Post/Author/DateTime | Post |
#1zombiegleemaxJul 08, 2003 20:15:22 | I was wondering, why can the mezzoloths(Motp), even though they're the lowest level yugoloth, Teleport, Cloudkill, CR7, etc. Also why is the Arcanoloth stronger and Smarter than the ultroloth, even though the ultroloths are the masters of the yugoloth race? Was the planescape mezzoloth so strong? Do you guys make the Ultroloth stronger or the arcanoloth weaker to balance things out? |
#2Shemeska_the_MarauderJul 08, 2003 23:28:26 | Despite the fact that Arcanoloths on paper appear to be stronger stat-wise than a given Ultraloth, keep in mind the following. Ultraloths are an utter unknown in terms of abilities, allies, and knowledge they possess, as far as their 'lessers' are concerned. Ultraloths also keep their underlings at each others throats, more concerned with their own position in the loose Yugoloth heirarchy than plotting to overthrough their superiors. At least this is how it works ideally. Most 'loths assume their 'betters' are in reality more powerful than they themselves are, and are in little mood usually to test this idea for fear of endangering their own position and chance of advancement. But given the proper chances, and low risk of failure, they'll turn stag on each other. Much happened with Anthraxus and Mydianclarus. In my own campaign I've had fun with a major Yugoloth civil war, with a powerful Arcanoloth cabal manipulating events in an pre-existing conflict between those forces loyal to Mydianclarus, and a re-emergant Anthraxus. In essence, the cabal is aware of the powers of most Ultraloths, and is willing to gamble everything on turning stag on both sides in the war, and with two of the great Yugoloth towers secretely under their control, advancing themselves and taking Khin-Oin after the ashes of the current conflict are settled. To quote one of them, "With the flick of my pen upon the living flesh of a petitioner I change the loyalties of armies, the tide of battles, and the swing of the Blood War itself, piece by piece. Who commands more power? Those who dictate from Khin-Oin the progress of the Blood War, or we who bind and seal the contracts of the armies themselves down to the last fiend? We who record the progress of the war and record every single betrayal and loyalty forged or sundered from the beginning of time to the current minute? Who commands more power here? Ask yourself that." – Helekanalaith, Keeper of the Tower of the Arcanoloths. |
#3zombiegleemaxJul 11, 2003 12:19:01 | But that doesn't explain why arcanoloths have higher mental stats than the ultroloths. Also, don't the yugoloths learn that authority doesn't mean power when they're first promoted from mezzoloth to dhergoloth? |
#4primemover003Jul 11, 2003 14:13:59 | and another question, why can't the 4 armed yugoloth's attack with all 4 arms??? their stats only say 2 attacks... that's just dumb!!! give them extra limbs and their useless... curious. But actually the Mezzoloth's are supposed to be tough. In 2E they had a crapload of hit points to reflect that. Aren't Canaloth's the lowest in yugoloth society. |
#5Shemeska_the_MarauderJul 11, 2003 15:44:28 | Well if you're referring to the 4 arms on the Nycaloth in the 3rd ed MotP, it was an artists error. They only have 2 arms, and the stats reflect it as such, giving them only the attacks for the 2 arms. *chuckle* Even so its a nice picture... And yes, the lesser Yugoloths largely can kick tha crud out of most of the greater Yugoloths, Nycaloths excluded perhaps. But they're dumb as rocks comparatively, and unwilling to jeopardize their advancement or their lives to attacks anything more than one station above themselves. The frustration gets taken out on the lower ranks, alot, its a nice little self perpetuating system. And yes, the Canoloths are the lowest of the low in 'loth society, being cannon fodder, scouts, trackers, and bodyguards. Though in the fiend folio 3rd ed they introduce a new type of 'loth called a Skeroloth as being even lower in caste than the Mezzoloths or Canoloths. They did a nice job introducing the critter, and heck, it's not above the 'loths to simply create another lesser branch of themselves as cannon fodder for the Blood War. Powers know, they go through alot of that. |
#6primemover003Jul 12, 2003 16:02:25 | Nope I was referring to the four arms on a Mezzoloth. I noticed the Nycaloth had them too. All in all the 'loths were fairly butchered in MotP. Ultraloth looks so weak. |
#7zombiegleemaxJul 13, 2003 13:22:15 | But why do arcanoloths have higher mental stats than ultroloths? |
#8Shemeska_the_MarauderJul 14, 2003 0:57:57 | Originally posted by primemover003 Ahh, my mistake then. And agreed, the 'loths all in all got a worse treatment than they deserved in the MotP. I'm still trying to understand leaving the Canoloth in, but not including the Arcanoloth in the MotP. And then they go and have a HORRID picture of the arcanoloth in the MMII. You can't even make out its face. ![]() |
#9Shemeska_the_MarauderJul 14, 2003 0:59:14 | Originally posted by Furious George Why? Oh that one's simple... because we're just better. MUHAHAHAHA!!!! *fiendish cackle followed by self conscious preening of razorvine tiara* ![]() |
#10friendlyfiendJul 14, 2003 2:13:17 | No, no, no - of course we're not better. Heavens forfend that anyone should get the idea that we humble scribes should be the true power behind the yugoloths. Truly, the ultroloths are in charge. Any idea that they're merely a bunch of dumb patsies is quite, quite wrong I assure you. :D |
#11saurstalkJul 14, 2003 17:03:08 | Where do you generally get your source of devils and demons? Aside from the MM and MM2, I've enjoyed both the Armies of the Abyss and Legions of Hell books. (I think their from Green Ronin, but don't quote me on that. Anyhow, anyone happy with Fiend Folio as a source? Last time I looked at it, I was sorely unimpressed. I haven't seen the Book of Vile Darkness. Might that have some good DM references? Also, I've noted a weird trend as of late - throwing demons and devils into one pot and labeling them devils. It was especially prevelant in the War of the Spider Queen's latest book. Is this a trend in 3E or a typo? |
#12Shemeska_the_MarauderJul 14, 2003 18:32:10 | The Fiend Folio didn't have anything particularly good from the perspective of Tanar'ri and Baatezu, and the job they did on the Gehreleths was atrocious. Oops, did I say Gehreleth? Excuse me, I meant Demodand... *grumbles at darn 1st ed nostalgia* Though the Fiend Folio did have the Piscaloth, and a good picture too, so that's its saving grace I guess. Good artwork I'll admit, with a couple exceptions, I'm happy I got it largely. The Book of Vile Darkness was quite good, despite not giving some of the Archdevils and Abyssal Lords anything resembling divine ranks, despite some of them being powers in their own rights on some prime worlds, ie. Orcus, Demogorgon, etc. And they also presented Asmo as simply a powerful Archdevil, and nothing more. (though I don't care to open up that pandora's box in this thread, so I'll just say I think he's something more than a Baatezu, but not specifically say what, or how much more) I was also disappointed they didn't give info on any of the unique Yugoloths, especially Mydianclarus of the Wasting Tower. Oh well. But a very good book in this fiend's opinion. So go buy it and enjoy it with my blessing. *grins and extends a hand for you to kiss* ![]() |
#13Shemeska_the_MarauderJul 14, 2003 18:35:51 | Originally posted by FriendlyFiend *glares at the so called Friendly Fiend* 'What did I tell you about showing your nose outside of that little shop of yours in the Lower Ward? Miserable excuse for a 'Loth....' *turns around and ignores the other Arcanoloth, one eye twitching, fangs bared over lips despite trying to restrain anger and displeasure* *groomer-guards politely urge the FriendlyFiend to leave the presence of the King of the Crosstrade* (*chuckle*) |
#14weenieJul 14, 2003 20:21:46 | Oh, gods... We had to suffer Shemes(h)ka's endless in-character blabbering, and now here's A'kin, too!? I'm sorry, but two 'loths in one thread is just too much, I'm off someplace friendlier... *planeshifts to the NEP* --- In response to Furious George's question about the yugoloth discrepancy: OOC: Two words: Class Levels. IC: Things You Never Even Knew You Didn't Know About The Yugoloths Ever wondered why the baatezu erinyes and tanar'ri succubus are so similar? Wonder no more, because we have proof that these creatures are actually one and the same; polymorphed yugoloth agents both! That's right, cutter, the same creature. In their true form they're called bioloths, look like giant leeches with humanoid hands and faces sticking from their slimy flesh, and their mission in the planes to gather up passion and list from mortal bashers. Why? Because yugoloths cannot feel love. They lost their emotions to the draining effect of the Grey Waste thousands of years ago, and crave any kind of feeling at all. Now they drink distilled pleasure of mortals as an expensive tonic, which the bioloths brew and sell for trapped souls! Ever wondered why human women are weaker than human men, while drowish females are stronger than drow males? We have proof that the yugoloths have chosen one sex from every race from which they drain the strength at birth. This energy is then used to enhance the strength of yugoloth warriors and the intelligence of their high-ups. They need this energy because yugoloths rise in rank by shedding their skins and entering magical cocoons. We have seen them! They alternate the choice of sexes between different races to throw the scent off their foul doings! Ever wondered why entropy occurs? Our Sinker friends are convincing in the argument that everything decays, but they do not understand why. We have proof that it is the yugoloths' doing -- they drain the energy from all things to expand in numbers, and this causes rusting and decay, weathering and erosion. They have already drained the Waste to dust, and now they are starting on Gehenna! Whenever a 'loth has a wicked thought, a mortal catches a disease! When the multiverse is turned to dust then they will be all-powerful!" Ever wondered why there is so much grey in the multiverse? The colour grey is a 'loth plot! We have proof that the yugoloths are using the leaching effects of the Grey Waste (the centre of which is where their plot was hatched) to drain the colour from the whole multiverse and render it all evil! Grey is the true colour of evil -- the 'loths spread around that black was the colour of evil and we all fell for their screed! Beware grey objects, for the 'loths can use anything grey to see through or cast their spells from! We have proof! Do Not Trust The Yugoloths! They Are More Powerful Then You Think! ![]() Up the Revolucija! |
#15weenieJul 14, 2003 20:30:26 | Of course, the above text was just handed to me the other day in front of the Armory. Yeah, that's it. Erm, by some puerto ri... some tiefling guy. Yeah. All will be dust. |
#16Shemeska_the_MarauderJul 14, 2003 21:08:10 | Bah, believe not those lies from .... |
#17friendlyfiendJul 15, 2003 2:01:23 | Originally posted by Weenie My, what an interesting text that is. Quite valuable I should say. Now, let me see, what sort of hide is it written on ... mmm ... very interesting indeed :D |
#18weenieJul 16, 2003 3:24:26 | Originally posted by Shemeska the Marauder Of course he denies it, the lily... but we all know that is Your Only True Friend in the Vast Infinities. |