Pro-Active Sects



Nov 14, 2003 4:53:43
Just some ideas I came up with amidst arguing on the boards...

The Keepers of Balance: Organization that seeks to maintain The Balance in the multiverse, often allying with the Rilmani, but willing to work with any group or individual that serves the balance.

The Plane Movers: This group strives to perfect the way that planar layers and locations are moved through belief, for a variety of reasons. Some want to use this to keep the status quo, some to make a new form of mass transportation, and some to change the power balance between planes.

The Endless Justice: A group who fight for the ‘rights’ of the planes and their inhabitants to freedom within their own borders, and from being taken to others planes. While most protectorate organizations tend to focus on the planes of Good, the Endless Justice venture surprisingly close to the lower planes (though they rarely risk going there; justice is blind, not stupid), protecting their status quo or the rights of individuals. They commonly help in such matters as trying to keep border towns in place, and keeping invading species or cultures from damaging others (such as keeping the formians from taking over Mechanus, or keeping the tanar‘ri from stealing the ghereleths from Apomps).


Nov 14, 2003 7:44:01
Originally posted by Incenjucar
(such as keeping the formians from taking over Mechanus, or keeping the tanar‘ri from stealing the ghereleths from Apomps).

*grins* I'm sure Apomps finds this amusing just before, during, and after he incinerates those Tanar'ri :D

I'll reply in depth later, got stuff to do...


Nov 14, 2003 11:17:32
I really like the Keepers. I've always envisioned a sect that involved the Rilmani, or working with the Rilmani in some fashion.

The Endless seem to be some sort of Harmonium offshoot. Maybe their origins lay within the Harmonium and they decided to take a bit of a different route?


Nov 14, 2003 13:03:38
I envision the Endless as something between Harmonium (You WILL do what we think is right!) and the Indeps (You WILL leave people the heck alone!).

They combine justice and freedom with keeping the status quo.

If the tanar'ri start taking up too much space in Limbo, the Endless come to kick them out. If the Celestials start work on building a prison facility in Carceri, the Endless kick them out. If someone starts desecrating the Hill of Bones, the Endless hunt them down, and take the bones back to the Hill. If the Rilmani start poking around Elysium uninvited, the Endless push them back towards the Spire, If the Harmonium start causing another planar layer to teeter, they show up and tell them to shove off, etc etc etc.

The more lawful members will tend to focus on "Don't let things change", and the more chaotic members will focus on "Don't let these guys force their will on those guys". The good do it because "This way, everyone is happy, and all is well", and the evil do it because "I like things the way they are, and I'll kill anyone who tries to change it.", etc etc etc.

What gets interesting is that they'll protect fiends from celestials as often as the other way around, or even fiends from fiends, all depending on the situation.