Post/Author/DateTime | Post |
#1themindDec 01, 2003 9:26:15 | Okay, first off, if any of my players happen upon this thread, please leave. I do want to leave you guys with some surprises. Spoiler Alert Here is the synopsis of where Krynn is at the time. --It is 20 years after the WoS (cant remember year, dont have books with me at the moment) --The Wizards of High Sorcery is back and progressing nicely. -Dalamar is head of the Conclave and the Black Robes -Jenna is still head of the Red Robes, in her 80's -(dont know who Head of the White Robes is at the moment, i plan on making someone though) --Sorcerors still around -- Clerics of the Gods are back --Mystics are still around --Knights of Neraka are in shambles, most have become bandits, but some still believe they have soem authority over the public --The Silvanesti are fighting back against the Minotaurs that invaded there home. With the help of Qualinesti and the KoS, they are slowly winning. --Frost and Sable are still around but lie low so not to draw attention to themselves --The lands that were morphed by the Dragon Overlords that perished have been returning to normal. -Khellondros's territory has almost returned to normal -Most of the forest that was Beryl's territory is returning to normal, except for around the Lake of Death -The Desolation is turnign back to the way it was, but at a slower rate than the others. --Paladine still walks upon Krynn in hi s mortal form and still helps people in need. --Rumors of people seeing Mina spread, but none are justified --Palin is still alive, but Usha has passed on and he now lives with his sister at the inn Here is what I plan for the main plot. Ever since Takhisis moved the world to its new spot in the universe, a powerful entity has watched the events that has transpired on Krynn. This entity has focused his power so that he may claim the world as his. With the return of the Gods of the world, his plan is almost ready. Now 20 years after their return, he is ready. Basically, a powerful dragon from the same world as the Dragon Overlords has been waiting in hiding from the Gods. He will sap the power from all of the Gods, except for the 3 Gods of Magic who were abel to hide form him at the last moment. He will be weakened by using such an extreme spell, and unable to enter the world as of yet. But he has already amassed followers on Krynn that will prepare for his coming. Something did go wrong though for the dragon, as luck would have it, Clerics were still able to cast their spells, although they do sense something wrong when they pray. The main quest is going to be finding the essences of the Gods, which are guarded by the Dragons minions on Krynn. Well, what do you think. I would like any feedback i could get. If you have questions, I will do my best to answer them, and if you have any suggestions that might help me, please give them, any help would be great. Thank you. |
#2jonesyDec 01, 2003 10:27:15 | Not criticism really, but rather questions you'd need answers for to explain it properly to the players: -How is this dragon entity going to sap the power from the gods? -Why does he store the essences of the gods on Krynn? Why not just destroy them? Or is he unable to do so? If so, why not store them somewhere that would be harder to reach? -Why would the gods be unable to defend themselves, and would the Highgod interfere? - How are the essences contained? -Where does clerical magic come from if the gods no longer have their powers? I think you could place these essences under guard in locations that were in a way opposites to the particular gods, such as Zeboim somewhere deep underground or Reorx in a completely empty place (although some of them might be hard to come up with locations opposite to their nature). |
#3themindDec 01, 2003 12:41:32 | Okay, now let me think, these arent really final answers and just thoughts that came to mind when i read your questions. 1. An artifact that the Dragon entity acquired that drew in his own energy to use. He didnt have the energy to draw in the essences to himself, so they went down to Krynn. 2. He was unable to control the essences due to his weakened state, and the essences went to places on Krynn. He thus sent his followers to guard them in case some noble "Heroes" went to free the essences. Also, he doesnt want the essences destroyed, he wants to draw their powers to become more powerful. 3. The Gods were caught by surprise, plus the artifact bypassed any defences they might have had against such an attack. But Solinari, Lunitari, and Nuitari noticed the entity, but were too late to do anything, but run to the material world where they hid in the bodies of some of the greatest mages alive. My thinking is that the Highgod won't intefere. He will look in interest to see if the inhabitants of Krynn can rise up and defeat such a foe. 4. the essences are held in crystals a bit bigger than a softball that bear the symbol of the god. 5. Since the Essences are on Krynn, the power of the Gods is still near by, thus Clerics can still call upon their magic. That is good idea about having them in areas that are opposite of the God. Although, if I go with the reaons i wrote above, it may end up better in places that represent the God. |
#4zombiegleemaxDec 01, 2003 15:08:38 | A few questions: 1) What color is the superdragon (not extremely relevent but whatever)? 2) Is the sapping of strength gradual or is it sudden? 3) Are you going to go into more detail on this post or leave us with the main idea? 4) Once he draws their essances, wont the crystal things holding the essances become useless? |
#5themindDec 01, 2003 15:30:10 | 1. Havent really thought of the color but may be like a shadow dragon 2 Mmm, probably sudden. The Dragon had enough energy to sap the power out of the gods, but not enough to absorb the energy into him, thus they went to Krynn. 3. I'll try and give you guys more, I just putupmy main idea and was going to later elaborate on it when i had the time. Plus these questions that you guys are asking are helping me flesh it out more. 4. Okay, when the essences appear on Krynn they are in the crystals. Since the Dragon cant enter the Material Plane, lets say he's in the Ethereal Sea or something, he cant get to the essences to keep them safe until he is able to use them. So he uses his followers to guard them until he can enter the world. If he gets to draw their power into him, the crystal will be gone. Thanks so far for your questions. They are helping me figure thisd all out. Will try to post more, but may not be until tomorrow. |
#6zombiegleemaxDec 01, 2003 19:02:25 | How is the dragon hoping to harness the power of the crystals? How are the PCs hoping to return this power to the Gods? Why do the minions not bring the essences to the dragon? What else do we know about the dragon? How powerful are you planning the PCs to be, and how powerful is the UberDragon? |
#7themindDec 02, 2003 8:46:41 | 1. Im thinking sort of the same way as with the Dragon Purge, except he does it through the artifact. 2. Probably with some method from one of the 3 gods of Magic, still need to think more on that. 3.The minions dont have the power to forcefully take the essences from their resting places. 4. how do you mean? I havent made stats for it yet, which i will soon. 5. the PC's start at lv 5 and after a few lvs, my main plot starts to take form in the game 6. The Dragon at this time is going to be more powerful than Malys. But, by the end of the campaign, when the PC's go to fight it, it will weaker than that. I have an idea for how it gets weaker, but its still being fleshed out. |
#8themindDec 02, 2003 8:46:42 | Now i will go more into my plot. The Dragon will be named Nephar, a great name i read somewhere, but cant remember where exactly. The artifact he used has 2 abilities, to draw the magical essence from a specified creature (this case is Gods) , and to fuse that essence with the user of the artifact. Each ability drains a massive amount of magical energy and personal energy from the user. And each ability is usable once per person. Since Solinari, Lunitari, and Nuitari fled to Krynn to avoid this, they were unharmed. Solinari speaks to Palin in a dream and tells him that the world needs him one last time. She offers him his magic back and he accepts. When the purge of the Gods happens, all Clerics will feel the sudden absence of their Gods. Although, they do sence them to be near, theit prayers go unanswered and feel a great lonelyness. At the same time, Nephar sends his followers to find and guard the essences until he is finally ready to enter the world. He also sends two of his most trusted followers to seek out 2 Generals to lead his army. One discovers the tomb of Ariakas and has him resurrected and made a General in Nephar's army. The other seeks out a man who is both human and Dragon. He fins Dhaman Grimwolf and promises that Nephar will get rid of Dhaman's curse of being a Dragon. He accepts. Eventually, the 3 Gods of Magic speak to the PC's and charge them with a quest to find Valthonis. They must try and convince him to become a God again so that they may have a chance to save the other Gods and in turn the World. If they manage to convince him, and through some divine act he becomes palaidne again, he then sends the PC's to go pass a group of trials to see if they have what it takes to save the world. If they pass the trials, they will start looking for the Essences of the Gods, maybe even between some trials as well. Well, thats what i got off the top of my head right now, if i come up with anymore I'll put it up. And please continue to post your questions if you have any. They are halping me a lot with things I never even thought about. Thanks |
#9themindDec 02, 2003 11:02:05 | Decided to get rid of this for now, until i have a firm grasp of what characters there will be. 2 more players want to join us. |
#10zombiegleemaxDec 02, 2003 15:04:20 | Ariakas has been dead for 100+ years and theres some limit (don't have the PHB in front of me) on time since death and caster level...just might want to take that into consideration. |
#11daedavias_dupDec 02, 2003 15:25:53 | Originally posted by Tasslehoff the Great Actually, it has been around 80 years, maybe less. |
#12zombiegleemaxDec 02, 2003 15:57:14 | Actually, it has been around 80 years, maybe less. :embarrass oops, sorry |
#13themindDec 02, 2003 22:38:53 | Its 10 years a caster level, so by the time someone could do True Ressurection on him it wouldnt really matter |
#14zombiegleemaxDec 03, 2003 6:24:56 | True Resurrection is a cleric spell, so where is the cleric getting their power from? Alternatively, they are a mystic, with the kind of personality that they would have a spell such as true res. and at level 17 or so, they don't have the power to move these essences themselves? What level are the PCs going to have to be to move these essences? How are they supposed to find out where the essences are hiding? Is the dragon going to find out where the PCs are, try and stop them, interrupt trials with real threats, and so on? Even send (conveniently low-level) minions to try and stop them? Why does the dragon need an army? I'd've thought that since he's already mortal, once he's subsumed the gods' essences, he'd be what Takhisis was always trying to be - a god of both the immortal and mortal worlds, at which point, nothing can stop him. Why does he need an army, unless it would be to protect where the essences were hidden, at which point, the PCs have to Great Cleave through 1st level warrior after 1st level warrior, as well as have a billion archers shoot at them (and no one said that archers can't quaff a quick potion of true strike before firing at someone in full plate), while the big bads such as Ariakus/Ariakas (which would you have, by the way? Cleric or wizard?) stride meancingly towards them. |
#15themindDec 03, 2003 9:01:03 | Like I said before, Clerics will still be able to cast spells cause the Gods are still in close proximity and want them to be able to cast the spells. Because these are Essences of the Gods, no mere mortal can forcefully move them, especially to give to someone to absorb their power. But since the PC's will be looking to restore the Gods, they will allow the PC's to take the Essences to whereever they need to so they may be "revived" to their normal status. Probably the Gods of Magic will give clues of where they might need to look. But since there are probably many places that look similar to where a certain essence might hide, it would be even more difficult to figure out which one. Or maybe an ancient script is kept somewhere with a poems for places the Dietys would hide upon Krynn if in danger. The Dragon probably will know where the Pc's are from time to time. Especially when they free an essence. The return of Paladine (if he agrees to come back) will be of course noticable. He will then keep tabs on the PC's and have Ariakas (his General) send minions to stop them and keep them from taking the trials. The Dragon knows he can't do anything physically on Krynn at the moment, so from his hiding spot he tempted beings on Krynn to be his followers. Beings like, young dragons, young ambitious mages, humans, etc. It's not an army where there are thousands of men and archers. Im thinking like Dragons from his homeworld, evil beings and strong warriors. I know Im being vague, but I need to work this part out more. The Guardians of the Essences, (the Dragons minions) will be tough, and maybe the dungeon filled with lackies. I want Ariakas, the wizard. I never really saw him as a Cleric in the Chronicles. |
#16themindDec 04, 2003 9:20:32 | There is something I would also like to get your take on. At this moment there are 6 characters at Lv 5. Now 2 more players may be joining us. Making it a total of 8 characters. So if each character is supposed to pass a trial and then they have to save the Essences of the Gods, what Lv would you say i should start all that fun. Take into account they start at Lv. 5, have to pass 8 trials, and save 19 Gods (19 is correct right?). Plus, try and convince Paladine to return and I'm thinking of reviving Takhisis to maintain the balance. Also, be of adequate Lv. to fight Ariakas near the end. (Havnet decided if I should make Ariakas Lv 20 or 23) At what Lv do you think i should start this. If any more factors need to be put in that I may have missed, let me know. |
#17zombiegleemaxDec 04, 2003 11:16:12 | When I said that True Res. was a cleric spell, that would mean a cleric would have to cast it. The gods grant clerical magic. The gods are *not* going to want a powerful evil guy who is going to stop anyone trying to rescue their essences running around, so wouldn't grant the spell. There's also the fact that Ariakas might not be able to come back - where would his soul have gone, exactly? I'm going to start a thread about this somewhere else. If the dragon is weak now, why don't the Gods of Magic just take him out themselves? Why spend so much time getting a bunch of untrained and untested heroes trained and tested, if they could just summon a dozen of the worlds already existing heroes to do it for them? If you have a 17th level cleric running around casting true res arbitrarily, you have to allow that their god will want them to find their essence and return it, which would suggest that you'd have to skip all this training stuff, and just have more powerful starting PCs. If you want them to build up to it, don't start this campaign idea just yet, but let them start at the end of the War of Souls (when this plan is just being formulated), and let them earn their positions as the most powerful individuals on Ansalon, before springing all this on them. You could leave hints around all the time, have them go on an occasional venture to find a random dragon cult are causing a nuisance somewhere. Give them lots of downtime, a position in actual establishments that they have to spend time fulfilling the needs of, and then 20 years later, bang, the Gods are in need. |
#18themindDec 04, 2003 13:55:16 | Maybe it wasnt a Cleric who cast the spell. Myabe it was a mystic. He wouldnt have to be granted the spell from the gods then, Maybe the Gods of Magic are weakened themselves. They may not know that the Dragon is weakened and dont want risk going back and having the same thing happen to them. SO they will stay in hiding. They may not want to have mortals on Krynn depend on the Gods to save themall of the time. THe War of the Lance wouldnt have been won it the Gods didbnt do what they did with the Cataclysm. They also cant have the same heroes coming backto save everyone. THey want to new heroes rise up in the faceof evil. Otherwise, if somethingmay happen where the Gods are gone and no old Heroes live, no one may feel they have what it takes to save the world. Also you have to look at like this, it could be the PC's destiny to do this. They have to fulfill their destiny. |
#19zombiegleemaxDec 04, 2003 17:25:05 | Firstly, introducing prophecy into a & game is very risky. What happens if a player doesn't fulfil their necessary parts in the prophecy by doing something stupid and dying? If you have a mystic cast this spell, it's true that they won't have to call on their god for it, but also mystics are supposed to get spells based on their type of personality. A person who is very much the type of person who resurrects the dead is also not going to be an evil person. It's those that take life that are evil, giving one back has to be seen as the inverse, and so good. Why would they be working for this dragon? If the mortals of Krynn are not supposed to be relying on the Gods to help them, why is the big quest going to be restoring the gods to power? Why also would they be wanting to bring back both Paladine and Takhisis? Also - the War of the Lance would never have happened if the Gods didn't do the cataclysm, so I am unclear about what you are saying hear? One last thing - is any of this helping you formulate your campaign ideas, or am I just nitpicking now? |
#20themindDec 04, 2003 18:08:05 | First of all, this is helping me put it all together. Although, it is showong me that doing mostly of what i wanted to do is greatly flawed, it's good for me to see this. I know that many of the things i thought of doesnt all fit together. And i greatly appreciate all that everyone has done by bringing up these issues. Now to answer the rest of the questions About the Mystic, maybe the Mystic was kidnapped and had a Suggestion or similar spell cast upon him to make him Ressurect Araikas. It doesnt even have to True Res. maybe regualr Res. For the most part, i was just typing what i was thinking without really thinking all that mch about it at all. So scratch that part for now until i Have more time to think about that. About the War of the Lance thing, I read somewhere that the world would not have been ready to stop Takhisis from entering Krynn if the Catyclism didnt happen. Thats what i was getting at. When i mentioned Destiny, i was thinking of the Forestmasters statement about "Every creature that dies fulfills their destiny." Then i just put some crap together. I know its not good to do something like that in a game. The only reason that i put it in there was to tget you to understand why they callupon new heroes. I dont know what to say otherwise for why they dont call on more expericanced heroes. Maybe someone can help me with that reasoning. Thannks again. |
#21zombiegleemaxDec 04, 2003 18:16:03 | What I was suggesting was that you have this plot foreshadowed from the start, but not have anything happen until the characters are already a high enough level that they would be called upon to do these great things. It saves on the amount of 'testing' they'd have to do, save on time so that the dragon doesn't have too long to fulfil his dream of power, and means they wouldn't all die when they get to an epic quest. With the War of the Lance thing, I was thinking of the short story where some random fisherman from Palanthas got transported to a parallel dimension by Chaos to release him from that Graygem. All the gods were enslaved in that world. So if there was no cataclysm, the kingpriest would have had his dream of power fulfilled, and the gods would have been enslaved. No War of the Lance, no Takhisis reigning supreme/entering the world/being naugthy/etc. |
#22themindDec 04, 2003 19:19:24 | That is good suggestion. Sorry i didnt really address it before from when you originally mentioned it. That might work out a lot better. I never read or heard about a short story like that. I believe i read my understanding of that whole thing in the Legends Trilogy. |
#23themindDec 05, 2003 9:13:27 | Ok then. Now all i have to do is come up with adventures. I already have a starting adventure plan to get all the characters together. Their will be either 7-8 characters. Six are done, and 2 more players are joining and need to make thiers. So far there is Qual. Elf Ftr4/ KotC1 Qual. Elf Clr5 Kender Rog1/Sor1/Evok3 Minotaur Ftr5 Human(n) Drd5 Human(c) Mnk5 All of them will be in Solace, at the "Inn of the Last Home", yeah i know its been done before. The 2 Elves, the Kneder, and the Minotaur are already a group and have been travelling for awhile, coming to Solace to relax. The 2 Humans are friends and are running from a group of Knights of Neraka, and hoped to hide in Solace. The other 2 will probably be old friends of soem of the others, havent exactly come up with that yet. In order to get the KoS to help them, the 2 Humans agreed to help stop the caravans that carry supplies to Solace from being attacked by Hobgoblins. But they need to find more to help them. Later on, in the Inn, while they are contimplating, some KoN storm in and sees them, and orders his men to arrest them, Laura majere, (i think its her that runs the inn) trys to stop them but gets pushed to the ground. I'm hoping this gets the 4 friends to join in on the fight, because they have a deep hate for the KoN. And maybe the other 2 will join in too. After that, Laura will ask them to help stop the caravan from being raided again, because t hey are runnign out of supplies. So basically, their first adventure will be to stop the Hobgoblins that raid the caravan. Now all i have to do is come up with some other stuff for them to do after that. If anyone could help me with and ideas it would be great. |
#24zombiegleemaxDec 05, 2003 13:08:26 | You could expand on the caravan idea. The hobgoblins might be working for someone or something else who hopes to starve the citizens of Solace, Haven and Gateway (Haven and Gateway still exist, right?). That could easily lead them to 10th level. |
#25themindDec 05, 2003 14:01:54 | If Gateway and Haven still exist at the end of the WoS then they do now. And thats not a bad idea. Maybe a Necromancer that is looking for more to fuel his army of undead. Could be the master of the Necromancer that the 2 Elves, Minotaur, and Kender defeated before. (Im having it where just before my campaign begins, they defeated a Necromancer. It was that victory that helped the Knight pass hsi trial to becoem a KNight. I do want to intorduce a dragon in there somewhere. The minotaur wants to become a Dragon Rider, and i want to set him up for that by lv 10. One other question i have is if the Encounter Table in the DMG is for 4 Pc's of the average lv, how much should i add for 8 PC's, to CR of creature, or amount of creatures? Should i also ask this question on the DMG board? |
#26zombiegleemaxDec 05, 2003 19:10:43 | Wasn't it that you had three players who had two characters each? If you have two more players, why don't you have less characters? I'd cut down on having to have loads of harder monsters (the CR system is awful, by the way. You have to just make a best guess), as well as allow each player to focus on their character. The game's not just about who's the most useful in battle, because the DM can always go one better than the players. There's someone around with the sig 'DM: Mind flayer. He eats your brains. I win'. Role playing more than one character is near impossible. |
#27zombiegleemaxDec 06, 2003 8:28:56 | I do want to intorduce a dragon in there somewhere. The minotaur wants to become a Dragon Rider, and i want to set him up for that by lv 10. I'm a little confused. Have the PC's really fought the necromancer or is that just their backround? If it is just backround why not make it an evil dragon with levels of necromancer that has the same purpose. Theres another dragon in the area thats been fighting this one and helps the PC's letting the minotaur ride on him. If it they actually fought the necromancer, the dragon could be his boss or something. |
#28themindDec 08, 2003 8:33:48 | Originally, I had it part of their background where they defeated a Necromancer just before they were to reach Lv 5. When you suggested about expanding the whole idea of the hobgoblins raiding caravans to Gateway and Haven, I thought of having another Necromancer be behind it. Since hes trying to starve the citizewns of these 3 towns, he would have the perfect oppurtunity to raise all of those that die as undead. In fact, having a dragon behind it wouldnt be such bad idea. It is going to take time for people to starve and a Dragon wont get impatient with all of the waiting. The only problem is that a Dragon with class lvs may be to high of a CR, even at an average PC lv of 10. |
#29zombiegleemaxDec 08, 2003 15:25:05 | You think they'll only get to level 10 by then? It seems like they would have a bunch of stuff to do before the dragon and there would also be the dragons minions. Anyways, a mature adult black dragon's CR is only 13 and old is only 15. Thats caster levels of 5th and 7th. Would you even need to give it caster levels? It could be a normal dragon with heavy emphasis on necromantic spells. Also, the PC's could pick up dragon killing weapons along the way. |
#30themindDec 09, 2003 18:44:23 | Maybe the Dragon also is having a humanoid Necormancer work for him by promising him power. Or it could be the way that you say too, Dragon with those spells. |
#31themindDec 10, 2003 9:12:34 | These are all good ideas. But what all i could i do for adventures. I know that there could be outposts outside Solace, Haven, and Gateway that the Hobgoblins report to. There could even be a mix of Hobgoblins, Goblins, and Draconians too. Probably some random encounters whne traveling between towns. Clearing out the outposts and stopping the raids will probably level them up a level or two, especially if i have a little side adventure between towns. Maybe at each outpost there is a clue to some higher up that is using the Hobgoblins for some other purpose than just stealing food. But what kind of adventures could i do after they stop the raiding that will continue with this plot. Im thinking im going to go with a Human Necromancer working for a Dragon as the BBEG's for this adventure. |
#32zombiegleemaxDec 10, 2003 14:41:39 | Are the PC's gonna end up fighting the dragon also or just the necromancer? To advance the plot, you could have the PC's recover notes and stuff that leads them to the necromancers hideaway. The raiders could be running off in a common direction and then the PC's could track them or something like that. Just a random thought: You should give the raiders potions of fly and have them attack from the air. ![]() :D |
#33themindDec 10, 2003 16:45:01 | I was thinking eventually they would fight the Dragon. Maybe some time after they defeat the Necromancer, the dragon finds someone else to to do his work for him and the PC's eventually find out who is behind all of this. |
#34zombiegleemaxDec 11, 2003 14:52:29 | Once the PC's kill the necromancer, the dragon could raise him. The next time the PC's encounter the necromancer, thinking he was dead, would probably try to capture and interrogate him or do some divination spell on him. Eventually they'd get the gist that some greater power was behind it all. |
#35themindDec 11, 2003 19:28:31 | Ok, what type of Dragon should i use and what age category. And if it is one that cant cast cleric spells, how wqould he raise him? |
#36zombiegleemaxDec 11, 2003 20:27:52 | I think the dragon should be black just cause black makes you think of death and the whole thing is sorta revolving around a necromancer. Also...its one of the weaker types and your players arn't gonna be too high levels. If the dragon didn't take levels in cleric...thats an could pay someone else to raise him. |
#37themindDec 11, 2003 20:42:26 | Ok then what Age category is suffiecient? Should i go with close to a CR of 10. Cause i know that Dragons are still a little powerful for their CR. |
#38zombiegleemaxDec 11, 2003 20:49:54 | I'd make it mature adult CR13 since thats the final battle basicly so they really have to play it smart to win. Anyhu, if its just one dragon, however many PC's you have (alot i think) should be able to handle it easily at level 10 just from out numbering it so badly. Maybe give it some cohorts for the battle? |
#39themindDec 11, 2003 20:56:26 | there will be 7 PCs, so you think that they could tyake a CR 13 Dragon? Well, lets hope they can or this will be a short campaign. hehe |
#40zombiegleemaxDec 12, 2003 16:19:03 | Seven level 10 PC's against one CR 13 dragon? I would think they could handle it pretty easily. Maybe one or two PC's would die, i dont know. I dont have a whole lot of experience with all of this so you probably shouldnt take my advice. |
#41themindDec 14, 2003 15:50:38 | Actually a Mature Adult Black Dragon is CR 14. Maybe Ill go with an Adult CR 11. Should still provide a challenge. And actually, you have been a great help to me with this. Thanks alot |
#42zombiegleemaxDec 14, 2003 16:59:43 | Your welcome! :D ![]() |
#43themindDec 15, 2003 1:47:51 | Ok, first off i want to thank everyone who has helped me thus far with my campaign. Everything that has been posted has been alot of help. And i wpould like to post what i know have for my campaign. First off, for characters there are Q. Elf Ftr4/KotC1 Q.Elf Clr5 Kender Rog1/Sor1/Wiz3 (Spec. in Evocation) Minotaur Ftr5 Human Mnk5 Human Drd5 (These 2 players will probalby come in and out at times) Human Sor5 Dwarf Ftr5 (I can post backgrounds for the characters if you guys want to see them, I would like to try and run some things around their goals) Backstory For the last month or so, the Towns of Haven, Gateway, and Solace have been facing a crisis. Hobgoblins and the like are raiding supply caravans headed to the towns and making it where no food or supplies can get to the towns. To make things worse, crops on farms in the areas of the towns have been ruined. Soon, there will be no more food and poeple will begin to starve to death. In actuality, the Hobgoblins and under teh direction of a Renegade Wizard or wishes to build an army of undead, and plans on raising all of the dead inhabitants fo the towns as undead. He in fact is working for someone, an Adult Black Dragon. (Who wont make an appearance for some time) The beginning At the start of the campaign, the dwarf, Monk, and Druid will have arrived in Solace while running from some bandit Knight's of Neraka. (see te very first post of this thread about the KoN) When they seek out the help of the KoS stationed in Solace, they are disappoineted when they find out that the Knights cant help at the moment, they are trying to deal with the dwindling supply of food. But will offer to help them out, if they help the Knights with the crisis. The Knights want them to go meet the next incoming caravan and help guard it. But they feel they may need more help and suggests that they go to the Inn of the LAst Home and find help. There they will meet the other characters. The Kender, Knight, Minotaur, and cleric have just arrived in Solace for some R&R, but are disappointed to find out that there isnt alot for food in the inn. At this point, a few KoN barge through teh door of the inn, spot the 3 characters that they were chasing and move to arrest them. Laura Majere will try to stop them, but will get pushed to ground. Hopefully getting the other 4 mad, (they dont have any love for the KoN.) and the 7 characters will join together to take care of these disrespecting Knights. After that the 4 will get to decide if they want to join the 3 and guard the caravan. For an incentive, Laura Majere will even offer to give them free Spicy Potatoes and Room for a few nights. My plan is when they goto guard the caravan, maybe run into a group a Hobgoblins scouting things out. Eventually the caravan will get attacked, and the PC's will be given a chance to chase after the Hobgoblins and stop them from attacking again Now this whqat i haved planed for their first adventure. I also plan on having it where therre are raiding posts on everymain road leading into the cities. MAinly like the North and South roads. Still working this part out though. |
#44zombiegleemaxDec 15, 2003 15:00:22 | The backstories for the characters would be interesting. I've got three questions about what you have so far: 1) Where do the hobgoblins flee to? The necromancer? A raiding base? Randomly? 2) How much to the hobgoblins know about what they are doing? Do they even know the necromancer let alone the dragon? 3) How are the Sorceror and the Fighter going to be coming in and out in the story? They get hit in the leg and need time to recuperate? |
#45themindDec 15, 2003 15:11:59 | 1. The Hobgoblins will have a base that they bring the supplies to in an area around each town. From there, they have a central base that they bring the supplies to so they could use it for themselves. 2. They know about the NEcromancer and work for him and have an assumption that he works for someone else but dont know who 3. Im not sure, but the players told me they may not be able to make it all of the time. The player with the sorceror wont be able to make the first session even. He couldnt get the day off of work because almost everyone in his department asked for the day off too. I guess it will have to be circumstancial on what happens when a player cant make it. |
#46themindDec 15, 2003 15:46:09 | Ok here are the backstories of the characters. (by the way, names havent been made yet)(will add them when i get them) Male Qualinesti Elf Ftr4/KotC1 Born in Qualinesti, he learned how to fight with a sword and became exceptionally skilled. Whent he time came to evacuate Qualinesti due to Beryl, he was stationed to help protect the refugees as they escaped through the tunnels. After the WoS, when they were stayig with LoS, he honed his fighting skills even more. About 5 years prior to the present, he went out adventuring with the dream of becoming a KoS. Female Qualinesti Elf Clr5 Born in Qualinesti, she was child hood friends with (the Knight). She eventually learned Mysticsm but didnt have her heart in the teachings. She was in love with the (future Knight). She traveled with him during the evacuation. After the Gods returned, she took to the teachings of Kiri-Joilith and became one of his Clerics. She followed after the (future Knight) when he left the outpost. Male Kender Rog1/Sor1/Wiz3(spec. in Evocation) Born in Hylo, he enjoyed everything, especially tyhing that were magical. When he went out on his wanderlust, he came across a Sorceror and decided to travel wth him. While the travel, the Kender picked up a few tricks from the Sor. and learned Sorcery himself. He eventually got bored of it and decided to try Wizardry. He learned over the back of a companion of his, and took a liking to Evocation spells. During one his travels, after his former companions died in one of their adventures, he came across a small camp of KoN who had taken a Miinotaur prisoner. He decided to free the poor fellow and after they did, they took care of the KoN so they wouldnt do anything of the like again. The Minotaur stated that from then on, he would protect the Kender in return for saving him. Male Minotaur Ftr5 Born in Mithas(i think thats the name), he had always dreamed of dragons and flying on Dragonback. When he became of age, he decided to set out to make a name for himself. Shortly after reaching Ansalon, he was ambushed by KoN and was taken prisoner. He was going to sold as a slave. But a couple nights after he was captured, a spellcasting Kender freed him and they took out the KoN. The Minotaur then vowed to protect the Kender in return for saving him. Female Human(N) Drd5 Born in Que-Shu, she had a natural affinity for Nature. She eventually learned Druidic magic. When she got bored with life in Que-Shu, she left. She joined with a group of adventurers and they all became good friends. After one of their adventures, they were ambushed by a group of KoN. She, the Monk, and Dwarf of the group were taken alive, while the others were killed. They eventually escaped from the camp and travelled to Solace to seek help. Female Human(C) Mnk5 Born in Solace, she was both strong and agile. A Monk visiting Solace saw the potential in her and proposed to her parents that he coild train her at his monastary. They agreed,a dn she went off to train. When she could learn no more at the monastary, she traveled to get experainace she couldnt get in a Monastary. She joined witha group of adventurers. After one of their adventures, they were ambushed by a group of KoN. She, the Druid, and Dwarf of the group were taken alive, while the others were killed. They eventually escaped from the camp and travelled to Solace to seek help. Male Human(C) Sor5 (comign soon) Male Hill Dwarf Ftr5 (comign soon) During one of the Kender's and Minotaur's ventures to stop KoN from selling peopel into slavery, they came across 2 Elves, (future Knight and Cleric) who were doing the same thing. They joined together and found that they all work well together. They did some adventuring and on one of their most recent adventures, they stopped a Necromancer from coming to enough power where he would be a serious threat. After that, The Elf was excepted into the Knighthood for his deeds. After the Knight was excepted they all traveled to Tower of Wayreth so the Kender could take his test. To the amazement of the Conclave, he passed. He came out more serious about his learning and without the lack of concentration most kender have. After his test, they decided to travel to Solace for some R&R. They have heard many stories about teh Inn of the Last Home and their famed Spicy Potatoes. Well, thats what i got, Ill make something for the SOrceror soon. |
#47zombiegleemaxDec 15, 2003 16:40:20 | Sounds like fun. Tell us how it goes when you play. I was thinking about doing the WotL with my group but this is something they've never heard of so I think I'm gonna do this with them. Are you going to go into detail about the other stages of the adventure on the thread? |
#48themindDec 26, 2003 3:12:50 | Well, last week, we finally kicked it off. Although we only got about 3 hours of gaming in, I think it went well. Ill give you the details so far. I now have names for the characters. Female Q Elf Clr5: Kaylan Male Q Elf Ftr4/KotC1: Kelendros (Pronounced like the Overlords name ![]() Male Minotaur Ftr5: Galdar Sumarr Male Kender Rog1/Sor1/Wiz3: Tasselhoff Burrfoot ( actually named in honor of the real one) Female Human Mnk5: Kyla Denford Female Human Drd5: Phais Lynn Yeah i know that 3 of these names are really familiar. Th3e knight took Kelendros form the name Kelevendros in the Elven names in the DLCS, the same with the Minotaur. Plus i decided it would add some flavor to the roleplaying. The 2 Elves, Minotaur, and Kender entered Solace for some R&R and to celebrate teh Kenders passing of the Test of High Sorcery. when they got ot the Inn of the LAst Home, they found out from Laura Majere that supply caravans have been getting attacked and that food is getting scarce. After they finished the little food that teyhy ordered, 4 KoN entered the Inn and the lead one pointed at the MOnk and Druid, who were in the opposite side of the INn form the others Heres where things got interesting. Since, the 4 travelers have no love for the KoN and really hate them, teh Kender attacked them. When the player said this ( who has been playing the Kender very well I might add) I was like ![]() After the battle, Gerard uth Mondar arrived to see what all of the rucus was about. In the past 20 years, he has risen to Knight of the Sword and is currently in charge of the KoS post in Solace. He questioned the PC's and spectators and found that they didnt need to be arrested. He then asked the Pc's if they could help him with the crisis that the town is facing. Hobgoblins have been attacking supply caravans on route to SOlace, making it so they are running out of food. ( the farms in the area have been having problems witht he harvest as well) The Pc's are to meet the caravan and help guard it from an attack. Along the way they were attacked by an Anhkeg (random Encounter). It was here that we ended My plan for the next session is to have the caravan get attacked a day after tehy join up with it. about 9 Hobgoblins and Goblins, all with some class levels to amke it more interesting. One fo the Goblins with Rogue lvs will have a Wand of Fireballs thatr hewilll fire at the wagon with the sleeping quarters of the noraml guards, knocking them out of the picture. While a few HG's attack others will start stealing the supplies and attackin thoise that stop them. My plan then on is to draw them to the HG hideout where they will find out clues of how organized the attacks are. From there, they find out about another hideout on the other road leading to Solace. Also the same thing is happening in Gateway. I would do Haven too, but that is too far away to make this work. When they found that a Renegade Wizard is behind all of this they most go to his tower and stop him. So what do yo think so far. I think the players are liking it so far. they are even having some fun with it. One funny thing that they have done is mess with the heads of some of KoS that are stationed there. I allowed the Knight to take the Nimbus of Light feat from the BoED and he chose where the light comes form his head. So when he went to touch the Tomb of the Last Heroes as in respect, he turned on the light fell to ground and started to scream as in pain. The others even went to go act to be concerned, they knew he was faking. Well let me know what you think Oh and I will go into the other stages of the campaign whenthe time comes. |
#49zombiegleemaxDec 26, 2003 23:44:36 | If it helps, the equation for finding the character level of a party is the add the levels of all the party members and divide by four. So, 7 level 10 party members would have a party level of 17.5, or just 17. Which is more than enough to take on a CR 14 creature. |
#50zombiegleemaxJan 04, 2004 11:15:49 | Take a look at the thread: 'Can kender be sorcerors?' or something like that. An afflicted kender as the necromancer? Then you could have a whole showdownish thing between your wizard Burrfoot and the afflicted necromancer....I think I'll try that in my campaign....can i burn the flesh from their bodies? and then raise them as my undead servants...please please please and then i can begin my masterplan to find the flaw in the kender brain mu hahahaha-the evil kender talking to the dragon. |
#51zombiegleemaxJan 04, 2004 14:17:22 | 4 KoN entered the Inn and the lead one pointed at the Monk and Druid, who were in the opposite side of the Inn from the others. Here's where things got interesting. Since, the 4 travelers have no love for the KoN and really hate them, the Kender attacked them. Is this kender afflicted, or evil? Why the hell did he attack the Knights if they had only pointed at some random people on the other side of the room? After the battle, Gerard uth Mondar arrived to see what all of the rucus was about. He questioned the PC's and spectators and found that they didnt need to be arrested. What? These guys had all started a fight with some Knights, and there was no reason to arrest them? Please tell me that the Knights raped or murdered someone before being mercilessly slaughtered for doing their job. Also, how had they snuck into the Inn in the first place? Aren't there supposed to be Solamnics guarding this town? I allowed the Knight to take the Nimbus of Light feat from the BoED and he chose where the light comes form his head. So when he went to touch the Tomb of the Last Heroes as in respect, he turned on the light fell to ground and started to scream as in pain. You don't see anything wrong with a) an elf behaving in this way, b) a KoS behaving in this way and c) someone so good they can take exalted feats behaving in this way? Please, please tell me I've completely misunderstood this story. |
#52zombiegleemaxJan 04, 2004 16:23:20 | I think you misunderstood it. The BoED thing I don't get but I think thats cause I dont know what the feat is or know anything about the book except its for super good guys, right? The knights had been chasing the first group and were going to attack them so in a way the kender was helping those the Knights were attacking....the knights were attacking in the first place. The PC's didn't need to be arrested because the Knights came in intending to attack the first group of PCs. |
#53zombiegleemaxJan 05, 2004 5:32:35 | Why had the Knights been chasing the first group? Presumably, it would have been because they broke the law. If it is a sound law, such as against murder, and committed anywhere, the characters should be punished. If it was in the Knights of Neraka's territory, they should be either handed over to them, or punished by the Knights of Solamnia. If they were being chased because they'd simply got away from being captured, how stupid were these Knights to attack them, in a crowded inn, in a town that they are not liked, respected, and are being actively opposed, without reasonable grounds? So did the Knights want to kill the monk and druid, and why, or did they want to arrest them, and why? |
#54themindJan 06, 2004 0:34:06 | Ok here is my whole reasoning behind it. The Knight sof Neraka have now turned to a life of thugs and bandits. Some still believe that they have some authority in the land. Now a band of KoN ambushed the party that the druid and monk wer epart of. Capturing the two and probably killing the others. the KoN planned on selling the 2 into slavery, but they escaped and ran to Solace. Some of the KoN followed them, snuck in, and found the two at the Inn. Yeah they probably were stupid or too egotistic to even think about. But that is in the past andf is done with. My Pc's didnt have any problems with how things worked. Ane just so you know, my group likes to have some fun when we play. Otherwise things would get to dull and boring. They like how Ive done so far and are really enjoying it. |
#55zombiegleemaxJan 06, 2004 14:45:37 | The Knight sof Neraka have now turned to a life of thugs and bandits. Some still believe that they have some authority in the land. Thats whats what I thought in the first place but then I figured my memory had gotten foggy. ![]() |
#56zombiegleemaxJan 06, 2004 19:25:29 | Who were they planning on selling the slaves to? Why pursue certain people if they were good enough to get away, if ambushing other people would be more effective, lucrative and dangerous (bullies are cowards, remember?)? I'm not saying no fun, I'm saying that if you want to role-play, you have to get into the roles of the characters. It's ok to have the fun of messing around with being stupid and calling it role-play, but you were asking for people's opinions. |
#57zombiegleemaxJan 06, 2004 19:36:32 | They probably don't want the PC's to tell people of them(I mean name, location etc.....not KoN are being evil. wah!) |
#58zombiegleemaxJan 13, 2004 16:04:50 | My group had been playing ToEE before but we didn't like it much after going basically halfway though so there was a request for a DL campaign. I decided I'd use this since I helped to an extent but I modified it a little. I don't know if you want to hear how it went but it might spark some ideas, so if you want to hear, just ask. |
#59zombiegleemaxJan 13, 2004 20:26:45 | is this an online game or tabletop? |
#60themindJan 13, 2004 23:14:28 | Well, my campaign is a tabletop game. As for Tas, he is going to have to answer that one. And Tas, i would lik to see how things went for you. My group just finished our 3rd session yesterday. We now have 7 characters, the Sorceror finally joined us. A couple weeks ago, in tyhe 2nd session, they prevented the caravan from being raided and got info from a prisoner they took where their base was. They found it relieved it of its Hobgoblin inhabitants. There they found out that they are working for someone known as "The Great One." Which they suspect is a renegade Wizard who've they heard rumors of. With other info they found, they learned of another base along the road south of Solace. They returned to Solace and rested for the night. the next mornign they rode off with a small group of Solamnics to the south. They found the caravan that was on its way to Solace being attacked. While the Solamnics took care of the raiding party, the group went off to find the base. They found it and fought their way through the base. We ended right afte the final battle of the place. the next session is going to consist of the group finding out that Gateway is having the same problem and also they will find out a little bit more about this "Gr3eat One". |
#61zombiegleemaxJan 14, 2004 14:46:48 | bdg4life: mines tabletop also *takes big breath* Well, mine went a different path. They started out in Solace the same way yours did. After the fight with the KoN, though she was POed Laura/Linsha/Whoever Majere told them about the shortage or food(I was gonna make Otiks Spiced Potatoes but we weren't playing at my house). First they do alot of talking to villagers. Some think its elves. Some think its dwarves or draconians. So, one guy's a farmer who knows about a murder that happened very recently but he was to scared to do anything about it(it was a farmer who was killed, most of which will be gone soon enough) he was on his way to report it when they found him. He tells them the killer was child size and the find the tracks, see they are booted but can't figure anything else about them other than that they begin heading northwest. So they look northeast, all the way up to the Que-Shu plains and Xak Tsaroth and find nothing(the hob goblin hideout is hidden very well). Then Tasslehoff Burrfoot, my kender sorceror/avatar, gives them the idea of figureing out where the caravans come from. Turns out they come from all over, but originate mainly in Palanthas. So the PC's are on their way to Palanthas at the end of the first session(the reason they can't rely on their own farmers entirely is because there was a localized drought that year). The way I think I'm going to go with this is have the necromancer be an afflicted kender necromancer under the employ of a black dragon who has realized his worth even though he is a kender. Together, they have established agents in many areas including Palanthas. The Palanthian agent is a noble with a degree of power who can tell them when a caravan comes so they can intercept it down in the 3 towns. I think when the PC's get there, there will be a tournament of some sort in which the possibly future KoS will be able to join. The lord/agent guy will say something that will start hostilities between Palanthas and Kalaman(or some other city). The KoS might be split, some realizing that Palanthas is in the wrong at attacked first, which is what will happen, and some will ignore that and fight for Palanthas. The Kalamanians will have a siege that prevents the caravans from getting out making the kender and dragons job easier. This will add an entire quest for the PC's so that they will be high enough levels for the 'grand finale'. Its funny how this thread started out about your god killing dragon and went on to this. |
#62themindJan 14, 2004 15:37:18 | Wow, it sounds like fun. Yeah, it is funny how it came from that. Oh, and i have thought of something for after they defeat the Dragon. The Dragon ... was working for someone else (GASP!) I have an idea where let's say an apprentice to Dalamar gets power hungrey and finds a powerful item that was thought to be hidden or destroyed by Raistlin. Teh apprentice becomes a Lich and takes over the Tower of High Sorcery that Dalamar used to reside in before the WoS. The Lich recruits many to help him kill all of the inhabitants of Ansalon so he could raise them as his Undead army. I was thiking of when the PC's go to Palanthas, ( they want to visit Jenna's MAgic Shop) they learn of this plot and learn of a way to stop this Lich. They must each find special gems that were thought to be lost forever that can be attached to a personal item to bring out items full potential. Plus the Gems, when all are found, will make thge Lich more vulnerable or something like that. Going to all of the dungeons and doing stuff to find these Gems shouold Level the PC's up a few . Oh and by the way, if things do work out, i still plan on doing the whole Dragon usurping the Gods thing. That will be fun. Have fun with your campaign Tas. Let me know how things go. |
#63zombiegleemaxJan 14, 2004 15:42:37 | Sounds like yours is gonna be great also. One questions though: I thought Raistlin refused to use magic items and such because they were for weaklings. Anyways, my Palanthas and Kalaman idea is pretty bad and them going to war is so unlikely that i might end up doing something else. Who knows. |
#64zombiegleemaxJan 14, 2004 17:27:09 | they begin heading northwest. Which? Or are the players confused? Palanthas is a very long way away from Solace. There would seem to be little point moving food this far, since it would mostly have gone off by the time it had travelled to Solace. Plus, there's a sea in the way, which isn't cheap. I'd also prefer if you clarified exactly what you were keeping the same and changing, rather than referencing things on pages ages ago. It also means if anyone else comes along, they don't have to read everything already written to give helpful advice. kill all of the inhabitants of Ansalon so he could raise them as his Undead army. What would he need an army for if he's already killed everyone? They must each find special gems that were thought to be lost forever that can be attached to a personal item to bring out items full potential Hey! I know a game you'd love! It's called Diablo. It has things *just like* that in it. |
#65zombiegleemaxJan 14, 2004 21:25:33 | they look northeast cause thats the direction the attacks come from. its really just one of the hobgoblin hideouts. the origin of the food i screwed up on. guess i had a brain freeze or something. its coming from Solanthus which isn't nearly as far and just across Newsea. yea....i told my players Palanthas...oops. They havn't gone past Solanthus anyways so no harm no foul i guess. |
#66zombiegleemaxJan 15, 2004 6:59:55 | What are the hobgoblins doing with all this food? Most caravans don't travel alone, and certainly wouldn't if there was an increase in banditry in a certain location. In fact, considering the distance the caravans are travelling, the caravans would probably stop fairly quickly. Sea travel is vastly more expensive than it would be worth to sell some food. I'm doubtful about these trading practices. So, considering this food would have to be vastly more expensive than local fare, due to its distance, huge bodyguard to deal with bandits, sea travel and so on, there would have to be some reason that Abanasinian people would still buy it. Perhaps it's not local fare, which would be the first reason people might buy it - variety being the spice of life and all. There's one idea already - these caravans contain spices. But they're coming from Solamnia, which doesn't have much in the way of spices. Hmm. Looking up Solamnia in the DLCS, it says its main trade is with ships, timber, ale, gems, iron, steel, horses and cattle. Abanasinia has steel weapons and armour, grain and ale, for the city states, which is where these caravans are going. Cattle are difficult to make money from using boats, and aren't hauled around in caravans. ToTL goes more indepth and says Solanthus trades mainly in grain and cattle, and since it's the centre of the continent, presumably does cheaper trade with the rest of Solamnia rather than with sea travel, and Abanasinia also has grain as a trade good, so wouldn't need any. What were you thinking was in the caravans? |
#67zombiegleemaxJan 15, 2004 8:04:14 | I never really thought about what exactly the caravans were carrying or all these logistics. I'm new to DnD and I just didn't realize there was so much detail. Since this isn't going to work do you have any suggestions as to where it could come from and what it would be carrying? The reason the hobgoblins are able to over power the caravans is because they are being trained by their superiors into more than just level 1 warriors. Most of them have at least 2 class levels. The kender wants to raise an undead army from the 3 towns to destroy Que Shu because he has a big hate for it but they are more self sustaining than the towns people. They aren't only stopping caravans, they are also killing local farmers. |
#68zombiegleemaxJan 15, 2004 8:49:31 | It's not D&D that has all these details, it depends entirely on the person creating the game. Most of the stuff I put into the game the players never bother to work out, so it's kind of unrewarding. I do it for my own peace of mind, or to look smug, or just in case one of the players asks. I try to keep people's motives in my head at all points of designing an adventure, so there will always be a reason for even tiny encounters.Along the way they were attacked by an Anhkeg (random Encounter). It was here that we ended. Stuff like that I try to avoid. Presumably there was no reason for the ankheg to attack, and there aren't exactly common, so I leave them out. In various campaigns, I've done things like attack the party with a small band of goblins, a small pack of wolves, had a roc's nest at the top of a mountain they were climbing, had merchants, wizards and beggars all after something. Even if they may have seemed random to the players, they were not. The goblins were in the pay of the Zhents, who were 'testing' the PCs. The wolves were white, and they were on a plain, and they looked quite hungry - the ice age of this world had just ended (temporarily - the PCs brought it back) and they were short of food. The roc's nest was avoided, but had they investigated, it had a roc chick, and they would have had a fight with an upset mother. The merchant had had some money stolen from him by one of the NPCs in the group. The wizard wanted a magic item the party were carrying and didn't know about. The beggars were trying to infect them with a disease. If there's no reason for these things to fight, then what reason have the players to fight for? If they just fight everything they come across, regardless of reason because it's a game... that's metagame thinking, and what's normally referred to as munchkining. The players need motives as much as the bad guys, and if it's a good motive with bad methods, surely the punishment should be equated equally? Don't just kill them. Redemption. That's what the 'good' law is all about in DL - Good redeems it's own. Sorry, I've gone off on a tangeant. Are the hobgoblins in the employ of the necromancer, or is there more than one plot going on here? If so, other than money, what are te hobgoblins getting? They are as smart as humans, using the normal D&D stats, so should be able to figure out that if there's a necromancer trying to kill lots of people to raise an undead army... well, they wouldn't need to pay hobgoblin zombies... If they're destroying food supplies, presumably to starve people to death without having to directly attack them, you wouldn't have to worry about what they're doing with the remaining food, after they've taken their share to eat. Between the localised drought and these raids, food must be getting fairly scarce, maybe even raising tensions with the plainspeople if they're not sharing. Qualinesti isn't any help, unless you're playing so far ahead in time that it's been repopulated, at which point - what are thy doing about it? Why does the kender hate the Que-Shu so much? Why did he turn to necromancy? Personally, I'd keep the caravans having come from Solanthus, as you already have to apologise to your palyers for calling it Palanthas at your last meeting. As to the contents, you could probably get away with saying that the Abanasinians desperately need the grain due to the drought, which you can make seem a lot worse than you've already done so, and much more widespread. They would need it for both food and for sowing the next spring - what time of year is it? If you need any other real-world explanations for anything, just think about it as if it would have ahppened in the real world. The more real your game world is, the more real it will seem to the players, and that's presumably good. |
#69zombiegleemaxJan 15, 2004 15:39:34 | We're playing far enough in the future that the elves are begining to repopulate Qualinesti. I planned that when the PC's get back, tensions with the elves and the Que-Shu would be high. The season is autumn(seen that somwhere before ;) ) The hobgoblins don't know that their employer is a necromancer. He is careful not to let them know exactly what he specializes in in case they get scared that he will want them in his army too(not that they know hes making an army either) They don't even know hes a kender. He uses illusion spells and such to make him appear human. I've decided to forget about the whole cities fighting thing. The main thing thats gonna happen in Solanthus is that the lord guy working for the kender is going to be out to get them in several differnt ways. 1) Try to get the knightly guy to enter the tournament and the opponent's lance look blunted but it will be a corkscrewish kind of thing that will fall off with all the bouncing around in the saddle(not sure if thats really reasonable) 2) Put shiny interesting objects in the kenders pouches while hes at the tournament watching, they will have some sort of caustic poison on them. 3) Hes going to have someone(or several people) snipe at the elf even before they get into the city. 4) Frame the cleric for murder None of these are all that great...suggestions are begged for ![]() |
#70zombiegleemaxJan 15, 2004 17:35:55 | Knightly tournaments usually have more than just jousting in them, so there could be all sorts of little tests in there, such as feats of strength, races, endurance tests, horsemanship, hand to hand battles and so on. In most of these tests, there could be some fixing and a dangerous element where there are meant to be 'safe' versions, like the sharpened lance, or an unblunt sword, or a horse with some kind of crazy narcotic. Not dealing it, of course. The problem with putting contact poisons in the kender's pouches is that someone has to put them there without suffering from it themselves. Why is this noble going to be attacking the PCs anyway? And how will he know enough about their timetable to predict when they enter the city to snipe at the elf... he's going to an awful lot of trouble, and he'd need a fairly good reason. His life, his reputation, and most importantly, his money is on the line here. What hold does the necromancer have over him? |
#71zombiegleemaxJan 15, 2004 19:46:00 | About the tournament: I'm thinking the event that will be most likely to be instantly fatal and the one my PC will be interested in |
#72zombiegleemaxJan 15, 2004 19:53:28 | I didn't mean to post that last one til I had finished answering/questioning everything. I'm thinking the kender has the nobles daughter or wife hostage. The only thing he would have to do personally would be to get the PC to join the competition. As to the timetable and knowing when and all, the kender has 'aquired' a magical device that can communicate though it to another like a crystal ball....not sure how he aquired it or what it is so ideas would be welcome. |
#73themindJan 15, 2004 23:12:07 | Before, with my idea with the Lich and things, thats just an idea i had and havent really thought that much about it. If you were asking some of the questions for the both of us I will answer the questions that would apply to me. The Hobgoblins dont know much about the one who is hiring them. All they know is that he is going to be paying them handsomly and making it where they are the dominant race in the region. What they are doing with the food and supplies that they take is transporting them to a central base where they are stockpiling the supplies for tjheir future needs. Qualinesti is still the same as it was at the end of the WoS in my campaign. It si still the LAke of Death. |
#74zombiegleemaxJan 23, 2004 16:18:32 | I just had an idea. I was reading through the DnD website and I saw the mist dragon. What if Chaos wasn't the real father and just thinks he is. There was a mist dragonlike creature who created several worlds including Krynn. Then it left to contemplate the mysteries of life and stuff. But with all the wars the with the gods and stuff, it is being repeatedly disturbed and the war of Souls was the last thing that it would let go. It's decided to get rid of the gods in hopes that that will stop such aggravations. Does this agree with DL material and if not, could it be modified somehow? |
#75zombiegleemaxJan 24, 2004 5:25:29 | Chaos isn't the real father anyway. The world was created by the gods, and the gods (including Ionthas, or Chaos) were created by the High God. You could conceivably say that the High God had an 'avatar' of some sort of dragon, which would fit with the image of DL, but the High God probably wouldn't take a corporeal, or even incorporeal (Gods can do that) form. He was good, rather than evil, and supported the gods rather than think that they were messing up. What would this mist dragon care about stopping the aggravations anyway? |
#76zombiegleemaxJan 24, 2004 11:34:04 | The mist dragon would want to stop the aggravations because it was distracting him from his contemplations and stuff. About the high god and avatar and all, i have no idea. Maybe I'll think of something however unlikely that may be... |