New location???



Sep 08, 2003 16:49:56
OK so what is going on with the whole moving of krynn thing? Has it ben put back? or is it still where Tak put it? If it is still at its new location, are we still gonna see more Overlords making the trip to Ansalon? What is up with the single moon? Does it share the skies with the gods of magic, or has it been destroyed?


Sep 08, 2003 16:57:24
Krynn is still within its new location, orbiting a new sun. The One Moon is gone, replaced by Solinari, Lunitari, and Nuitari.

As for the dragon overlords - who knows? Hopefully the gods have sealed off any portals from their world to Krynn.


Sep 08, 2003 17:10:01
If it is still in its new location, does that mean that the gods have no constellations?


Sep 08, 2003 17:14:28
Well, according to the DLCS, the gods constellations are back in the sky, but in new possitions.

My view on this is, with the return of the gods, the constellations return (being magical in nature anyway), the planets come back (or new ones take the place of the old), the moons have made the journey...but the rest of the sky is completely different.

The constellations, moons, and planets are all connected with their respective gods, so wherever the gods are, their cellestial bodies are as well. But all the filler...the rest of the stars, any other planets around this sun, the new sun itself, they all remain the same as they have in the 5th Age.

Does that make sense? That's how I envision it anyway.