Suel Binders



Aug 25, 2003 12:30:18
I was re-reading a Greyhawk Timeline and I came to the part where the Suel created the Binders to capture the genie princes.

Anyway I was wondering if it gives a description of what physical forms the binders took? were they all different or looked like lamps or what?



Aug 27, 2003 2:50:01
That was the Oerth Journal Timeline, right. I don't think it ever says what form the Binders take. In my campaign I just assumed the Binders were gems of a type that correspond to the elemental prince in question, e.g., Aquamarine for Olhydra, etc.

I made the Binders the center of a campaign that was heading ultimately towards the Temple of Elemental Evil (with the Return to the ToEE) assumption that Tharizdun has been behind the temple from the beginning. In my campaign, Iuz and the Fungus lady had nothing to do with the Temple; it was all a put on by the cult of Tharizdun trying to regain all the Binders in order to use their power to recall their fearsome god into the world.