The Lake of Death - DLCS Question



Jul 28, 2003 18:35:52
I'll make this brief:
In the DLCS, the map on page 138 shows the Lake of Death outside of the Qualinesti forest, while it says on page 187 that it is "in the heart of the Qualinesti forest." The fact that it on the site of the former Qualinost suggests the second source, but the map quite clearly shows it nowhere near the middle of Qualinesti.

J'suis désoler!


Jul 28, 2003 19:31:11
Uhmmm.. yeah.. comparing the 4th Age Map to the one in the book the lake is in the correct location, but the lack of surrounding trees or mountains makes it seem sort of outside the forest all together, so it looks a little strange. But it's not in the "center" of Qualinesti, it is in the former location of Qualinost, so the map is correct and the description is off.


Jul 29, 2003 15:22:08
Well... if you think of 'center' as meaning where the center of the Qualinesti society used to be, then it works.... Plus I think the in-flush of water might have drowned a number of the trees to one side, again making it appear that the lake is not within the forest.


Jul 29, 2003 16:40:47
I think the destruction was to the city as well as it's surroundings. So the whole immediate area was devastated so that may explain the change.