DS novels.



Feb 11, 2004 7:12:11
A friend, who workes at a bookstore, told me that it is pratically mission impossible to find any of the old DS novels.
I been a long time since I played DS, and I haven't any of the novels, but now I am thinking of tracking some of them down, any good suggestion where to look?
besides e-bay that is.:D

thanks in advance.


Feb 11, 2004 9:18:37
I was able to get all 13 of them via amazon last summer, and at cheapo 2nd-hand prices too. Barnes & Noble are also a good bet. Good luck!


Feb 11, 2004 11:53:41
I got all 13 over ebay for about 27 $



Feb 11, 2004 14:50:26
Originally posted by Kamelion
I was able to get all 13 of them via amazon last summer, and at cheapo 2nd-hand prices too. Barnes & Noble are also a good bet. Good luck!

Same here.

Amazon is the shiznit.



Feb 15, 2004 6:03:23
I guess amazon is the way to go.
Thanks for the info, I'll start looking around.


Feb 16, 2004 10:17:47
i got Rise anf Fall of a dragon king mint condition, on amazon for 6$ =)

read it in 5 hours hehe