy devoted cleric of thahikis - wants to bring her to athas. My advice - go ahead and mix it up, but the local mages will probably unit to hunt your character down. My DM allows to aquisition of feats in certain situations - my characer got taught preserving and now mingles weave and life energy with every spell (spell penetration feat). He dreams of defiling the sacred grove (that surrounds the tower of high sorcery) when he returns... Make him an outcast... hunted.... lots of tought challenges (like the red wizards calling a blood hunt - avatars hunting him down etc) and finally kill him... only to have his soul sucked into the grey, and make a pact with his previously forgotten son on athat to become a t'liz.... hmm.... |