Post/Author/DateTime | Post |
#1zombiegleemaxDec 27, 2003 6:44:02 | I was wondering if there where any official emmbassy system in place in Ravenloft? The closest thing I saw was the Falkovian enclaves in the Domain of Invidia and Nova Vassa. Domains at a certain Level of Technology, could start building embassies in the Capital or major city of Domains with a certain Level of technology. I could see a Dementlieu Embassy in Nova Vassa, the embassy could be a spying tool for D'Honaire, but while more of a political advantage. The Embassies could provide PC's with guides that speak their language, tempoairy refuge, an anchorite that can lead the PC's back to their domain of origin through the mist and give plot hooks to the PC's. |
#2zombiegleemaxDec 27, 2003 9:14:21 | There's an official Vaasan ambassador in Darkon. In one of the dwarven mountain towns. So it's very possible there's a loose system. |
#3zombiegleemaxDec 27, 2003 10:58:44 | I know this only works for PRE GC But since Involution occurs in that time frame, one of the few ideas I thought up for Il Aluk so far in its hayday was a government area with an emmbassy for most of the Core and a few of the islands, since they list tha Darkon is the most powerful, and has trade with most Domains, including Falkovnia. I assume there would be a seedy political environment like in Babylon 5- all these peoples who want to destroy each other, and all the ambassators planning things but trying not to get caught or involve their governments. Of course to preserve RL issolation- almost nothing would ever get done or decided. Its like um? Like that great scene in Elizabeth when she's trying to sway all the groups who all want her dead. Everyone in so many words is saying, you're gonna burn for this! It's implied and they are of good breeding so everything is a barbed conversation. Where I see the western core like dangerious leasions, I see the capital and largest city of RL ripe with corruption and political intrigue. |
#4zombiegleemaxDec 27, 2003 11:11:43 | There is at least some level of formal diplomacy going on in Mordent, Dementlieu, Borca and Richemulot, as they have a "mutual defense pact" against frequent Falkovnian invasion. Otherwise (and at the very least), various trade concerns would have in-roads in the major market towns. Diplomacy and politics are based in economics, after all. |
#5zombiegleemaxDec 27, 2003 23:56:10 | I see it now : Half the party is hired (through proxies) by Azalin tp protect his ambassador to Barovia. The other half is hired (through proxies) by Strahd to arrange for the unfortunate demise of a "blood-drinking monster" forced upon Barovia by that foreign tyrant Azalin. =) Of course on both sides it is an offer that can't be refused... -Eric Gorman ![]() |
#6zombiegleemaxDec 28, 2003 6:37:51 | An embassy system would kill the gothic mood of ravenloft. Permanent embassies are much too modern. Look for guidance on diplomatic issues from KNIGHT OF THE BLACK ROSE. In that novel, envoys are used instead of embassies. |
#7zombiegleemaxDec 28, 2003 11:25:42 | shakuhachi i dont know who you were addressing- but i stated it as a possibility ofr pre requielm il aluk. Also: Embassy: The public function of an ambassador; the charge or business intrusted to an ambassador or to envoys; a public message to; foreign court concerning state affairs; hence, any solemn message. Envoy: A representative of a government who is sent on a special diplomatic mission. A minister plenipotentiary assigned to a foreign embassy, ranking next below the ambassador. A messenger; an agent. Embassy is of Celtic origin, envoy of latin. They both talk about the same thing. An embassy is just where ambassadors, and ministers stay. Conferences started in the middle ages. And since ancient times, forein lands have always sent representatives. The idea isn't that modern. In pre-requileum Il Aluk, and the Victorian-era western core such establishments would not be out of place at all. In the real ancient world these people traveled great distances: Merchants Pilgrims Diplomats & ambassadors Soliders, messengers, diplomatic corrorspondence People running from authority (D&D has translated this into rogues, mercerneries and adventurers) Women and their entourage on their way to a fixed marriage people usually grew up and died in the same village. Archologists- as a study is a layte 19th / early 20th century idea- THAT's mentioned all over the core. The core and RL you will have to remember is much more progressive then the actual gothic/victorian era. They do after all, have female/male equality something WE say we have and is still quite ignored or given a double standard. Look at it this way: Merchants are the private enterprise. They will still travel into a place that doesn't have a trade agreement. As Levinthauer pointed out, its all about economics- some diplomats have established some agreements- the mutual defense pact. the trade agreements of barovia and the one between darkon and most of the core. These make travel a little safer for those free enterprise merchants. The domains make out because most levy a tax on these foreiners. Also there are two aspects to the world of RL that promote diplomatic intrigue- 1. you have darklords that can't leave their Domain. They are very dependant on ambassitors. 2. Split right down the middle you have an equel amount of Domains where the Darklord is not the political ruler- None of them are ever mentioned to travel- so obviously their reps. are doing the work for them... afterall traveling is dangerous- a leader won't leave himself open to political assissnation or theives. Why do you think rules hide away in huge forts and castles? Now we have pristige classes, and with all the ones they released, we have enough info to sculpt a template. i just found this neat-o fan based one on the web: Diplomat Diplomats are talented in negotiation, persuasion, compromise, and the many other subtle skills that will help them get their job done. A diplomat can be a freelance arbitrator, an advisor to a king, or an ambassador in a foreign country or society. PCs often start with a diplomacy background, or have acquired excellent diplomacy skills throughout their many adventures. It is not unusual to see only one or two levels in the Diplomacy Class for an adventuring PC. Bards and Clerics make excellent diplomats, however all classes benefit from choosing to become a more specialized diplomat. Hit Die: d6 Requirements Alignment: Cannot be chaotic Skills: Diplomacy +6 Class Skills Bluff Intimidate Diplomacy Knowledge (all types) Gather Information Sense Motive Innuendo Speak Language Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + Int modifier + Wis modifier + Cha modifier A Diplomats skills are limited. However, she uses all of her abilities to master these skills. She therefore adds her Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma modifier to her allotment of four skills at each level. Class Features Weapon and armor proficiency: Diplomats gain no proficiency in any armor or weapons. Spells: For diplomats who are also spellcasters, they can memorize one or more spells in addition to their normal allotted spells per day depending on the level of Diplomat they are. The Diplomat may memorize additional spells equal to or less than her level. For instance, a 4th level Diplomat may memorize two additional 1st level spells and one 2nd level spell, one 3rd level spell and one first level spell, or she may memorize four additional first level spells. This may seem like a lot, but the spell list is limited, and the spellcaster must be able to cast that level of spell according to the tables for her spellcaster level. DMs are encouraged to add any spell she deems appropriate to this list. Sorcerer/Wizard Spells: Comprehend Languages, Detect Thoughts, Tongues, Suggestion, Confusion Cleric Spells: Comprehend Languages, Calm Emotions, Enthrall, Undetectable Alignment, Discern Lies, Tongues Bonus Languages: One of a diplomats greatest skills is communication. Diplomats can choose a new language every other level, starting at 1st level (1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th). A diplomat learns these languages through writings, or exposure to the language. If a diplomat does not come into contact with a significant written example of the language, or someone who speaks that language, then they may not choose that language. Knowledge: At the source of a diplomats skills is her ability to know the entire situation, and to use the knowledge she has to persuade, compromise, and mediate. A diplomat gains one rank in the knowledge category of her choice at every other level, starting at 2nd level (2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th, 10th). The Diplomat Class Level Base Attack Bonus Fortitude Save Reflex Save Will Save Special 1st +0 +0 +0 +2 Extra Language 2nd +1 +0 +1 +3 Knowledge 3rd +1 +1 +1 +3 Extra Language 4th +2 +1 +2 +4 Knowledge 5th +2 +2 +2 +4 Extra Language 6th +3 +2 +3 +5 Knowledge 7th +3 +3 +3 +5 Extra Language 8th +4 +3 +4 +6 Knowledge 9th +4 +4 +4 +6 Extra Language 10th +5 +4 +5 +7 Knowledge |
#8zombiegleemaxDec 28, 2003 12:27:33 | I did a little more research- the above stats, would be the simpliest of Prestige classes. It would give PCs some advantage, but not too much power. This one I Used- Dominion Mush template and made a LOT of changes. I ripped a lot out because it was too munchkin oriented. I looked at the elven trader class for influence- I consider Steve Miller more an expert for game balance then myself *Smiles. ‘Domain Envoy’ Hit Die: d6 Requirements: · Feats: Skill Focus (Diplomacy) · Languages: The home Domain you represent, The Foreign Domain’s language · Skills: Diplomacy 8 ranks, Gather Information 4 ranks, Knowledge (Region*) 6 ranks, Sense Motive 4 ranks · Special: o Must hold citizenship in one of the Domains and be acknowledged officially by the government. o The Knowledge (Region) used to satisfy the prerequisites here must be for the region you seek ambassadorial status in. Class Skills: Appraise (Int), Bluff (Cha), Decipher Script (Int,), Diplomacy (Cha), Forgery (Int), Gather Information (Cha), Innuendo (Int), Intimidate (Cha), Listen (Wis), Read Lips (Int,), Search (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Speak Language, Spot (Wis). Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + Int modifier Level: BAB: Fort Save: Ref Save: Will Save Special: 1 +0 +0 +0 +2 Diplomatic Immunity 2 +1 +0 +0 +3 Properly Cultured 3 +2 +1 +1 +3 Network 4 +3 +1 +1 +4 Irresistible Proposition 5 +3 +1 +1 +4 Slippery Mind 6 +4 +2 +2 +5 Observable Intent 7 +5 +2 +2 +5 Forceful Presence 8 +6 +2 +2 +6 Social Dilettante Class Abilities: All of the following are features of the Domain envoy prestige class. Weapon and Armor Proficiency: The Domain envoy is proficient with simple weapons, but no armor or shields. Diplomatic Immunity: As an official representative of a Domain government, the Domain envoy enjoys a few benefits, in addition to all the burdens that come with her position. She gains a level of diplomatic immunity, but it is only valid while she wears the uniform of her office and performs her official duties. If she supposedly commits a crime while acting as an ambassador, she cannot be summarily arrested by regional authorities without approval from her country of citizenship. If accused of a crime, her duties are immediately suspended and she is confined to quarters/ house arrest, etc. Depending on the nature of the crime, she will be sent back to her Domain of origin, or if given permission by her Domain of citizenship put on trial. This immunity never extends to the envoy in her private affairs. Properly Cultured (Ex): A Domain envoy learns the ways of her assigned country. Out of necessity, she becomes familiar with their idiosyncrasies, etiquette and interest. She gains a +2 competence bonus to Bluff, Diplomacy and Sense Motive checks while interacting with citizens of that country. Network (Ex): The Domain envoy can take advantage of the network of friends, allies and informers sympathetic to her nation in another Domain. She gains a +2 competence bonus to Gather Information checks in her chosen region. Irresistible Proposition (Sp): Knowing what to say in just the right ears is a valuable tool indeed. A Domain envoy must observe and listen to her target in a social setting for at least ten minutes before she can attempt to use this ability. She requires at least some background of his interests, which she can learn through conversation, cull with the Gossip or Gather Information abilities, or discern via Bardic Knowledge. She must then spend at least a full round speaking to lace her words with a suggestion, as the spell. The target can resist (DC 13 + her Charisma modifier) and the effect is negated. Her caster level is treated as her Domain envoy level, and she may do this 1 time per day. Slippery Mind (Ex): The Domain envoy gains the slippery mind ability (see page 48 of the Player's Handbook) if she does not already have it. Forceful Presence (Su): In pressing circumstances, a Domain envoy can call upon her charm and wit to save the day. She can boost her Charisma by 1d4+1 points for one minute per envoy level. Activating this ability is a standard action. Social Dilettante (Ex): The Domain envoy can influence the reactions of those around her to favour her cause with greater ease than the finest performer. When she makes a check to alter NPC attitudes, she can add her Domain envoy level to the check. She can effect up to a maximum number of people equal to her Domain envoy level + her Charisma modifier, as long as they have the same attitude. For more details, refer to NPC Attitudes (see page 149 in the Dungeon master's Guide). I dont know what the (Ex) or (Sp) represents. Sorry. This might still be too powerful. I'm by no means a 3E expert. |
#9zombiegleemaxDec 28, 2003 12:40:00 | Well this actually mentions something for Ravenloft! Go Marc-André Bédard & Steve Miller. So with these 3, something for diplomatic relations could be worked out. The Elven Trader (Prestige Class) Design: Marc-André Bédard * Editing: Steve Miller Sometime, even the most reclusive of elven cultures (like the Silvanesti of the DRAGONLANCE world, or the elves of the RAVENLOFT setting have to trade with their neighbours in order to survive. That’s where the elven traders come to play a vital part on behalf of their kin, passing for humans to conduct trades with them. Part spy, part master merchant, these elves rank among some of the most honored business people in their homelands. Only the most brilliants and charismatic of elves are chosen to be part of this exclusive organization. They become elven traders only after many years of a special and arduous training. During that time they are taught the art of masquerading as a human, using make-up to hide their different facial traits, practicing to imitate mankind’s mannerisms and voices. They also learn to perfect the fine skills as negotiator. They have a way with words that could make a bard jealous. They is no better diplomatic ambassador than an elven trader. Very rarely, a half-elf will be chosen to be part of the elven traders. Obviously, being also half-human makes them very competent for the task and as such they have a much easier time to learn the “trade”. However, being half-breed they will never receive the same esteem true elven traders enjoys despite the fact that they are often better than their true elven brethren. Requirements Race: Elf or half-elf. Skills: Appraise 8 ranks, Diplomacy: 6 Rank, Disguise: 6 Ranks. Feats: Skill Focus (Appraise), Skill Focus (Disguise) Base Attack Bonus: +4 Class Skills: Appraise (Int), Bluff (Cha), Decipher Script (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Disguise, Forgery (Int), Gather Information (Cha), Profession (Trader) (Wis), Listen (Wis), Read Lips (Int), Search (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Speak Language (None), Spot (Wis). Hit Die: d6 Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + Int modifier. Class Level Base Attack Bonus Fort Save Ref Save Will Save Special 1 +0 +0 +2 +0 Recognize Forgeries 2 +1 +0 +3 +0 Contacts 3 +2 +1 +3 +1 Weight Item 4 +2 +1 +4 +1 Change Self 5 +3 +1 +4 +2 Incredible Coin Counting 6 +4 +2 +5 +2 Skill Emphasis 7 +4 +2 +5 +3 Alter Self 8 +5 +2 +6 +3 True Value 9 +6 +3 +6 +4 Skill Emphasis 10 +6 +3 +7 +4 Polymorph Self Class Features: Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Elven traders do continue to exercise themselves with the weapons they learned to use as member of their former classes. They do recognize the need for protection but usually restrain themselves to light armor, which they are proficient with. That is because they know they may have to act very quickly if their true identity is uncovered. Recognize Forgeries: In his long training to become an elven trader, the character gains the ability to recognize any forgery at first glance. This include items masked with illusion spells but does not grant him the ability to see what is the true nature of the masked item. Alter Self: Like the same named spell as if casted by a sorcerer of level equal to the elven trader level. The elven trader can use this power once a day. Change Self: Like the same named spell as if casted by a sorcerer of level equal to the elven trader level. The elven trader can use this power once a day. Contacts: As he gains in trading skills and experiences, so does is renown among other elven traders and even non-elven merchants. Gradually the character will be included in a vast network of contacts he will use to gain information he could not have access to otherwise. It might also help him to find a good bargain and of course, to know the good persons might save trader’s life. The elven trader knows a number of merchants equal to his level in whatever city or town he is visiting. He receives a +2 bonus to all Charisma-based skills when dealing with those individuals. (The DM should keep an eye on how the elven merchant interacts with these contacts. If the character abuses the relationship—cheating them, threatening them, causing harm to their businesses, etc.—the contact might be lost.) Incredible Coins Counting: No one can count money as quickly as a veteran elven trader. In fact, they developed an extraordinary ability to almost instantly count money simply by having a good look on the amount of money there is to count. That the treasure is contained in a chest or scattered in a lair, the elven trader will be able to say exactly how much coins of each types is present. An ability much praised by adventurers. Polymorph Self: Like the same named spell as if casted by a sorcerer of level equal to the elven trader level. The elven trader can use this power once a day. Skill Emphasis: As the feat. The benefit can be applied to any elven trader class skill. True Value: At this level the elven trader has mastered his appraisal skills, in fact he’s so competent that he can accurately precise the true value of any items even magical items. Weight Item: So accustomed to weighing and dealing items, the elven trader is able to accurately precise the true weight of any tradable goods merely by sight, be it sack of grains or a single sword. |
#10keg_of_aleDec 28, 2003 13:02:53 | I believe diplomats, ambassadors, envoys (call them like you want) existed in all eras that had organised nations in proximity of each other. I don't belive, though, that domains of Ravenloft would have official "embassies". Instead, envoys are likely to be lodged wherever the ruler of the nation they visit will arrange them to. In case of Marcel Guignol, it will probably be a luxurious room in a hotel. In case of Strahd, it is likely to be a bedroom in Castle Ravenloft. In case of Malocchio, it will be a military camp for falcovnians, or little more than prison cells for all others. Ivan would lodge them wherever his caprice would see fit at the moment. Drakov would isolate them in some heavily-watched quarters. Hazlik would order one of the Mulan nobles to provide a roof for the envoys. Azalin would do the same. Jaqueline would send them to an abandoned, rat-infested building in Pont-a-Museau. Othmar would all but imprison them in his fortress. In many cases, many of these rulers would then use torture, intimidation, blackmail, mind-control, poison, or other 'irresistibles' to make the envoy do all they require - make him sign documents they want, send letters they dictate, and so on. In many cases, the job of envoy in the Dread Realms must be hard indeed, and the mortality rate must be high. Darklords are often very capricious individuals, with some very morbid tastes... |
#11zombiegleemaxDec 28, 2003 14:34:26 | Originally posted by shakuhachi I agree, to an extent. Any strict comparison between our world and any fantasy world breaks down, especially when we consider how dependent early Western culture was on the Catholic Church. Typically, only priests and monks were literate -- any exceptions would surely have been educated by the Church -- so priests, monks, or seminary students were the natural choices as envoys and ambassadors. Latin was their "common". Meanwhile, the churches themselves were the heart of society and the centers of the marketplace, as well as the natural meeting places for locals and pilgrims. When it comes to traditional "embassy" functions as defined by Nothern_Spur -- politics, refuge, source of quests -- the Church would have been it. For those who don't want a formal embassy system, I would think missions to Ezra or Morninglord would serve those functions nicely. Besides, as we well know, institutions run by priests, clerics and monks don't necessarily make the world a safer, more homogeneous, less political place. Keg: heh, nice point. The concept of "diplomatic immunity" is a very modern, and dubious at best. Nor would a Church of Ezra be any safer in some areas than an embassy in Saigon, Tehran, Beirut, Kenya, Baghdad... Daffy: can you post links to the original sources of those PrCs? |
#12zombiegleemaxDec 28, 2003 16:12:40 | Removed |
#13keg_of_aleDec 28, 2003 18:37:25 | Originally posted by daffy72 Oh, really? *raises eyebrow* Look daffy, I'm very sympathetic regarding your NWN project (though I don't play that game myself), and more so concerning your point about evil humanoids and dragons, but I'm not soft when you actually walk out and say my point of view is "10th-grade roleplaying". ESPECIALLY, since I know you've posted it in a rush of anger oozing from another thread. What I mean is, angry or not, frustrated or not, please do know where the line lies. Otherwise, I'd risk be very very dissapointed with you. To think that I might consider you a really good poster, in other times. Please watch out. |
#14zombiegleemaxDec 28, 2003 21:06:35 | Its true. Even *I* am getting annoyed with what I post on the boards these days. I'm just going to refrain from commenting anymore. I'll retract that post too. Sadly I can't retract what I said because I meant it. At least I won't BS you. No other thread fustrated me. I don't know which one you're referring to. I came in this thread and posted after reading the two responses in this thread. THIS thread was the one that fustrated me. A ruler would just not do those things to diplomats. Azalin and Strahd would do it to eachothers, and its beyond obvious those two obviously wouldn't have any diplomatic relations. If they bordered eachother they would constantly be at war. But concerning all the other domains- they HAVE agreements in place. It's listed in the book AND with whom. It also mentions who is trying to establish further connections. But anyway... if anything you're confusing messengers with diplomats. Messengers are brutalized, tourtured and sent back to rulers in a little box. diplomats arrive in a country after groundwork has been laid... usually the work of messengers and servants. I'm just not going to post anymore. I'm done. All we do is just spout opinions. no one listens... no one expands their points of view by reading another's opinion... if anything MINE has narrowed or made me fed up... I just have nothing nice to say anymore... so the best thing is not to say anything when you can't say something nice. |
#15zombiegleemaxDec 29, 2003 1:36:27 | Daffy while I agree that the DLs are generally a smooth and sauve lot on the whole, skillful in getting what they want (as long as their curse does not impact on it), I tend to think that diplomats in the core still have a tough row to hoe. For example: (1) I can't think of a better way for a DL to get rid of an annoyance then to send them on a long (dangerous) journey with "make work" to a foreign power. Plenty of danger on the roads themselves. Gods help the diplomats who have to go by mistway. (2) Plenty of DLs have secrets they'd kill to keep. If Diplomat X becomes aware the Jackie is a bit furry somedays, or that Karkov's hands aren't quite right we can guess that his or her life expectancy will drop considerably. (3) The DLs generally don't take bad news well and hate haveing their chains yanked. If a DL#1 attempts to do either of the above through an envoy I CAN see DL#2 shooting the messenger. Perhaps not all DLs...but Drakov??? C'mon that diplomat just became the evening entertainment. That's not "10th grade RPing", that's Drakov (or Malocchio or...) (4) DLs on the whole are a paranoid lot. *I WOULD* be suspicious of an envoy from the Boritsi or the Dilisnya and might be happy if they just disappeared so as not to upset anything I might have in motion. (5) They're pawns. And in any great game its the pawns you sacrifice first to advance your plans... -Eric Gorman |
#16zombiegleemaxDec 29, 2003 11:11:00 | Originally posted by daffy72 I'm sorry to hear that... first, because you are a knowledeagble participant with generally interesting input and second because apparently I was one of the two posters who so seriously offended you. Just so you know: yes, I realize that the Catholic Church was not "the" only major power in play. And yes, what I said was extremely general and simplistic for game purposes, but one cannot in any revisionist history discount the breadth and significance of the Church's influence on politics, economics, and education in our world, even today. If you happen to have such a book, please recommend it. The point of my statement was that there is no such universal entity with that sort of power in Ravenloft. The power to crown kings, rally crusades, or divide an entire uncharted hemisphere between two rival empires. Conversely: the power to collect and preserve ancient knowledge, unite people and thrones (or people against thrones), and promote socio-economic dynamism through pilgrimmage (early tourism). Good, bad or indifferent--look at it as you will. Regardless, and to repeat: there is no such universal entity in Ravenloft. Though if some creative DM wanted to put them there, they could. It's a game. I apologize if what I said earlier seemed incorrect. If it still does, feel free to politely explain. Educate me. As you pointed out in another thread, this forum is for the free exchange of ideas among people who share an interest. And while you may not be able to change some minds, you may be able to influence others with thoughtful, well-worded statements. Or, if someone is factually wrong, a simple correction. Feel free to jump back in any time... just know that personal attacks and sarcasm never get your point across and are almost always self-defeating. (Insulting someone's education or reading level--especially when you don't know them--is, um, kinda 10th-grade, dude.) ___ But to stray completely off-topic: what's wrong with the 10th-grade play style (if it can be defined)? I thought it was fun, oh so many years ago... Ah, the good old days; I had more worry-free time... more disposeable cash, too. No mortgage, no car payment, no insurance, always got money back on tax day... yup, I bought every module and supplement I could. To think about it, if it hadn't been for people like me and our oh-so-sophomoric play style back then, I6 and I10 wouldn't have sold so well and proven the whole setting to be economically viable. (Is it any wonder that successful game companies compete for exactly that market?) And as you agreed with me once before, Daffy--it's all about the economics. |
#17zombiegleemaxDec 29, 2003 11:50:56 | As I recall, Gaz2 states that one of Hiregaard's sons is envoy/ambassador/that-foreign-guy from Nova Vaasa. |
#18keg_of_aleDec 29, 2003 12:36:44 | Originally posted by daffy72 You were talking to Jester. Jester hasn't participated in this discussion. You did it because you had a dispute with him on another thread. And you pointed out *my* post to show him an example of "10th-grade roleplaying". Not something I'd usually appreciate, I hope you understand. A ruler would just not do those things to diplomats. Azalin and Strahd would do it to eachothers, and its beyond obvious those two obviously wouldn't have any diplomatic relations. If they bordered eachother they would constantly be at war. But concerning all the other domains- they HAVE agreements in place. It's listed in the book AND with whom. It also mentions who is trying to establish further connections. What you're saying is true, of course. But remember that, though Darklords (and other rulers such as Othmar), generally work for the well-being of their nation, they are highly unscrupulous. Many don't even think of themselves as humans, anymore. These villains are nothing short of supernatural dictators, and they fully realise they are all-powerful inside their own abodes. Depending on situations, they might see ambassadors as guests, tools or simply a source of dark amusement. To quote the Techniques of Terror chapter from the Black Box: "So villains toy with and tease their victims, because its their favorite (and perhaps only) entertainment". Of course, ambassadors are useful. But once the long-awaited treaty has been signed and the international agreement has been made... The envoy is not at all useful, anymore. And no diplomatic immunity to protect him... To better illustrate my point, check out the first chapters of the "Dracula" novel. Jonathan Harker was a vital tool for Dracula to establish a connection with England. Despite that, after a few days in the castle, its obvious Harker is very lucky to escape alive... and sane. I think this a very good example of the fate Ravenloft envoys might face when left to the mercy of Darklords. I hope it clarifies my previous post. |
#19zombiegleemaxDec 29, 2003 13:57:08 | whats wrong with tenth graders?![]() |
#20zombiegleemaxDec 29, 2003 14:14:41 | Unfortunately, the news today illustrates several of the discussed points: "Vatican Ambassador to Burundi Is Killed" -- Dec 29, 2003,1280,-3563387,00.html Your view of the world may be civilized. You can have formal embassies, and in them you can have high-level appointees. They may have diplomatic immunity. They may be working toward peace and prosperity. They may even be well-respected... ...But not by everyone. |
#21zombiegleemaxDec 29, 2003 14:25:00 | ![]() ![]() ![]() Originally posted by Levinthauer That's deep, bro. |
#22zombiegleemaxDec 29, 2003 17:19:29 | Originally posted by Levinthauer That representitive of the church was killed by rebels/ gurellias/ terrorists (take your pick whatever you want to call them) The Burundi leader/government didn't kill him. The discussion (and argument thanks to me) was that leaders don't kill the diplomats. In the senerio posted about killing them after an agreement is reached- yeah I'll concede that. They might even have sealed papers from their leader with orders that they be delivered once an agreement is signed saying- "use these servants as you wish, a gift in good faith of our new mutual benefit." And I'm really just done commenting but you guys should go back and read the source books- diplomats and ambassitors and all that is mentioned in SO many RL resources.. that THAT is why i refuse to even get into it. Keg of ale- the message to jester WAS discussing another post. But it was either earlier that day or from a few days before... that i was referring to.. i came to this thread via a link in my email... anyway signing off |
#23zombiegleemaxDec 29, 2003 20:19:29 | A dark lord might kill a diplomat. A dark lord can do as he pleases. |
#24zombiegleemaxDec 29, 2003 21:06:08 | Originally posted by daffy72 Yup. Thanks for stopping by. |
#25zombiegleemaxJan 06, 2004 10:23:32 | Originally posted by Jackie Baldrick They undoubtedly were referring to the stereotypical tenth grader. The stereotypical tenth grader is stupid and immature. You are, obviously, not stupid and immature. I would have guessed you were much older than that actually, judging by your posts. |
#26zombiegleemaxJan 06, 2004 10:32:04 | Thinking of Embassies, I think that the Treaty of Four will have embassies in each other's domains. Three Borcan, Richmuloise, Mordentish and Dementlieuse embassies. Who do you think will have the corrupt ones? |
#27tec-goblinJan 17, 2004 5:09:54 | Yes, I think CL 8-9 domains could have embassies. A darklord cannot do completely as he pleases, nor in Richemulot, nor Dementlieu. Usually harming a diplomat causes so much trouble that it doesn't worth the issue. Even Ivana would think twice hurt a Richemulot diplomat just for her whim. As far as the diplomat class is concerned, it still seems underpowered to me. It cannot be compared to the courtier class of Swashbuckling Adventures. I think it needs some more beef - higher number of skill points, leadership as a bonus feat (you lead the personel of embassy after level x), and maybe a second degree of diplomatic immunity in very high levels (you keep your immunity even without your uniform - of course, the guards may not recognize you nor believe you and simply kill you on the spot if arrested. If you manage to get alive to jail, though, the chances are that you will be recognized and put under house arrest). |