Post/Author/DateTime | Post |
#1zombiegleemaxDec 11, 2003 13:59:09 | Originally, there were plans for 7 towers of High Sorcery, and the dwarves thwarted one plan. Where was the other? Was it Zhaman, before Fistandantilus took over, perhaps? Then, there's the fact that everyone's lost the Tower of Wayreth? How? So far as I knew, the master of the tower could move it wherever they wanted, and the remaining master is the combination of all the previous masters... so why's he hiding? Thirdly, the stories always told how prospective mages trying to get to the tower would stop off in Solace. Why Solace? From what I can see, Alsip and then Windkeep would seem like better places to start from, since you don't have to go over any mountains or through Qualinesti, and there's much less walking. A bit more of a sea journey, perhaps, but what's a few more steel to a prospective mage? A mage, who almost certainly will want to save his legs for the long walk to get to the damned moving forest? Is it possible that the goblin army in south Qualinost has something to do with whoever's in the Tower? Hmm... plan forming... |
#2ferratusDec 11, 2003 14:10:12 | Originally posted by pddisc That'd be three Towers of High Sorcery far too close together for my liking. My theory is that they originally wanted a Tower of High Sorcery in Bloten, among the ogres (being one of the three proginitor races and a location in the center of Ansalon). However, that didn't work out, for obvious reasons.
Secret upcoming story that has been placed out of our hands to solve.
To see the leaves. ![]() ![]()
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought that the goblin army was in the forest on the other side of the Kharolis mountains. |
#3taskr36Dec 11, 2003 17:02:12 | Let's see... As I recall there was the tower in Palanthas, Wayreth, Balifor (far too close to kender in my opinion), Istar... That's all I'm coming up with here, I remember reading abou tthe intended one in the dwarven nations trilogy, but that still makes only 5. If there was going to be one in Blode and one in Zhaman that would certainly make seven so maybe that was the plan. |
#4zombiegleemaxDec 11, 2003 18:32:49 | There was one in Ergoth, but was destroyed when Istar decided all wizardry was evil. Which is another point. The DLCS says that some of the Towers were surrounded by cities. It doesn't say that the one in Balifor had a stone underground city around it, as it was in the Kingpriest trilogy. The army controlled by 'someone' is in south Qualinesti, which is directly north of the forest of Wayreth, which in turn is directly north of Windkeep, which the Thorn Knights have turned into a frontline bastion against the growing threat of the organised goblins. |
#5darthsylverDec 11, 2003 21:54:53 | Daltigoth, Palantha, Istar, Wayreth, and Losarcum. Daltigoth was the first Tower destroyed. Losarcum was next. Istar was given up to the Kingpriest, and Palanthas was cursed. Wayreth was the only tower left until Raistlin reopened the tower in Palanthas. The tower in Palanthas was moved to Nightlund by Dalamar. The tower in wayreth was locked and sealed by Palin, why it is lost I do not know. So as of right now we have the tower in Nightlund which one of the masters of the orders (namely Dalamar) is forbidden from entering. Some state the WoHS are currently in, huh? Now in the Saga supplement "The Last Tower" it states that Ansalon had at least seven locations with favorable magical properties but the wizards chose to build only 5. Now 7 stones of three were apparently made. One stone fell into the hands of the dwarves when the wizards attempted to build a tower in their land. All research indicates that this stone was destroyed, although nobody knows how. 5 of these stone were of course used to make the towers at Daltigoth, Istar, Losarcum (In Goodlund apparently) Palanthas, and Wayreth. The seventh stoen was lost during the cataclysm and remains hidden to this day. |
#6darthsylverDec 11, 2003 21:54:55 | Darn double post. |
#7zombiegleemaxDec 11, 2003 22:05:01 | I still think it could be a very cool scene. Dalamar and his students slaving in the heat, placing stones, building walls, etc. When they are done they gather around. Dalamar, the master of this new Tower of High Sorcery, looks at it in dissapointment and dismay. The building is nothing like its predecessors, it is functional and mundane, but it would have to do. Suddenly, the sun vanishes over the horizon and both Solinari and Lunitari illuminate the building with their cool light. Dalamar and his disciples also note the presence of the black moon over the tower. Before their eyes it twists and reforms, becoming beautiful and massive and brimming with magical power. As everyone watches stunned, massive oaks begin growing around the edifice, sprouting fully formed from the ground. Dalamar stands, a few tears in his eyes which he wipes away quickly, and walks towards the doors of the newest Tower of High Sorcery. His tower. |
#8iltharanosDec 11, 2003 22:10:17 | Originally posted by pddisc Don't forget that the Tower of Wayreth could magically appear hundreds of miles from where it was first constructed. You could theoretically be in Tarsis looking for the Tower and walk outside the city limits and right smack into it ... assuming the Tower wanted you to find it. |
#9zombiegleemaxDec 11, 2003 23:19:26 | Aside from the 5 known tower locations there were at least 2 other areas that were suitable for construction: Kalaman was mentioned as a possible site, so was the area where Zhaman Keep stands. The place mentioned in the dwarven trilogy and zhamon keep are one and the same. though fisty didn't build his tower with a stone of threes... |
#10ferratusDec 12, 2003 1:37:45 | Yeah, the question we have to ask though, is why would the wizards bother to build Towers of High Sorcery just a hop skip and a jump away from the towers in either Wayreth or Palanthas? That doesn't make much sense. |
#11zombiegleemaxDec 12, 2003 1:39:24 | What do you mean? Ar eyou asking why not Palanthas or Wayreth? Wayreth is dangerous because of the Goblins in Qualinost, though Palanthas has merit if the populace will go for it... |
#12darthsylverDec 12, 2003 8:34:39 | I figure the WoHS selected 5 of over 7 possible locations. When 1 of these locations was stopped short by the dwarves they went to a backup location. So Wayreth may not have been one of the first five choices the WoHS came up with. Apocalyp$e - Where is it mentioned that Kalaman was a possible location. |
#13brimstoneDec 12, 2003 9:21:47 | Originally posted by darthsylver All good information, except for the above comment. Palin did not seal up the Wayreth Tower, and in fact...for the last 10 years it's been open to sorcerers to live, study, and take their Test there. (although the Test has been slightly revised by the Master of the Tower to reflect the new magic). Now, about the time Magic started failing (about 4 years ago, I think) Beryl really reved up her search for the Wayreth Tower...because she has so many people searching for's probably all the Master can do to keep them out. Because of this, it's possible the tower has become "Lost" because it's difficult for the Master to let legitamite sorcerers in while keeping out Beryl's minions as well. That's the only conclusion I can come up with...but now that the War of Souls is over (and Beryl's dead) the tower should be easily found, I would think. It is even mentioned by Laurana in Lost Star that the Master of the Tower is helping the elves out by keeping some of Beryl's forces at by. Now...the flip side of that...perhaps something's happened to the Tower/Master...I doubt he could have kept the Souls of the dead away...perhaps they drained the Tower/Master of so much energy, that "he" can no longer control "his" forest's connection to Ansalon. I guess we'll find out next summer. ![]() |
#14brimstoneDec 12, 2003 9:24:09 | Originally posted by darthsylver In the short story, "The Legacy," Dalamar mentions that the people of Kalaman invited the Wizards to build a Tower in their city. My conclusion though is that...since they didn't build one there after the offer was given...that it probably wasn't one of the 7 original possible buildng sites. But that's just speculation on my part. |
#15zombiegleemaxDec 12, 2003 10:10:55 | Maybe Nightlund was the 7th possible building site, since that's where the Palanthas tower moved. |
#16zombiegleemaxDec 13, 2003 0:40:24 | in DLCS waywreth is sealed and lost and dalamar sealed his tower and cant get in and wont tell where its at till he can get in |
#17darthsylverDec 13, 2003 9:02:46 | Hey Brim - Which book is "The Legacy" in anyway. |
#18talinthasDec 13, 2003 15:11:09 | Tales volume 1- The Magic of Krynn, and Best of Tales v.1 |
#19daedavias_dupDec 13, 2003 21:22:51 | Originally posted by talinthas It's also in the Second Generation, I do believe. |
#20darthsylverDec 13, 2003 22:31:23 | Is that the story about Palin's test in the tower at palanthas. |
#21brimstoneDec 15, 2003 9:56:07 | Originally posted by darthsylver Yep! |