Zol Darklock? in greyhawk



Nov 20, 2003 3:10:01
anybody have info on a Shade Prince named Zol Darklock

I believe he was a noble during the Rain of Colorless Fire and had witnessed and survivied the event and actually was a friend to the one who unleased that destruction on greyhawk

he also may have wielded a londsword +5 that drained strenght points permanetly with each hit and no save was allowed

he was a high level wizard/fighter/thief probalbly

any officialinfo are unofficial rumors would be appreciated


Nov 20, 2003 4:50:27
Shylo Slick---

Zol doesn't appear in Jason Zavoda's index, so you'll have to hope for someone to recognize his name. Was he originally in a GH/Ravenloft crossover??


Nov 20, 2003 8:38:57
I believe this to be in reference to a certain character that appears in WG7 Greyhawk Castle. Many hawkers would be very wary of accepting anything from that product into their campaigns.