Post/Author/DateTime | Post |
#1zombiegleemaxJan 20, 2004 4:16:33 | Hi, I am running a dragonlance adventure set after the war of the souls. Only about 6 months or so. I am looking for some help with details. Would like more information about the minotaurs that worship Kiri-Jolith. Am looking for ideas for a wizard to head the white robes as well. Can't seem to remember any white robe mages that may have survived the Chaos War as everything beyond that seems to concentrate on Palin. What about reconstructing some of the "lost towers"? Who do I put in charge of the Dark Tower as Dalamar has been barred? Any help would be appreciated and any fans/players/DMs living in England would be especially welcome to respond. Thank you very much. - Kender of Kendernbabe |
#2zombiegleemaxJan 20, 2004 5:05:03 | In Reavers of the Blood Sea, Clan Orilg (Kaz's clan) flies the banner of Kiri-Jolith. While most minotaurs in the two kingdoms worhship Sargas, a large minority follows Kiri-Jolith. Minotaurs also are very independant and do require constant signs to maintain their faith. So most are probably still faithful even during the War of Souls. The Kazelanti, a clan of Minotaurs started by Kaz live on islands east of Kothas and Mithas. They primilary worship Kiri-Jolith. The new leader of the white robes will most likely be a heretofor unknown character or a character only vaguely mentioned before. I doubt either Palin or Ulin will take it. Ulin mostly because there is little chance he will join the WoHS and I see him as red or black robed. Dalamar does not appear to be ready to reveal the location of the Tower of Nightlund until he is secure in his control of the conclave. He appears to desire headship of the conclave and to be master of the tower of Waywreth. Then in his wisdom, he will choose a sucessor to control the tower of Nightlund. It is unknown whether a new tower of high sorcery can be constructed like the ones of old. Still the conclave will most likely build some type of new gathering places across Ansalon. Anyplace is as good as another. On the site of the Academy of Sorcery or in the Desolation. Who knows? |
#3zombiegleemaxJan 20, 2004 5:14:15 | Who do I put in charge of the Dark Tower as Dalamar has been barred? This is a very good question. The Tower of Palanthas, since the kingpriest launched his crusade against magic, has been empty of masters except two - Raistlin/Fistandantilus and Dalamar. Raistlin claimed the tower as his own, but was never a head of any of the orders. Dalamar claimed it as his own, but when he was being head of the order, he would normally be in Wayreth. Since Wayreth is the centre of the wizards power, I would guess that Dalamar would be attempting to get back inside as well as find a new white robe head of order. He would then presumably lead the conclave from there. The Dark Tower, then, seems more like a personal tower for a particular wizard, and so anyone could take it, assuming they had the power to fight past all the ghosties. It's also full of great treasures. Tell me, what level game will you be playing? If you had a sufficiently high level evil wizard, taking this tower would be enormous fun, especially since Dalamar would still be wanting all his stuff back. I suppose with a slightly lower level game, Dalamar could just send off an adventuring party to go into the tower with his blessing (and a protection charm or two) to retrieve all his magical artifacts. Then, with the protection charms, the party could establish themselves in the tower and use it as a base of operations for fighting the undead remaining in Nightlund. What about reconstructing some of the "lost towers"? Personally, I don't think the wizards would want to rebuild their missing towers - Wayreth is just hiding, and would be much easier to find than build anew. Then, with their reduced numbers since wizardly magic has only just come back, it wouldn't be worth having more than they have. All the time since the cataclysm, although the numbers of wizards remained reasonably high, it wasn't until the War of the Lance that someone reclaimed the Palanthian tower. It might be a good idea for the wizards to attempt to rebuild a tower in Ergoth, due to the strength of the nation after the War of Souls - it was virtually untouched. However, since the last tower was detonated in the middle of their city, the Ergothians might still hold a grudge. There would be very little point reconstructing the tower at Losarcum, or Kendermore as it is now known, since it is in the middle of nowhere now, and not a particularly pleasant view from the high up windows. Unless, of course, you have it that afflicted kender are caused by some curse of Malys's using the Ruins, at which point, some kender may be very happy if it was restored. The chances are that at some point, an adventuring party is going to clear out Kendermore of all the undead (see the November issue of the Tobril, and Sean Macdonald's fantastic article), and the kender will rebuild. Then, the _wizards_ (eg something really interesting) would be right next to the kender, and constantly bothered by them asking for fireworks or fireballs or snowballs or whatever. Rebuilding the Tower at Istar would be great fun. Can't seem to remember any white robe mages that may have survived the Chaos War I think that if any notable white robes had survived the Chaos War and the War of Souls (other than Palin), then Dalamar and Jenna would have gotten them to play the part. I think it's another random plot hook in the book you can use for whatever you want. There are all sorts of adventures you could have around a new head of white robes, especially as Dalamar is planning on finding one he can easily manipulate. Hope some of that was useful. |
#4zombiegleemaxJan 20, 2004 5:18:34 | Originally posted by pddisc Isn't the tower of Istar still intact at the bottom of the Sea? |
#5zombiegleemaxJan 20, 2004 5:36:31 | Isn't the tower of Istar still intact at the bottom of the Sea? I very much doubt much of anything is still intact at the bottom of the sea. Between a firey mountain landing on the city and a giant whirlpool sucking surrounding things into the Abyss for three or four hundred years, I doubt it's all in one piece. Since all the gods had a part in the cataclysm, I would guess that the gods of magic would probably have wanted to destroy their old tower, because it was currently being filled with the kingpriests clerics. So with the entire sea being in the way of lots of broken parts of tower, rebuilding it would be great fun. |
#6zombiegleemaxJan 20, 2004 5:44:05 | Sea elves live in the ruins of Istar. The heroes of the lance went there in Spring Dawning I believe and one of the original modules details it. I am pretty sure the tower is mostly intact. |
#7cam_banksJan 20, 2004 6:24:36 | Originally posted by SageofKaolyn It isn't. ![]() Cheers, Cam |
#8zombiegleemaxJan 20, 2004 7:01:07 | Originally posted by Cam Banks So was it just turn to dust in the Cataclysm? Did the sea elves loot anything from it? Could any rooms have remained intact? |
#9talinthasJan 20, 2004 10:47:37 | well, the current meta arc in my campaign is that dalamar wants to raise the tower of istar and retake it, but its currently being occupied by dragons and such, and jenna wants the party to get to it before dalamar does so that the conclave can control it better... |
#10frostdawnJan 21, 2004 10:25:17 | The tower from Palanthus currently resides in Nightlund (Dalamar moved it there, to hide it from the Dragon Overlords who were plotting to take it by force and to drain it of magic ala magic leeching.) It sits there still, but IIRC, the guardians that used to block entry to the top study where the portal to the abyss is, are gone. Anyone who can find the tower can more or less enter, since the Shoikan grove is more or less defunct now as well. Last time the tower was mentioned, it was surrounded by the sea of souls, but since the war of souls is over, I don't know how the tower is hidden/protected now. As for the Tower of Wayreth, currently, no one can enter it according to the source books. This may be because it is a symbol of the balance of magic, and since there is no one current to take the mantle of the white robes, Wayreth may remain hidden. That's just a guess though. Maybe if a head of white robes is declared, entry to Wayreth will become available again? I think it was said somewhere that Dalamar will take up the head of the black robes, and Jehenna will take the red robes. Palin was the choice for the white robes, but when the moon gods returned, and offered Palin his old power, he refused, in order to enjoy the rest of his life with Usha and without magic. I'm not 100% sure about the tower of Ishtar, but the Kingpriest's palace was the place Takhisis used as a HQ in the war of the lance (and transported magically). That at least was completely intact, albeit warped a bit by evil magic. ![]() Don't forget, the maelstrom has been gone ever since Krynn was moved by Takhisis, so exploration of the red sea might become a bit more feasible now... |
#11drachasorJan 21, 2004 10:53:39 | I have a feeling that Palin will be returning to the White Robes once his vacation is over..... -Drachasor |
#12frostdawnJan 21, 2004 12:12:35 | Hmm, here's a thought. Since each of the towers of high sorcery were protected by some form of magic grove/defense, maybe the tower from Palanthus/Nightlund is still surrounded by lost souls? Maybe souls that travel past the area seeking to transcend to the next plane of existence get stuck there periodically, and serve as a means to both hide the tower, and protect it. Or maybe they are just souls that can't rest in peace yet, and they sort of congregate there. Could be that the tower itself controls spirits and keeps them bound to the area. The sticky thing is what keeps them there. Before and during the war of souls, spirits collected there mostly because Takhisis prevented them from passing onto the next plane of existance. What would keep them there now is the question. Dunno, just some suggestions.... |
#13dr_teethJan 22, 2004 0:22:55 | My thought too that Palin will come back. I doubt we have seen the end of him. Another thought, what about the Greatest Wizard! to ever live, sure he wore mouse grey robes, but Fizban is mortal and on the loose, and we all know he's good. I bet he could do the job and wont be the pushover that Dalamar wants. |
#14dr_teethJan 22, 2004 0:25:43 | One other thing. Its best when theres little information to go by, it means you can set up your own things in the world we all love. If you want to raise the Istar Tower go for it! If you want one of your own characters to be the White Robe Head, go for it! |
#15zombiegleemaxJan 22, 2004 2:19:02 | I think this Wizard problem is one of the biggest problems at the moment. Few answeres are needed: - Who will be the White Robe head? - Will they be new towers? - When will old orders (and also towers) be ready again? Will it take months or few years? Maybe there will be few answeres in the Wizard's Conclave (douglas niles), but it will be on stores after summer... Damn. Also Amber and Ashes (Weis) could also give some clues. That why I hope Towers of High Sorcery -sourcebook will give us "after War of Souls" situation also (and not only history). In our games we will use good old renegade Sorcerers. Maybe they can "turn" later if they wan't. I'm sure that orders will not be ready very soon after the war... |
#16zombiegleemaxJan 23, 2004 13:25:44 | My campaign has a high level, lawful good, elven sorceror who is going to go the way of High Sorcery when he is asked to, by Solanari. He is going to be given the opportunity to exchange Sorcery levels for Wizard ones. When all three types of Wizards are present the Tower of Wayreth will present itself to them and allow them to enter. Wizards and Sorcerors will both co-exist in my campaign world, but I don't know about renegades yet. Sorc's will have schools and buildings where they can learn, teach, and practice based on the Sorcery schools started by Palin. I am going to have Sorc's builing new strongholds in places like Southern Ergoth, for Cryomancy, the volcanos around Sanction, for Pyromancy, etc, etc. The Wizards are going to have three towers, one for each Head, and they are going to be spread out to prevent them from being easily taken by the remaining dragon overlords. Jenna will have the tower of Nightlund, which she is going to move to the worlds heart, because I like the location, and Jenna will rule over the barbarian horde there. The Elf will have Wayreth because I am having the Qualinesti come back to reclaim their homeland from the dead that lives there, and Dalamar is going to reconstruct one on the volcano Malys made in Kendermore, because that's where one used to be, and Dalamar will be happy to be in a remote location. I am also going to have Dalamar find some rather interesting things while he is checking out the local, including some ancient writings which detail some of the greatest Wizards from the first conclave, details on the towers, their construction, etc. Then, I will see how the magics work out from there. I really like having both types available in my campaign, because I like the flexibility available for my players. |
#17gamileoJan 23, 2004 13:41:46 | I m of the opinion that since they say in the campaign setting that the tohs is missing that it stays missing till something else happens. I just remade haven into a slightly larger city and put a bunch of mages who are looking for the tohs in the city. they formed their own conclave for the purposes of continuing the line. I also am of the opinion that the test should be a one on one thing. Following the books, raistlin s test was by himself completely, no one else helped him (well besides a certain dark mage). the wizard in my campaign went thru the test, nearly died, had to use every spell he knew and had to fight one of the other pc s one on one an appropriate challenge level. But i will warn this for everyone who lets the tower be in existence. do not give them a blessed book, that small 1000 page thing in the dmg, it basically with enough time lets them write every spell that they want, for the most part. But the nice thing is that it makes a selection hard to pick heh. |