Another DLCS Review



Jul 15, 2003 12:12:54
Hey, all! There's another DLCS review for your perusal on You can check it out by clicking



Jul 15, 2003 13:52:01
I’m happy to say this is one of the best d20 gaming products I’ve seen in while, and though it is based on a successful line of books and short stories, I believe it stands on its own merit as a D&D campaign setting.

Just saw this in the write up. That is some backwards thinking. I prefer a campaign that is rich in history and has tons of stories about it. A campaign setting based on a huge (over 100 novels) story is far far better than one made from scratch. Also, it isn't really like the setting was totally based on the books. The original books were based on the first modules. So really the setting came out before the novels.


Jul 15, 2003 21:40:58
Must Be Patient


Jul 15, 2003 21:53:57
Is it a bad thing if I have a nervous twitch now?


Jul 15, 2003 22:30:22
Ok I'm better. :D
As long as you don't get to many teasers for the two books coming next month the twiching should go away. Hopfully. ;)