A spelljammer subplot



Sep 20, 2003 22:03:05
How many of you Spelljammer fans, although not playing a 'Spelljammer campaign', are running, or being ran in, a campaign that has Spelljamer elements laced into the plot?

An example: In the game that I'm running now, a Skro is influencing a group of Mites (from the Tome of horrors and from some really old 1st ed book..FF I believe) who have been corrupted by a beholder cult, to insurect and terrorize the local communities. This is to soften up the region for an immeniate Skro invasion; not the Beholder's know about this or anything. Actually, I could make if that the beholders are using the Skro somehow, but I'm still working on that angle.

Another example is that the land of Arcania, is a nation ruled by the Mercane (the Arcane of SJ of old) and is the only spelljamming 'spaceport' on the planet where all my campains take place. However, that's not the catch. The Mercane, and very few of my players know this, are intentionally lacing dungeons with magic items just to test them out and to study the effects from affar. When they are satisfied with the results, they send someone (or thing) to come and collect the item! Or swipe them themselves either in person or with magic. They even stock the dungeons of those places with very random monsters. When the characters approach, the critters are gated in from some off-plane place. I got this idea one day when looking at a very old dungeon I had created from back in my Basic D&D days and thought "Man, there is no sense to this; why would the Owlbear in room 3 be waiting for the door to open when it could making a meal out of the Gobos in the room 5." That's when I this idea popped into my head. I've suckered my players with this model twice now, with only player commenting to me that the ecology of the dungeon "seems illogical...what are these things eating?" My reply,"You!"