Gnome tinkers.. what happened to them?



Jul 23, 2003 10:34:23
I got the DLCS Monday night. Woo-hoo! *Happy Happy Joy Joy*


What happened to Gnome tinkers the class, not the race?!?! The class was the coolest part of 2nd ed Dragonlance (actually 1st ed originally).

So where are they now? The gnomes get some nifty crafting abilities but no rules on craftin experiments, failures, etc.


Jul 23, 2003 10:37:55
I think it has been said that that class and rules for invention will appear in a later book.


Jul 23, 2003 10:42:29
Originally posted by SweetMeats
I think it has been said that that class and rules for invention will appear in a later book.

Correct. I'm not sure if Chris has said anything about a gnome tinker class, but I'm betting you will see one to go with the gnome invention rules.


Jul 23, 2003 13:04:05
17 pages of gnome tinker rules, and the gnome tinker prc were cut from the book. 20 pages of rules that are highly specialised probably don't have a place in the core book.

Here's to hoping for a web supplement =)


Jul 24, 2003 20:41:36
Looks like old rules die hard with players. I say use the Nexus rules until the official gnomish tinker comes out. I would use James O'Rance's rules at .