Suss Rangers



Sep 16, 2003 9:01:01
I remember seeing a brief mention of the Suss Rangers in the Living Greyhawk Gazetteer - at least I'm pretty sure, although I couldn't find it this morning - but I'd like to know more. Can anyone tell me anything about the Suss Rangers?


Sep 17, 2003 7:50:13
Well, I waited to see if anyone else had better inf Brom, but so far no takers.

I don't know of any official reference to Rangers that inhabit the Suss Forest.

However, I do have some ideas. The Suss Forest is old. Much evil memory permeates those trees. The canopy is thick and the underbrush shaded from most light. It is a shadowy place. The main intelligent inhabitants at this time (circa 591) are primarily humanoids, lesser giants, and monstrous Spiders. Though a few patches of Sylvan elves may exist. It is rumored that an ancient Suloise city exists in ruins somewhere within its borders. (Think the ancient palace that Mogly visits in the Jungle Book)

Under these circumstances you'll know doubt find evil Rangers and Druids as easily as good aligned ones. Good Rangers however have to keep thier wits about them at all times. Even more so than in normal evil heavy areas. I would think that the Rangers here are primarily fighting to keep the Orcs and monsters of the Pomarj from gaining to large a foothold, perhaps fighting them with guerilla style tactics to dislodge the foothold they already have. It would be an intense situation to say the least.

I'd say for a unit of Rangers to maintain themselves independantly it would have to be no larger than 20-30 individuals seperated in to skirmishing groups of 3-5. They would have to have created a discreet base of sorts, probably a cave or inside the hallow trunk of a masive dead Ipt (A Guide to the World of Greyhawk Fantasy Setting, pg.6) tree. Or perhaps a treetop outpost in the canopy of a live one. Of course maintaining a central location from which to patrol is in danger of being discovered, so the prudent Rangers would have a secondary location already prepared, and have standing orders to disperse for several days before rallying there (the second outpost) should the main base be attacked.

The logistics of such an operation would be an adventure in itself. Both locating a secure area to receive supplies from outside the organization and transporting those supplies would be both difficult and dangerous. More than likely the Rangers depend heavily on thier hunting skills for a primary food source. Also scavenging for materials for new arrows and armor.

As far as game mechanics go. The Suss Ranger will have some knowledge of ancient history concerning the Suloise City possibility, also thier favored enemy choices are clearly defined by the inhabitants of the forest.

Well those are my thoughts so far.....I'll post more if I think of something more. Like a Suel Lich inhabiting the city....or something like that.


Sep 17, 2003 8:57:01
Thanks for that, Woodsman. Those are good ideas.

I tried looking in the Living Greyhawk Gazetteer again last night, but to no avail. I could swear that I saw the words "Suss Rangers" somewhere, but I could not find them anywhere. (To my mind, this underscores the need for an index in the LGG.) I did find a reference to a company of rangers that was formed to protect the pass where Yolande's consort Triserron was killed, but I'm not sure that's really what I'm after. (Like I said, I could swear I saw "Suss Rangers" somewhere.) I also found a webpage posted by the old Council of Greyhawk that detailed the Kingdom of Celene, and that mentioned a company of Royal Rangers, but again, I'm not quite sure that's the same thing.

Does anyone else know what I'm talking about?


Sep 17, 2003 12:59:42
only mention I could find was on page 117, second collumn, in the history section of the county of Ulek, where it mentions "The rangers of the Suss..."


Sep 17, 2003 13:08:16
It really doesn't imply any organization just the some of the Rangers involved in the defense of Courwood were from the Suss. I tell you what Brom this leaves it completely open to your development. Thats pretty cool. :D