The Elves of Oerth



Jul 27, 2003 16:55:57
The following is my version of Elves in Greyhawk. This article is based on my Greyhawk campaign and can be found at
Please post comments either on canonfire or here on these boards thank you.


Jul 27, 2003 17:08:18
I enjoyed the Mannerisms, Festivities section of your Elves of Oerth article.

In what regions of the Flanaess do you place most Grugach tribes?
Perhaps the Grugach of Oerth have similar "signs" to the Flan, as per the seasonal horoscope (pg. 43, 2nd edition GH player's guide). These signs dictated observance of certain tribal traditions, and make for very interesting roleplaying.

Could be an interesting "sub-race" to take a closer look at in a future article.

Off to go read the Dwarves of Oerth article...


Jul 27, 2003 18:03:24
Thanks for the feed back. Yes the elves had influences in Flan culture. It just makes sense to have the Flannae culture mimic some of elvin culture.
In truth the Grugach are the wild or sylvan elves of Oerth. It is rae to find a tribe of Grugach who are willing to work with humans. Though the Grugach tribes of The Gnarley Woods tend to be less reclusive of other races. But for these elves the prefered ecology is still an all Grugach Gnarley Woods and these different factions amongst the Grugach tribes work towards these goals.
Feel free to enter your comments on the dwarves under the Dwarves of Oerth tread.


Jul 31, 2003 9:12:36
I have gotten alot of feedback on canonfire based on this article. I would like for some of you who post on this board. To comment what your thoughts are as to this article. Both positive and negative feedback is appreciated.


Aug 03, 2003 13:23:47
Wow, This is a really interesting article. I was very entertained in reading it, and thought that your interpretation of the elves was pretty cool. I'm really looking forward to seeing the Troll one as well. Both this and the dwarf article are both very good, and I'm glad to be able to post them up on my site. Speaking of...unfortunately I don't have time to get the site up today because I run a D&D game on sunday afternoons, but hopefully sometime this week I can get alteast something up, even if it is just on a freeweb space until I can afford to buy some webspace. It seems there is quite a demand just to get something up, so I may just do it that way.

Anyhow thank you for the articles, they are great, and please keep sending I will be very glad to post them!



Aug 03, 2003 18:08:54
Thank you for your praise technoelement2020. I think the best thing for you to do is either get a free web space or a space that doesn't cost much advertisement to other sites can often yield profit to run the site these are options you can look into.
I think it's great that you are donating alot of your personal time to the sites development and wish you well on it's development.
With that said that's the main reason I changed my mind about the submisions.
Another tactic you could use to get the site rolling is place information about your campaign it will draw is some people and may help you get more submissions on your site. Plus I believe their is a post in the Greyhawk section about strating a web based campaign. Perhaps that individual would like to add excepts from their campaign on your site.
This should give you enough goodies to get started with and give you time to solict more submissions later.