Post/Author/DateTime | Post |
#1zombiegleemaxJun 25, 2003 11:22:05 | Ships from 900 BC to 1550 AD are the kind of ships you can find in the world of Krynn. Basically, anything you’d see sailing from Ancient Greece to after the start of the Age of Discovery (1500 AD). By the start of the 1600s cannons started to be worked in by naval architects so most warships like those that appeared in the early 1700s, and into the 1800s, would not have had any Krynnish counter part (i.e. the Sloop, Brig, Lugger, Brigantine, the Frigate, the Schooner, the Cutter and the "ship-of-the-line," like HMS Victory, all these which developed because decades of transoceanic travel and the adaption of the cannon into ship architecture. Basically, if you look at ship used around the Napoleonic Wars, 7 Years War or the 17th and 18th Centuries on Earth, you won’t find them on Krynn. 7 Seas yes, Dragonlance no). “He who controls the sea, controls the land” -Richelieu The Minotaur Imperium A realm that is made up of over thirty islands, with Mithas and Kothas the most populated, and all are separated by the waters of the Blood Sea and the Courrain Ocean, along with a few minor colonies on the north eastern peninsula of Ansalon, south of Nordmaar. Thus, we have the Minotaur Empire and resident power in Eastern Ansalon. The ocean and a rigid militaristic (very Romanistic) culture make the Minotaurs into well seasoned mariners and warriors. The most powerful ship in the Minotaur fleet is the Galleon, but it is the Carrack and Caravel that are the “workhorse” of the fleet. A large number of War Galleys are also in use but these almost never leave the coastal areas and the Blood Sea itself. This does however release the ships designed for oceanic travel for use elsewhere. During the last couple of decades, the population of the Minotaur nation has boomed and thus pushed the island nation to its limit. A new emperor and a new sense of “Manifest Destiny” has taken hold among this people. As it stands now, in the aftermath of the War of Souls, there is no major power in eastern Ansalon capable of resisting the Imperium’s growing strength (much in the way China and Manchuria were open to Japanese invasion at the turn of the 20th Century). The shores of Solamnia as well as the coast of Northern Ergoth are vulnerable to assault and raids. The Minotaur Empire is now hard at work organizing its legion into complete armies for use on the mainland, thus making them just as dangerous on land as on sea. There is legend that the Imperium has had limited contact with another nation of minotaurs to the far, far northeast on an unnamed continent. The Ackalites (Northern most region of Northern Ergoth) The best human ship builders would be the Saifhum in the Blood Sea and the Ackalites in Northern Ergoth, who both build the finest Caravels. The Ackalites spend most of their time when at sea either trading or pirating (mostly the latter). They usually build ships that take the most advantage of the winds and currents which allows them to be very nimble yet still capable of long voyages. Only the ships build by the Saifhum can outperform an Ackalite caravel. If engaged by a numerical superior naval force, the Ackalite ship will do what ever it can to escape or die fighting. The Saifhum (An island nation in the Blood Sea just east of Nordmaar) The Sea Barbarians of Saifhum have long checked the Minotaurs maritime strength in the Blood Sea Isles since the First Cataclysm. What they lack in fleet strength they made up for with audacity and gile (along with artificial reefs, anchor traps and other obstacles). Sabotage, privateering, and piracy have long held the Minotaurs from control of the northwest part of the Blood Sea. Unfortunately, due to a lack of abundant building materials this group is unable to build any Galleons and a Carrack would be rare (much is true for the Ackalites as well). Also, due to the fact that Saifhum ship builders lost access to the most wooded regions in Eastern Ansalon (notably because of the Minotaurs and the Dragon lords control them) they’ve been forced to curtail ship construction outright. Only trade with Solamnia and Northern Ergoth for wood keeps the shipbuilders going. They are unable to compete with the Minotaurs in ships construction and even with the success of their many tactics, the humans may be overwhelmed by the sheer size of the Minotaur fleet. If the humans of Saifhum are overrun then the Minotaur threat to western Ansalon will increase ten fold. The ships they build are mostly of the Caravel or Carrack construction, though number of War Galleys equipped with Wildfire throwers are in use around Sea Reach. Ergoth (Island nation west of Ansalon. Southern Ergoth is it's southern island neighbor now under the rule of the Dragon Lord, Gellidus). Though there is an Imperial Fleet there is no “navy” as a real institution. Throughout most of Ansalon’s history warships were almost always at the beck and call of army commanders on land. Which is why groups of fighting ships were often used as troopships or shadowed friendly forces on land. In fact battles that did happen at sea mirrored the way battle happened on land (the crews brought to ships together and the soldier did the fighting on deck like they did on the ground) In spite of being separated from the mainland after the First Cataclysm, little has changed. Although now, the fleet does have some autonomy from the control of the Legions. During the Dark Knight invasion of Ansalon just before the Summer of Chaos, the imperial fleet and a force of privateer ships held of any serious landing on Northern Ergoth. But still the fleet limited itself to close to shore missions and patrols. This is why the old War Galley (specifically, the quinquereme, the trireme and the dromon, types) is still the mainstay of the Imperial Fleet, though a large number of fully square rigged carracks and caravels are in use or hired to carry messages and travel further out to sea, there are no Galleons as the empire sees little need for such large ships. The cost and complication of construction to make a Galleon is heavy. Today the close ties with the Solamnics have convinced some in Ergoth that a reorganization of the Imperial Fleet is need. The rising threat of the Minotaur Fleet may give them the leverage they need. But even if they get it there is still the matter expanded ship construction and crew training before a better fleet is created. Perhaps by then the chance to establish a true navy will come. Solamnia (Northwest Ansalon) Only much after the First Cataclysm did Solamnia take sea power more seriously. How could they not when suddenly you have, not one, but three coastal regions (though because of Skie they were reduced to two for awhile). The Solamnic fleet suffered much of the same lack of autonomy and foresight that plagued Ergoth’s Imperial Fleet. Even more, Solamnia held to a defense only strategy. This is why the war galley and caravel are the most common ship found flying the banners of Solamnia. If not for the excellent ship builders located in cities like Palanthas, Kalaman, and Caergoth, Solamnia wouldn’t even have a fleet. Despite the loss of the ship building yards of Palanthas and Kalaman, Solamnia still possesses one of the largest fleets in Ansalon. Like those in Ergoth, many Solamnics wish to see a more independent fleet established. Their justification being the dramatic success of Lord Ariakan’s fleet prior to the Summer of Chaos, which attacked shipping and landed armies on the mainland. Most importantly, they point out that the Dark Knight’s ships operated some distance out to sea undetected (because few even thought to allow their ships to go farther out to sea). Along with the fact that Ariakan used his fleet more offensively by cutting trade routes far away from major ports and choking their economies. Its not enough to defend one’s coast and merchant vessels, you have to go out and protect your right to use the sea. Other then the Minotaurs, the Solamnics have the most Galleons in use, almost sixteen in all. These guard the Straits of Algoni as they are the best able work through the Gale. They also patrol the sea routes from Winston on Sancrist to Northern Ergoth and back to Solamnia. This small fleet of galleons and a number of smaller ships is the most independent operation in the fleet. It is hoped that by using the Palanthian Navy as a model, Solamnia can create a real navy able to carry out its own campaigns on the sea, and not merely be a the maritime arm of the army or Solamnic Knights. Is so then the small fleet of galleons will form the embryonic core any Solamnic Navy. Nordmaar (Northeast Ansalon) Except for a few small privateer formed fleet and a small force of Solamnic warships, Nordmaar has no official fleet. The King of Nordmaar and his council are more concerned about a certain Dragon Lord and the Knights of Neraka then any threat from the sea. Due to the lack of interest many sea merchant families and guilds have requested that the Solamnia seen more ships to aid their own hired privateers (some of whom belong to the Legion of Steel) to guard Nordmaar at sea. Tarsis (Far Southwest Ansalon) There was a time during the Age of Might when the graceful galleons and carracks of this nation traveled to ports throughout Ansalon, even as far as Palanthas and Istar. Then came the First Cataclysm, and Tarsis found itself hundreds of miles inland. After the War of the Lance, Tarsis built a stone road to Ice Mountain Bay far to the south. Regrettably, the bad weather and the sheer cost of building the road prevented any major port from being built. In spite of a revival of the economy and population of Tarsis after the Chaos War and under Beryl (and abundant wood sources thanks to Beryl’s expanded forest) no large number of ships have been constructed. For the benefit of Tarsis at any rate. With Beryl destroyed things may look up for this small human city. However, with Beryl gone the forested lands will slowly recede and any timber sources with it. To date only a very small number of galleons and carracks have been built and these are under the supervision of either the Knights of Neraka or Beryl’s former minions. In short Tarsis has no real fleet of it’s own. With the end of the War of Souls, the future state of Tarsis remains an open question. The Knights of Neraka (Central Ansalon with holdings and garrisons throughout Ansalon) The ships that fly the Skull & Lily banner represent a fleet that is a shadow of its former self (as most of the Dark Knight's fleet was lost to Chaos). If not for graces of the Dragon Lord Beryl with her abundant forest and the shipyards of Palanthas (and “impounded” ships) then there would be no fleet for the Dark Knights to speak off. Due to their mercenary and thugish policies, the most commonly used vessel is the galley, the carrack and the cog. The caravel is more rare and the Dark Knight aren’t known to currently have any galleons. Probably because they don’t see the need for such vessels as they believe what many in Solamnia and Ergoth do; that the fate of whole nations will only decided on land. With Kellandros and Beryllinthranox dead and their domains free, the Dark Knights have lost two critical employers. However, in spite of the loss they still have a considerable force in Oualinesti along with forces working for the other dragon lords, notably Sable and Gale. Though they have lost Palanthas and much of northern Solamnia because Mina withdrew them just prior the end of the War of Souls. Mina may have been defeated and her goddess vanquished, the Dark Knights are still a force to be reckoned with. To make up for the loss of the ship building facilities the Knights of Neraka may take control of Kalaman and its yards. The GNOMES!!! (Sancrist Island, the west of Ansalon) The ships of these folk have no uniformity. They are haphazard and chaotic in design. The one advantage a Gnome vessel has would be it’s steam engine or other mechanical propulsion. This frees them from the limitations of all ship that have only sail. A ship built by the Gnomes would rarely last very long (due to that tendency of most Gnome creations. They Explode). Due to the fact that Mt. Nevermind is occupied by the Mad Red Dragon, Pyro, it is unlikely that many Gnome ships (or Submersibles) exist in any large numbers. Let alone in the form of any fleet, military, merchant or otherwise. The Kinder Nations (Hylo in Northern Ergoth and Kindermore in southeast Ansalon, respectfully) Why build ships to travel when you can just “wonder” onboard someone else’s. Word to the wise; If crewmen and women complain about tools and items disappearing, then you got a “per of busy hands” you don’t need. The Elven Nations (Oualinesti and Silvanesti in southwest and southeast Ansalon, respectfully). Among the oldest of the current races of Krynn it stands to reason that the elves where the first to build ships and sail the ocean. Although having isolationist tendencies they still had ships that could trade in ports around the continent. Elven ships were the best and their fleets very capable, in fact they fought Istar’s fleet to a draw in a quasi naval war during the Age of Might. Until the First Cataclysm, when the elves went into deep isolation they reduced their warships to mostly close to shore vessels. The last time any fleet of elven ship did anything of note was to carry and protect refuges from Oualinesti and Silvanesti to Southern Ergoth during the War of the Lance. Unfortunately, since the end of the Chaos War the fleets of both elven nations have likely either fallen into disrepair or have been lost entirely. With Silvanesti behind it’s magic shield for so long, its very likely that their ships have long suffered a “decaying” existence at the ports and docks. In short, except for what travels the Than-Thalas River (and river vessels don’t last long at sea) the Silvanesti fleet no longer exists. The fleet of the Oualinesti is all but gone also probably seized by Beryl’s minions. There are likely some elven ships that escaped to friendly ports or were left outside of the Silvanesti Shield or escaped both the Dark Knights and Beryl. But without their home ports and shipyards they were built in they are slowly falling into disrepair. No ports outside the elven homelands would have the craft or skill to build or maintain the superb construction of an elven vessel, and those captured by Beryl or the dark knights would either be broken up, scuttled or allowed to decay at the docks. The Catamaran, Swanship, and the Dragonship are the most well known vessels used by the elves. Sadly, so few of them can be seen these days and their numbers falling. They may soon vanish entirely. Privateers, Pirates and Merchants Traders Maritime trade is one of the most rewarding, and risky, endeavors that anyone can undertake. Best of all no one owns the sea and it is usable by any with right ship and a seasoned crew. Though there are no borders on the open sea, if you have enough warships you could deny others from using it. Three of the most common maritime professions are Privateering, Pirating, and Trading. Privateers are warships that are owned by private individuals, holding a government commission and authorized for use in war. Since ships are expansive to build and maintain it isn’t uncommon for governments or others with the money to hire ships and their crews for their own use. In a sense these are “legalized” pirates and some of the most famous privateers where themselves pirates at one time. If no job opportunities arise the privateers may easily return to piracy. Privateers are often hired by the Knight of Neraka, Ergoth, Sanction and numerous merchant guilds based in cities like Palanthas, Kalaman, and other major ports. Solamnics are reluctant to charter privateers for many view them as little better then pirates. Pirates are literally bandits at sea. They make their living attacking and taking cargo or whatever suits them from merchant vessel, regardless of what banner that ship flies. Pirates fight for themselves and only for themselves. The Ackalites contribute the most pirates, and are among the most ruthless, rivaled only by minotaurs turned pirate. Pirate Guilds (made up by several pirate vessels) are known to exist. They often deal with smugglers, thieves guild, scavengers, black marketeers, and salvagers. They also tend to hire themselves out as mercenaries. Many find that the Knights of Neraka pay every well. Corsairs are pirates or privateers with a specific mission or cause. Some corsairs are even more ruthless then many pirates. Mostly because they believe they are fighting for sometime greater then themselves and some will sacrifice themselves for it. The Legion of Steel has the largest number of corsairs. Most Legionnaires who become corsairs are not as fanatic as many other corsairs however. The goals and motives vary from crew to crew, whether its to stop slavers or to blunder other ships to benefit the cause (i.e. the Dark Knights). Many corsairs are more likely then any other to fight to the death. Some have been known to scuttle their ships rather then allow them to be captured. The most common sailors are the merchants, who are the life blood of many ports, nations and whole regions. They also have the largest demand for help protecting a ship and cargo. Job opportunities are plentiful for those with the will to seize it. Privateers are often hired to escort a merchant ships and help protect seaports. The most common ships used by pirates, privateers, and merchants are the caravel, cog, carrack and the galley. Privately owned galleons are rare but not unknown. Type of ships used (the Basic) Galleon ( War Galley (Bireme, Tirireme, Quinquereme or Dromon) Galless Long Ship Caravel Carrack ( Cog Ship Weapons (standard) Light, Mid or Heavy ballista Light, Mid, or Heavy catapult Ram GreekFire or rather WildFire (used in breakable jars or a hand pump system, like a flame thrower). (this is the conventional "non-magical" list). |
#2zombiegleemaxJun 25, 2003 13:05:58 | wow ! ![]() |
#3kipper_snifferdoo_02Jun 25, 2003 14:06:34 | This is really great! I am doing an article on kender sailors and this will help out immensely. Great work! You should really submit this to the Nexus. |
#4zombiegleemaxJun 25, 2003 15:44:39 | Wow. This tread actually got positive replies. Spooky. I had to edit twice to get ride of glaring grammer errors. Oops. That and I forgot a ship and ship weapons list. Kinder sailors? That "Wonderlust knows no bounds." |
#5zombiegleemaxApr 12, 2005 18:48:31 | I'm considering doing a revision and update for this. One that takes events in the Minotaur Wars, the Linsha trilogy, the Rise of Solamnia books and the new Taladas novel into account. I had to go waaaay down the post list to finds this. |
#6zombiegleemaxApr 12, 2005 20:18:36 | cool |
#7zombiegleemaxApr 22, 2005 4:28:56 | This kind of article definitely should be in Please, write it clean and post it there! Excellent information. |
#8zombiegleemaxApr 22, 2005 17:48:07 | This kind of article definitely should be in That’s what I'm aiming for. The first of other contributions I hope to make to DL. Cleaning up errors and revising are the priority. I'm hoping to add some info on the Tarmaks and Minotaur League, also. |
#9DragonhelmApr 22, 2005 19:10:56 | Definitely send it along! |
#10zombiegleemaxMay 16, 2005 15:43:16 | I have a list of things to do as long as my arm, but I'm planning on finishing the newer version of this artical after I finish reading Empire Of Blood (the Minotaur part of my artical depend a little on the Minotaur triology). I've been looking through one of my books concerning Ships and their development from the ancients to the Age of Discovery, and I can tell you that the local environment effect how ship types and designs evolve (ie water like the Med, the coast of China and India and the islands of the south pacific. But was the tough and wild waters of the North Sea and North Atlantic that gave shipwrights the push to create oceanic capable ships). I want to also expand the info concerning the Fleet of Ariakan and the Tarmak. The artical will mostly cover whats current as of 39 SC with some background lead up to and hint of what could come. I hope the be finished and ready to submit to the Nexus sometime in June. Wish me luck. ![]() |
#11dragontoothMay 16, 2005 22:39:11 | Very well job. Don't know how accurate it is, but hey some information is better then no information. And you took time, and did a well job. Make it easier for some DM's out there. |
#12zombiegleemaxMay 17, 2005 2:34:44 | Northsea? Don't forget the baltic Sea with Vikingships and the ships of the Hanse. :D |
#13zombiegleemaxMay 20, 2005 17:02:06 | Wow, excellent post! This is exactly what I was looking for for my campaign! You win! |
#14darthsylverMay 24, 2005 13:03:19 | I am actually just starting a sea based campaign tonight and this will help me continue the campaign. Thanks alot. |
#15zombiegleemaxJul 01, 2005 20:20:36 | Well the good news is that I have the rewrite about half done. I just have to hammer out the Minotaur, Tarmak, Solamnia, and Neraka parts. I keep starting over those parts. I'm trying to keep it present tense (post War of Souls), and not end up writing up Ansalon's maritime history.. It’s just a matter of having the time to finish. July's the month some of my co-workers go on vacation and I get more hours. Note: At this point segments on the Palanthian Navy and one on Ariakan's influence in the maritime world (dominating the globe of Krynn requires a permanent naval institution and the founder of the Knights of Takhisis was good at planning things out) may end up becoming separate works in and off themselves. I'm concidering the possibility. |
#16old_sageJul 03, 2005 1:53:31 | This is really great! I am doing an article on kender sailors and this will help out immensely. Great work! You should really submit this to the Nexus. While this is a fascinating write-up, I'm just as interested to read the article you're writing up Kip. Any hints as to when it'll be finished? |
#17zombiegleemaxSep 26, 2005 18:16:58 | Despair has taken hold ![]() A number of things are now one hold, due to file corruption and certain other things in the real world. Hope to restart when my muse comes back and I get a major dose of enthusiasm. I won't give up on this project or any other. At a crossroads Must not Break. Keep on Fly'n |
#18zombiegleemaxSep 26, 2005 20:24:56 | I'll never use Word Perfect 10 again. What was I thinking? ![]() I'm sticking with Microsoft Word. ![]() |