Post/Author/DateTime | Post |
#1zombiegleemaxOct 08, 2003 10:19:11 | My players want to go to Dargaard Keep! Does anyone have a map of that place? Or suitable descriptions? Anything would help, and I'm in a bit of a hurry. PLEEEEAAAAASSSSSEEEEE! |
#2zombiegleemaxOct 08, 2003 10:39:18 | I know where you can get a map of NEDREGAARD KEEP (Lord Soth's imitation castle in Ravenloft). It can be found in the 1995 Ravenloft module When Black Roses Bloom. It's a SICK adventure and I highly recommend it to Dragonlance and Ravenloft fans alike. That was one of the first adventures I ran my current Ravenloft party through. peace, MSD |
#3cam_banksOct 08, 2003 10:43:55 | Dargaard Keep is detailed in 2 places. The Atlas of Krynn by Karen Wynne Fonstad, now sadly out of print; and the adventure by the same name in DL16 World of Krynn (which uses the maps from the Atlas). Cheers, Cam |
#4zombiegleemaxOct 08, 2003 11:01:06 | Blast.... Any chance these maps are available online? I need the maps for this weekend, and getting my hands on out-of-print material by then is slim to impossible at best. |
#5zombiegleemaxOct 08, 2003 12:50:03 | Hi DL16 is available for download from for $5 Hope that helps Simon Collins |
#6j0llyblackgiantOct 08, 2003 23:33:53 | if this setting is before WoS ending say they automaticly die if they go their because the only thing lord soth allows there are nothing so the only way to make it in is to be protected by gods them selves and not some silly cleric unless they are like lvl 15 or higher |
#7zombiegleemaxOct 09, 2003 0:24:03 | Actually we play 1 year post-WoS, and the party Half-Ogre wants to claim Dargaard Ruins as his own base for World Domination, and he claims he will clean it out and rebuild it...... So I'm kinda in the need for some simple layouts, what types of monsters he can expect etc. I could just bash him with whatever I feel like, but I'd like to stay true to the published stuff, especially with a place like Dargaard, as it is pretty much THE dungeon of All dungeons in Krynn post-WoS. |
#8plexorOct 09, 2003 8:48:28 | Yeah get DL16 from RPGNOW, 40 pages of it are about the keep, every room is indexed, it has random monsters tables and maps of all 12! levels of the keep and a map of how it looks from the outside, it is probaly going to take more then one session to make all 12 levels monster free :D |
#9zombiegleemaxOct 09, 2003 11:36:25 | It won't be easy for them either. At one point in that module, (World of Krynn, Dargaard Keep) Soth brings forth the Tarrasque itself from somewhere down in the depths of the Keep. |
#10zombiegleemaxOct 09, 2003 15:06:25 | I have a copy of World of Krynn but it's a large file so I'm not sure how I could get it to you. Let me know if you have any ideas. ![]() |
#11kalanthOct 09, 2003 15:33:22 | |
#12plexorOct 09, 2003 19:12:03 | Originally posted by vader42xx That is illegal. |
#13zombiegleemaxOct 09, 2003 22:51:48 | It's not illegal if I paid for the file. I didn't copy it myself and I don't recall hearing that I can't give something to someone if I purchase it. |
#14zombiegleemaxOct 09, 2003 23:29:48 | Originally posted by vader42xx It is illegal to send it to someone else, though. |
#15silvanthalasOct 10, 2003 8:36:08 | Originally posted by vader42xx Time to read up on some laws. It doesn't matter if you paid for the file, you can't just give it away. Or have you been living under a rock with all the discussion of mp3s out there? |
#16zombiegleemaxOct 10, 2003 9:48:57 | Actualy, he can. but only if he deletes his copy. |
#17zombiegleemaxOct 10, 2003 14:57:41 | I'm not living under a rock and I know the laws quite well in fact. Despite what "artists" would have you believe there is no such law that says you may not share such material (especially when the material in question is out of print). There IS a law saying you can not share such material for a profile...which I am not doing. In any case, I'm not here to start trouble either so I'll not mention it again. |
#18brimstoneOct 10, 2003 15:20:04 | It doesn't really matter too much though Vader...the info on Dargaard Keep in the Atlas pretty limited anyway. DL16 is really what he needs. It details ever level of the Keep. (Although I wouldn't put much stock in what it says inhabits the keep). ![]() |
#19zombiegleemaxOct 10, 2003 17:29:21 | DL16 is what I have and what I was going to send. ![]() |
#20zombiegleemaxOct 11, 2003 2:05:28 | Thanx for that link Kalanth It gave me enough to work on some floorplans myself. That pre and post cataclysm map is great. |
#21zombiegleemaxOct 11, 2003 12:35:40 | Get DL16. You'll love it. Good maps for every level. The information as far as monsters kinda of sucks as there are were creatures and drow in the castle (non DL creatures). I am in the process of converting it to 3E ( a ton of work) and going to bring it up to a level for level 15 to 18 characters probably. Thinking about making it their crowning achievement to clear out the castle. Yes as someone noted above there is no way with current 3.5 rules that a group of adventurers is going to face Lord Soth and the Tarrasque at the same time. That would be nasty enough in first edition....let alone in 3.5. Side note....are there any OFFICIAL stats listed for Lord Soth anywhere? Was just going to make him a fighter3/cleric1/KoC3/KoS3/KoR10 and then add death knight to him. CR of 25. |
#22zombiegleemaxOct 12, 2003 21:25:43 | I would say drop the rose knight levels to 4 or 5 and give him a nice chunk of Rogue knight levels. =) |
#23zombiegleemaxOct 13, 2003 15:43:04 | Well the reason I didn't go with rogue knight levels (yes I did think about it) is that Soth was a KoRose and was still a member of the order until he died. It wouldn't make sense for him to have levels of rogue knight. I'm sure the Solamnic Knights would have frowned on one of their top knights being a rogue knight. ;) |
#24zombiegleemaxOct 14, 2003 0:07:57 | I don't think you need to stay a certain amount of time in a class to be accepted as such. The change is immediate. i.e. the facts that at the end (the last days or weeks - it's been some time since I read the story) he wasn't considered a solamnic knight anymore by his ex-fellows of the knighthood is sufficient to give him the levels of rogue knight. And he certainly did not receive his divine powers anymore from Paladine and Kiri-Jolith... Also, I'm not sure about prestige classes, but maybe you could exchange his levels of solamnic knight (or only Rose knight levels?) for rogue knight levels in the same manner as high-levels blackguards and former paladins? |
#25wolffenjugend_dupOct 17, 2003 10:45:05 | The tarrasque isn't in the lower levels (IIRC), it's in one of the uppermost towers of all places! Don't even ask how Soth got it there... |
#26kalanthOct 17, 2003 10:54:20 | Originally posted by Eylwn Highmoon More than welcome. A quick search, the right key words, hey anything can be found. |
#27zombiegleemaxOct 21, 2003 4:48:34 | Hey, my cousin Strappitt copied about fifteen of my maps the last time I saw him, hmmmm, about 3 weeks ago. Does that mean I can kick his hind-quarters fifteen times next time I see him? Well, that might be a dangerous thing to do anyway. You see, he got a map from me when we were drinking out in the Astivar mountains and he thought he was heading toward Kalaman, but he ended up in Dargaard Keep. Strappitt's always been a little slow and he said he thought the office of public safety was on vacation or some such thing (gets it from my mother's side, ugh!), but anyway, he didn't say anything about a tursquad-thingy, but he does still have an awful 'Flatulence' curse that has caused him no end of trouble with the ladies, if you know what I mean. Would anyone here know how to get rid of one of those? And do I have to depleat the maps he copied? Oh, by the way, watch out for inventive curses if you go there. They got some of the WORST! Love, Haldon |
#28brimstoneOct 21, 2003 10:32:11 | Haldon... Not to be a pain in the rump or anything, but I just thought I'd tell you that posting "in character" is against the Code of Conduct for this board. The only place it isn't is in pre-designated threads and boards. |
#29zombiegleemaxOct 23, 2003 1:53:15 | I think it said no out-of-character stuff in designated in-character rooms, but it didn't say anything about in-character stuff in out-of-character rooms. Matter of fact, I don't think it said anything about designated out-of-character rooms at all. I suppose no one's safe. |
#30brimstoneOct 23, 2003 10:23:42 | The 10th "rule" on there says:Origininally posted by Code of Conduct: "IC" stands for "In Character." Just lettin' you know. ![]() |
#31zombiegleemaxOct 23, 2003 17:05:13 | Since everybody was talking about Dargaard Keep, I suppossed I would too. |
#32brimstoneOct 23, 2003 17:36:43 | Originally posted by Haldon_Branchbiter That's fine...but IC stuff can get annoying really quick. Which is why it's against the COC. ![]() |