Post/Author/DateTime | Post |
#1zombiegleemaxNov 08, 2003 15:47:43 | There's one other mention of Genasi on the boards (just a mention) and one thread on half-breed chars, so decided to open a genasi-focused thread. They could work in the Dark Sun paradigm, especially with the strong cosmological and divine connection to the Elemental planes. Could most likely take them almost whole cloth from theForgotten Realms and Planescape 3e rules. Of course, they'd be much more subtle than those shown in Races of Faerun They would be extremely rare, maybe even limited to NPCs. Anyone displaying such obvious "elemental stigmata" would be considered touched by the Powers governing Athas (sorry, massive PS player). Would easily fit into the cleric class. Any race with and ECL would be potentially unbalancing for the already relative high power of Athas, but a solid RPer could probably pull it off without too much damage. |
#2zombiegleemaxNov 10, 2003 7:19:45 | Also good to employ the element and half-elemental template form Manual of the Planes. Easier than the Genasi. |
#3xlorepdarkhelm_dupNov 11, 2003 23:46:30 | Actually, there's someone who has been developing an entire society of Genasi for Athas. I've seen him mention it once or twice on the boards. I don't remember who, or where on Athas, but it's something out in the Sea of Silt, if I recall. |
#4PennarinNov 12, 2003 1:05:41 | Originally posted by xlorepdarkhelm It's Afghan's Broken Logic web site, the part on the Silt Archipelago. For Forgotten Realms Genasi are humanoids planetouched by elemental beings. But in the Dark Sun 2nd edition design there was no such beings. Instead, there can be found in the DS MC II an entry on a group of beings called Ruvoka. They are also described in Planescape MC III, where there origin is also explained. Afghan, for an unknown reason, as called them Ukoven. Perhaps they're not the same. Juge for yourself or ask him. Also, if the old DSboard comes finally come back online, you can make a search for 'Ruvoka' and you'll find the exact same tread you've started, but in its run-down phase. That subject as already been discussed and opinions offered. On my part I'll try to get some info about the site's shut-down from WizO Paradox... |
#5KamelionNov 12, 2003 1:40:58 | Afghan, for an unknown reason, as called them Ukoven. Perhaps they're not the same. Juge for yourself or ask him. Afghan called them ukoven because that's the race he was developing, not the ruvoka. The ukoven appear in the 2nd DS boxed set, under the descriptions of the Silt Archipelago and the settlement of Euripis. There is still some debate as to whether the ukoven from the DS2e boxed set are the same as the ruvoka from the DS MC2 and they may very well be different (yet similar beings). |
#6PennarinNov 12, 2003 2:16:17 | My mistake. You're quite right. :embarrass I usually re-read my earlier posts before making statements like these but they're currently on the old DSboard. This could give the possibility of two genasi-type beings on Athas, aldo it seems like overkill. Since no stats were offered for the Ukoven, they could be made into the Ruvoka, who have one line of descriptive text in the Habitat/Society section: ''Ruvoka are extremely secretive and little is known about their homes''. |
#7KamelionNov 12, 2003 5:02:07 | I've been trying to get at the old boards too to check up on old posts. Ho hum.... ![]() Since no stats were offered for the Ukoven, they could be made into the Ruvoka, who have one line of descriptive text in the Habitat/Society section: ''Ruvoka are extremely secretive and little is known about their homes''. It is something of an open invitation, that line, huh? Have to dig out my PS stuff as well and see what it says in there. Been a while since I looked at that stuff. MC3, huh? OK... |
#8zombiegleemaxNov 15, 2003 3:21:16 | Genasi, as presented in the Planescape setting, always seemed a bit more in the realm of fae and faeries. Great for the PS setting, not quite what I would want for my DS campaign. Mechanically they could port over with no problems at all. Thematically though, I think they lack the grit of DS. The Ruvoka, while interesting, where so underdeveloped as to be simply a set of stats. They are not mentioned as being elemental beings and not half elemental at all (though they have humanoid characteristics). I guess it would depend on your own view of Athas, and how much developement you wish to give the elemental planes (a project that I would love to see someone undertake). |
#9zombiegleemaxNov 15, 2003 11:39:47 | What I'm seeing is something more along the lines of a mutation than the elemental changeling presented in PS. It's my interpretation that Athas is more closely linked to the elemental planes than most other prime worlds. Could still incorporate aspects of real "old world" superstition. Perhaps a dust storm was raging outside when the child was concieved, "seeding" him with a piece of the Earth, Air, or even Dust. A mother from the Tables drinks from an oasis particularly close to Water. As I said previously, the influence of the planes would be a lot more subtle on Athas. At least, it would be less noticable since humans tend not to be as homogenous as on other worlds. Of course, I use humans only for the sake of ease; I'm still open to the idea of genasi as templates. I'm not really sure how that would work for balance until I get some examples statted out. |
#10KamelionNov 16, 2003 9:30:13 | Looking again at the ruvoka in PS MC3 - we have race that started out by an athasian druid visiting the elemental planes and becoming transformed. It says that others have since followed in his path and presumably the race sprang from unions between these figures. Otherwise they're a bit more like a template. Hmmm.... Whatever the case, they certainly seem different from the ukoven, whose nature is tied to the springs of Euripis. Unless the ukoven are the offspring of the original ruvoka and need the springs of Euripis to survive.... Knew I should have stayed out of this one ;) |
#11PennarinNov 16, 2003 11:29:51 | I think we should look at the Ruvoka this way: they are to the elements what the pyreen are to nature. The ukoven might be nothing more than a clan of ruvoka that has decided to permanently return to athas and who must return periodically to elemental pools to stay alive, since they're no longer on the elemental planes. That would fit perfectly. ![]() |
#12zombiegleemaxNov 26, 2003 7:08:35 | Gotta re-read all my DS material again... I could swear never I've never heard of these two before... ukoven, ruvoka.... dizzy, dizzy.... |
#13flipNov 26, 2003 8:53:32 | Originally posted by FabrÃcio Madruga Lopes Check the MCs ... |
#14zombiegleemaxNov 26, 2003 11:09:21 | That's why I suggested to use the elemental and half-elemental templates from Manual of the Planes. It is balanced mechanicwise, flavourwise fits in, and you can make any background to it. Keep your elemental fairies and changelings away from Athas, please! ![]() Not to mention DS2 Computer Game, which was full with all type of genies. Oh my, just because the setting is desert we don't need any type of genies dumped in! Athas has it's unique flavour, where genies are not fitting. It's not Al-Quadim, for Christ's sake! :headexplo |
#15zombiegleemaxNov 26, 2003 12:17:50 | Ravager had lots of Genies? THought there was only the one tribe of Janni in number two Though there is a single Djinn in a bottle in Shattered Lands. I'll agree that I like the more rugged and half templates than the genasi for Darksun though. Side note, anyone know of a good place to grab Ravager? I know the DarkSun online has it, but the game is always glitched when I DL from there (When I try to enter any underground area, IE mines, or Sarrows. I enter the first area, when I try to move to the next area, I reapear at the origina entrance to the first area, IE I can't beat the game because getting down to the Hammer of Promere is impossible.) |
#16zombiegleemaxNov 26, 2003 17:50:05 | Keep your elemental fairies and changelings away from Athas, please! Vistanni, Athasian changelings (in the medival sense, not the doppleganger sense). |
#17zombiegleemaxNov 27, 2003 16:01:25 | Originally posted by Mach2.5 Oh my, Mach, don't top it on even more... :D |
#18nytcrawlrDec 01, 2003 14:09:34 | I've always thought that the genasi should have been in Athas from the begining. What is presented in MoF and FRCS to me doesn't seem like faeries, and if it does to you then change that aspect of it, shouldn't be that hard. The half elemental and elemental templates or whatever work too, but I much prefer the actual race of Genasi then more templates, course one could allow both. There are even more examples of Genasi in an older issue of Dragon, not sure what the number was, but it had some of the paraelemental versions in it. |
#19zombiegleemaxDec 01, 2003 15:59:11 | I've always thought that the genasi should have been in Athas from the begining I agree with you there. Just didn't like the fae-like aspects, but perhaps that's just my own perception. Of course, you couls easily toss in other elemental or pseudo elemental style races into the mix as well, like my favs: mephits. |
#20korimyr_the_ratDec 01, 2003 19:50:20 | On Athas, all Genasi should have FC: Cleric of their respective element. |
#21xlorepdarkhelm_dupDec 01, 2003 23:32:11 | Totally agree on that. Favored class should be a cleric of the respective element. Athasian Genasi would be cool, possibly something along the lines of people being "touched" by the planes - maybe make them more along the lines of a template that can be applied to any of the races - a mutation that basically is the elemental planes forcing their hand a bit, and trying to make their respective elements more prominent across Athas. Rather than being a separate race, y'know? Would fit into Athas a bit more I'd think - with people touched by the elemental planes of all races popping up across the world, rather than interbreeding with genies or other faerie-esque elemental beings that don't seem to match up with Athas as well. Then again, I'm rambling.... |
#22zombiegleemaxDec 02, 2003 1:23:18 | I'd rather see it in two options myself. The first being the half-elemental template while the second being an actual humanoid native of the respective plane. |