The Measure and the Knights



Jul 14, 2003 13:15:25
The 37 volumes of the measure, is that the old measure or the revised measure?

See, I don't really think that the measure needs "revision" in terms of spirit, ethics, or the command structure of the Knighthood. In fact, I think such changes would disastrous for the Order.

However, I could see a revised measure that removes contradictions arising from precedent and politics, boiling the 37 volumes down to say, 5.

I don't want to see the Knights however thinking that "its okay now" to sponsor assassination as a legitimate form of action, break the rules of warfare and disdain chivalry, or model their military structure off of "Star Trek's" federation forces.

Does DLCS have any information on the structure and organization of the Knighthood, or will that be saved for a more specific sourcebook on the Knightly Orders?