Post/Author/DateTime | Post |
#1zombiegleemaxJul 30, 2003 9:56:43 | Given that the book is not yet widely available yet, though many of us would like to start using some of it, I'm going to compile Racial Stat info that's already been made public here on the forum and in other stuff (like the WoTC articals, etc.) Remember, all races are as per the PHB, except as following. If you have the book and would like to contribe the missing information, post it here. In particular, Dwarves, Draconians, Centuars, Ogres and anything else you notice missing. --- Centaur Favored Class: Ranger --- Draconian, Baaz (as per WoTC Webpage ) +2 Constitution, -2 Intelligence, -2 Wisdom * Medium * Dragon: Baaz are creatures of the dragon type. They are immune to sleep and paralysis effects. Baaz have darkvision (60-foot range) and low-light vision. * Baaz base land speed is 30 feet. * Racial Hit Dice: A baaz has 2d12 racial Hit Dice. A baaz character receives maximum hit points for his first baaz Hit Die, and rolls his other Hit Dice normally. He rolls all Hit Dice from class levels and does not automatically get maximum hit points on his first class level Hit Die. A baaz's racial Hit Dice also provide a +2 base attack bonus and saving throws of Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +3. Baaz draconians with class levels add their class attack and save bonuses to their racial attack bonus and saves. * Baaz Skills: A baaz's dragon Hit Dice grant him skill points equal to (6 + Int modifier, minimum 1) Class skills for these skill points are Bluff (male) or Diplomacy (female), Disguise, Intimidate, Listen, and Spot. A baaz character does not get the 4 multiplier for skill points acquired from his first class level. * Baaz Feats: A baaz's dragon Hit Dice grant him one feat. A baaz with class levels gains feats based on his total Hit Dice, not his ECL. Baaz gain Simple Weapon Proficiency, Martial Weapon Proficiency (longsword), Light Armor Proficiency, and Shield Proficiency as bonus feats. * Natural Attacks: A baaz may use his claws and bite as natural weapons, making 2 claw attacks that deal 1d4 damage (plus Strength bonus) and 1 bite attack that deals 1d4 damage (plus half Strength bonus). A baaz can attack with a weapon at his normal attack bonus and make one claw or bite attack as a secondary attack (-5 penalty on the attack roll, and half Strength bonus on the damage roll). * Natural Armor: +2 * Death Throes(Su): A baaz's body petrifies to stone the moment it dies. If the creature that struck the deathblow used a slashing or piercing weapon, it must make a (DC 12 + Con modifier) Reflex save or have its weapon fused inside the baaz's stone body. The baaz "statue" crumbles to dust after 1d4 minutes. Items carried by the baaz, or any trapped within its stone body, are unaffected by the process. Baaz can only be restored to life through the use of a resurrection, trueresurrection, or wish spell. * Disease Immunity (Ex): Baaz draconians are immune to all diseases. * Gallop: Gain Run as a bonus feat. * Glide (Ex): A baaz can use its wings to glide as an extraordinary ability, negating any damage from a fall of any height and allowing it to travel horizontally up to four times the vertical distance descended. * Inspired by Dragons(Ex): Draconians are drawn to evil dragons and revere them. When a dragon commander is within line of sight, or when entering a battle under the command of a dragon (in the chain of command), they receive a +1 morale bonus on all attacks and saving throws. * Low Metabolism: Baaz draconians can survive on one-tenth the food and water it takes to sustain a human. * Spell Resistance of 8 + class level. * Automatic Language: Common. Bonus Languages: Goblin, Nerakese, and Ogre. * Favored Class: Fighter. * Level Adjustment: +1. Baaz draconians have an effective character level (ECL) of 3 + class level. --- Draconian, Kapak WoTC Webpage *Dragon Traits (Ex): Immune to sleep and paralysis effects, darkvision 120 ft., low-light vision, blindsense 60 ft., scent 60 ft. *Disease Immunity (Ex): Draconians are immune to all diseases. *Glide (Ex): Winged draconians (all draconians except for auraks) can use their wings to glide, negating any damage from a fall of any height. They can also travel horizontally up to four times the vertical distance they descend. *Inspired by Dragons (Ex): Draconians are drawn to evil dragons and revere them. When under the command of a dragon, draconians receive a +1 morale bonus on all attack rolls and saving throws. *Low Metabolism (Ex): Draconians can survive on one-tenth the food and water it takes to sustain a human. Favored Class: Rogue --- Dwarf, Dark (Theiwar) +2 con, -4 cha *dark vision to 120 feet +2 racial bonus on hiide, listen, and move silently *Light sensitivity (-2 on circumstance penalty on attack/save/checks in bright sunlight or under a daylight spell) *Favored class:rogue --- Dwarf, Gully (Aghar) +2 dex, +2 con, -4 int, -4 cha *size small (+1 size bonus to AC, +1 size bonus to attack, +4 size bonus on hide) *Base speed of 20 feet. *Survivial Instinct (+2 racial bonus on hide, move silently, and survival checks.) *Hardy: +2 racvial bonus on fortitude save to resist posion and disease. *Pitiable: +4 racial bonus on diplomacy checks to convince an enemy not to harm them. *Cowardly: -4 penalty on level checks to resist intimidation checks and saving throws against fear effects. *Favored Class: Rogue --- Dwarf, Hill (Neidar) --- Dwarf, Mountain (Hylar) --- Elf, Dargonesti +2 str, +2 dex, -2 cha. * Cast Blur, Dancing light, Darkness, and Obscuring Mist 1/day. * Polymorph to Porpoise 3/day (no regained Hit Points). * Surface Sensitivity * LA +1 * Favored Class: Fighter --- Elf, Dimernesti +2 dex, +2 int, -2 wis, -2 cha * Polymorph to Sea Otter 3/day (no regained Hit Points). * Surface Sensitivity * LA: +1. * Favored Class: Barbarian --- Elf, Half Favored Class: Any --- Elf, Kagonesti +2 dex, -2 int, -2 cha * elvensight (60' darkvision, Low-light vision) * free martial weapon proficiency feats with short sword, long spear, shortbow and longbow(inlcuding composite versions) +1 racial bonus on knowledge(nature) and survival * favor class: ranger --- Elf, Qualinesti * Elvensight (30' Darkvision, Low-light vision, see colors and details in poor illumination) +1 racial bonus on diplomacy and sense motive. Favored Class: as per Elf in PBH --- Elf, Silvanesti +2 dex, +2 int, -2 con, -2 cha * Elvensight (30' Darkvision, Low-light vision, see colors and details in poor illumination) +1 on knowledge (arcana) and spellcraft. *Favored Class: as per Elf in PBH --- Gnome +2 Dex, +2 Int, -2 STR, -2 Wis * Small * Base Speed 20' +2 racial to craft: alchemy * Guild Affiliation * +2 to Will Saves * Initial Languages: Common, Gnome; Bonus; Dwarf, Ergot, Ogre and Solamnic * Favored Class: First Class Taken By Character At creation the character (gnome) selects a guild with which he is affiliated. Craft guilds, Technical Guilds and Sage guilds. if he selects Craft guild he gets a racial +2 bonus, Techinal gets +2 profession check, Sage get +2 on all knowledge checks. --- Gnome, Mad +2 DEX, -2 WIS +2 Open locks, disable device and can use these skills with 0 ranks No +2 Will rest is same as DLCS Gnome --- Half-Ogre +4 str, +2 con, -2 int, -2 cha * Medium size +1 natural armor * LA: +1 Favored Class: Fighter --- Irda +2 int, +2 cha, -2 con * Medium humaniod * Change shape 3 times per time into any humanoid type creature of small to large. * Cast Dacning lights, Detect Magic, Flare, Ghost sound, Light and Mage Hand once per day. * LA: +2 Favored Class: Wizard --- Kender Racial Traits WoTC Webpage +2 Dexterity, -2 Strength, -2 Wisdom: *Small: As Small creatures, kender gain a +1 size bonus to Armor Class, a +1 size bonus on attack rolls, and a +4 size bonus on Hide checks, but they must use smaller weapons than humans use, and their lifting and carrying limits are three-quarters of those of Medium characters. *Kender base land speed is 20 feet. +1 racial bonus to all saving throws +2 racial bonus on Spot checks +2 racial bonus on Open Locks and Sleight of Hand checks: Kender can use these two abilities as though they were trained, even if they have 0 ranks in the skills. *Lack of focus:Kender have a -4 racial penalty on Concentration checks. *Taunt: Kender have an uncanny insight into the motivations and characteristics of other races. They can use this insight to unleash a verbal barrage of sarcasm, insults, and crude comments that cause the targeted victims to lose their temper. Kender receive a +4 racial bonus on all Bluff checks used to taunt someone. *Fearlessness: Kender are immune to fear, magical and otherwise. *Automatic languages: Kenderspeak and Common. Bonus languages: Dwarven, Ergot, Elven, Goblin, and Solamnic. *Favored class: Rogue. --- Minotaur (stats from WoTC web site +4 Strength, -2 Dexterity, -2 Intelligence, -2 Charisma * Medium * Base land speed is 30 feet. +2 natural armor bonus to AC. +2 racial bonus on Intimidate, Swim, and Use Rope checks. * Minotaurs may take the Scent special quality as a feat. * Natural Attack: A minotaur may use his horns as natural weapons to make a gore attack, dealing 1d6 points of damage (plus the minotaur's Strength modifier). If the minotaur charges, his gore attack deals 2d6 points of damage, plus 1 1/2 times his Strength modifier. A minotaur can attack with a weapon at his normal attack bonus and make a gore attack as a secondary attack (-5 penalty on the attack roll, and half Strength bonus on the damage roll). * Automatic Languages: Common and Kothian. Bonus Languages: Kalinese, Nordmaarian, Ogre, and Saifhum. * Favored Class: Fighter --- Ogre +10 str, -2 dex, +4 con, -4 int(min 3), -4 cha * Large size * Has racial hit dice, racial skills/feats * +5 natural armor * LA: +2. Favored Class: Barbarian --- -Robert |
#2zombiegleemaxJul 30, 2003 10:55:18 | Personally I think... -gully dwarves should have a bigger int penalty, I never heard of the gully dwarf that's even capable of a 14 int. -draconians have no ECL? -4 races with bonus to int? wow. I hope gnome wizards don't start flooding the world. -no sure if the sea elves deserve their ECL, they don't seem that powerful -still disapointed minotaurs now have an int penalty |
#3shugiJul 30, 2003 11:07:36 | Originally posted by Xeros They've referred to "genius" gully dwarves as "able to count to 3". In another post, I mentioned treating gully dwarves as having an "alien" mindset, which makes the smart/wise Aghar kinda cool. Draconians do have an ECL, as well as racial HD. I don't think they listed it on the WotC site though. I believe they get 2 HD and a +1 Level Adjustment, for a total ECL of +3. |
#4zombiegleemaxJul 30, 2003 19:32:05 | I didn't think that a minotaur was any less intelligent than the other races (hence the Intelligence Penalty). In fact I can't remember reading about a stupid minotaur in the novels (though havn't read the Chaos War stuff, Reavers or something or other). If the penalty is based on their dislike for arcane magic then give them a penalty to their Caster level or DC to resist spells or something... Arandur |
#5ferratusJul 31, 2003 3:18:15 | Once again, Intelligence refers to book learning. Wisdom refers to common sense and the ability to reason. Minotaurs spend more time in boats and battlefields gaining life experience and practical knowledge, and less time in classrooms. For example, Survival is a wisdom based skill, and includes the knowledge necessary to survive in the wilds. Something that requires a great deal of intelligence. So unless you want to say that minotaurs are just as "bookish" as humans or elves, the intelligence penalty should stay. |
#6cam_banksJul 31, 2003 3:58:04 | Originally posted by ferratus Actually, Intelligence covers both the ability to learn and the ability to reason. Wisdom covers common sense, intuition, and awareness. Minotaurs aren't quite as inclined towards thinking things out, trusting more on their senses, their instincts, and their read on situations. A minotaur is more likely to survive using his wits and the practical application of what he knows than using his sense of logic and analysis. Cheers, Cam |
#7ferratusJul 31, 2003 4:16:35 | Originally posted by Cam Banks Nope, all the "reasoning" skills are wisdom. Intelligence covers Knowledge skills, spellcraft, and Craft checks. Stuff that is mostly knowledge based, rather than thinking based. You either recognize a spell or you don't. You aren't given time to puzzle it out. Only Craft would have any amount of reasoning in it, but it is primarily about whether you know the proper technique for making a particular item. Wisdom covers such things as spot, search, listen, survival etc. That is where you take new information such as: What words are his lips annunciating? (spot) Where would I hide something in this room? (search) What around this campsite can provide me with food and shelter? (survival) You examine this new information, and solve a problem. That's basic logic and reasoning. I will admit though that there is a bit of a grey area between wisdom and intelligence. |
#8cam_banksJul 31, 2003 4:41:35 | Originally posted by ferratus I'm going by the D&D Player's Handbook ability score definitions, which remain appropriate to the skills above. What you're describing is use of awareness and perception, not reasoning. You're able to make out the words he's saying, and you're aware of what's around the campsite. Search is an Intelligence skill, so I'll buy that. It's Intelligence because searching for something is not as immediate as Spot, and relies on some problem-solving and analysis. Cheers, Cam |
#9ferratusJul 31, 2003 4:58:58 | Originally posted by Cam Banks You still have to think and reason things out in order to use those skills. Simply being aware of what is around your campsite isn't enough. You have logically think out how you are going to go about gathering the food or reason how best to make a secure shelter.
Yeah, you're right, search is intelligence. How silly of me. I always forget that. Yeah, big grey area between intelligence and wisdom. I guess reasoning and logic straddles the two stats. |
#10cam_banksJul 31, 2003 7:40:45 | Originally posted by ferratus Maybe, but I think what they're getting at by associating such skills as Heal and Survival to Wisdom is that those skills benefit most from common sense application of what you observe, rather than a more studious and analytical kind of appeal to memory and learning. Intelligence trumps all skills in the end, of course, since it provides bonus skill points to pick up skill ranks in any skill. Hence, your broader understanding of things in general finds its influence in this manner. Cheers, Cam |
#11zombiegleemaxJul 31, 2003 9:22:09 | Intelligence does nto represent actual knowledge, that's covered by level and skills. Intelligence, like your other stats, is raw ability. Your capacity for learning, for reason, for logical thought. It always pleased me that 1e minotaurs had this capacity at the same level as humans, they were as capable of intelligence, as humans. Now the fact their culture tends to shy away from book learning means they would have more fighters, and fewer wizards than humans. It means that the strong had more chance of success than the smart. This means that proportionately, there would be fewer intelligent minotaurs perhaps, but they were as capable of intelligence. Fundamentally, a minotaur with 18 int was possible, just rarer. Under these rules, the brightest minotaur will 16 int (yes I know you can get moer with your 1 point per 4 levels, but so can humans.) That's what dissapoints me. |
#12zombiegleemaxJul 31, 2003 16:36:24 | I don't suppose anyone around here who actually has the book (or a copy of the stats within) would actually care to clue me in to any incorrect or incomplete stats posted? I mean, discussion that has absolutly nothing to do with this post, such as each one here is interesting to read, and I agree with alot of it, but I'd really like to edit my original post, adding in all the missing information. Like maybe, info on the different dwarves, the rest of the missing information on the two draconian races, etc. Well, have fun everyone :D -Robert |
#13zombiegleemaxJul 31, 2003 16:45:53 | Originally posted by Xeros *takes a deep breath and sighs* Man. I just can't seem to win this discussion, can I? So, I'm going to be a bit blunt, since I did the write up on the minotaurs ;) You're right, minotaurs are not as capable of raw intelligence as humans are. That's the strength of playing a human, is the fact that there is a wider variety of humans and that they are by far the most adaptable of all the races. Minotaur society, particularly over the last few centuries, has declined into decadence, emphasizing the strong over the weak, emphasizing the path of war over the path of knowledge. Priests were more respected than wizards. Did wizards exist? Yes, most definitely, but they were a minority, a minority that had to struggle for every ounce of power they could gain. Most never turned to the Towers of High Sorcery, which they believed were a "weak" institution created by humans... while they may be brilliant, minotaur wizards are not necessarily creative... fireball is a more effective spell for a minotaur wizard trying to prove his worth in a militant society than Mordenkainen's Magnificent Mansion. Now that the minotaur society has undergone a major shake up, could things change? Yes, definitely...however, it takes time. It'll be generations before these changes are reflected across the the majority of the race. Remember, these minotaurs are based off of Roman society, where might = right, not off of the more Greek ideals of perfection of body, mind, and soul. Christopher |
#14zombiegleemaxJul 31, 2003 17:55:30 | Hey Christopher Nice to see you stopped here in my little thread. Anywho, so, it's you who did the Mino write-up? Would you tell us what other write-ups you did? Namely, who changed the Kender taunt from what it used to be, to simply a slight distraction? ;) In addition, I don't suppose I could get you to clue me in to some of the missing info on my post up top? Maybe the missing Draconian info, or some Dwarven information? I mean, your call on what you want to say, of course :D -Robert |
#15zombiegleemaxJul 31, 2003 18:10:52 | Originally posted by Robert N. Well, I'll answer ya 'bout the kender ;) I wrote up the kender, and in the design process with WotC, we decided that to give the kender a Mind-Controlling Supernatural ability (such as the taunt which could be used against PCs), that it would actually make the kender a +1 ECL race o.O; At least by 3.0/3.5 rules. So, it ended up getting tweaked into an aspect of the Bluff skill... a refined, personalized version of Feinting in Combat, so to speak. Christopher |
#16zombiegleemaxJul 31, 2003 18:22:33 | I'm a bit confused. I would have thought that the extra -2 stat penalty would have done taken care of the balance of the mind-affecting taunt. I presume the bonus to skill usage is ballanced out by both the stigma in being a kender and the -4 to concentration checks, right? Does Wizards of the Coast have a written design guidline for making standard PC races? If so, could you make a copy (assuming there's no NDA involved). I'd love to see how the Kender, PHB versions of Elf, Half-Orc, and Gnome are considered to be equal :D Oh, and any chance you can crack open that book and fill in some of that missing information? -Robert |
#17zombiegleemaxAug 01, 2003 8:09:04 | I understand yer arguments for the minotaur racial stats, but I was under the impression that racial stats depicted what was geneticaly encoded into the creature. That a minotaur raised by humans, and a minotaur raised by his own kind both had roughly the same capacity to learn. But what the stats say is that a minotaur raised by humans will always be dumber than the humans raised the exact same way. Also, is there any chance that an upcoming book will have stats for other minotaur cultures, such as the kazigathi or the Taladan minotaur. The Kazigathi in particular seem likely to merit no Int penalty and also seem to be more likely to be played as good aligned PC's. (that and there is evidence in the new books that a signifigant number of them have integrated themselves into minotaur society, and clan Orilg in particular) |
#18zombiegleemaxAug 01, 2003 9:27:29 | Yeah, they've basically changed the inference of the genetic coding (as much as genetics applies to a fantasy setting). It's not wrong, or bad, just not to my tastes. On the other hand, 1e minotaurs had a penalty to wis which went away. Possibly I can change my dream of play a minotaur wizard to playing a cleric, that can be fun to. Is there an obvious god for minotaurs? Kiri-jolith is good, while minos tend to evil, but it's still possible I suppose. |
#19zombiegleemaxAug 01, 2003 10:05:22 | The only two gods that minotaurs realy ever worship are Sargonnas (called Sargas by them) or Kiri-Jolith. They consider most other gods honorless or weak. |
#20zombiegleemaxAug 03, 2003 11:23:29 | Why is it that people will post racial stats all over the board, except in the one thread where I'm specifically trying to get them together at? Do people like having to hunt a dozen threads and web sites in order to find them? Is there a "post completely un-related comment here" sign somewhere in my post? Man... try to help people... -Robert |
#21zombiegleemaxAug 04, 2003 3:34:22 | I am still waiting for the DLCS but we allready started to play based on the stuff that has been posted as excerpts and previews. But could someone please clue me in on the draconians? They have a +1 level modifier and a ECL +3....what do you apply where? If I make a draconian level 1 fighter, is he then Draconian +1/fighter +1 = Level 2 on the XP table. or is he level 4 due to the ECL +3/fighter +1 = level 4? This whole level adjustment ECL stuff is a pain in the neck to work out, so if someone could please clarify it for me, I'd be greatful. Also, could someone please clue me in on the Draconian Monster stats and CR? SO far I've been making generic Draconian NPC's for monsters by taking the excerpt stats and adding 1 level of fighter making them CR 2 (level adjustemnt +1 / fighter 1 = 2) You would think that with a rules system that allow for so much customization they would have some sort of clear guideline for making monsters.... Stupid WotC and their level-adjustment-CR-ECL-whatsamajiggedy. |
#22zombiegleemaxAug 04, 2003 3:42:21 | Ok, this is how it works. To determine ECL, you add any hit dice (think of them as levels of whatever monster type) to any level adjustment (you don't get any HD, BAB, feats, or save increases with level adjustments) and any class levels to determine the creatures ECL. -Robert |
#23zombiegleemaxAug 04, 2003 3:46:13 | OKay, so a level 1 fighter draconian would count as a level 4 character for XP progression purposes. Also, I found this WotC Article. Is this the same as the ones printed in the DLCS???? Draconian Measures excerpt |
#24cam_banksAug 04, 2003 7:42:14 | Originally posted by Eylwn Highmoon Nope. The ones in the DLCS are updated for the new 3.5 revision, for a start, and draconians now have the Dragon creature type, not Monstrous Humanoid. There are some other changes as well, but suffice it to say you should use the DLCS draconians, not the Draconian Measures ones. And yes, a 1st-level baaz draconian fighter has an ECL of 4 if the LA is +1, HD are 2, and it has one level of fighter. The new revised Monster Manual has a fantastic amount of helpful information in it for determining all of this. Pick it up. ![]() Cheers, Cam |
#25zombiegleemaxAug 05, 2003 18:48:12 | While it is true that a minotaur may shy away from 'book learning' and spend more time on a battlefield and a ship I still find that hard to justify the Int penalty. Look at the dwarves, the kender, the kagonesti (and I suppose the sea elves) and the barbarian humans all of which shy away from the book learning. Just because a race isn't devoted to book learning shouldn't mean they are less intelligent a species. In the novels I thought the minotaurs depicted were actually quite intelligent and perceptive. And as a side point if they spent all their time performing these tasks wouldn't they recieve a Con bonus? It just seems they tacked on the Int penalty, to balance the +4 strength. Anyway that's just my opinion and musings Arandur, lackey to Chot es-kalin |
#26darthsylverAug 05, 2003 19:12:29 | I don't get why minotaurs have a -2 to Dex. They have on the majority been arena fighters and sailors for centuries, both of which have a need for dexterity especially sailing. |
#27shugiAug 05, 2003 19:22:37 | First off, a brief apology to RobertN. I think the lack of responses is (partly) because posting game material in such a fashion violates the CoC. In response to the Int naysayers, I wholeheartedly agree with Chris' (Stormprince's) description posted above. In addition, when making an RPG you have to categorize things somehow. My belief is that Sovereign Press wanted to make it easier (more possible) for someone to play a minotaur. Hence, there's no ECL. Sure, they could have given minotaurs +2 to Con, no Int penalty, scent for free, added a racial Hit Die, and given +4 to Profession(sailor) and Survival skills, but then we'd have minotaurs with an ECL of 2 or 3, which means it's going to be more difficult to play a minotaur. |
#28zombiegleemaxAug 05, 2003 19:33:42 | I understand what you are saying Eidolon, it just seems that perhaps they should have 'tamed down' the horn attack aspect of the minotaur (which is a fairly derogatory attack in the novels and from memory kind of looked down upon). Perhaps then given the minotaur a +2 Str and +2 Con rather than a +4 Str which seems the reason for the extra penalty. But like I stated earlier, these are just my own views and interpretations of the minotaur race. Arandur, the sharpened quill of Astinus |
#29zombiegleemaxAug 06, 2003 8:31:32 | Ideally, I would like to see +4 Strength, +2 con, -2 Dexterity, -2 Wisdom, -2 Charisma strike -> +2 natural armor bonus to AC. Add con bonus, remove the AC bonus, switch int penalty to wisdom. Of coruse, that's just my preference. |
#30zombiegleemaxAug 06, 2003 9:02:16 | Yeah, I agree completely, yer version does look about ideal =) |
#31darthsylverAug 15, 2003 20:44:09 | Why should minotaurs have a Dex penalty as the majority of them are referred to being sailors in which dexterity is very impoprtant. |
#32talinthasAug 15, 2003 21:34:38 | because they do. this is an old conversation. Just go back a few pages and read it all, and then go look at last month's archives from the mailing list. |
#33iltharanosAug 16, 2003 1:21:55 | Originally posted by Stormprince If minotaur society has been sliding into decadence over the past few centuries, what about minotaurs before their slide into decadence? Isn't the DLCS supposed to be playable through all five Ages of Krynn? So would a 3rd Age minotaur have no Int penalty because they have yet to slide into decadence? Nitpicking, gotta love it. ;) |
#34ferratusAug 17, 2003 3:03:49 | I'm impressed with the races of Krynn that I've seen so far. All the necessary ones seem to have included, and they all seem to be balanced properly. My only real complaints are with "elfsight" and with gully dwarves, whose abilities make them impossible for anything else but comic releif. (ie. Gully Dwarf characters will constantly be grovelling, because that is what they are good at). As well they have so many ability penalties, that they will never be as proficient as a human of equal level. A little dissappointing given how kender and gnomes have been given a chance to break out of their stereotypes. But otherwise, the races look pretty good. |
#35shugiAug 18, 2003 11:32:44 | Originally posted by iltharanos Minotaurs are on the "high end" of ECL 0 already -- you can remove their Int penalty, but they'd be ECL +1 unless you gave them another stat penalty or reduced their Str bonus from +4 to +2. |
#36zombiegleemaxSep 06, 2003 10:10:57 | Mino's are on the low side of ECL 0 right now. Find me a race that can match the generic PHB elf (not to mention FR and DL versions), and I'll show you a race on the high side of ECL 0. Sheesh - their only disadvantage is -2 con, and they have a giant laundry list of bonuses. -Robert |
#37zombiegleemaxSep 06, 2003 10:43:18 | Im a HUGE Minotaur fan. I also beleive i their abosolute superiority to the weaker races but even the greatest race of all time and all wolrds can't have it all and be ECL 0. The Minotaurs beleive in brawns over brains so while they train their bodies they neglect their minds a bit. they are FAR from stupid. Whuile training their muscles they begin to bulk up and so loose a bit on the agility end due to their massive muscles. As for Charisma who really cares. The most powerful race in all creation doesn't need to get along with anyone. "Humans, Elves, Dwarves, they all have a purpose. How else will we get the blood stains cleaned out off the arena floor?", Falagar, LE Minotaur champion of Sargas |
#38zombiegleemaxNov 08, 2003 16:05:18 | Maybe i misinterpreted but from what I read, it seemed that Minotaurs were competant and smart, that just wasn't encouraged in their culture. Just because certain paths that the 'intelligent' would take weren't encouraged doesn't keep them from being intelligent. I would think that intelligence would be in the genes, just as Halabis said. Also, it seems that Minotaurs have good common sense and would be very capable at performing Wis related skills. If the Intelligence penalty were removed, which I think would be logical, maybe it could be balanced out by an increased Cha penalty and possibly a smaller bonus of Str? Tas |