Does Anyone Have Gh Gods In 3e Format?



Jan 09, 2004 10:13:37
I'm most interested in the "Clergy and Temples" section of the greyhawk gods.


Jan 09, 2004 11:35:30
Well, there's not much out there, regrettably. Off of the top of my head, the best resource might be Dieties & Demigods WotC &#169 2002 by Williams, Wyatt, et. al.

But, I also recommend Greyhawk Adventures TSR &#169 1988 by Ward. It's fifteen years old, but there is text in there regarding clerics and their abilities that can be converted with just a little bit of work. The Avatars will require a lot more work, but not if you use the statistics in Dieties and Demigods.

Those are my thoughts. Hopefully someone with more experience will reply, too. Good luck


Jan 09, 2004 13:14:21
Pelor, Iuz and Tharizun IIRC were covered in a LGJ. If no-one gives a number by the time I get to my stuff I'll post a referance.


Jan 10, 2004 6:15:31
How about this - Tamerlaine's Greyhawk Gods

Grodog's Greyhawk Gods

Living Greyhawk Dieties

Bastard Greyhawk


Jan 11, 2004 23:08:54
Originally posted by Sardan
[b]How about this - Grodog's Greyhawk Gods

Thanks for the pointer Sardan, but my pages are nowhere near the quality of the others you listed (at least not yet!). I'd definitely go with TalMeta's and Steve Wilson's pages, myself :D


Jan 12, 2004 8:42:51
Thanks for the info guys. Looks like I'll have to come up with something myself.