medallion of faith



Sep 09, 2003 23:00:53
Does anybody know what happens to the medallion after the cleric dies? Does it dissapear, lose any enchantment, what?

I'm looking for both actaul rules encountered in the setting I might of missed, maybe just something mentioned in the novel a rule can be based off of, or just any of your opinions on what should happen.

thanx ahead of time


Sep 10, 2003 0:45:45
I don’t think the Medallion of Faith disappears or looses any of its power after the death of the cleric. It would probably still resist any attempt to be removed from the dead cleric’s body by an enemy of the priest’s clergy. I imagine the Medallion of Faith would be buried with the cleric or it could be given to a favorite disciple who would now benefit from the Medallion of Faith.