Post/Author/DateTime | Post |
#1zombiegleemaxOct 07, 2003 16:59:00 | Seriously, Is anyone else using an exclusive 1st + 2nd Ed. campaign or has everyone basically fallen inline with the 3rd Ed. and now 3.5 Ed. conversions? Is the d20 that much better and new content just as good? Speaking of new content, you all must be converting everything since no new Greyhawk material is being released. Is it worth me blowing a couple hundred bucks on 3rd Ed. resources and months of my time devoted to reading them and re-learning the game to play catch up with the 3rd Ed.? Yes, I'm asking in a serious manner. I like alot of ideas you folks share here, but some things would be nice to swipe with the ole copy/paste instead of converting everything ) Additionaly, I have literally years worth of work I could share with people that are interested in primarily 2nd Ed. content, but I really can't see much of it being feasibly converted by 3rd Ed. users without some major reworking. Fight the progress! Abysslin |
#2zombiegleemaxOct 07, 2003 17:34:19 | Originally posted by abysslin I think that 3e is vastly better than 2e, skills and feats mean that PCs are able to be personalised to a degree unheard of in 2e and the whole combat section of D&D has taken a quantum leap forward becoming dynamic, requiring thought and teamwork. The RP aspect hasn't changed at all but the rules mechanics are slicker and make much more sense to me. After a few sessions the rules become intuitive once you have worked out when attacks of opportunities occur and what counts as move or standard actions. As always DMing is mainly common sense wrt rule calls unless you are/have in your group a rules lawyer. |
#3zombiegleemaxOct 07, 2003 20:21:51 | Originally posted by abysslin Yeah, there's a whole raft of the buggers over on Whatever you do, though, don't tell them I sent you. I'm... err... not well liked there :D Originally posted by abysslin The d20 system is so far superior to 1st/2nd ed. that it's like comparing the combustion engine to warp drive. But then... it's also a matter of preference. I was one of many who were unsatisfied with 2nd ed. and ended up trying a new house rule EVERY game in order to 'fix' what was missing from the rules. d20 is about as close as I've found to a 'perfect' system. It's far from perfect, mind you, but it's better than 90% of the crud out there, and far better than 2nd ed. As for new content... meh, most of it's trash to be honest. But then, so were most of the 2nd ed. handbooks. The difference now is that you've got a gazillion products to choose from and every so often one shines above the morass and calls to you and you know it's worth forking out money for. A couple of examples would be the Book of Righteous Might (at least, I think that's the title) from Green Ronin, Magical Medieval Societies: Western Europe from Expeditious Retreat Press, and my other favourite, the Tome of Horrors. Originally posted by abysslin It's really a matter of preference. Do you constantly rework the 2nd ed. rules to suit your needs or are you mostly happy with how things work out? Do you find levelling to be a hohum, boring as shite affair because you get the same crud, level after level, with no variety? Do you feel the mechanics of the system constantly let you down and that there is no room for strategy or heroic acts because you have no idea how to adjudicate a situation or are you constantly finding you have to make up some random rule on the spot to cater to some outlandish situation which the rules simply can't cope with? Do you find THAC0 to be an antiquated, cumbersome, illogical technique for determining combat results? If the answer is yes to all the above, then it's about time you bought into the franchise and joined all of us over in the greener pastures of d20-land. Having said that, 3.5 ed is a bit stinky. I personally run a 3.25 ed game because although there were changes needed to 3.0, many of the changes in 3.5 were inadquate, inappropriate or just plain stupid. Originally posted by abysslin I find converting things to be relatively easy. For the most part, it's just a matter of assigning a condition to things because there were all sorts of arbitrary rulings in other editions. For instance, how one handled diseases in 2nd ed.; you had a different rule to follow for every single disease that was written in the description of the disease wherever it was presented in an adventure. In 3rd ed., there is a core mechanic to handle diseases and a variety of core effects and so wherever a disease is written up, you always know the mechanic behind it's function automatically. So it's a simple matter of rewriting the description to function under the rules of the core mechanic, which is very easy to do. Originally posted by abysslin Eh, if you really feel that way, go to Dragonsfoot and talk with all the other antiquated old farts :P |
#4samwiseOct 07, 2003 22:14:13 | The basic elements of the D20 System are indeed that much better. Unfortunately, between the editing, certain decisions in regards to the rules themselves, and certain changes, the system is also as fatally flawed in it's own way as 2nd ed. was, and to some degree how AD&D was. As a result, I am ignoring a number of the more bizarre rules in 3.5, as well as going back to original versions of certain things. As for advice, in the long run, you will be better off learning the D20 system. But you might want to consider using the D20 Modern rules as the basis for your game, and converting the old material to that instead of using 3.5 and it's square horses. |
#5ArgonOct 07, 2003 23:07:44 | Well Abusslin, I am still using 2nd edition as a basis for my GH campaign. I found some of the changes in 3rd edition to be fine. But even with some of it's more favorable changes. I didn't believe that converting was worth the effort. After all I spent years tweaking the 2nd edition rules to my liking. Many of the basic rule changes makes 3rd edition easy to learn and use. But I find that the class settings and some of the feats are unnecessary or overpowering. Why I am sure that many people who have started out in 3rd edition have tweaked what they needed too. I am quite happy with what I have already and don't think a change is merited. P.S. If your looking for some 2nd edition based articles I currently have three posted at The Dwarves, Elves, and Gnomes of Oerth. You can also find a truckload of other edition specific articles as well as rules light ones. All of my articles follow the rules light with a 2nd edition base. |
#6Gnarley_WoodsmanOct 08, 2003 6:28:43 | Yeah, there's a whole raft of the buggers over on They don't like anyone with a diiference of opinion. The moderator outright said that he was allowing a poster to be flamed because he posted slightly askew of topic. In this case some suggested the letter writing campaign, the same that here and on many other boards..... The discussion quickly degenerated into a 1/2e vs. 3e debate, and a subsequent flamefest. Yup, if you like 3e don't go to dragonsfoot. Very closed minded group. |
#7AeoliusOct 08, 2003 7:46:46 | Originally posted by Delglath LOL! And hey, while you're over there, tell them Aeolius turned Celene into a Dyson Sphere :D |
#8Gnarley_WoodsmanOct 08, 2003 8:23:59 | tell them Aeolius turned Celene into a Dyson Sphere ROFL! :D |
#9AeoliusOct 08, 2003 9:21:29 | Originally posted by Gnarley_Woodsman Well, where else was I going to put the gargantuan spelljamming oysters? :D |
#10Gnarley_WoodsmanOct 08, 2003 9:25:01 | ![]() BTW Aeolius your site and campaign premise are really good. Question is, do you actually use Gargantuan Spelljamming oysters, and so do the have miniatue Giant Space Hamsters as part of the crew? :D |
#11AeoliusOct 08, 2003 9:42:01 | Originally posted by Gnarley_Woodsman I do in fact have a Shellship (borrowing a bit from Farscape), which is in essence a giant Spelljamming oyster. The ship is a living being that requires special food and lighting. Its "captain", referred to as the Pearl, needs to qualify for a special PrC, a variant Marinelord known as the Mollusklord. While the PCs have seen the Shellship, no one qualifies for the Mollusklord PrC and the issue of Spelljamming has not been raised. I'll keep that information on the back burner, for a later date. |
#12Gnarley_WoodsmanOct 08, 2003 9:45:50 | Hey that rings a bell. It can be likened to...darn I forgot the nam...The really huge Spelljamming vessle....The one that looks like a stingray... Anyway, its completely original in the fact that your entire prmise is oceanically based. |
#13faraerOct 08, 2003 11:03:30 | Games systems are art (though Gary would dispute this!), not technology. It's meaningless to apply progress metaphors or to say a rules system is better than another, though it can be better for some specific purpose. The various editions of D&D are different, with different philosophies and underlying structures. They're all good rulesets on their own terms (and if they're fatally flawed, that's escaped the hundreds of thousands of people who've played them without difficulty). For me at least, the original AD&D and the original World of Greyhawk are inseparable; I doubt I'd use one without the other. As someone who's lately posted on Dragonsfoot but isn't a regular there, I don't find it more or less insular than average. |
#14zombiegleemaxOct 08, 2003 11:24:24 | Originally posted by Faraer Mention one of the 'Words of Berserker Rage Inducement', like 3rd edition, or Lorraine Williams, or Monte Cook, or From the Ashes, then see how insular the place is... |
#15zombiegleemaxOct 08, 2003 13:31:34 | originally posted by Delglath Yeah, there's a whole raft of the buggers over on Yeah, it's a tough crowd. They practically burned me at the stake when I posted my letter-drive camapign. ![]() |
#16Gnarley_WoodsmanOct 08, 2003 13:35:19 | jokamachi See my first post on this thread... I was describing what they did to you. |
#17zombiegleemaxOct 08, 2003 17:49:38 | Gnarley... Guess I missed it. Glad to know there were a few witnesses, though. |
#18chatdemonOct 08, 2003 18:47:45 | Originally posted by Samwise D20 itself is a nice system, and I love d20 modern, but to me, 1e/2e/Hackmaster captures the D&D "feel" I want much better. And btw, square horses rock! I'm tempted to go on a collectible minis buying spree just to find that rare square horse figure. I bet he'll fetch a fortune on EBay :D As for Dragonsfoot, well... Their website rocks, lots of great downloadable goodies for a 1e/2e DM. Their hackmaster forum is nice, the 1e and 2e forums are ok. I've never checked out the 3e or misc forums there. But their Greyhawk forum.... I'd elaborate, but my opinion on it violates every rule of netiquette, every part of this forum's Code of Conduct, and a handful of Geneva Conventions as well. ![]() |
#19samwiseOct 09, 2003 0:29:44 | Square horses do not rock. Square horses should be a sign that facing is essential to a miniatures game, and that you should put it back in the rules rather than make your horses square to avoid it. Just say not to square horses! |
#20heretic_apostateOct 09, 2003 1:38:57 | Originally posted by Gnarley_Woodsman The huge stingray spelljamming vessel is... SpellJammer. |
#21zombiegleemaxOct 09, 2003 7:24:08 | I stopped playing D&D for years because 2E and all its 'Splat books' from the bumper book of elven munchkins to gnomish plumbers and the nightmare that was the 2E system that never got any better, fighters sucked, wizards ruled and you may as well have stopped after 9th level. It made me hate D&D for a very, very long time and 'hate' is not a word I use lightly to describe my feelings. 3.0 and to some degree 3.5 made me come back and try it. D20, its a slightly better system as far as level based rpg's go, though Im still frustrated at how restrictive it is sometimes. |
#22keolanderOct 09, 2003 7:30:01 | Ive found that its sometime best to mesh what is useable from all 3 editions (as well as SOME innovations from HackMaster) into a sort of mish-mash. First Edition is the one I prefer...though even that is flawed. I think that the armour needs to be revised (Im not a fan of plate and even plates and mail is a little much at times). I usually have to seriously revise the economic levels of the game (TOO MUCH GOLD!). Call me weird, but the economy is one of the stranger aspects of gaming that I like to get involved in (mostly cause I like the idea of letting someone play a non-combat oriented class like a Merchant). I truly prefer the 3rd Edition version of multi-classing. It makes ALOT more sense to me than the older system. Demi-Humans usually need to be revised...and no one should be allowed to play a Drow in D&D. While some people would argue that this dilutes the that any different than people ignoring rules when it suits them for their games? |
#23zombiegleemaxOct 09, 2003 9:58:34 | Originally posted by Thresher To a certain extent, classless d20 solves a lot of the restrictions although levels have to remain to make it viable. Some people feel that this is going too far and that in doing so, it's no longer D&D... eh, whatever. I like the idea of a point-based, level-based system and I think that d20 lends itself, with a few easy adjustments, to just such a system. |
#24AeoliusOct 09, 2003 10:07:52 | Originally posted by chatdemon I just registered over there. My first (and last) post at Dragonsfoot was for the explicit purpose of insulting one of their moderators. It's over in their General Discussion forum, if you're interested. Basically, I took issue with a "moderator" using the term "3etard", which, as cute as those infantile idiots may think the term is, is still a direct insult against the disabled. |
#25zombiegleemaxOct 09, 2003 10:29:48 | Politically correct BS. I thought you Yanks were bang up for freedom of speech ...... or is Yank offensive too? Jesus.Originally posted by Aeolius |
#26AeoliusOct 09, 2003 10:37:11 | Originally posted by StevieS I have no issue with the right to freedom of speech, I simply think ill of those who insult the disabled. They are free to say as they wish, of course, I simply think of them as lesser people for their opinions. And, after all, I am entitled to my opinion. |
#27zombiegleemaxOct 09, 2003 14:35:15 | Politically correct BS. I thought you Yanks were bang up for freedom of speech ...... or is Yank offensive too? Jesus. Hey now! Don't judge us all by the prudes and the crybabies. That would be, well, retarded. ![]() |
#28AeoliusOct 09, 2003 17:31:56 | gee, I've never used the ignore feature before...handy. |
#29zombiegleemaxOct 09, 2003 17:50:54 | You bunch o' thread-jackers! Anyway, I've checked out and I don't think it will be a place I soon call home. I like it here much better, although they have alot of free downloadables, but that'll take a 1 time 10 minute visit heh... (assuming they actually have anything I will like) |
#30zombiegleemaxOct 09, 2003 18:36:09 | Let me, the reviled Dragonsfoot Greyhawk forum moderator, be one of the first to welcome you to Dragonsfoot. Scott |
#31chatdemonOct 09, 2003 18:51:40 | Originally posted by ScottyG Just as long as we make no mention of Canonfire or presume to question the wisdom of the Gygax fanboy regulars there, right? |
#32AeoliusOct 10, 2003 7:09:30 | Gee, I was welcomed to Dragonsfoot, then they locked my topic. :D |
#33zombiegleemaxOct 17, 2003 22:53:52 | Originally posted by Samwise Man, would you give up about the square horses already? |
#34zombiegleemaxOct 17, 2003 23:18:53 | Originally posted by airwalkrr Yeah, it's time you moved on to the square purple worms. Scott |
#35zombiegleemaxOct 18, 2003 2:04:39 | ...and yet, somehow, life goes on. |
#36samwiseOct 18, 2003 17:43:11 | Originally posted by airwalkrr As soon as the Core Rules give up on them, I will be happy to follow suit. They seem to concern you rather excessively though. Why is that? |
#37zombiegleemaxOct 23, 2003 16:20:25 | Perhaps he is stuck in the **** phase of psychological development...square pegs, round holes.... Anyway, it's good to see that some people can't keep up with the nice new world of 3E! |
#38zombiegleemaxOct 24, 2003 1:40:32 | Back OT: I use 3.5 exclusively. I felt 3rd edition was a bit lacking, but all of my major problems were actually solved by 3.5, almost like WotC knew what I was thinking. I don't look forward to the prospect of a new edition. I think they should just continue supplementing the current edition and inundate me with miniatures for it. Anyway, old 1e and 2e material is great as a source, but honestly, none of it really adds much to the game mechanics. If you really like one of the old (and rare) GH kits, then I'd recommend just converting it to a prestige class. There are so few of them that it's not that much of an effort. Most of the old GH monsters have been adapted for 3rd edition already too (e.g. Sword Wraith, Skulk, Animus) so there's really no reason not to use it unless you just refuse to buy new books. I for one am glad that campaign-stopping "save-or-die" spells are almost completely gone. |
#39samwiseOct 24, 2003 11:38:03 | Or perhaps I have a better understanding of tactical games, particularly those based on miniatures, and I have higher standards for games that I pay my money for. Of course, I accept that others will buy any garbage just because of a name on it. Or that they are not interested in high quality games because they are unable to play them with any degree of ability. Heaven forbid D&D actually be a game that you need intelligence to play. It was at one point in time. Back when . . . what was that guy's name? Gygax? Something like that. Anyway, back when he wrote the combat rules for D&D, he expected that people were a bit on the intelligent and creative side if they were playing the game. I guess that is to much to expect these days, and the system is suffering because of it. |
#40chatdemonOct 25, 2003 20:01:54 | Originally posted by Samwise The great thing about the "old school" combat rules is that while they were designed for miniatures combat, and could be used for such with some house rules, or an accessory such as Chainmail, Battlesystem or Player's Option: Combat & Tactics, they were simple and abstract enough at their core to be perfectly useful with no minis at all. Not using minis in 3.x edition seriously cripples the combat rules, making a lot of the feats, the attack of opportunity rules and other such nuances difficult, if not impossible to adjucate. I really don't mind the added complexity, but the core system should be simple enough for someone like me, who doesn't like using minis in every game (I only break them out for the "big" fights with important monsters or NPCs) to use without ruining aspects of the game. |
#41samwiseOct 25, 2003 21:49:12 | I agree Rich. It really is too bad they went from a system that worked both ways to one that requires miniatures. (Although it goes against so many miniatures traditions.) Still, I've found I can run most combats without a battle mat. It's a little harder, but all those years of making snap decisions as a DM, not to mention exercising my imagination, had made it possible to run it in my head. The main thing it requires is players willing to trust your judgement as a DM not to hose them constantly on things like AoOs. Not only that, but I find the good players actually role-play more when I do that, instead of trying to beat me at tactical maneuvering. (Which very few can do.) |
#42zombiegleemaxOct 26, 2003 16:25:18 | Originally posted by Samwise Dude, you have got issues that need resolving, this constant need to prove yourself to strangers on the net is very disturbing. ![]() |
#43chatdemonOct 26, 2003 18:20:25 | I resolved the AoO issue with a fairly simple house rule I've used for years in my 2e game. If an opponent who is directly engaged with you disengages for any reason except falling unconscious or being knocked down, you get an AoO. Works the same for PCs and NPCs and monsters. So, if you decide to switch opponents, pop a healing spell on a comrade or otherwise disengage from combat with the guy you're fighting, he's going to get an AoO on you. Switching weapons or attack forms does not necessarily equal disengaging, unless your new attack or weapon requires you to withdraw from melee range, likewise with spells. Besides making combat run a bit smoother by eliminating the complex rules for AoO in 3e, it also promotes tactics and planning a little bit since spur of the moment changes can have disastrous results. |
#44chatdemonOct 26, 2003 18:24:23 | Originally posted by StevieS I don't think he's the one with issues, he was specifically talking about players in a game, not random people on a message board. Honestly, I feel the same way about most people I play with, I've got years if not decades of experience with the game on them and can outplay them in combat 9 times out of 10. |
#45samwiseOct 26, 2003 20:26:06 | Originally posted by StevieS Only if you assume I give a fig about your opinion of me. As I don't, we see it is a simple statement of fact presented as background for how I developed my views. Is there a reason you feel so threatened by my declarations of competence? |
#46zombiegleemaxOct 26, 2003 21:09:31 | Originally posted by Samwise Seeing an egomaniac at work and pointing it out to them doesn't indicate they are feeling threatened. Your constant need to praise yourself and put yourself above others and put others down does, however, indicate just how fragile an ego you truly have. There was absolutely no need to do so in the above post. It was a redundant fact added in only to remind people how good you think you are. And as for caring, I'd wager nobody cares whether or not you think you could beat them at strategy in a mini game, or anything else for that matter. |
#47samwiseOct 26, 2003 21:13:25 | As opposed to your need to regularly harass me Delglath? |
#48chatdemonOct 26, 2003 21:23:10 | Originally posted by Delglath At least two different people in this thread have cared enough to comment on the matter.... |
#49zombiegleemaxOct 26, 2003 22:20:31 | Originally posted by Samwise I consider that a civil duty... |
#50zombiegleemaxOct 28, 2003 9:05:49 | All 4 of you remind me of 2 married couples at a swinger's party. I'm just wondering, when it's all over who is going to be going home with who at the end of the night? Abysslin |
#51zombiegleemaxOct 28, 2003 9:29:59 | Originally posted by abysslin chat and I are Montand's *****es so we go back to him. StevieS has his blow up doll of Gygax whereas Sam has no-one to play with but himself... |
#52chatdemonOct 28, 2003 11:17:48 | Originally posted by abysslin Hey, I thought I told you to wear the big boy pants when coming to play with the grown ups. |