Where have you gone Ionthas?



Aug 25, 2003 17:33:44
Now I know that the appendex to Vanished Moon was one interpretation of the creation of the universe, but I for one felt that it gave the best explanation of Chaos Father of All and Nothing v. The High God.

I have only had DLCS and AoM for a few days but from what I can see there was a return to the murky explanation that the world was forged from chaos and chaos was.

P. 116 of the DLCS seems to imply that Chaos lives still and works to twart the plans of the gods


Aug 25, 2003 21:44:58
Depends on how you wish to include Chaos are your ultimate bad villian

For example,
1) Chaos may suddenly appear and try to take over the evil Pantheon, with Sargonnas helping PCs to thwart Chaos.

2) Chaos is in the greygem, and he's trapped somewhere else in the universe.

2a) He finds a world that he conquers and sends troops to Krynn
2b) He finds the world Malys came from, and sends Freakish dragons on Krynn
2c) Remember the Githyanki invasion in dragon Magazine? Perhaps the greygem had something to do with Gith-invasion of Krynn.

3) The greygem is out there, somewhere, waiting for the Chaos War III :-)

Granak Red-Silver