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#1lawNov 23, 2003 13:28:33 | ok the idea here is to list where all the gods that we can think of (out of any sorce) and powers (like orcus and such) and any domains they can give (thats the second part I can do that if need be). This way we all have a easy list to look at when we need it. (so you know this the known gods and powers since theres always more). Also some gods might have more then one place they stay at like Shar as two places she has big basses. Please tell me of other planes other then thos I have listed here if they have gods on them. Material Plane's Gods Fharlanghn, Artha, Gargauth, the Forgotten God of the Yikaria, Iuz, Four Dragon Kings, Wastri, Sardior Powers Gaea, Beory Astral Plane Gods Celestian Powers Vlaakith CLVII, the Guardian of the Dead Gods Etheral Plane Gods Ptah, Solinari, Nuitari, Lunitari, Ezra (Ravenloft), Zhakasta (Ravenloft), Sixin the Hunter, Tsolorandril, Tharizdun (demiplane of imprisonment) Powers Dark Powers (Ravenloft), Neth Plane of Shadow Gods Shar Powers unknown The Plane of Mirrors Gods unknown Powers Despair of the Endless Spirit World Gods Great Spirit, Sun, Moon, Earth, Morning Star, Wind, Fire, Thunder, Raven, Coyote, Snake, Hastseltsi, Shakak, Tobadzistsini, Obeah (god of Sesheyans) Lesser Spirits Ancestors, Bloodspirit, Bogeymen, Fenette, Fetish Spirits, Ghost Packs, Spirits of the Land, Guardian Spirits, Hero Spirits, Nemesis Spirits, Rogue Hero, Sith, Apparitions, Breathstealer, Forgotten Ancestors, Grave Sprits, Strigloi, Totem Spirit Elemental Plane of Air Gods Shu, Chao Kung Ming, Chih-Sung-Tzu, Fei Lien, Feng Po, Wen Chung, Stribog Powers Akadi (the Great Funnel), Chan, Husam al-Balil ben Nafhat al-Yugayyim, Yan-C-Bin Elemental Plane of Earth Gods Geb, Volos Powers Grumbar, Kabril Ail al-Sara al-Zalazil, Ogremoch, Sunnis Elemental Plane of Fire Gods Svarog, Svarozhich, Kaelthiere Powers Imix, Kossuth, Marrake al-Sidan al-Hariq ben Lazan, Zaaman Rul, Amaimon Elemental Plane of Water Gods Tefnut, Eadro, Persana, Blibdoolpoolp, Ahto, Osprem, Xerbo, Svantovit Powers Ben-Hadar, Istishia, Kalbari al-Durrat al-Amwaj ibn Jari, Olhydra Elemental Plane of Cold Gods Telchur, Vatun Powers Cryonax Negative Energy Plane Gods Shiva, Toldoth Powers Tenebrous Positive Energy Plane Gods Brahma, Elishar Powers unknown Dust Gods unknown Powers Alu Khan Sang Ash Gods Vecna Powers Gazra Radiance Gods Dazhbog, Rod Powers King Black, Queen White Steam Gods Mokosh Powers Unknown Mineral Gods Powers Crystalle Lightning Gods Perun Powers Unknown Ooze Gods Ghaunadaur Powers Baron Bwimb Smoke Gods Unknown Powers Ehkahk Magma Gods Joramy, Pele Powers Chilimba Elemental Plane of Wood Gods unknown Powers unknown Temporal Enegry Plane Gods Istus, Cyndor, Chronos, Xrasis, Iora Powers Unknown temporal dimensional rulers Heroic Domains of Ysgard Gods Kord, Olidammara, Branchala, Frey, Freya, Bast, Forseti, Vidar, Aegir, Odin, Thor, Sif, Baldur, Eostre, Wayland Smith, Selune, Soma, O-Kuni-Nushi, Hachiman, Sutr, Thrym, Anhur, Shou Hsing, Branchala, Valkur, Uthgar, Karttikeya, Shaundakul, Amon, Amaunet, Heh, Hehet, Kek, Keket, Nun, Naunet, Aasterinian, Muamman Duathal, Sharindlar, Eilistraee, Kek, Keket, Nomolos, Va'sha Battlefleece Powers Utgard-Loki, Fire, Old Age, Fafnir, Fenris Wolf Limbo Gods Sirrion, Huan-Ti, Agni, Indra, Vayu, Fenmarel Mestarine, Tempus, the Red Knight, Shina-tsu-hiko, Susanoo, Procan, Ralishaz, Rudd, Llerg, Norebo, Astilabor, Kereska Powers Chourst, Rennbuu, Ssendam, Ygorl Windswept Depths of Pandemonium Gods Erythnul, Zeboim (the Maelstrom), Raxivort (the Black Sewers), the Queen of Air and Darkness, Tuoni, Tuonetar. Ho Masubis, Talos, Loki, Auril, Eloéle, Anshar, Hruggek, Cyric, Garagos, Belinik, Diirinka, Kurell, Task, Rallastor Powers Desayeus Infinite Layers of the Abyss Gods Beshaba, Lolth (Demonweb Pits), Selvetarm, Keptolo, Chemosh (Lifebane), Hiddukel (the Broken Scale), Eshebla (Vulgarea), Kanchelsis, Diinkarazan, Great Mother, Kali, Khorne, Kiaransalee, Lu Yueh, Merrshaulk, Mot, Sekmeth, Skiggaret, Slaanesh, Tou Mu, Umberlee, Urdlen, Vaprak, Kil'lix, Thrig'ki, T'zen'kil, Laogzed, Ramenos, Rallaster, Garyx Powers Abaddon, Abraxas, Ahrimanes, Alrunes, Alvarez, Alzrius, Anaroggg, Anarazel, Areex, Aseroth, Asima, Astaroth, Azael, Azazel, Azgoroth, Azidahaka, Bale, Baltazo, Baphomet, Behemoth, Blackdraken, Cabiri, Chaos, Chask of the Scythes, Chernabog, Cligpha, Dagon, Decarabia, Demogorgon, Eblis, Eldanoth, Eligor, Ereshkigal, Estes, Flauros, Fraz Urblu, Gamigin, Gresil, Grankhul, Graz'zt, Haagenti, Ipos, Iuz, J'angar, J'sald Xerix, Juiblex, Kostchtchie, Laraie, Lissa'aera the Noxious, Litat, Lupercio, Lynkhab, Mantha, Marbas, Marduk, Mastiphal, Maughter, Munkir, Nocticula, Obox-ob, Ochremeshk, Orcus, Nekir, Pale Night, Pazuzu, Queen of Chaos, Raum, Sabnach, Sammael, Sch’theraqpasstt, Seere, Sekothbenoth, Sess'inek, Shax, Stromckkuk, Tutulcha, Ushablator, V'aughrosfl, Vepar, Verin, Vucarik of Chains,Yartiniu,Yeenoghu, Zalintar, Zuggtmoy Tarterian Depths of Carcri Gods Nerull, Kiputytto, Surma, Raiden, Talona, Grolantor, Scorpion, Falazure, Karontor, Parrafaire, Vhaeraun, Malar, Stribog, Beltar, Karaan, Yeathan Powers Apomps, Coeus, Crius, Hecatoncheire, Kronos, Oceanus, Tethys, Hyperion, Mnemosyne, Themis, Iapetus, Phebe, Thea, Bubonix, Tartarachus Gray Waste of Hades Gods Kelemvor, Jergal, Yutrus, Morgion, Abbathor, Karaulyek, Nergal, Ereshkigal, Incabulos, Hel, Arawn, Ratri, Mask, Shar, Hades, Persephone, Chthonia, Hecate, Cegilune, Panzuriel, Mictlantecuhtli, Mectecacihuatl, Khogaotl, Pyremius, Syrul, Kr'tx, Yeathan Powers The Furies, Cerberus, the Oinoloth, Nidhogg, Garm, the Moirae Bleak Eternity of Gehenna Gods Apep, Sargonnas, Gaknulak, Chih-Chiang Fyu-ya, Squerrik, Math Mathonwy, Loviatar, Sung Chiang, Bhaal, Baum, Iyachtu Xvim, Memnor, Maanzecorian, Velsharoon, Shargaas, Mellifleur, Syrul, Scahrossa, The Patient One, The Xammux Powers Moloch, the General of Gehenna Nine Hells of Baator Gods Tiamut, Kurtulmak, Set, Takhisis, Bargrivyek, No Cha, Sekolah, Druaga, Hecate, Fia-So, the Red Crane, Inanna, Ycse, Ezeboam, Kriesha, Emma-O, Piscaethces the Blood Queen, P'kk, Scahrossar Powers Asmodeus the Hidden, Bel the Warlord, Dispater the Archduke, Fierana the Fiery Lady, Geryon the Forgotten One, Malagard the Hag Countess, Minauros the Viscount, Triel the Fallen, Mammon, Levistus, Armaros, Glasya, Iblis, Belial, Iadalbaoth, Urakbarameel, Esdreel, Hakael, Rahbad, Beleth, Dagon, Furcas, Baalzephon, Bist, Bune, Nergal, Vuall, Malgrin, Antaia, Naamah Infernal Battlefield of Acheron Gods Gruumsh, Hextor, Wee Jas, Sebek (the River of Smiling Death), Nomog-Geaya, Maglubiyet, Gruumsh, Bahgtru, Ilneval, Luthic, Khurgorbaeyag, Amatsu-Mikaboshi, Lei Kung, Huitzilopochtli, Bane, Ravana, Deep Duerra, Laduguer, Bralm, Stern Alia Powers Clockwork Nirvana of Mechanus Gods Shang-ti, Shan Hai Ching, Psilofyr, Anu, Helm, Nai No Kami, Rudra, Varuna, Yama, Ahau Kin, Itzamna, Ix Chel, Amaunator, Enki, Hoar, Avani, Lendor, Pholtus, Lendys Powers Primus, Scion Queen Mother Peaceable Kingdoms of Arcadia Gods St. Cuthbert, Re-Horakhty, Osiris, Reorx, Isis, Clangeddin, Izanagi, Izanami, Lu Hsing, Marduk, Darahl Firecloak, Azuth, Nekhbet, Savras the All-Seeing, Baal, Anath, Meriadar, Allitur Powers The Cloud King, the Lightning King, the Rain Queen, the Wind Queen, Queen Mother K'l'tk'thra (Clarity) Seven Mounting Heavens of Celestia Gods Bahamut, Heironeous, Moradin, Yondalla, Paladine, Yahweh, Chung Kuel, Kuan Yin, Berronar, Jazirian, Tyr, Brihaspati, Shichifukujin, Anahita, Gaphomor, Tishtrya, Nikkal, Yarikh, Thalqai, Amaterasu, Surya, Mitra, Torm, Lakshmi, Vishnu, Girru, Pholtus, Haelyn, Rao, Filja, Arvoreen, Cyrollalee, Chung Kuel, Wisuth, Brigaith, Ahura Mazda, Delleb, Ukko Powers Uriel, Tsadkiel, Remiel, Phaleg, Zaphkiel, Sealtiel, Raziel, Pistis Sophia, Erathaol, Domiel, Barachiel, Xerona, Arithiel, Kemuel, Donathiel, Secundus, Israfel Twin Paradises of Bytopia Gods Garl Glittergold, Kiri-Jolith (Heart of Justice), Baervan, Baravar, Calladuran, Flandal, Gaerdal, Nebelun, Roykyn, Segojan, Urdlen, Inari, Ashera, Rod, Ilmater, Gorm Gulthyn, Fortubo, Tefnut, Zurrog, Veles, Ukko Powers Epimetheus, the Adamantite Dragon Blessed Fields of Elysium Gods Pelor, Mayaheine, Majere, Mishakal, Isis, Ishtar, Seker, Savitri, Kuan-ti, Makosh, Tethrin Veralde, Kirith Sotheril, Naralis Analor, Hathor, Mystra, Chauntea, Lilu, Ki, Nin-Hursag, Enlil, Idun, Bragi, Tsuki-Yomi, Lathander, Ushas, Urogalan, Hiatea, Dazhbog, Kislova, Nikodalus, Chac, Eldath, Taranch, Nut, Iubar, O-Wata-Tsu-Mi, Belenus, Brigantia, Surminare, Nesirie, Myhriss, Zodal, Chaav, Lestai, Ayailla, Tamara Powers Talisid, Sathia, Manath, Vhara, Kharash, Bharrai Wilderness of the Beastlands Gods Ehlonna, Habbakuk (Zhan), Chislev (Zhan), Zivilyn (Zhan), Balador (Ursis), Ferrix, Skerrit, Ubtao, Thard Harr, Quorlinn, Remnis, Nobanion, Shialla, Mielikki, Haela Brightaxe, Deneir, Milil, Puchan, Baalbastibus, Kura Okami, Stronmaus, Rellavar Danuvien, Valarian Powers The Animal Lords Olypian Glades of Arborea Gods Aerdrie Faenya, Araleth Letheranil, Melira Taralen, Avachel, Corellon Larethian, Deep Sashelas, Erevan Ilesere, Falarathael, Fenmarel Mestarine, Gadhelyn, Hanali Celanil, Khalreshaar, Labelas Enoreth, Lafarallinn, Lashrael, Rillifane Rallathil, Sehanine Moonbow, Shevarash, Solonor Thelandira,Ye'Cind, Zeus, Hera, Athena, Ares, Artemis, Demeter, Eris, Kore, Phoebos, Deimos, Hecate, Helios, Selene, Aurora, Aphrodite, Apollo, Dionysus, Rhea, Hephaestus, Heracles, Hermes, Nephthys, Nike, Pan, Poseidon, Tyche, Ganymede, Hebe, Eileithyia, Sarula Illiene, Lliira, Sharess, Sune, Tymora, Sarula Iliene, Mythrien Sarath, Chih Nii, Iallanis, Syranita, Uzoat, Uzo-otl, Dur-Shuk, Utu, Laerme, Trithereon, Amphitrite, Phyton, Lirr, Trishina Powers Titans, Gigantes, Cyclopes, Eros, the Muses, the Graces, heroic archetypes, Morwel, Faerinaal, Gwynharwyf Concordant Domain of the Outlands Gods Boccob, Obad-Hai, Thoth, Gilean (the Hidden Vale), Shinare (Marketplace Eternal), Bes, Yen-Wang-Yeh, Io-Chronepsis, Untamo, Ilsensine, Shekinester, Semuanya, Vergadain, Dugmaren Brightmantle, Dumathoin, Annam, Gilean, Alathrien Druanna, Sheela Peryroyl, the Daghda, Oghma, Manannan, Nehalennia, Nemhain, the Morrigan, Silvanus, Nuada, Goibhniu, Dunastis, Andraste, Angus mac Og, Epona, Danu, Perun, Tvashtri, Gond, Svantovit, Kragalitec, Zilchus, Zagyg, Sera, Waukeen, Ramman, Apshai, Erik, Istus, Ulaa, Bleredd, Xan Yae, Geshtai, Gzemnid, Xiuhtechuhtli, Tirag Thunderhooves Powers The Norns, The Lady of Pain? Region of Dreams Gods Hypnatia, Phobetor, Phantasia Powers The Ghost Dancer, Hypnos, Morpheus, Mullonga, the Nightmare Man, the Rainbow Serpent Plane of Faerie Gods Nathair Sgiathach Powers Titania, Oberon, Caoimhin, Damh, Eachthighern, Emmantiensien, Fionnghuala, Squelaiche, Verenestra Far Realm Gods Kthanid, Mordiggian, Ithaqua, Cthulhu, Cthuga, Orryx, Vorvadoss, Arwassa, Baoht Z'uqqa-Mogg, Bugg-Shash, Byatis, Cthylla, Cynothoglys, Gloon, Dho-spawn, Gol-goroth, Green God, Hydra, Iod, Juk-Shabb, Lloigor, M'nagahah, Nug, Yeb, Ossadagowah, Othuum, Q'yth-az, God of the Red Flux, Rlim Shaikorth, Saaitii, Sebek, Summanus, Vibur, Vulthoom, Yegg-ha, Ythogtha, Zu-che-quon, Ancient Ones, Ghroth, Larvae of the Outer Gods, Star Mother, Tru'nembra, Yidhra Powers Azathoth, Nyarlathotep, Shub-Niggurath, Hastur, Yog-Sothoth I know there are more plane then I have listed, I know not all of them have gods or powers. I will also start adding gods in a little while since I needed to get that up before I add gods. I must say thanks to Rip from RoE for realy helping out on placeing most of these gods/powers. |
#2taotadNov 23, 2003 14:16:15 | This is good. If you can cram that into a pdf, I'll be very happy! |
#3lawNov 23, 2003 14:23:22 | well its also a word doc and its not done (plus I have not posted part 2 yet). Right now it seams im have lots of my own little projects for my game (and any one else that whants to use it). |
#4zombiegleemaxNov 23, 2003 14:27:54 | Of coarse there are alot of others missing from that list, but nobodies perfect. Several Planescape web pages I've been to list alot of historical gods(Aztek/Mayan, Sumerian, Celtic) Maybe latter I'll come back with the links to those sights One Question from someone who doesn't have Manual of the Planes: Elemental Cold and Paraelemental Ice are the same place right? |
#5lawNov 23, 2003 14:34:58 | yes they are the same any and all help would be nice. This is the easy part part two might take a long time (ill post what I have done in a little while). |
#6zombiegleemaxNov 23, 2003 14:39:21 | The following was taken from a AGE of Mythology(THe computer game) discussion board, but ALL the information is true. Please disregard the AOM game information MESOAMERICANS Mesos: Obviously, gain favor by sacrifice. The sacrifices, since they cause an actual military/economic loss, will mean better myth units and myth techs relative to the other civs. Units: Heroes: like AOK, jaguar knights, eagle knights, etc. Also Priests--sacrifical knife attack allows little bit of favor for units not killed at altars, the ones who sacrifice units. Titan--Tlaltecuhtli <> Does crush damage, instant kill units around her by swallowing them in her many mouths. Tongues are like tentacles flailing. Myth: butteflies with skull heads and razor sharp obsidian wings (image of TLAZOLTEOTL), giant ocelots (like leopards who came and ate the giants of the first age), primordial giants (giant aztec knights), feathered serpents, skeleton soldiers from MICTLANTECUHTLE as underworld depicted with dancing skeletons (IIRC). Storm giant: made of dark clouds, lightning flickers around him. (Story of three storm giants who make lightning and rain) Tzitzimime--Men and Women made of starlight that giggle like evil children. <<"The tzitzimime ("Monsters descending from above") were celestial demons in Aztec mythology that continuously threaten to destroy the world. They are said to be the stars that battle the sun each dusk and dawn.">> Vucub Caquix--giant bird that has special attack of snatching mortals and bringing them back to the altar << "In Mayan mythology, Vucub Caquix, Seven Macaw, was a large bird that dwelled on the surface of the world after the flood". >> Double headed snakes: <<"Coatlcue was represented as a woman. More often, however, she wore a skirt of snakes, and she had two dragon heads.">> Dark Messengers--two-headed teleporting men: <> Gods: 1. Queztacoatl--Feathered Serpent. Myth units cheaper. <> 2. Huitzilopochtli--Creator Warrior God. Increase unit damage. Power--Arrow of the Sun--Sunray strikes area, causing some fire damage. 3. Teztapolitaca--God of Smoking Mirrors. Increases sacrificial power. Power--Mirage: Selected unit has 1-4 illusionary versions. These have very few hitpoints and their attack does no damage. nonplayer campaign god: <> minor: --- Tlaloc: rain god, upgrades villagers. God Power--Hail--great chunks of ice crush buildings and knock all but titans down if they hit. Ice explodes into shards for piercing damage. CENTEOTL, the corn god. upgrades farms. Power--Maize. Creates magic farms from which food can be gathered much faster. CHALCHIUHTLICUE: The goddess of running Water. She was the sister of Tlaloc. Upgrades boats. Power--River of Jade--jade shards sweep enemy away for some distance, also does piercing damage. CIHUACAOTYL: a goddess whose roaring signaled War. Upgrades Infantry. Power: War Cry--triples speed of military production. EHECATL, the god of wind. Makes boats faster, archers fire father. Power-Divine Breath: Great gust of wind launches enemies back. IXTLILTON: the god of Healing, Feasting, and Games. Upgrades warriors through competition. Power: Petrify--turns group of military or myth units to stone. MACUILXOCHITL: the god of Music and Dance. Upgrades villagers. Power: Vibration--buildings begin to vibrate to sonic damage, if destroyed explode causing more damage. MICTLANTECUHTLE, god of the dead. Power--Death's Inivitation--hands of bone rise from the ground, grabbing a unit and pulling him to the underworld instantly. PATECATLl: the god of Medicine. Upgrades priests. Power: Medicine man--turns one priest into healer who can fire multiple healing rays. Teoyaomqui: the god of Dead Warriors. Power--Ghost Knights: Dead Eagle and Jaguar knights return to wreak havoc, can pass through objects. Are simultaneously myth units and heroes. Return to warrior heaven after 30 sec. Yacatecuhtli: the god of Merchant Adventurers. Market Upgrades. Power--El Darado--Upgrades Town Center into golden palace, stonger and gold flows continuously. TLAZOLTEOTL: the goddess of impurity. Upgrades myth units and attacks against enemy temples. Power-Putrefy--Prevents Gathering of Food across map. Celts: Favor--Favor is tied to the king and his land, so you have a "pharoah" unit similar to king arthur. The amount of land owned would be determined by circles expanding from the town center. Land owned is the radius that contains your buildings without containing your enemy's. The king: The king ties into the strength of the land. So long as the king is alive, farms are much more effecient and this can improve with upgrades. Also, the more land owned the better health and attack for the king. Units: Myth: Usual medieval stuff, unicorns, dragons, faeries, goblins, etc. Titan: flaming wickerman (may have been done in Warrior Kings Battles?). Causes fire damage and crush damage. Heroes--Celtic heroes are either druids or legendary figures. The named heroes have attacks that can have great power, but either are slow to produce or physically weak. Druids--weak, can't fight well but heal and also empower farms individually. Can convert wild animals. Cathbadh: Powerful druid. Magic attack against myth units,can summon animals to fight once in awhile. Cu Cullain: fights with spear, powerful warrior Math: Sorcerer, special has chance of changing men into animals. Cu Roi: Sorcerer who can change, for limited time, to random myth unit. Medb: Female enchantress, attack is like Lampades and can sometimes charm non-myth units in radius around her. Taliesin: Warrior poet, bard who can boost morale. Some God Options: Major Gods-- 1. Lugh - <<(Loo) Ireland, Wales; a sun god of all crafts and arts, healing, journeys, prophecy. Son of Cian, a Tuatha De Danann. Of legend, his skills were without end; in Ireland he was associated with ravens; and a white stag as his symbol in Wales. He had a magic spear and otherworldly hounds. His festival was Lughnassadh, or Lunasa.>> As he was a god skilled in many things, he provides various minor upgrades across the board. Power: White Hart--Special unit, draws units towards it until killed. 3.Anu - <> Power--divine herd: gives cattle from the fairy, more meat and can be harvested faster. 2. The Dagda - <> Power: Hollow hills. Transport one unit back to starting town center and garrisons it there. Minor Gods: Arawn - <> Power--Vampirism: Enemy units are drained of hit points, which are distributed to player and ally units in the same radius. Arianrhod -<< Wales; goddess of beauty, fertility, and reincarnation. Known as Silver Wheel and the High Fruitful Mother, the palace of this sky goddess was Caer Arianrhold (Aurora Borealis). Keeper of the Silver Wheel of Stars, a symbol of time and karma. Her ship, Oar Wheel, carried dead warriors to Emania (Moon-land).>> Power: Reincarnate: Corpses on field come back to life as random units. Blodeuwedd - <> Power--Veil of the Moon: renders a few units invisible for short duration. Caer Ibormeith - <> Power--Slumber: All non-myth units in radius fall asleep for duration, awake instantly if attacked. Caillech - <> Power: Contagion--no one else knows when used--unit infects other units around it, drains hitpoints from infected at slow rate. Cernunnos - <> God Power-Wild Army--causes all animals units remaining on map to be teleported and hostile to all other units. Cerridwen - <> Power: Divine Blood--gives units in radius ability to regenerate. Does not work on titans. Diancecht - <> Power: Blessing Stone--Heals friend units one at a time, gives morale boost. Can be destroyed. Multiple uses. Epona - <> Upgrades calvary. Power--Stampede: ghost horses flow into area, knocking over units and dealing damage to buildings. Goibniu - <> Power--Excalibur--gives king incredible attack damage, often killing mortal units in a single hit. Manannan Mac Lir - <<(May-nah-naun) Ireland, Wales; a shapeshifting god of the sea, magic, navigators, commerce, storms, rebirth, weather. The chief Irish sea god whose special retreat was the Isle of Man. In Wales his name was Manawydan ap Llyr. He had several magical weapons and a suit of armor that made him invisible; and his swine kept the Tuatha De Danann from aging.>> Power--Frozen sea: creates a layer of ice on the ground. Destroys farms, kills any animals in the radius, and units slip and fall while power is in effect. Morrigan -<> Power--Raven Plague-ravens swoop down, attacking all enemies in radius. Mesopotamians Campaign Gods (fit into the story somewhere): Apsu "The Epic of Creation (Enuma Elish): Tablet I" He is the underworld ocean, and the begetter of the skies and of the earth. The father of Lahmu, Lahamu, Anshar and Kishar. He could not quell the noise of them or their children. He colluded with his vizier Mummu to silence the gods and allow Tiamat to rest, after Tiamat rejected the idea. Ea found out about his plans, cast a sleeping spell on him and killed him. (Dalley pp. 232-235, 318) Tiamat "The Epic of Creation (Enuma Elish): Tablets I-III" She is primeval Chaos, bearer of the skies and the earth, mother of Lahmu, Lahamu, Anshar, and of Kishar. Traditionally conceived of as aserpent or dragon of some sort, this idea does not have any basis in the Enuma Elish itself. Within that work her physical description includes, a tail, a thigh, "lower parts" (which shake together), a belly, an udder, ribs, a neck, a head, a skull, eyes, nostrils, a mouth, and lips. She has insides, a heart, arteries, and blood. The clamor of the younger gods disturbed her, but she continued to indulge them. When her husband Apsu and his vizier Mummu suggested that they kill the younger gods, she grew furious, calmed down and rejected the plan. Her restless subservient gods goaded her into action after Apsu is slain. They prepared to wage war against the other gods. As Mother Hubur, the underworld river, who fashions all things, she bore giant snakes with venom for blood, and cloaked dragons with a godlike radiance yet with a terrible visage, for the war. She rallied a horned serpent, a mushussu-dragon, a lahmu-hero, a ugallu-demon, a rabid dog, a scorpion-man, umu-demons, a fish-man, a bull-man, and eleven others underneath her champion and new lover, Qingu. She gave Qingu the Tablet of Destinies to facilitate his command and attack. (Dalley pp. 231-249) Kingu (Qingu) <> Dragon commander of Tiamat's forces against Marduk. Myth Units-- Orges, dragon like creatures, scorpion demons, giant vipers, fish men, hell-hounds, giant dragonflies, living hurricanes. Player main gods: Enki <> God Power--Gift of the Deep--creates fishing site, small pond with fish if on land. Ishtar (Ishhara, Irnini, Inanna) <> God Power--Procreate: Duplicates one unit. Does not work on titan or myth units summoned by god powers. Marduk--< Depicted: He was considered a "double god" in that he had 4 ears and 4 eyes so that he could see and hear everything. He also breathes fire. >> God Power--Gravity--slows enemy units considerably for medium duration. Minor Gods: Ereshkigal <> Power: Dark Lieutenant: Calls up a winged demon who can throw explosive balls of fire Ishum (Hendursanga - 'lofty mace') <<- He is the god of fire, and is adept at using weapons. He lights the way in front of Erra and the Sebitti. He advises Erra against attacking Marduk or his people in Babylon. When Erra takes Marduk's seat, Ishum persuades him against destroying Babylon, finally appeasing him by promising that the other gods would acknowledge themselves as his servants.>> Power: Conflagaration: Wave of fire swoops down, setting building and units ablaze. Ninurta (shares some characteristics with Ningrisu) <<- Chamberlain of the Anunnaki, the war god, the champion of the land. He is the child of Ellil and Mami. He was born in Ekur, Ellil's temple in Ekur. He is responsible for some small scale irrigation. He has a bow and arrow, sometimes they are poisoned. He also carries the mace, Sharur, which can act as a messenger between Ninurta and other beings (notably Ea). He can marshal the Seven of Battle, who can generate whirlwinds.>> God Power--Seven of Battle--spirits who attack by sending whirlwinds at their enemies (low damage tornadoes). Disappear after set duration. Mummu <<- the craftsman god. He is attendant to Ea and Apsu's vizier. He is very fond of Apsu and colludes with him to disperse the younger gods when they disturb Tiamat, even after Tiamat rejects the plan. Ea found out about his plan, enspelled him and tied him up. God of Mist.>> Power--Godcraft: makes one building or wall nearly invulnerable to damage. Adad <> Flood--pushes pieces of land in radius underwater. Buildings destroyed, no rebuilding there. Lahar Goddess of herds Power--Feast: doubles potential food given by herd animals and quickens fattening. Meni <> Power: Sphere of Luck--within area, less chance of missing for your side, more chances of missing for other side, bonus to damage. No god power works while this one is active. Enmesarra <> Revolt: causes affected villagers to attack formerly friendly buildings, units. Nergal <> God Power: Fear. Units scatter in terror, taking up population slots but are uncontrolled. Ningizzida <> Heal: Heals any unit to full health instantly, except for titans and myth units called by god powers. Can be used three times. Erra--God of war, death and other disasters. God Power: Devastation: Instantly destroy one building by creating a sink hole, can't rebuild there. Does not work on titan gates and town centers. Two uses. Ebeh--Summerian mountain god. God Power: Risen Earth--Creates Impassable land in area with no farms/buildings. Oceanic Favor: Favor is based on keeping the priests happy. Each priest made drains resources and gives more favor, as per the kapu system. Priests also function as hero units. <> Myth units: giant cuttle fish--rams ships <> Titan: Tama-nui-te-Ra--solar beast: <> Mist Fairy: <> bird men: <> whale-spirit: <> Amphibiuous cyclops: <> KALAMAINU: <> Makutu: <> Dagger Plant--can be summoned by certain god: <> green shark spirit: <> Ka-poho-i-kahi-ola, spirit of explosions. Charges enemies causing explosions. Ke-ua-ake-po, spirit of the rain of fire. Can call down fiery rain. Kane-hekili, sprit of thunder. Ke-o-ahi-kama-kaua, spirit of lava fountains. Lava men. Taniwha <> Major: 1. Akea - first Hawaiian king who founded a kingdom in the afterlife. Power: Ghost servants--ghostly villagers appear, aiding villagers in their tasks. 2. Kane Hawaiian god of the forests and trees. <> Power: Sacred Tree--tree generates free favor. Anyone can capture it. 3. Keawe--god of order. <> Power--Order: raises one building up from its ruins. Minor Gods: 1.Aluluei--Micronesian god of knowledge Power--Ignorance: use on any building to remove the last researched upgrade. Can be used three times. 2.Audjal--Caroline Islands earth goddess Power--Boulder: Causes a large stone to fall from the sky, bouncing around randomly and doing crush damage. Usable four times. 3.Hine-Polynesian goddess of darkness Power--Gloomstone: A totem casts a pall of darkness around it. No enemy gathering, production, research, or building can occur in the area until the stone is destroyed. 4.Hoa Tapu--Tahiti god of war Power: Fortress--turn any military building into a special fortress that is stronger can produce all military units currently available. 5.Lono: Hawaiian god of the sky, rain, peace, and agriculture Power: Peace--halts all military production across the map 6.Papa: Hawaiian goddess of the Underworld 7.Kua - This was the main shark god of the people of Ka'u, and believed to be their ancestor. Power: Shark bite: two powerful shark spirits fly around town center, attacking trespassers. 8.Turi-a-faumea--Polynesian god of fish and reptiles Power: Venom--poisonous cloud appears, units affected keep taking damage. 9. Mokualii - god of canoe makers. Power: Sky ship--allows ship to take to the air. Can be used four times. 10. Pele Goddess of Volcanoes Power: Eruption--causes volcano to form and erupt. Does not work near town center, as all buildings are automatically destroyed. Eruption then causes fire damage. 11. Paikea--The Polynesian god of the sea-monsters. He is a son of Papa. In Hawaiian, Paiea, the soft-shell crab. Power: Calm monsters--prevents all enemy myth units in radius from attacking for duration. They wander off in a daze and won't fight back. 12. Laka--Goddess of Dance Power: Spirit dancers--Creates a ring of dancers centered on one unit. For duration, no enemy units can get inside the ring, allow units within to travel safely. |
#7lawNov 23, 2003 14:43:08 | sorry to ask this but can you make a trimed doen vershen that has the name of the god and what plane you think it should go it would help. |
#8zombiegleemaxNov 23, 2003 15:22:26 | Egads! I can try at least. Aztek gods: Queztacoatl: Diffinitely Elysium Huitzilopochtli: Acheron Teztapolitaca: Plane of Mirrors HUEHUETEOTL: Elemental Fire Tlalac: Beastlands CENTEOTL: Bytopia CHALCHIUHTLICUE: Elemental Water CIHUACAOTYL: Acheron EHECATL: Elemental Air IXTLILTON: Ysgard MACUILXOCHITL: Arborea MICTLANTECUHTLE: The Grey Waste PATECATL: Elysium Teoyaomqui: Ysgard Yacatecuhtli: Bytopia TLAZOLTEOTL: The Grey Waste Celtic: Lugh: Arborea Anu: Arborea or Beastlands Dagda: Arborea Arawn: Grey Waste Arianrhod: Arborea Caer Arianrhold: Plane of Time, Ysgard Blodeuwedd: Arborea Caer Ibormeith: Plane of Fairie, Plane of Dreams Caillech: Abyss Cernunnos: Arborea or Beastlands Cerridwen: Outlands Diancecht: Elysium Epona: Beastlands Goibniu: Ysgard Manannan Mac Lir: Beastlands Morrigan: Baator |
#9lawNov 23, 2003 15:25:47 | ill add them to the list in a little while thanks. |
#10zombiegleemaxNov 23, 2003 17:12:09 | Doesn't "On Hallowed Ground" (TSR 2623) has everything you need? It has the Sumerian powers, Babylonian powers, the Celtic pantheon, Egyptian pantheon, and many more. Taken from the back of the book: Written for Dungeon Masters and players, this 192-page, full-color book includes: * 20 separate pantheons detailing the powers worshipped by humans, demihumans, and monsters (including the deities of the AD&D game worlds). Zeus, Sung Chiang, Gruumsh, Takhisis - they're all here, based on chant from Legends & Lores, the Deities & Demigods book, Monster Mithology, and AD&D game world sources. * New ideas and rules for priest characters on the planes. * Tips on creating, visiting, and surviving divine realms. * A look at powers favored by factions and planewalkers. * Comprehensive appendices listing gods by pantheons and portfolio. * Full-color maps of realms glorious and infernal. |
#11lawNov 23, 2003 18:13:36 | I have heard of it yes its not like I can get a free PDF of it. Its hard to get. |
#12AlzriusNov 26, 2003 0:56:51 | Originally posted by law Just wanted to ask, are you putting in gods from non-canon sources (that is, gods that don't appear in a (A)D&D product)? If so, I find this list would quickly become cluttered and less useful. As an aside, this list would be exponentially more helpful if it was annotated. That said, I found some things that seem to be wrong, and have addressed them below: Material Plane's Beory is a deity, not "just" a power. Also, from Dragon Annual #1 (it might have been #2, but I'm pretty sure its #1) there is also the demigod Dukagsh, the scro deity, who lives on the Material Plane. Etheral Plane I'm slightly leery of having Ezra and Zakhata in there...we don't know if Ezra is real or not, and we know Zakhata doesn't really exist; its a false god with spells and powers supplied by the Dark Powers. Plane of Shadow What, Gwydion (trapped in a portal between the Plane of Shadow and Ravenloft) doesn't get a mention? Elemental Plane of Air Akadi is a deity, not a "mere" power. Elemental Plane of Earth Grumbar is a deity, not a "mere" power. Elemental Plane of Fire Kossuth is a deity, not a "mere" power. Elemental Plane of Water Istishia is a deity, not a "mere" power. Positive Energy Plane What, Ashardalon (from Bastion of Broken Souls) doesn't count? Ash Vecna does not now, nor does he ever, live on Ash. This is a popular misconception. Vecna Lives! introduced Citadel Cavitius, which was Vecna's prison colony on Ash, but it never says that Cavitius was his home. Likewise, the next product dealing with Vecna, Ravenloft's Domains of Dread, says that Vecna lived on "the Outer Planes" before he was dragged into Ravenloft. The Player's Guide to Greyhawk simply listed Vecna's current whereabouts at that time, citing Ravenloft also. After Vecna broke free from Ravenloft in Die Vecna Die!, that product merely stipulates that he settles in "whatever celestial realm over Oerth". We finally get a more definitive answer in the Living Greyhawk Journal, which states that Vecna has a "secret citadel" on the Material Plane. Thus, Vecna's entry should be over there. Ooze To be most correct, Bwimb is dead (from Dead Gods), and his daughter, Bwimb II, has tried to assume his position (from The Inner Planes). Limbo A fifth slaad lord introduced in a recent issue of Dungeon (101 or so?) was Bazim-Gorag, a two-headed slaad lord of fire. He was trapped on the Material Plane for a while though, so you may want to list him there instead. Tarterian Depths of Carcri Kiputytto doesn't live in Carceri...she's a little too dead for that. Talona slew her and her (Kiputytto's) corpse is on the Astral with the other dead gods. Also, Cholerix is also on Carceri, serving Bubonix (for an exhorbitant fee) on how to construct the Tower of Incarnate Pain. Cholerix is mentioned under Bubonix's entry in the article that talks about the other altraloths, in that issue of Dragon (what was that, Annual 3?). Gray Waste of Hades You might also want to mention Anthraxus, along with Typhus, as they live on this plane. Bleak Eternity of Gehenna Several issues here. Bhaal and Iyachtu Xvim are both dead, as is Maanzecorian. Scahrossa, The Patient One, and the Xammux never had home planes listed, so these are just guesses on your part. We are, to my knowledge, never told Moloch lives here. After leaving Hell, the only place we next see him is on some Prime world in The Apocalypse Stone, so you may want to list him as being on the Material Plane. Also, an awnsheighlien (from the Birthright setting) named The Blowfish lives on Gehenna (its referenced in Planes of Conflict). Nine Hells of Baator Gods Where to start...most of those last ones (after Iblis, Bune, Vuall, Malgrin, Antaia, etc.) are from Green Ronin's Legions of Hell which isn't strictly D&D. Likewise, you have listed Minauros and Mammom...the two are one and the same. []Concordant Domain of the Outlands Another altraloth lives there also...I can't recall the name, but it began with an X. Region of Dreams All of these Powers belong under the Ethereal Plane listing, since all of them are trapped firmly in Ravenloft. They can affect the Region of Dreams, but cannot truly enter it. Far Realm Apart from their entry in the original Deities & Demigods, which did not list their home planes if I recall rightly (it certainly didnt say the Far Realm) the Cthulhu Mythos isn't D&D, so you may not want to list it here. |
#13lawNov 26, 2003 9:24:35 | Thanks Alzrius I did not make most of the list rip from RoE did I have only added on (he posted it in my thread). Are you willing to help me from the ground up if so we can start Alzrius. Plus I would help if I defind powers better for this. My first step in a little while is to take out the gods that dont realy look like they should go (which you pointed outed out). Ill try and get part two up some time today. Also any help on part two when I get it posted would be nice since some of the gods I have no clew as what they do or where they god (mostly ones from grayhawk). Other then the first thing we need to place all the grayhawk gods then the FRs ones. Then we move on from there (and use the better vershons for part to for domains and such). |
#14AlzriusNov 27, 2003 0:28:24 | Originally posted by law I'd love to help! The first thing to do is dig out my copy of On Hallowed Ground from the attic. I should be able to do that over the weekend. That aside, a sources catalogue would help also, as would annotations, if possible. To be honest, I recommend getting rid of the Powers part. For one thing "powers" has been used as a synonym for "gods" before, so it creates confusion. Likewise, listing all the gods is daunting enough...listing near-divine beings also is even tougher. Other then the first thing we need to place all the grayhawk gods then the FRs ones. Then we move on from there (and use the better vershons for part to for domains and such). Shouldn't be hard if we use the 2E sourcebooks, since they were more holistic in general. |
#15lawNov 27, 2003 9:33:30 | Alzrius ill drop the powers bit then. Also once we gain all the base gods done then we can try and fit gods that should not realy be there (well thats another part). |
#16lawNov 27, 2003 10:13:37 | heres a list with all thos gods I realy know of. Material Plane's Gods Fharlanghn, Sardior Astral Plane Gods Etheral Plane Gods Tharizdun (demiplane of imprisonment) Plane of Shadow Gods Shar The Plane of Mirrors Gods unknown Spirit World Gods Elemental Plane of Air Gods Elemental Plane of Earth Gods Grumbar Elemental Plane of Fire Gods Kossuth Elemental Plane of Water Gods Istishia Elemental Plane of Cold Gods Negative Energy Plane Gods Positive Energy Plane Gods Dust Gods unknown Ash Gods Radiance Gods Steam Gods Mineral Gods Lightning Gods Ooze Gods Smoke Gods Unknown Magma Gods Elemental Plane of Wood Gods unknown Temporal Enegry Plane Gods Heroic Domains of Ysgard Gods Kord, Olidammara, Selune, Eilistraee Limbo Gods Windswept Depths of Pandemonium Gods Erythnul, Cyric Infinite Layers of the Abyss Gods Beshaba, Umberlee, Lolth (Demonweb Pits) Tarterian Depths of Carcri Gods Nerull Gray Waste of Hades Gods Kelemvor, Mask, Shar Bleak Eternity of Gehenna Gods Loviatar Nine Hells of Baator Gods Tiamut, Kurtulmak Infernal Battlefield of Acheron Gods Gruumsh, Hextor, Wee Jas, Gruumsh Clockwork Nirvana of Mechanus Gods Helm Peaceable Kingdoms of Arcadia Gods St. Cuthbert, Azuth Seven Mounting Heavens of Celestia Gods Bahamut, Heironeous, Moradin, Yondalla, Tyr, Torm Twin Paradises of Bytopia Gods Garl Glittergold Blessed Fields of Elysium Gods Pelor, Mystra, Tamara Wilderness of the Beastlands Gods Ehlonna, Mielikki Olypian Glades of Arborea Gods Corellon Larethian, Sharess, Sune, Tymora Concordant Domain of the Outlands Gods Boccob, Obad-Hai, Oghma, Gond Region of Dreams Gods Plane of Faerie Gods Far Realm Gods Thats looks to be a good restart I hope. |
#17zombiegleemaxNov 27, 2003 11:22:49 | Don't forget, Umberlee is also in the Abyss, same layer as Beshaba. |
#18lawNov 27, 2003 11:29:26 | add her there now. |
#19zombiegleemaxJan 12, 2004 17:03:01 | I was reading the list when I suddenly remembered, that I wanted to post a question about two of these characters, namely Vucarik of Chains and Despair of the Endless. Please rite everything you know about them, and I will be very grateful. |
#20Shemeska_the_MarauderJan 13, 2004 0:28:55 | Vucarik of Chains is detailed in the Hellbound box set. Also the Altraloth on the Outlands mentioned earlier, his name is Xenghara. I'd also list Apomps as a genuine deity, though I'm not sure what he's actually classified as in OHG. He may just be a Quasi power, however he does grant spells to the Gehreleths and he's usually referred to as a god, so make your own call ![]() |
#21kuje31Jan 13, 2004 0:37:57 | Originally posted by Shemeska the Marauder OHG says "he's not a full power." What ever that means. ![]() |
#22zombiegleemaxJan 13, 2004 3:57:26 | Thanks alot for the info about Vucarik, now I can proceed to unleashing his minions on my poor players in my current campaign. P.S You don't happen to know anything about his stats...hmm??:D |
#23Shemeska_the_MarauderJan 13, 2004 12:41:38 | I don't believe that there were any stats given for him, just that he's an Abyssal lord that doesn't rule over one specific layer but rather wanders aimlessly about them all. He's wrapped head to toe in rusted chains, and some have linked him to the Kytons of Baator. Regardless of whether he's related to them by way of a fall from law to chaos, he's less randomly destructive than most of his Abyssal relatives. He'll occasionally pause before any non Tanar'ri who wander across his path over the course of wanderings, and, rather than butcher them on the spot he'll hire them to perform tasks for him, paying them even. Of course you'd be a fool to assume he'd do the same to every sod who finds him, he is after all an Abyssal lord, seemingly less chaotic or not. That's the gist of the info in Hellbound. |
#24zombiegleemaxJan 17, 2004 6:18:20 | THE 6th DIMENTIONAL VORTEX A mass greyness that any immortal comes upon if trying to phase into higher than the 5 dimensions. This Plane is enless and Immortals can be lost for ages or forever if they wander to far. If a immortal whether "god" or not is sucked into the "vortex" they are gone forever. Only creatures known as "blackballs" seem to be able to enter and leave the 6th dimentional vortex unharmed BEYOND THE 6th DIMENSIONAL VORTEX Immortals (the gods) did not create the Planes of existence, they came from within the normal processes of Existance itself and began to organixe and rule the Planes they squated on, explorered, and conquered. The 6th Dimensonal Vortex as a strong "created feel" to it and the Immortals speculate with their great intellect and Wisdom (and therefore correctly) that the Vortex was created by more powerful beings that the "gods" that they refer to as the "OLD ONES" though they do not know why. They are of course right and Overlord Ao is in fact one of the "Old Ones" that cultivated the Spheres and put "gods" in charge of their perpestive projects and created the 6th Dimensinal vortex to limit where the Immortals can go and the "Old Ones" Occupy the 7th and Higher Dimensions. Therefore there are many "Spheres" with their own "gods" and pantheons runned by their own overgod. THE DIMENSIONAL CEILING Barriar that even the "Old Ones" can't pass and they know not whats beyond it Within the Dimesional Cieling are the "Ancient Ones" that watch the "Old Ones" like the "Old Ones" watch the "gods" and the "gods" watch over mortals :D (They didn' create existence either as they to are "being watched" ![]() References: Dungeons and Dragons DM guides to Immortals, D&D Players guides to Immortals |
#25zombiegleemaxJan 17, 2004 21:24:40 | There's a 1st edition version of Deities and Demigods that has information not in Hallowed Ground. What are you defining as "powers" precisely? Do you mean strictly gods or are you also saying things like Primus are powers? |
#26bigmacJul 07, 2004 12:07:42 | Originally posted by law I have a copy of L&L (2nd Edition) in my loft, I heard that the book had to be axed because of a legal dispute. It had information about Lankmar that TSR had aparantly used without permission of the owner. From what I heard, someone thought that copyright had run out and Lankmar was now open source, but all the names of Lankmar characters, gods, monsters and other things had been trademarked. If that rumor is true then it would be illegal for WotC to allow anyone to distribute a PDF of the book. Perhaps one of the companies that sells PDFs of 2e and 1e stuff can produce a cut down version with the Lankmar chapter cut out of it. To my non-lawyer brain that should sort out the problem, however the PDF printers might be too scared to touch it with a barge pole! |
#27ripvanwormerJul 07, 2004 17:16:35 | Originally posted by bigmac TSR had a license to use Fritz Lieber's Nehwon setting, so 2e Legends & Lore was 100% street legal. They don't have that license anymore, so it probably isn't available in .pdf format. What you're probably thinking of is way back in 1980 there was a 1e book called Deities & Demigods which included gods, characters, and monsters from the Cthulhu mythos and Michael Moorcock's Elric series. Chaosium had the license to use these gods in RPGs. TSR got their permission to use them in Deities & Demigods' first printing, but had to take them out of subsequent printings. The copy of 1e Deities & Demigods that I have just doesn't have those chapters. It still has the Nehwon chapter, since TSR had the license for that. |
#28raymond_luxury_yachtJul 08, 2004 0:07:08 | In his most recent incarnation in the MotP web enhancement, Primus is listed as a lesser deity, so he should be in the god listing. |
#29bigmacJul 08, 2004 0:28:58 | Originally posted by ripvanwormer Thanks for the history lesson. I stand corrected. It is a shame that the Newhon stuff is in there though because if it wasn't everyone could get the PDF to see information about the other pantheons that are not in the 3e Deities & Demigods. :-( |
#30ripvanwormerJul 08, 2004 16:58:25 | Originally posted by Raymond_Luxury_Yacht In the above list, "Power" refers to powerful planar entities that don't rely on mortal worship to survive or prosper, even if they have divine ranks. At least, that's what I decided it meant, and most of it was compiled by me. Law came up with the format, but he didn't explain what the difference between a Power and god is, so I divided them the way I wanted them. So Primus would be a Power by that definition, as would the elemental rulers, the primal titans and their parents, and so on. That's why the list seems odd. One of the reasons, anyway. The other reason is the plentiful number of non-canonical deities. Alzrius wrote: Vecna does not now, nor does he ever, live on Ash. This is a popular misconception. The next place Vecna was mentioned was actually the original Planescape boxed set. Since both the Planescape boxed set and Vecna Lives! were written by David Cook, and because the Planescape box assures us that Vecna does indeed dwell in Cavitius (and that he drove out the Doomguard who originally lived there), we can assume that this was the original intention. "Here the Doomguard once had Citadel Cavitius, a massive skull fortress that sat on the edge of the Negative Energy Plane. Eons ago it was taken from them by the lich Vecna, and now it's that demigod's prison and stronghold." - DM's Guide to the Planes, p.37. From the POWERS BY PLANE poster map: "ASH Vecna" Cavitius is Vecna's home. Domains of Dread is incorrect in this instance, and guilty of shoddy research. We really can't expect people trapped on the demiplane of Dread to know much about the planes, anyway, so all is forgiven. |
#31zombiegleemaxJul 12, 2004 2:07:30 | Don't have it with me but I believe the Nighmare Lands boxed set does indeed place the Nightmare Court in the Plane of Dreams rather than in the Ethereal. It *might* be possible to escape RL through the realm of the court but as its almost impossible to get to and even harder to leave thats an adventure in its own right. This might be irrelevant as I'm not sure that the Nightmare Man (much less the rest of the retinue) count as a power though. If anyone is interested in checking I'd love to know if the creators were the same as the people who worked on the planescape Doorways (to the Unknown?) module. Both deal with higher and lower "realities". -Eric Gorman |
#32Shemeska_the_MarauderJul 12, 2004 2:57:55 | Originally posted by HvF At the time, and perhaps still, the border between the near and deep ethereal surrounding prime worlds and populated demiplanes contained a region known as a wall of color. It was upon this border that dreams manifested within the ethereal near/deep border. The 3e optional 'realm of dreams' contains material that is word for word pulled from the 2e Planescape 'Guide to the Ethereal' description of dreamscapes upon the wall of color at that border. As such, I believe the 'plane of dreams' associated with the Nightmare Court was simply that border region in the ethereal surrounding the demiplane of dread itself near that particular domain. |
#33zombiegleemaxJul 14, 2004 22:21:05 | Uh, Law, I think you forgot to put the Chultan deity Ubtao on your list. He has realms in both the Beastlands and the Outlands. |