Post/Author/DateTime | Post |
#1zombiegleemaxSep 03, 2003 9:45:31 | Okay....I kinda came into this idea while reading the thread below on the pronunciation of Raistlin....As it has always bugged me that the creators of DL insist that you can pronounce names however you wish, I for one like a more clear cut "This is how you say it" approach. So....I have decided to go on this quest for knowledge....I will be using my powers of research, wit, and charm to find a pronunciation for as many DL words as possible....And compile a list worthy for the Nexus. But first, I need your help...Yes, you....the one reading this post. Ifyou have a DL word that you simply must know the pronunciation for, list it in this thread and I will attempt to add it to the list. Well....I am off on this quest of knowledge now....wish me luck.... |
#2shugiSep 03, 2003 13:45:46 | Some words use English as part of the name, so I'll start by listing those. Obviously, some people may want assistance with these anyway, but it's a start. It's also quite obvious that I'm rereading Chronicles. Hee. My "easily-pronounced" list: Brightblade, Fireforge, Flint, Goldmoon, Jasper, Onyx, Riverwind, Sturm, Tasslehoff Burrfoot, Wanderer. My list of "questionables": Abanasinia, Alhana, Berem, Bupu, Gilthanas, Gilthas, Laurana, Lorac, Magius, Majere, Pax Tharkas, Porthios, Raistlin, Samar, Sestun, Silvanoshei, Solamnia/Solamnic, Solostaran, Tika, Verminaard, Wyrmsbane, Wyrmslayer, Xak Tsaroth. |
#3cam_banksSep 03, 2003 14:13:23 | I have a feeling that elven names, especially those of the Qualinesti, place the emphasis on the first syllable. Lauralanthalasa = LOR-uh-LAN-thuh-LASS-uh Laurana = LOR-uh-nuh Gilthanas = GIL-thuh-NASS Gilthas = GIL-thas Tanthalas = TAN-thuh-LASS Tanis = TAN-nis Porthios = POR-thee-OSE (rhymes with gross) Solostaran = SOL-oh-STAR-un These are all rough guesses, clearly. Certainly, I pronounce most of them this way, because I like to think they work under a common system - they all look related, so they should sound more or less the same. Vowels, syllables, etc. Cheers, Cam |
#4zombiegleemaxSep 03, 2003 15:53:30 | Margaret Weiss herself said it was pronounced Boo-pu. Jeff Grubb says that Majere is pronounce Mah-Jair-Ee, which I don't particularly like, I always said Mah-Jeer its Rayst-Lin (rhymes with waste, as in wasting man), but saying Rayst-Lin Mah-Jair-Ee leaves a bad tast in my mouth. It almost sounds french :sad: . I understand that Laurana came from Laura, but it doesn't sound right saying Lor-uh-na, I've always said Lor-ran-uh. Sounds the best to me. Just like I always said Gil-Than-Us. That's phonetically correct. Tee-ka Sil-van-o-shay Zak-Sar-oth Bare-um Lor-Ack Muh-Jee-Us (thoug May-Jee-Us works too) I don't get how you could confuse Wyrm, its the same as Worm, just old english. Of course these are my personal pronunciations, feel free to butcher the DL names in your own way. ;) |
#5zombiegleemaxSep 03, 2003 16:10:06 | This is how I've pronounced all of these. THey're probably not right, though: Abanasinia- uh-ban-a-sinia Alhana- All-honna Berem- Bare-um Bupu- Boo-poo Gilthanas- Gil-than-us Gilthas- Gil-thus Laurana- Law-ron-a Lorac- Lor-ak Magius- Mag-ee-us Majere- Muh-jeer Pax Tharkas- Packs Thark-us Porthios- Pour-thee-ose Raistlin- Rais-lin Samar- Sam-ar Sestun- Ses-tun Silvanoshei- Sil-van-osh-ee Solamnia/Solamnic- Saul-em-nia/Saul-em-nick(I know it's not right, but whatever) Solostaran- So-low-star-an Tika- Tee-kuh Verminaard- Verm-in-ard Wyrmsbane- Worms-bane Wyrmslayer- Wyrm-slayer Xak Tsaroth- Zak Sar-oth |
#6shugiSep 03, 2003 16:35:23 | I don't mean to play Serena's moderator (and hope I'm not being rude here), but it might be easier for all of us if we just list the names that we have a problem with -- or that we think others could have a problem pronouncing. |
#7zombiegleemaxSep 03, 2003 17:05:11 | Actually, It comes in very handy Shugi.....and Yes....All I really would like is to have a listing of the words that you all want definite pronunciations for. That way I am sure to get as many as possible.....It's hard to list all these words on your own....Thanks for the help so far guys....The list is getting longer....Now it's time to start cracking. |
#8zombiegleemaxSep 03, 2003 17:22:29 | I am quickly going to go through a few of my own to add.... Kagonesti Qualinesti Silvanesti Hoopak Baaz Kapak Bozak Sivak Aurak Irda Neraka Palin Kerianseray Schallsea uth Mondar Teyr Palanthas Astinus Ausric Tarmak Thanoi So far most of these appear obvious, but around my gaming table I have heard pronunciation disagreements on all of them.....So....Guess you can't take anything for granted....;) |
#9zombiegleemaxSep 03, 2003 17:44:30 | is the list thus far.....Not as extensive as I'd like....I haven't added god names because I will be using Jeff Grubb's pronunciations there. Abanasinia Alhana Astinus Aurak Ausric Baaz Berem Bozak Bupu Gilthanas Gilthas Hoopak Irda Kagonesti Kapak Kerianseray Laurana Lorac Magius Majere Neraka Palanthas Palin Pax Tharkas Porthios Qualinesti Raistlin Samar Schallsea Sestun Silvanesti Silvanoshei Sivak Solamnia/Solamnic Solostaran Tarmak Teyr Thanoi Tika uth Mondar Verminaard Wyrmsbane Wyrmslayer Xak Tsaroth Dragon names to come... |
#10The_White_SorcererSep 03, 2003 18:11:44 | You know what's ![]() So, if you wanna learn how to pronounce fantasy names, just learn to speak some Finnish. That'll do it. Seriously. TWS out. |
#11zombiegleemaxSep 03, 2003 18:20:22 | In all actuality, you are completely right. When Tolkien was inventing his languages for Middle Earth, Finnish was the basis for his favorites....The elven languages. So yes....That is pretty much right on the money. However, DL has too many different language, back to work for me...;) |
#12zombiegleemaxSep 03, 2003 23:24:04 | Kagonesti- Kag-on-es-tee Qualinesti- Kwal-in-es-tee Silvanesti- Sil-van-es-ti Hoopak- Hoo-pack Baaz- Boz Kapak- Kap-ack Bozak- Bo-zack Sivak- Siv-ack Aurak- Ar-ack Irda- Ir-da Neraka- Ner-a-ka Palin- Pay-lin(I know that I pronounce this wrong) Kerianseray- Ker-ee-in-sare-ay Schallsea- Scall-see uth Mondar- ooth Mon-dar Teyr- Teir Palanthas- Pal-an-thas Astinus- Ass-tin-us Ausric- Aus-rick Tarmak- Tar-mack Thanoi- Than-oy THat's how I do it. |
#13carteegSep 04, 2003 7:20:21 | Abanasinia - Ab (like 5-minute Abs) An (girl's name) Ah (Open up your mouth and say...) Sin (God's greatest gift to the world :D sorry...) ee (as in... uhh.... 'E') Ah (Open up your mouth again and say) Baaz I had as 'Bahz' (or maybe that's just with a bit of a Boston accent.) Kapak - Kay Pack. Sorta like the Hoopak. :-) The only odd this is that the plural is now pronounced identically to the Kevin Spacey movie. (K-Pax) Neraka- Ner (like nerd) Ahk (your reaction if you step in dog poo) Ah (I'm not opening my mouth again). Palin I also pronounced as Pay-lin. [Linsha gets paid.] Schallsea, I went with 'Shall sea' as in 'We shall see'. Solamnia, 'So-lahm-nee-ah' (that way for accuracy sake, they sound similar to the name of the meat.) And Lauralanthalasa, I always pronounced as... Laurana. The toughest name my group has is still Mishakal. We've got Mish-Ackle, My Shackle, Mish-AY-kal, Mee-SHAY-kal, etc. But in the end, we just call her Mishy. |
#14zombiegleemaxSep 04, 2003 19:46:27 | If you will look up to my previous posts.........I am just looking for words that you all would like official pronunciations for......Just the words....Now back to the Krynnish phonics class....;) |
#15zombiegleemaxSep 18, 2003 15:47:19 | JAJAJAJA LOL Thanks Paladine we only have 5 vowel sounds in spanish |
#16j0llyblackgiantNov 18, 2003 1:45:26 | everything is pronuced differently depending on what race is saying it... |
#17MyrilNov 18, 2003 8:04:04 | I don't know how anything will be resolved with this, since its just everyone's myriad opinion, but we DO know that Paladine is pronounced Pal-a-dine (dine as in to dine out) We know this because, in one of the books, Tassleholf says "Hey! Paladine rhymes with Pantomime!" |
#18zombiegleemaxNov 18, 2003 10:49:56 | I think during the GenConUK Dragonlance Seminar with Margaret Weis, she said it really didn't matter what the pronuncification (which is how I pronunce that word :D) was, as long as it sounded right to you. However, I spent about 10 minutes telling everyone in my group how to pronounce all the names of the Gods, as they're looking for a cleric of Morgion, who they kept calling Moragon, a combination of Morgion and Moradin, the dwarf god from FR. So... Pal-a-dine Mish-ack-ul Bran-car-la Hab-ah-cook Ma-jeer Kirrie-Joe-lith Sol-in-arr-ee Gill-ee-un Seer(only quickly)-re-un Kis-lev Ray-orcs Ziv-ill-in Shin-are-ay Loony-tarry (as in DoaVM) Tah-kie-sis Sar-gone-ass Kay-mosh More-gie-on Hid-oo-kel Zee-boim (like boing, only 'm' instead of 'ng') Nwee-tar-ree I also had to correct 'Eye-sar' to 'Iss-tar'. |
#19zombiegleemaxNov 19, 2003 15:00:08 | Here's how my crude pronounciations would go. NOTE: I often place way too many Hs because the end of a plosive and many other things alway sound like Hs to me.I guess most people would call the H like in my "Behrem" a notation that it's E, not EE. Abanasinia- Ab-ana-sin-eea Alhana- Al-hana (Rhymes with ... um.. Cabana) Astinus- Ass-teenus Aurak- Aw-rack Ausric- Aws-Rihc Baaz- Ba-as or Bahs Berem- Behrem Bozak- Boh-Zack Bupu- Boo-Pu Gilthanas- Gil-than-as Gilthas- Gil-Thas Hoopak- Hoo-pack Irda- Eerda Kagonesti- Kah-Gon-Est-Ee Kapak- Ka-Pack Kerianseray- Ker-ian-seh-ray Laurana- La-Rawn-Ah (The Raun rymes with Prawn) Lorac- Lo-Rack Magius- May-Gee-Us Majere- Ma-Jeer Neraka- Nee-Raka (Always makes me think: "We are the Knights of Ne(raka)!") Palanthas- Pal-an-thas Palin- Palin (rhymes with Win) Pax Tharkas- Pax Thar-kas (Pax as in Pax Romania) Porthios- Poor-Theos Qualinesti- Kwal-in-esthee Raistlin- Ryest-Lin (Rye as in Rye the plant with a ST at it) Samar- Sa-marr Schallsea- Shallsea Sestun- Sess-Toon Silvanesti- Sil-van-esthee Silvanoshei- Sil-van-o-shee Sivak-See-Vack Solamnia/Solamnic- Soh-Lamn-Ee-Ah and Soh-Lamn-Ick Solostaran- Solo-Star-An Tarmak- Tarr-Mack Teyr- Tey-er Thanoi- Tha-noy Tika- Teeka uth Mondar- Ooth Mondar (Mondar as in Monday, but with an R) Verminaard- Ver-min-ard (Ard as in Hard) Wyrmsbane- Worms-Bane Wyrmslayer- Worm-slayer Xak Tsaroth- Zack Sar-Oth |
#20zombiegleemaxNov 19, 2003 21:20:34 | Kitiara. |
#21zombiegleemaxNov 19, 2003 21:24:00 | I do the gods the same as pddisc does, with the noted exceptions: Bran-ca-la(I think the "r" was a typo in his, though) Hab-ah-kuk(just like the book of the Bible by the same name) Kirrie-Ju(like the sound of the letter "J")-lith Chis-lev Ree-orcs Shin-air Loon-it-ary(rhymes with "stary") Tah-kee-sis Sarg-own(pronounced just like the word)-ass Ke-mosh More-gee-on Hid-a-kel Zee-bo(as in bo staff)-im New-i-tar-ree Kitiara: Kit-ee-are-a |
#22zombiegleemaxNov 20, 2003 5:43:04 | No, Bran-car-la was right, I pronounce the 'car' bit like the word 'car'. Chislev would be a hard 'k' sound because the names come from Celtic or something, and there's no soft 'ch' sound in that. I think. There's some reason, because I used to do Chis-lev. Shinare would be Shin-are-ay, because it's (so far as I can tell) based on the Greek word for wealth, sinare, which is sin-are-ay. |
#23zombiegleemaxNov 20, 2003 9:11:03 | Somebody once pointed me to a site that had comments about the pronunciation of the gods' names from one of the people that helped create them (if I recall correctly). He was an insider, anyway. I wish I could remember it and link it. But basically, they all have a rhythm and are based around something. You're right with Chislev, it being a hard 'ch' sound, but I think i recall it being based on Hebrew, not Celtic. It was similar to a month of the year, I believe. Chemosh is a hard 'ch' for similar reasons, I believe, though it's not based on a month or anything. ![]() But it's ultimately an individual GM's decision, I believe. For example, I read at the same place that Majere was pronounce Ma-jair-eh, as it had a rhythm similar to 'Majestic'. But I've always pronounced it like ma-zheer, and have trouble doing so any other way, hehe. Just for interest's sake, my own pronunciations (based more out of habit than ought else): Paladine - PAL-uh-dine Mishakal - MISH-uh-kul (like 'cull') Kiri-Jolith - Kear-ee-JOE-lith (first syllable rhymes with 'hear') Habbakuk - HAB-uh-cook (Like the bible, I believe. In fact, I may have messed up the spelling for the bible's version. I always forget which is which) Branchala - Brawn-CALL-ah Majere - Ma-ZHEER Solinari - Soul-ih-NAR-ee (Although this often gets emphasis on the first syllable when I'm talking about multiple moons in rapid sequence ![]() Gilean - GIL-ee-uhn Zivilyn - ZIV-ih-lin (The two have the same rhythm to me) Shinare - Shin-ARE-eh Chislev - KISS-lev Sirrion - SEAR-ee-uhn (Sear as in searing pain ![]() Reorx - Ree-ORCS Lunitari - Loon-ih-TAR-ee Takhisis - Tock-HEES-iss (This always sounds like hissing to me) Sargonnas - Sar-JONE-uhs (Probably should have a hard 'g' sound) Chemosh - Kem-OSH Morgion - MORE-jee-uhn Hidukkel - HIGH-doo-kell (Rhythm sounds like 'Duke of hell'. Pronunciation's almost like 'High duke hell' to me) Zeboim - ZEB-oh-ihm Nuitari - New-ih-TAR-ee |
#24zombiegleemaxNov 20, 2003 9:16:30 | Irda. Seriously, nothing sounds right when I say it. Ear-duh, Er (as in her) -duh, Ire-duh, Ear-Dah, cheeseburger. I don't know. |
#25zombiegleemaxNov 20, 2003 18:53:32 | Originally posted by Naga_Slayer IIRC, Er-Duh is correct, but Ire-Dah might be the more formalized way, like Ma-JEER/Ma-JAIR-Eh |
#26zombiegleemaxMar 09, 2004 23:05:31 | Raistlin... ST is silent Rai is Rye Lin is Lin If you can't say the last name... Caramon's favorite spice that I normally carry sounds something like it... if you don't remember go back to the Legends |
#27zombiegleemaxMar 09, 2004 23:35:00 | Ok....Id like to know where you base your all mighty knowledge from......Oh mighty master of telling us how to say something. Although....the name Raistlin comes from Wasted Caramon comes from Caring man. So..the st is pronounced. That is if you, well, you know, listen to the developers story that is. |
#28DragonhelmMar 09, 2004 23:53:46 | Originally posted by Serena DarkMyst Alright, let's ease up here. If you want to know the secret to pronouncing names in Dragonlance, I'll tell you. s e c r e t s t u f f There is no correct way. People ask Weis and Hickman this question all the time. They will say that various people pronounce the names differently, and to use the method of pronunciation they like. Thing is, each of us will say the names differently. And really, does it matter which way we say the names, so long as we enjoy the character? |
#29zombiegleemaxMar 10, 2004 0:03:27 | Ya, I knew just as soon as I hit post reply that Id gone a little too far....sorry bout that. |
#30theredrobedwizardMar 10, 2004 7:12:02 | Abanasinia : Ab-AH-na-SIN-ee-ah Alhana : All-han-A Astinus : ASS-tin-us Aurak : OR-ack Ausric : AWE-sur-ic Baaz : BAY-AZ Berem : BURR-em Bozak : BOW-Zack (Bow as in the ranged weapon) Bupu : BOO-poo Caramon : CARE-ah-man Gilthanas: GIL-tha-nus Gilthas: GIL-thas Hoopak : HOO-pack Irda : ER-dah Kagonesti : KAG-o-nest-ee Kapak : KAY-pack Kerianseray : KEER-ee-an-sayr-ay Kitiara : Kitty-ARAH Laurana : LAW-rah-nah Lorac : LORE-ac Magius : Ma-GEE-us (Ma as in Mad, gee as in "Aww geez") Majere : Ma-ZHARE (like share with a z-ish sound) Neraka : Ner-ROCK-ah Palanthas: Pah-LAN-thas Palin : PAY-lin Pax Tharkas : PACKS THAR-kas Porthios : PORE-thee-ohs Qualinesti : KWAL-ih-nest-ee Raistlin : RAYST-lin Samar : SAY-mar Schallsea : SHALL-see Sestun : SEH-stun Silvanesti : SIL-vah-nest-ee Silvanoshei : SIL-vah-no-shee Sivak : SIGH-vack Solamnia/Solamnic: Soh-LAHM-nee-ah / Soh-LAHM-nick Solostaran : So-low-STAR-an Tarmak : Tar-mack Teyr : Tear (the thing that you cry, not a hole in pants) Thanoi : THAH-noy Tika : Tea-KAH uth Mondar : ooth Mon-DAR Verminaard : Ver-min-ARD Wyrmsbane : WURMS-bayn Wyrmslayer : WURM-slay-yer Xak Tsaroth : ZACK SAR-oth Paladine - PAL-a-dine Mishakal - MISH-ah-call (like "missed a call") Kiri-Jolith - Keer-EE JOE-lith Habbakuk - HAB-ah-cuk Branchala - Bran-CHA-lah Majere - Ma-ZHARE Solinari - Soul-uh-NAR-ee Gilean - GIL-ee-an Zivilyn - ZIV-ihl-in Shinare - Shin-AIR Chislev - CHISS-lev Sirrion - SEER-ee-ohn Reorx - Ray-ORCS Lunitari - Loon-uh-TAR-ee Takhisis - Tah-KEY-sis Sargonnas - Sar-GOH-nas Chemosh - Chem-OSH Morgion - MORE-gee-on Hidukkel - HID-oo-call Zeboim - ZEB-oh-ihm Nuitari - New-uh-TAR-ee Just my 3 Steel. -TRRW |