What is your favorite organization in Greyhawk? and why?



Jul 13, 2003 15:40:47
I like the Rangers of the Gnarley Forest. It was similar to a group I created in a homebrew world I was working on one time. In the end I scraped the home brew world and just made Greyhawk in my own homebrew style.
The Gnarley woods are a dangerous place always have been. In my version of Greyhawk many Orc's from the Pomarj were given the forests as their lands for their aid in Turrosh's assaults against the other nations. So their is constant struggle's within the woods and the Ranger's have their hands full.
Why I like them they are a group of freemen with no alligance to any nation. So not only are they fighting to rid the forest of Orc's but they also have to fight against goverments which may want to take control of the woods resources.


Feb 11, 2006 3:17:15
I'd say my fave organization is Iuz' Boneheart, considering my players have eliminated so many of them over the years. They have yet to find and destroy all of Kermin Mindbender's clones however, but the others who remain are not nearly as worrisome...


Feb 11, 2006 3:25:56
The Boneheart is quite fascinating. The illusionist Jumper for instance, unless I'm wrong he is the most powerful illusionist in canon. Could be wrong but think about that. There are many other wizards, archmages and so on much stronger in level, but he is an illusionist. And he runs Iuz's insane asylum. What better place to set a high level, mind altering adventure?


Feb 11, 2006 11:09:50
The horned society is my favorite organization, because I love thier concept, I prefered them as they were back in the day, but thier newer, more underground form is pretty cool as well.


Feb 11, 2006 12:40:40
The Boneheart/shadow is an obvious choice and who doesn't love high-level badies (especially one that includes Kermin Mind-Bender and Lord Obmi)...For myself, I'd go with the Slavelords...I really loved Slavers, so much info covering four cultural/political entities, lots of plot hooks and some really cool art (good back story to connect the original four adventures to it as well IMO)...As for the Slavelords themselves, gotta love a new religion, a fallen paladin of Mayaheine, a SB monk, a mad scientist, a warlord, etc., etc., etc. ...Although Slavers had its drawbacks, the fluff was nice...


Feb 11, 2006 22:36:54
The Silent Ones of Keoland because it makes a plot device for the DM as well as an opportunity for roleplaying for a player. Their neutral stance for securing powerful magical artifacts and the ability of their agents to cross paths with PCs almost anywhere makes them a very interesting tool. Additionally, their active opposition to antagonists such as the Scarlet Brotherhood and Eli Tomorast make them more usable than the more contraversial Circle of Eight.


Feb 12, 2006 2:28:08
The one with the coolest name, IMHO, is the Dark Star Guardians, introduced in Against the Giants: The Liberation of Geoff...


Feb 13, 2006 0:59:38
The various knightly orders like the Heart, Watch, Protectors, Holy Shielding. They lend a strong medieval feel.


Feb 13, 2006 1:05:28
The Boneheart is quite fascinating. The illusionist Jumper for instance, unless I'm wrong he is the most powerful illusionist in canon. Could be wrong but think about that. There are many other wizards, archmages and so on much stronger in level, but he is an illusionist. And he runs Iuz's insane asylum. What better place to set a high level, mind altering adventure?

Me: I am Valkaun Dain.

DM: No, I'm Valkaun Dain.

Me: What? What's wrong with you? I'M Valkaun Dain.

DM: Nope. I'm pretty sure I'm Valkaun Dain.

Me: Who are you? Are you nuts? I'M VALKAUN DAIN!

DM: No, I am. They said I was so I am. I had his, I mean my sword and he, I mean I killed that city guard. I wouldn't be in here if I wasn't Valkaun Dain... Right?

Me: DAMMIT! I'm getting out of here and I'm taking you with me. Now if we can just find a way out of this insane asylum.

- What a blast mort! What. A. Blast. Good times.


Feb 13, 2006 1:22:43
My favorites were the ones we made up: The Brotherhood, not to be confused with the Scarlet Brotherhood. We were the good guys. The Night Shadows, Suel Babrbarians divinely chosen every five years to be champions, heroes and leaders of men. More recently the Brewsters... Don't ask.

As far as canon stuff, I always like hobnobbing with the Circle of Eight.


Feb 18, 2006 21:18:27
Definitely the old Horned Society...

Devil worship and Warduke.

What could be better!