Nightmare Lands



Nov 04, 2003 19:52:53
I was just wondering if anyone has every done any good adventures in the nightmare lands or including the nightmare lands aside from the original one included in the box set.


Nov 05, 2003 10:23:00
Yes, I ran a very evil adventure in the Nightmare Lands way back when. It was back before native player characters were really a thing, so my heros did kind of want to get home. I ran the adventure in the Nightmare Lands box, and about a year later IC my characters found out that they could have escaped the mists through the dreamscape. So they spent a long time getting back to the nightmare lands, had to roleplay a dance recital and a stange religous communion, and finally convince the Leader of the court to try to gak them alla dreamscape. In the end of course they failed and were trapped in a darklords dreams until they escaped.

I forget most of the details, it was a long time ago but I'll find them if your interested.



Nov 05, 2003 14:42:43
i would definately be interested if it isn't much trouble. no point and digging up hard to find stuff just for my amusment but i would appreciate it all the same.
