Post/Author/DateTime | Post |
#1zombiegleemaxDec 13, 2003 3:20:55 | I finally got Planes of Law and Planes of Chaos (The only two books in my PS collection) and have been going over them all night. I was wondering, has the Parai been officially converted yet? |
#2Shemeska_the_MarauderDec 13, 2003 3:27:52 | Nope, the Parai in all of her rubber dressed and china faced glory has yet to be converted. I've used them in my campaign though. But in a situation where no conflict was possible, so no need for stats. Just creepy description and a creepy talk from her... |
#3zombiegleemaxDec 15, 2003 1:18:57 | Refresh my memory. Parai? |
#4zombiegleemaxDec 15, 2003 1:36:36 | A Parai is a Lawful Outsider of Mechanus, a being composed of a rubber dress, a porcelain face and hands, and a glowing orb of light behind the face mask. The Parai seek to impose 'perfection' on Mechanus and all of the planes, and to do this they seek out beings that they see as physically/spiritually/emotionally perfect and assimilate them transforming them into Parai. They are a foolish race whose concept of perfection is so flawed that it could be called "Chaotic". It is the duty of every Modron to destroy any Parai they see on sight. Foolish beings. |
#5Shemeska_the_MarauderDec 15, 2003 1:45:57 | Yep, the Parai and Modrons are two different views of LN in a way. The modrons don't seek to impose their own lawful behavior on the planes or planar travellers really. The Parai however do so when they see something they consider to exemplify a trait to their standards of 'perfection'. Others lacking perfection are generally killed. Parai and Modrons attack each other of sight ![]() |
#6Shemeska_the_MarauderDec 15, 2003 1:45:57 | *mutters and digs claws into some random halfling who was brought in for 'late rent re-education'* dang double posts, two in one day. |
#7zombiegleemaxDec 15, 2003 1:49:50 | *Drops his Primus mask* Oddly enough there's a note in the Parai write-up about how the Parai kidnap and transform Modrons, one of the only ways that Modrons can die. Does this mean that the Modrons are NOT regenerated from the energy pool after the transformation? If this is so then the perfect order of the Modron society would be thrown off. Anyone know the dark of it? |
#8zombiegleemaxDec 15, 2003 1:50:59 | Another double post, oh King of the Crosstrades? Me thinks Colcock is getting lax. |
#9Shemeska_the_MarauderDec 15, 2003 1:54:17 | That might in fact be true, but I suspect that the energy pool might just dip into the essence of Mechanus to revitalize itself. Though if it did permenantly kill the modron in question it certainly explains why the Parai are hated by the modrons, as much as the modrons have that capacity to hate. Would be interesting to see the first time a Formian hive encountered a collection of Parai... |
#10zombiegleemaxDec 15, 2003 4:09:21 | Give me the 2e stats and I will use the 2e-3e conversion booklet that was available for download a while ago to convert them. |
#11incenjucarDec 15, 2003 4:25:13 | Well, logically, there's actually a -massive- backlog of energy built up from eons of recycling modron energies. Which makes one wonder if there's any ultimate goal for all of that spare power... |
#12zombiegleemaxDec 15, 2003 4:55:21 | Goal? No, of course not, no great goal. ::Primus pulls out folder marked master plans and laughs:: |
#13zombiegleemaxDec 15, 2003 5:36:10 | Here's a preliminary sketch, thanks for Nick for doing much oft he work.... Parai Medium-Size Construct (Extraplanar, Lawful) Hit Dice: 5d10 + 20 (47 hp) Initiative: +6 Speed: 30' AC: 20 (+4 natural, Dex +2, Inertial Armor +4) Attacks: 2 Slams +5 melee (1d6+2) Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./5ft. Special Attacks: Meld, Gaze of Pain Special Qualities: Inertial Armor, Fast Healing 2, Darkvision 60', Low Light vision, Contruct type Saves: Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +3 Abilities: Str 15, Dex 14, Con -, Int 15, Wis 15, Cha 14 Skills: +10 Balance, +10 Bluff, +10 Climb, +10 Hide, +10 Jump, +10 Knowledge(Arcana), +10 Knowledge(The planes), +10 Sense Motive, +10 Survival, +10 Tumble Feats: Improved Grapple, Improved Initiative Climate/Terrain: The Clockwork Nirvana of Mechanus Organization: Solitary, Groups (5 Parai) Challenge Rating: ?? Treasure: None Alignment: Lawful Neutral Advancement: -- The Parai is an odd being composed of purest law. It wears a form fitting black leather dress that drags all the way to the grund. Its face is as white as porcelain as are at its hands. The back of its skull is open revealing the hollow inner cavity of the creature, revealing that the outer appearance of the Parai is merely a hollow shell. Resting in the skull hole is a glowing orb of light that floats lazily, its glow permeating through the creature's eye holes and mouth. The Parai are an odd race. Obsessed with perfection, and the transformation of all extent matter into its most perfect form, the Parai seek to transmute beings which they deem as "worthy" into new Parai. They dwell amongst the gears of Mechanus and are always attempting to perfect the mass of gears. They are at odds with the Modrons due to the Parai's attempts to transform Modrons using their Meld ability. Combat A Parai wades into combat swinging its massive fists and blasting at foes with its piercing gaze. If a Parai spots a foe that it considers 'Perfect' in some way, the creature will stalk that individual and attempt to use its Meld ability. Gaze of Pain (Su): A Parai can at will project a ray of force from its eyes, blasting its opponents. This attack requires a ranged touch attack and deals 1d8 damage. It has a range of 60'. Meld (Su): The most feared of the Parai's abilities the meld is the Parai's only method of reproduction. To initiate the meld first the Parai's inner light floats out of it, hovering over its head. The Parai then attempts to start a grapple. If the grapple check is successful, the opponent is held down by the now sticky strands that are coming off of the creature's face and hands. The character can break free with a successful grapple check. On the next round, if the character has not freed itself, the mask and dress envelope the opponent and the orb of light vanishes to another area to reform a new body. The target of the meld must make a Will Save (DC 14) or begin transforming into a Parai. On a failed save, the opponent must then make another save each morning or succumb to the Parai curse, transforming into one of the law obsessed creatures. They must make a save every morning until they succumb or the curse is broken by some means. The only known way to break the transformation before it is finished is a Wish, a Miracle, or, oddly enough, a Freedom of Movement spell. [b]Inertial Armor (Su)[/b]: Parai are surrounded by a tangible field of force that provides a +4 Armor bonus to AC. Since it is a force effect, this protects the Parai from incorporeal attacks. Skills: Parai gain skills and feats as an outsider. |
#14zombiegleemaxDec 15, 2003 7:00:27 | I'll give a preliminary comment: stats are pretty solid. I don't have too many comments. I'll go over the things I noticed: special attacks: meld is a pretty tough ability. Basically a save or die ability. You should add the save DC (which should be 14 IMO). Also, in the description you use the word Turn, which was thrown out in 3e. I think you mean round in this case. You didn't mention how many times the target has to make a will save before he is free of the effect. Also, don't forget the range for the gaze of pain ability. special qualities: I believe that you don't need to add low-light vision if the character also has darkvision. Abilities are all 14. Judging from the concept this is intentional, although it is sort of boring. Also, the breakup of 'standard' ability scores is 3 tens and 3 elevens, with the racial modifiers added (allways an even number). The abilities with elevens are the ones the is slightly better at. Chalenge rating should probably be 5. The meld ability is pretty powerfull, but not overly so. |
#15zombiegleemaxDec 15, 2003 7:07:27 | I believe that constructs have both Low-Light and Darkvisions. Everythign else has been corrected. |