Looking for Fantasy Fonts



Oct 23, 2003 21:22:30
I'm looking for some fonts, specifically the requiem-diesirae11 used in the headers for the Dragonlance material but I can't find it ANYWHERE... free or payed I can't find it.

Any ideas on a replacement for it? Or where I might find other nifty fonts for Fatasy products or the fonts TSR uses.




Oct 24, 2003 11:59:08
I had the same problem when I was trying to recreate the Moon Tracking Chart from the DLCS. http://www.geocities.com/rgfdfaq/tsrfonts.html has a list of fonts TSR and WOTC have used up to 3rd edition. It doesn't mention the DLCS but the font you are looking for is Mason, specifically Mason Serif. It costs about $40, and http://www.myfonts.com/fonts/emigre/mason/ has a handy font test feature where you can type in text and it will show you that text in whichever font you choose.