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#1zombiegleemaxNov 23, 2003 4:48:49 | El Koth Large Aberration Hit Dice: 11d8+44 (93 hp) Initiative: +3 (+3 Dex) Speed: 40 ft., fly 20 ft. (clumsy), burrow 20 ft. Armor Class: 19 (-1 size, +3 Dex, +7 natural), touch 12, flat-footed 16 Base Attack/Grapple: +8/+18 Attack: 2 scythe claws +15 melee (2d6 + 8); 4 tentacle hands +11 melee (grapple only) Full Attack: 2 scythe claw +15 melee (2d6 + 8) and 4 tentacle hands +11 melee (grapple only) Space/Reach: 10 ft./10 ft. Special Attacks: Improved grab, psionics, acidic bite, blood drain, poison sting, spell-like abilities, acidic blood Special Qualities: DR 10/magic, darkvision 60ft., regeneration 5, blindsight, tremorsense, acid immunity, terrible claws, daylight vulnerability Saves: Fort +7, Ref +6, Will +11 Abilities: Str 23, Dex 16, Con 19, Int 22, Wis 19, Cha 18 Skills: Hide +6, Intimidate +14, Knowledge (arcana) +16, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +16, Knowledge (local) +16, Knowledge (religion) +16, Knowledge (the planes) +16, Listen +19, Search +21, Spot +19 Feats: Cleave, Flyby Attack, Hover, Multiattack(B), Power Attack, Weapon focus: scythe claws(B) Climate/Terrain: Any underground (Hazlan) Organization: Solitary, or Cabal (2-5) Challenge Rating: 20 Treasure: Double Standard Alignment: Always neutral evil Advancement: 12-22 HD (Large); 23-33 HD (Huge) An insectile horror steps into the torch light. Armored in black chitin, it glides on four heavy spider legs. Six arms fan outward, rising as if to embrace you and two end in long blades like a nightmare mantis. A maw with dozens of long teeth and glittering eyes crown the creature and hidden wings unfold from its back as a nightmare drone begins... Millenia ago, the El Koth dwelt in what is now Hazlan, having come from across the stars and beyond the planes. Their empire here flourished for centuries, before falling and dieing of unknown causes. Today, nothing remains save artifacts such as the Lodestone of Toyalis and the bones and shells of the El Koth. The El Koth are hulking alien insectoids spawned from biologies unknown to this world. Two of the primary features of El Koth physiology is their possession of both endo- and exo-skeletons and the fact that each El Koth possesses three brains. El Koth have a generally tauric build, walking on four heavy spider-like legs, with a blunt, heavy stinger-bearing abdomen at the rear. The torso is massive, with a heavily hunched-back. Three nodules rise in a triangular arrangement from the rear of this hump; each is composed of a transparent green glass-like substance though which the El Koth's triple brains can be seen. (Each nodule has a hardness of 40 and 150 hp.) The El Koth's brain nodules glow a vile green (at about the intensity of faerie fire), but the creature can suppress this effect at will. The El Koth's head protrudes directly from its torso slightly below it's shoulders, though it is little more than a spike-filled maw surrounded by a jumble of fangs, mandibles, and rasping plates beneath twelve compound eyes arranged in a rectangle four eyes across and three eyes per column. The four pairs of limbs grace the El Koth's torso. At the shoulders the largest of the limbs is found - a pair of mantis-like limbs bearing scythe-shaped claws of unnatural power. Below these claws one finds four shorter arms, design from grasping and fine manipulation. Unlike the chitinous hands of most insectile creatures, the hands of the El Koth are mollusk-like, strongly resembling primative shelled squid or nautilii. Each tentacle hand is pale white and has ten tentacles with extremely strong gripping suckers, a pair of beady black eyes, and a lamprey-like sucker mouth used to drain blood from gripped prey. A final set of limbs found at the mid-back, under the brain nodules, are normally folded up and hidden. Unfurled, these limbs resemble insectile versions of human arms, with the hands replaced with the membranous wings of a giant insect. When not in use, these wing membranes retract into the wing arms for protection. At the crown of an El Koth's back is a knot of antennae. Two long whip-like antennae probe the surroundings in front of the El Koth. Four large feather-like antennae, two facing foreward and two facing back, complete the nest of sensory organs. The entire body of an El Koth is encased in thick exo-skeleton of black chitin. This shell is hairless, save for the thick, sparse, wire-like barbed hairs which serve as sensory organ for the El Koth's tremorsense. El Koth fly poorly and can not reach altitudes above 60 ft. Airborne, they resemble nothing so much as a heavy beetle in flight. Of course, with the El Koth being a dead race from Hazlan's false history, who's to say that the El Koth ever really existed a more that bones and shells to begin with? Combat El Koth have a wide array of abilities they can make use of in combat. Most El Koth prefer to use psionics and spell-like abilities to subdue and capture opponents so that they may later be "made one." Obviously hostile forces or escaped prisoners are torn apart with the El Koth's scythe claws or drained of blood and eaten. Most El Koth prefer to be accompanied by at least one partially converted thrall, monster, or bio-sculpted servant. Many El Koth gain levels as psions, sorcerers, and wizards. A few are clerics to nightmare gods inimical to human life and sanity. Special Attacks Improved Grab (Ex): If an El Koth hits an opponent of size category Medium or smaller with a tentacle hand, it starts a grapple as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity. No initial touch attack is required. The El Koth has the option to conduct the grapple normally, or simply use the part of its body it used in the improved grab to hold the opponent. If it chooses to do the latter, the El Koth takes a –20 penalty on grapple checks, but is not considered grappled itself; the El Koth does not lose its Dexterity bonus to AC, still threatens an area, and can use its remaining attacks against other opponents. Psionics (Sp): At will - detect psionics, demoralize, destiny dissonance, matter agitation, dissipating touch, spider climb, charm person, recall pain, ectoplasmic cocoon, body equilibrium, chameleon, painful touch, brain lock, detect thoughts, inflict pain, suggestion; 3/day - charm monster, lesser domination. These abilities are as the powers manifested by a 10th-level psion. Attack/Defense Modes (Sp): At will - all/all. Spells-like Abilities (Sp): At will - acid splash, detect magic, read magic, comprehend languages, cause fear, Melf's acid arrow, touch of idiocy, darkness, scare, tongues, web; 3/day - charm monster, fear, summon monster V; 1/day - acid fog. These abilities are as the spells cast by a 13th-level sorcerer (save DC 14 + spell level). Acidic Bite (Ex): One round after succesfully grappling an opponent, an El Koth may use its bite attack. As the El Koth's saliva is highly acidic, an additional 1d4 acid damage is inflicted. (Bite +11 melee (vs. grappled opponent only) 1d8 + 1d4 acid.) Blood Drain (Ex): One round after successfully grappling an opponent, an El Koth may choose to bite with the lamprey-like mouths of its tentacle hands. Each hand currently engaging in grappling an opponent inflicts 1 point of temporary Constitution damage per round. Poison Sting (Ex): El Koth possess a poison-laden stinger, but its placement is such that it rarely comes into use. Only during a flyby attack (see feats) can an El Koth bring its stinger to bear. When used, the stinger does 1d4 damage and injects a poison doing 1d6 initial and secondary damage (DC 18). Acidic blood (Ex): Anyone dealing sufficient slashing or piercing damage to an El Koth to overcome its damage reduction must make a Reflex save or take 1d4 acid damage as the El Koth's acidic blood spurts from the wound. Special Qualities Regeneration (Ex): An El Koth takes normal damage from fire and magic weapons. El Koth can regrow lost portions of their bodies, but they can not reattach severed limbs or body parts. Acid immunity (Ex): El Koth are completely immune to damage from acid. Additionally, El Koth can breathe acid as though it were air. Blindsight (Ex): An El Koth's sensative antennae grant it blindsight. Destroying the creature's antennae disables its blindsight, though it can still see normally. (The reverse is also true, obviously - if an El Koth's eyes are destroyed, it may still use its blindsight.) Tremorsense (Ex): El koth can automatically sense the location of anything within 60 feet that is in contact with the ground. Terrible Claws (Su): The scythe claws of an El Koth acts for most purposes as +2 magic weapons (this is reflected in the stats above). They count as both natural weapons and melee weapons for the purposes of spell-casting (i.e. they can be affected by both magic fang and keen edge, for instance). Some El Koth who have gained levels as psionicists or spell-casters have under gone rituals embuing their scythe claws with magic weapon enchantments such as the ghost touch, keen, or flaming special qualities. Daylight vulnerability (Ex): Daylight is anethema to the El Koth. Abrupt exposure to bright light (such as sunlight or a daylight spell) blinds El Koth for 1 round. It is subsequently disoriented and can only take a single move or attack action each round. El Koth suffer a -1 circumstance penalty to their attack rolls, saves, and check during exposure. Finally, actual sunlight (not a daylight spell) causes El Koth to lose their regeneration special quality and deals 10 points of damage each round (this damage by passes El Koth damage reduction). Society The El Koth's thoughts and motives are alien to nearly all forms life and it is speculated that they may once have been native to the Far Realms. What is known is that they wish to convert all life into more El Koth. Those who have survived contact with the El Koth and remained sane and human claim that these alien insects view their work as "uplifting" or "blessing" lesser beings, saving them from "one-mindness," "unreal-creatureness," and "lesserbeingstate." The El Koth use alien artifacts to tranform humans and others into the El Koth's alien mental and biological state. El Koth cities have populations of perhaps 200 of the aberations and twice as many bio-sculpted servants and controlled monsters. Sentient beings equal to a third of the city's population are held as captives in various states of El Koth conversion. Areas the El Koth consider private or off-limits to non-El Koth are typically submurged under pools of acid and stocked with tool and effects crafted of strange acid-proof materials. Perhaps due to this apparent desire to have all life "become as one" with them, the El Koth breed or create servant creatures via a psiono-magical art the refer to as "bio-sculpting." Such creatures are rarely without defenses. Many share the El Koth's immunity to acids. It is possible that further El Koth artifacts are buried beneath Hazlan; if so, the El Koth may rise again. -- So, what do you think? Chris Nichols |
#2zombiegleemaxNov 23, 2003 5:32:01 | Here's a variation that players are a *bit* more likely to encounter. El Koth Skeleton Large Undead Hit Dice: 11d12 (71 hp) Initiative: +8 (+4 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative) Speed: 40 ft., burrow 20 ft. Armor Class: 15 (-1 size, +4 Dex, +2 natural), touch 13, flat-footed 11 Base Attack/Grapple: +5/+15 Attack: 2 scythe claws +10 melee (2d6 + 6); bite +5 melee (1d8) Full Attack: 2 scythe claw +10 melee (2d6 + 6) and bite +5 melee (1d8) Space/Reach: 10 ft./10 ft. Special Attacks: None Special Qualities: DR 5/bludgeoning, acid immunity, cold immunity Saves: Fort +3, Ref +7, Will +7 Abilities: Str 23, Dex 18, Con -, Int -, Wis 11, Cha 1 Skills: N/A Feats: Improved Initiative Climate/Terrain: Any land or underground (Hazlan) Organization: Any Challenge Rating: 5 Treasure: None Alignment: Always neutral evil Advancement: 12-22 HD (Large); 23-33 HD (Huge) The white-bleached shell of a massive insect lurches into view. Through holes in the tattered chitin, you can see another set of bones within. El Koth skeletons are sometimes raised from deep ruins by arrogant necromancers in Hazlan. The exo-skeletons of these aberations resists decay surprisingly well, and even if it succombs to age, the endo-skeleton within is as resiliant as any other bone. Interestingly, El Koth skeletons are difficult to maintain control of. For each week which passes after an El Koth skeleton is raised, there is a cumulative 5% chance that the skeleton slips free of its master's control, becoming a free-willed undead (up to a maximum chance of 50%; should the animator succeed in retaining control of the skeleton through this time, the El Koth skeleton calms and no further checks are required). Due to the fact that an El Koth's tentacle hands have no bone structure and rot away after death, an El Koth skeleton can not grapple its opponents. Combat Like all skeletons, El Koth skeletons lurch into combat at their animator's command. Free-willed El Koth skeletons either attempt to destroy their masters or disappear into deep ruins, perhaps trying to return to the ancient underground cities and lairs they kept in life. Special Qualities Acid immunity (Ex): El Koth are completely immune to damage from acid and retain this quality in death. Cold immunity (Ex): Skeletons are immune to damage from cold. Damage reduction 5/bludgeoning (Ex): Skeletons lack flesh or internal organs. -- And there you go. Chris Nichols |
#3zombiegleemaxNov 23, 2003 7:22:58 | Cool! Being a fan of your ancient races of Hazlan I'm curious if you do have stats for the other races as well? You told us that your El'koth looks different from the pic I drew. What do the other races look like? Did i get the Yath/ dwarflike, Quel'shar/ elflike right? Midir |
#4zombiegleemaxNov 23, 2003 7:26:46 | Hail Mr Chris Nichols Fantastic! Thanks very much! |
#5keg_of_aleNov 23, 2003 9:52:40 | Originally posted by CNichols Partial actions don't exist in 3.5 Other than that, splendid. Especially liked the "being as one" part. I feel it might be greatly inspired by CoC, but a small cross-over can't hurt. Tell me, why didn't this appear in the Gaz1? |
#6zombiegleemaxNov 23, 2003 10:06:29 | Is this closer to your El'koth Design?;page=6 |
#7zombiegleemaxNov 23, 2003 13:58:15 | Really nice one. It has a certain CoC feel to it, but only in its essence. The description made the El Koth feel truly alien. And I liked the picture too. Both have found a new home in my RL folder ![]() Who knows, maybe my group will find a way to the creature? I could start with some dreams... ![]() |
#8b4realNov 23, 2003 14:12:48 | Originally posted by Keg of Ale I know this is off topic but partial actions have been taken away in v3.5? I have the v3.5 core rulebooks. Did they just do away with them all together or did they make up some other action to replace the partials? ~B4Real |
#9keg_of_aleNov 23, 2003 15:18:17 | Originally posted by B4Real Quick answer: In 3.5, a simple action doesn't include movement like it did in 3.0. In 3.5, in a round, you can do either a simple action and a move-equivalent action (move and attack), two move-equivalent actions (move twice) or one full-round action. |
#10zombiegleemaxNov 28, 2003 8:17:45 | Originally posted by The Midir Um.... kinda sorta. Here's the breakdown. Vossath Nor were just humans. Duruun were barbaric half-orcs or orcs. Quelshar were elves with grey (fraal)-like traits originally. I like your Quelshar enough to switch them to fey'ri with fraal traits. Yath are based on the 'Worms of the Earth' from Robert E. Howard's Bran Mak Morn stories. Think of a cross between gnomes or halfings with kobolds and then mix in some yuan-ti traits (particularly a thick snake tail). Then sort of make them warped and twisty looking, like a badly done clay sculpture. And El Koth are big menacing insect things. Of course, you don't have to stick with *my* descriptions. If y'all have versions you like better, go nuts and use them. Also, the precursor races I mentioned in Gaz. 1 don't have to be the only things buried under Hazlan. The Dark Powers move in mysterious ways. Chris Nichols |
#11zombiegleemaxNov 28, 2003 8:30:16 | Originally posted by Keg of Ale The partial action error is now fixed (see above). Thanks for pointing that out. The El Koth plays with the "alien elder race" trope, something common to the Cthulhu Mythos. However, D&D uses the some theme with illithids, beholders and several other species. I intended Hazlan to reflect some of the themes of Robert E. Howard and Clark Ashton Smith though (instead of Lovecraft). (Edit) As to why the El Koth didn't appear in Gaz. 1? Well, primarily they were a one line background element. I had a few ideas about them in my notes, but there was other things that needed to get into the Gaz. first. (And a lot of stuff was left out for space reasons - not enough pages for all the material written. A few of these appeared in the Gaz. 1 web enhancement, but many pieces from Gaz. 1 haven't been recovered from the cutting room floor.) Chris Nichols |
#12zombiegleemaxNov 28, 2003 8:59:18 | Originally posted by The Midir Quite a bit! I'd make the following changes though... - Make the abdomen two-thirds to three-fourths smaller. - Fuse the part the legs are attached to and the abdomen. - Make the legs thicker and make the ends smooth and blunt. - Bulk up the torso, especially in the back and at the shoulders. It should look almost top heavy. - Move the brain nodules back, more onto the shoulders, and arrange them in a triangle, two on top and one below. - Bulk up the claw arms and make the scythe claw smooth (like a real scythe) instead of jagged. - Make the grasping arms thicker and remove the hand segment. The tentacle hands should protrude directly from the fore-arm. - The tentacles sprout from a head-like nob which houses the eyes. Make sure the eyes show. Use these illustrations of primative shelled cephalopods as guides. - Make the long antennae longer, to the point where they're almost touching the ground. - The mouth should look spikier, more toothy. It's really just minor tweaks. The current version is *very* close. Chris Nichols |
#13zombiegleemaxDec 01, 2003 14:11:34 | Thanks for the info. I'll try to find some time to adjust my drawings to your descriptions. X-mas-time is a quite busy time for goldsmiths-to-be. Midir |
#14b4realDec 01, 2003 14:27:07 | Did you guys make this up or is this something from the DoD book that you tweaked a bit? ~B4Real |
#15zombiegleemaxDec 01, 2003 14:52:46 | Actually, it's based on a hint from Gazetteer 1. A very, very COOL hint. |
#16b4realDec 01, 2003 14:56:37 | Originally posted by Cole Deschain What is the hint? Heck I am lost. Are they official or no? If they are not official then my UNOFFICIAL CREATIONS board could use such an addition. ~B4Real |
#17zombiegleemaxDec 01, 2003 15:30:04 | Originally posted by CNichols You're not really the quiet one any more, are you? ![]() |
#18b4realDec 01, 2003 15:46:16 | Originally posted by Drinnik Shoehorn LoL! That was probably in the first post too. Thanks drinnik! ~B4Real |
#19zombiegleemaxDec 01, 2003 16:03:52 | Don't follow. I was commenting on the fact Chris called himself the "quiet Kargatane." |
#20b4realDec 01, 2003 16:09:50 | Originally posted by Drinnik Shoehorn I was referring to you quoting exactly what I had asked about whether it was tweaked or not. Basically saying silly me I could have read that for myself it was right there in my face. ![]() ~B4Real |
#21zombiegleemaxDec 15, 2003 14:09:16 | My second take of the Yath race (latest pic on page):;page=6 Midir |