Jander's Realms re-release



Nov 05, 2003 23:13:16
Wizards has just released "The Best of The Realms" anthology, including one Jander story:


I saw it at the bookstore today, they have taken the "Best" stories from the various Forgotten Realms Anthology Series and reprinted them in this new book. From "Realms of Infamy" was selected Christie Golden's "Blood Sport", a short story featuring Jander Sundstar and his encounter with the assassin "The Shark" prior to his arrival in Ravenloft. It has a new preface by Ms. Golden, and mentions his origin in "Vampire of the Mists" (although the Ravenloft name is never used that I saw), and mentions the two other Realms Anthology stories that he appears in.
I re-read the story tonight in my old Realms of Infamy book; it's a quick insight into the character of Jander. I don't know if I would buy this new book just for the dozen or so pages on Jander, but it might be worthwhile to some (closest thing to a Ravenloft novel currently!).
Reading it again tonight, I had a completely new picture of "The Shark", based on her real name, 'Shakira'. ;)


Nov 07, 2003 9:26:41
Wouldn't it be neat if they printed something along the lines of "The Best of the Demiplane of Dread"? With all the best stories from Ravenloft line of novels... Ah, well, I can dream...


Nov 07, 2003 10:07:37
Well, there was the "Tales of Ravenloft" short story anthology. What would be great is if White Wolf / Arthaus would / could make a "More Tales" book. They have done it for the other series in their portfolio; Vampire, Werewolf, Demon, Scarred Lands, etc.
I realize there is a big difference in the customer base & distribution models between people who buy gaming products and who buys paperback novels, but I'm hoping that whatever success Ravenloft has brought in 3rd edition will encourage the dark-powers-that-be to take a gamble on novels and /or adventures.
Hey, the Tarokka deck was a gamble; let's hope that sells well enough that other game-related products will be coming.


Nov 07, 2003 11:07:49
Originally posted by Catman Jim
Well, there was the "Tales of Ravenloft" short story anthology. What would be great is if White Wolf / Arthaus would / could make a "More Tales" book. They have done it for the other series in their portfolio; Vampire, Werewolf, Demon, Scarred Lands, etc.
I realize there is a big difference in the customer base & distribution models between people who buy gaming products and who buys paperback novels, but I'm hoping that whatever success Ravenloft has brought in 3rd edition will encourage the dark-powers-that-be to take a gamble on novels and /or adventures.
Hey, the Tarokka deck was a gamble; let's hope that sells well enough that other game-related products will be coming.

Well, stranger things has happened. Like Masque returning to 3E! :D So, let's cross our fingers...


Nov 07, 2003 15:47:03
Truth be told, I'd probably be more interested in another short-story anthology than a line of novels. The two novels I've read so far (Heart of Midnight, Mordenheim) were... okay.


Nov 07, 2003 22:17:20
Originally posted by Brandi
Truth be told, I'd probably be more interested in another short-story anthology than a line of novels. The two novels I've read so far (Heart of Midnight, Mordenheim) were... okay.

Try the I strahd Series of Ravenloft, Golden is good but P.N Elrod makes in my view the best Strahd novels, Try to get the Origianal I Strahd it has a few good gothic pictures, The Wizard/Hasbro reprint hasn't.

Scholar of Deacay is also a must, the rarest I think is King of the dead (witch luckly I own)