Post/Author/DateTime | Post |
#1zombiegleemaxDec 04, 2003 18:14:21 | In any Dragonlance book I've ever read elves are like those found in "Lord of the Rings"...meaning tall and thin but in the September 2003 issue of the Tobril I find that the collection of Dragonlance racial stats has them shorter than humans. From the looking and reading I've been doing over the past few days it would seem to me that elves are (slightly) taller than most humans (though thinner) in the world of Krynn. You can find the best reference to this in either Soulforge or Brothers in Arms (I can't remember which) when one description of an elf says that he is tall and thin (like all of his race, etc). Anyway, I've always liked that the elves of Krynn weren't the tiny creatures of other what might be a better system of height and weight for them? I was thinking of using the system in the Forgotten Realms setting...where elves have the height of humans but the weight as listed for elves. Any thoughts? |
#2zombiegleemaxDec 04, 2003 18:18:27 | I thought it was a 2nd ed thing where the elves were taller. This would be why all the older books talk about infravision and being able to see heat in the dark. The newer books correct this (Dark Thane has darkvision mentioned in it), and I think elves have gone to being shorter. It doesn't really matter, does it? |
#3zombiegleemaxDec 04, 2003 18:38:45 | I can't recall anything in the new books changing the height of elves myself but if anybody can find something I'd be glad to see it. And, yes, it matters to those of us who find it silly for elves to be short little things. lol I've always thought of elves as "tall and willowy" not "short and thin." And it seems Dragonlance agrees with me...and I recall now that even Dalamar is described as tall several times. Anyway, just want to hear some thoughts on the topic. ![]() |
#4orodruinDec 04, 2003 19:25:27 | Plus some of the elven characters described in the DLCS and AoM books are shown to be quite tall: Laurana is 5'6", Gilthas is 5'9", and Silvanoshei is 5'5". Only Alhana seems to be quite short, but at 5'1", she's still above the average height described in the races section (5' for the Silvanesti and a bit below 5' for the Qualinesti.) No height is given for The Lioness and Dalamar (Though he seems to be taller than Palin in the picture ;) ) and I remember Gilthanas was quite tall as well (5'6 or thereabouts, iirc) Krynnish elves have always been taller than the standard D&D variety, since 1st ed. I don't know why they seem to have decided to change all that. |
#5zombiegleemaxDec 04, 2003 19:27:47 | No, you're indeed correct. The DLCS has elven height as being extremely short compared to previous editions and the novels. Not sure why they did that, but the DLCS and Age of Mortals even contradict themselves. Qualinesti are stated as averaging just under 5 feet in height, yet Laurana is listed at 5'6". I don't recall her towering over the entire Qualinesti people by more than half a foot. ;) Porthios has been listed at 5'11", and my Kagonesti barbarian/ranger is an even 6 feet...and he's staying that way. ![]() In general I'd say they average human height, minus an inch or two. |
#6baron_the_curseDec 04, 2003 20:56:34 | The sad thing is this is a very old topic. I don’t see why going into 3rd Edition the Dragonlance design team decided to contradict just about every description of elven height given in Dragonlance novels (novels some of the designers wrote themselves!). I remember the Tales of the Lance box-set listed elves heights at about 5ft as well, giving the impression that they were taller. Dragonlance doesn’t have the best record for novel products matching up with the gaming products. This is weird, since the game came first. Pddisc, yes it does matter. I prefer that the people bringing us Dragonlance would stay consistent with the DL elves, not with the Core Elf Race in the Player’s Handbook. That goes for everything Dragonlance. Another example is how they slack with the Fifth Age sorcerers. They deserve their own set of “magic rules” to set them apart from the Wizards of High Sorcery. Look at Monte Cook’s Arcana Unearthed for inspiration. But they where either not ambitious enough or it was a business decision made to make Dragonlance more marketable for Hasbro and Sovereign Press. The end result is that 5th Age sorcerers are just now normal mages that cast more of the same magic. Hell, I remember “Name” spells had no place in Krynn. Dwarves did not cast arcane magic (barring dark dwarves). The Gods of Magic had a clergy… and so on. Sovereign Press should do Dragonlance how it was presented to us. Sure things have change, some for the best, some for the worst. But something’s never had to change. |
#7silvanthalasDec 04, 2003 22:13:31 | Originally posted by Baron the Curse Well, I don't understand it either. I can remember discussions on the mailing list in the past about elven heights, and whether they were shorter or taller on average than humans. I can't even remember which side I argued or anything. ![]() |
#8baron_the_curseDec 05, 2003 2:10:52 | Silvanthalas, than argue for our side... we are Legion. ![]() |
#9zombiegleemaxDec 05, 2003 7:45:32 | Yeah, I saw last night that the DLCS agrees with the race height and weight tables...but I still think this is wrong...even AoM doesn't seem to agree with it. So, unless I hear some good reason it has changed, then I'm going to use the FR system of human height for all elves and elven weight to represent their thinner frames. ![]() |
#10zombiegleemaxDec 05, 2003 7:54:42 | I apologise for saying that it didn't matter - I perhaps miscommunicated. What in game relevance does it have? If you're using the same weight as elves presented in the PHB, then it's not a matter of how far someone can carry you when you're unconscious, and other than jumping (which is rarely needed by anyone who can't jump anyway) height seems irrelevant. Plus you can always win by saying it agrees with DL more than WotC, and *everyone* hates WotC. Oh... wonder if I'll get censored? |
#11zombiegleemaxDec 05, 2003 11:34:24 | Does anyone have a height and weight system that better reflects the appearence of Dragonlance elves? They should be fairly taller than humans, I remember reading in Dragons of a Vanished Moon (I think, I know it was in the War of Souls trilogy) that Dalamar stood a whole head and shoulders taller than Palin. I'm not sure if Dalamar is supposed to be taller than the average elf, but clearly much taller than the average human. |
#12zombiegleemaxDec 05, 2003 15:46:19 | It's Dragons of a Lost Star - I just got done reading that part today, in fact. The Elven height isn't the only inconsistency, I think. Compare Kender and Gully Dwarves - an awful weird picture. If I recall correctly, the Kender seem way to short, and the Gully Dwarves way too tall. There are probably even more, too, but they don't stick out in my mind - Except for maybe something with Gnomes. Anyway, point is, the height is totally out of whack. So I've been improvising. I should look through my old Tales of the Lance boxed set to see if that seems more accurate. I'll let you folks know what I find, unless somebody beats me to it. ;) |
#13baron_the_curseDec 05, 2003 15:59:10 | Tales of the Lance has elves at about 5 ft as well... sorry no consistancy there either. |
#14zombiegleemaxDec 06, 2003 21:23:30 | If you look at elven height through all the books it seems to me that they actually average about the same height as humans (I think Dalamar is just really tall). Anyway, I'd say the best elven height and weight is the FR system that I'm using. Just use the same human height tables but use, instead, the elven weight tables listed in the dragonlance racial stats table. Seems to give you a good "human average height" but represent the thin frame. As for kender and gully dwarf, they seem to be right on track with everything I've read...but I could be wrong as well. ![]() |
#15zombiegleemaxDec 06, 2003 22:17:49 | Okay, if I remember correctly, Silvanesti Elves wer supposed to be about the same height as humans, although Dalamr was *REALLY* tall. That's mentioned quite a bit. The Qualinesti, on the other hand, as well as the Kagonesti, were supposed to be tall. Flint, I believe, mentions something about all Qualinesti being all height an no substance. Tanis, Porthios, and Gilthanas, if I remember, were supposed to be fairly tall(although not as tall as Caramon or Riverwind, but Riverwind was like 6'7" or something). |
#16zombiegleemaxDec 10, 2003 19:30:16 | I just finished reading The Second Generation tonight... And I found this.. "Gilthas had come to stand near the side of the rostrum. He was shorther than the elves around him. He would never be the normal height of an elf--a result of his human bloodline." He was in Qualinest... But it says generally "normal height of an elf"... I don't know if it means the 3 land races.. Or just Qualinest and Kagonesti... Or what... But hopefully it helped... |
#17taskr36Dec 11, 2003 0:07:45 | It's nice to see others talking about this. It's bothered me ever since the dark ages back when I first bought Tales of the Lance adn saw elven height listed as being so short. Yes elves have always been referred to as tall and thin in the DL novels. I believe Porthios may have been 6' or 6'1. Granted he was often referred to as a giant among elves. I think the word tall always came in to play because thin people appear taller. I generally set Krynn elf height between 4'11 adn 6'2. You could say 4'10 + 1d12 if that works for you. In my game players generally choose their own height and weight since it doesn't significantly affect gameplay. Oh as far as the gods of magic not having priests anymore, take a good look at the entries for the gods of magic in DL3e. You'll notice it states they do not have clerics and yet lists clerics alignments for them anyway. I found that comical. |
#18brimstoneDec 11, 2003 10:30:10 | Originally posted by Taskr36 That was a very annoying little continuity error. But I fixed that in my errata I did for the book (too bad it's unofficial) But, since it was unofficial...I could add certain little bias comments (but they are always marked as such when I did so). ![]() |
#19baron_the_curseDec 11, 2003 21:22:13 | Brimstone, Sovereign Press should take your work, do some editing, and make it official. At least you did the errata. Something that’s needed and much neglected at the time. It seems that’s do to low personnel at Sovereign Press I hear. |
#20IllithidbixDec 11, 2003 21:48:54 | I'm somewhat confused by the whole Short Elves in D&D, for a start they’re actually quite significantly shorter than the average human as well, as in 9” shorter than the “d&d average” human male (4” shorter than the average human female). And as far as I can remember this was the case back in 1st and 2nd edition AD&D as well. However in both Dragonlance and other D&D fiction this is very rarely referred to, in fact quite the opposite, I can’t recall any mention of an Elf being called “short”. Likewise, in almost all of the artwork (both Dragonlance and other D&D) they appear at least average human height as well, often taller, except the players handbook type pictures where they are deliberately compared to humans and other races. From Weis and Hickman for example all the descriptions imply that the Elves were tall, of course we are never actually told how tall the characters are (as it would make rather weird reading), however all the analogies and reference to grace and slight build(“like a willow tree bending in the breeze…”) kind implies a certain association to height. The character of elves also seems to fit better with them being tall, not entirely sure why, maybe its due to associating height with maturity or something (And in case anyone takes some sort of offence to this I’m 5’5” or so myself :D ) What’s also odd is that just about every other Fantasy setting has tall elves, for example LOTR. |
#21brimstoneDec 12, 2003 13:35:21 | Originally posted by Baron the Curse They can''s a Wizard's product, so only they can do an official errata. (so, don't hold your breath) As for mine...I've almost finished the AoM errata (yeah...I've been taking my sweet time on this one). That'll get finished over the Holiday break (I'm taking a 2 week vacation woo hoo!) and I'll get Version 1.1 of the DLCS errata completed and sent to the Nexus guys as well (it's incorporating the suggestions I was given over the past few months on it). So, most likely early January for v1.1 of the DLCS and hopefully the AoM one will be out about the same time. ![]() |
#22taskr36Dec 12, 2003 17:06:06 | Originally posted by Illithidbix Actually in the Tales of the Lance box set it lists the actual heights for Gilthanas 5'8, Laurana 5'6, adn Serinda Elderwood 5'9. Also Porthios is often mentioned as being 6' in the stories meaning either all the elves we read about are freaks with severe pituitary disorders, or the writers of the gaming material have to pay closer attention to the novels when designing races instead of simply mirroring standard D&D. |
#23IllithidbixDec 12, 2003 19:37:20 | Sorry, when I meant "from Weis and Hickman" I meant in terms of the novels they wrote, rather than any actual gaming material they worked on, I could have been clearer. However as it is the heights given in all the Dragonlance Character Profiles I've seen seem to agree with the point I was making about Elves generally being at least human height. |
#24bansheeDec 12, 2003 22:33:46 | Originally posted by Baron the Curse The Dragonlance Monstrous Compendiums from 2nd Ed. listed elves as being 5 1/2 - 6 feet high, I believe. But there were no height/weight charts. And the Tales of the Lance Boxed set then just recycled the height/weight charts from the PHB, which completely contradicted the Monstrous Compendium and all the novels. Banshee |
#25zombiegleemaxDec 13, 2003 7:26:06 | Thanks Banshee...that just furthers my thought on using the FR system of human height and elven weight (as stated in the race charts we have). Seems to be the best way out...if you want random height and weight that is. ![]() |