The rule of Solamnia P.C.



Sep 17, 2003 1:27:07
Solamnia, ist rule in pre-cataclysmic times:

Well after my ramblings on Kharolis and Lemish, it seems to me, that Solamnia as a „nation“ in pre-cataclysmic times was quite diverse.
I think of it as a core land, presumably ruled by the „king of Solamnia“ as hinted in TotL and – I think – even in DLA concerning the KoS prerequisite to be of royal blood to qualify for the Knights of the Rose. There are the corelands forming the modern Solamnia as well. Some cities with their local „government“, local nobility (mostly or all KoS), provincial nobility or governors from the KoS, but all firmly united under the rule of the King, perhaps being sometimes even the Grand Master at the same time. This king - is well advised and guided by the KoS - must be always one of the KoS (each of the royal line receiving training as a knight) and presumably a descendant from Vinas Solamnus (not necessarily in direct line). To this king several free realm have sworn their fealty/loyality. One is Lemish (hmm, or wasn’t this a proper province of Solamnia?...argh!) and the other is Kharolis, when it comes to the wide plains with the federated tribes. Several Great Cities of the South have themselves also positioned under the solamnic rule: Xak Tsaroth and Tarsis. The Solamnic Knighthood forms the military force in all of these lands, so, Solamnia is in fact a confederation under the feudal supremacy of the solamnic king with the Knighthood forming the army, protecting the borders as well as the provinces from harm, and well integrated in the administration of the land (smaller nobles entering the KoS, KoS advisors to city mayors, stationement of KoS in the realms, KoS governors of backward regions and borderlands).
What do you think? (I know Terry for one has another opinion I think..)

M’s Claw


Sep 23, 2003 8:44:34
>I think of it as a core land, presumably ruled by the "king of >Solamnia" as hinted in TotL and –

Where did you read this? From what I can tell from the TOTL, Solamnia is (prior to the WOTL) mostly a collection of independent city-states / provinces supposedly under the authority of Palanthus.

Solamnia doesn’t (from what I can tell) have all the traits of a nation (unified military, taxes, education, internal comerrace…) during this time, and from what I read, the KOS have no real power in the affairs of Solamnia during this time (other wise why so much emphasis on the Knights being attacked, persecuted, hunted, thrown out of their, or being in hiding), especially not as rules of this nation.

What resources do you have that state otherwise?



Sep 23, 2003 9:21:03
What you say holds perfectly true to "modern" Solamnia, after the Cataclysm.
But I referred to Solamnia's rule prior Cataclysm. And there the sources are quite clear to a certain degree:

„The people...chose Solamnus as King, naming the country Solamnia in his honor.“ (TotL p.82/DLA p.14)
„King Solamnus...launched his Quest of Honor...“ (TotL p.82)
„He left the united kingdoms in the hands of his lieutnants and journeyed into the wild.“ (DLA p.14)
„The human nations declared Solamnus their Lord.“ (TotL p.21)
„..when Solamnia became inreasingly dependant on Istarian trade, the king signed the Swordsheath Scrollin...the Great Meld“ (TotL p.22)
After the Rose Rebellion, new nations evolved: „The states of Palanthus, Caergoth (Southlund) and Lemish grew...“ (TotL p.21)
„Solamnia never achieved the great imperial power of Ergoth. The regions of Solamnia cohered not because of military might, but because of a common and cherished freedom.“ (TotL p.28)
„Before the Cataclysm only Sword Knights of royal bloodcould become Rose Knights.“ (TotL p. 85)
„...the Knights of this order were taken from the royal houses of the land.“ (DLA p.19)
(Even if a „royal house“ was one deemed worthy by an investigation by the ruling council of the knights, because it was in the same time accepted into the Roster of Loyality)

So, even if a loosely knitted assembly of kingdoms, city-states and the like, Solamnia was
1. A united nation concerning foreign affairs
2. Principally a monarchy until the Cataclysm

... Sure, it was never such centralized realm like Istar or Silvanesti...

M’s Claw