Biggest Changes



Oct 15, 2003 2:14:36
I used the Greyhawk gazetter that came out before the Living Greyhawk supplement.
I don't see the big deal with gnomes, they were present with the old Gary Gygax Grewhawk and its not like they caused the fall of Iuz or the strange magical warp of the Rauxes. (unless I'm really missing something here), so I use them.
I use a standard of Prc, but really use the Prc Class fitting for Greyhawk.
IMC, it is 590 CY, 8-9 years depending who you ask after the greyhawk wars. Things are quiet, but there are subtle forces on the move again. I concentrated on one country and built the rest of the campaign around it-Celene. Queen Yolande has isolated the country except few diplomats causing much political intrigue with her neighbors and the Knights of Luna. Parties of adventures are detained as they try to use Celene as staging or cover points to put down the Slavers. Although, this is a good sign that the world as a whole wants to keep evil at bay, Yolande is not giving in to what she claims "using her country and people".
Naturally, high diplomats try to intervene for their countries greatest heros, only to find a definate no and leaving with elven force at their backs with their heros escorted a few days later.
Recently, an ancient race has been discovered on the borders of Celene, an sentient gorilla race living in the Gnarley Forest. Yolande is quick to claim the gorillas as Celene property and even has them moved from their homes to more suitable homes closer to Celene borders. She gives most of them diplomatic immunity which the gorillas take pure advantage of. This of course leads to hostilties from the elves and goriillas each and every day. Prophercies warn of Gronga's return. A 40 foot gorilla deity that upon his return will slaughter any non-gorilla around.

Take this that persons from all over Greyhawk are flocking to see this ancient race, against the queens wishes and rules, the prophercies are getting truer, adventures and sightseers getting detained more, elves starting to speak out against their queen, nations pressing for her to open her gates (Celene didnt suffer the land destruction of other nations and managed to keep imports and exports going) and summeer is approaching where once again the humanoids will use the Gnarley to move massive forces to find mischeif in the empire of Iuz and surrounding territory and suddenly the elven nation becomes looks at with more perception then any other.