Defiling vs. Entangle



Aug 05, 2003 8:31:23
Everybody knows that the spell "Entangle" is very effective against spellcasters. What about an entangled Defiler? Is he able to destroy the entangling plants by effectivly defiling the area and - if yes - will the additional power of the plants power up his spells?


Aug 05, 2003 8:53:19
I'd let the defiler's spell casting damage the entangling plants within the area of defilement, which I think should allow for a second reflex save (or even a second save for anyone in the defiled area), but I wouldn't let the defiler gain any particular bonuses for 'harnessing' the entangling plants.


Aug 26, 2003 7:27:03
In order to defile the wizard must cast a spell. To cast a spell while entangled the wizard must succeed at a Concentration check DC 15. If successful, any plants caught in the defiling radius are reduced to ash.

After defiling the wizard would be safe unless he/she moves into another square occupied by the plants, or the plants have exceptional reach (long vines for example).

There is no added power to the spells from the plants. They are part of the terrain.


Sep 01, 2003 8:52:40
That sound reasonable. Thanks.