Post/Author/DateTime | Post |
#1GrummoreFeb 15, 2004 21:32:49 | Hi, my name is Sebastien Gamache, administrator, webmaster and owner of the web site The Silt Skimmer Page. |
#2GrummoreFeb 15, 2004 21:41:14 | 15 February 2004 - Fixed some wrong links in the arts section. Remember, you have 5 darksun logos there. |
#3GrummoreFeb 21, 2004 20:40:14 | 21 February 2004 * Added two maps - Urik City (Brax and Khan) - Athas Planet (Brax) * Added 19 athasians weapons pictures in the arts section |
#4GrummoreFeb 21, 2004 23:27:12 | 22 February 2004 * Added three news web sites to the HUGE list. * Small update of the Net Project page (if you wish me to add something, send me a email please) |
#5zombiegleemaxFeb 22, 2004 1:48:34 | Wow, just now noticed your weapon pics. Very nice work there Grumm. |
#6KamelionFeb 22, 2004 5:35:49 | Originally posted by Grummore Cool. Nice one, Grummore. Do you also happen to have a key that goes with the numbered locations on the Brax/Khan map? Heh, in one way or another, that's all the seven cities mapped out now, huh? Anyone know of any decent maps for Kurn and Eldaarich? Are they in Lost Cities? Anyone? Bueller? |
#7GrummoreFeb 22, 2004 11:40:37 | Originally posted by Kamelion Hum... I remember having seen it, but I could not find what you were looking for, about these numbers on the maps. About maps, as of myself, I only have what I have on the web page ![]() |
#8GrummoreMar 15, 2004 21:47:27 | 15 March 2004 * Added Mark Hope (Kamelion) TRADECRAFT document to the accessories page. |
#9KamelionMar 16, 2004 1:41:20 | Merci bien! (Tradecraft is the same article that was hosted on Jon's old site last year. It's still, iirc, 3.0 and needs a tweak or two. Or three...;).) |
#10GrummoreMar 21, 2004 19:13:40 | * Added two new sites to the link section: - Darksun Rising - - theJim's gaming - Darksun - * Fixed some broken links |
#11GrummoreMar 23, 2004 21:49:15 | 24th March, 2004 * I created a druid spells list where it's possible to check spells that as been used or these remaining. Accessories section. It's a PDF. |
#12GrummoreMar 24, 2004 8:20:18 | Originally posted by Grummore Download this ! And tell me if it's useful ! ![]() |
#13KamelionMar 24, 2004 9:41:15 | It's neat, Grummore! Gonna be using this next game for sure. So where are the lists for the other classes, then, huh? :D |
#14GrummoreMar 24, 2004 12:12:56 | Originally posted by Kamelion Hum... oh! Well. hum... they were under some pile somewhere, I swear I saw these somewhere... hum... where... ![]() |
#15GrummoreJun 22, 2004 10:03:45 | 21th June, 2004 * As David Schwartz (aka Hill Giant) has updated his Wisdom of the Stars article on Athasian cosmology (Available at David as let me create a pdf with it's .doc file and as let me revamp the pictures of the plane. It's now in the Accessory section. |
#16jon_oracle_of_athasJun 22, 2004 11:11:21 | Heh, in one way or another, that's all the seven cities mapped out now, huh? Anyone know of any decent maps for Kurn and Eldaarich? Are they in Lost Cities? Yes. In Lost Cities. |
#17zombiegleemaxJun 22, 2004 15:15:35 | Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr That's it Jon, I'm marching over to the Blue Shrine (may take a while) right now (wearing insulated rubber boots of course) to give you a piece of my mind (what little there is left). Can you guys at least toss us a bit of a teaser and post the maps up, even if in an unfinished state? |
#18GrummoreJun 22, 2004 15:52:30 | Way to go Mach !! :D Tell them to give us something new! Btw, I am finishing the NPCs of what you made a review and will send this to a game mechanic specialist then it's out for everyone to read. ;) |
#19GrummoreJul 23, 2004 22:25:36 | July 23th, 2004 * Added 4 new sites (again ! ) I am soon to hit the 110 listed sites! ![]() |
#20jihun-nishJul 24, 2004 0:11:43 | Originally posted by Kamelion also Originally posted by Jon, Oracle of Athas You see! That's exactly the sort of info I was waiting for(see Project of Jihun-nish thread) A map of kurn would be most apreciated(especially if it's aprouved by all.) |
#21GrummoreSep 23, 2004 19:56:21 | September 23th, 2004 * Added 2 new Darksun web sites - One in french (2e) but seem to have nice stuff and still update - One in english |
#22GrummoreJan 16, 2005 21:45:30 | Sorry for the lack of updates. But enjoy my semi-annual links update. Btw, anybody know what happened to Emilio Pozo web site? Thanks |
#23GrummoreApr 28, 2005 8:39:53 | April 27th, 2005 *Added the Grim Psychic Duels by Eric Anondson to my web site. It's in the accessories section. .rtf format Btw, if you would like it in pdf, let me know I will format it, convert it and upload it. Oh, and what's up with darksun-es? Anybody know? |
#24SysaneApr 28, 2005 9:11:00 | Grummore, You can add the Sundered Regions map (beneath my signature) link to your site if you would like. |
#25GrummoreApr 28, 2005 13:18:10 | Grummore, Yes, no problem. My brain is just leaking out some missing site. I have yet to update again my links page. I am trying to do my best, but it seem sometime hard to find information on all the net projects peoples are working on. I just found my old thread and the one Liric had started and I will roam through it to find which projects is beeing working on. |
#26GrummoreMay 26, 2005 20:47:14 | May 26th, 2005 *Added two new sites (The Sundered Region and Mike's Dark Sun Campaign) *Updated the 3rd ed sites page links P.S. : I wouldnt mind having both your real name and email if you dont mind. Unless you want to keep privacy. |
#27SysaneMay 26, 2005 21:39:35 | May 26th, 2005 I sent you an e-mail with that info bro. ![]() |
#28GrummoreJul 28, 2005 10:25:49 | July 27th, 2005 *Added one new site (Khaine site : Under the Dark Sun) A reminder to peoples who now have a web site. Please give them to me so I add you to the list! |
#29zombiegleemaxJul 28, 2005 11:06:51 | July 27th, 2005 Thanks Grummore! ![]() |
#30GrummoreSep 12, 2005 18:58:39 | ![]() ![]() I rarely use these smilies, but ... well here it is. SILTSKIMMER.NET, for the first time ever (in about 9 years) is close temporarly. ![]() It's going to be down until september, 30th... Geez. |
#31GrummoreOct 12, 2005 14:28:47 | ![]() ![]() ![]() Aaahhh... After one month, my site is back online. Feel free to roam through the HUGIEST darksun links of the net, thanks again! :D |
#32GrummoreOct 21, 2005 7:56:12 | October 21th, 2005 * Added Lawkeeper Efkenu take on Bodach City (there is a nice story) The news page havent been updated to reflect the change yet (am at work and can't take too much time) You can get the pdf or doc by going to my web site under the accessories section. |
#33GrummoreOct 28, 2005 7:12:46 | October 27th, 2005 * Added some Merchant Houses Banners to the arts section of my site. |
#34GrummoreNov 14, 2005 7:17:09 | November 13th * I wrote a short story about Uyness alias Abalach-Re youth and her first personnal journal. (in french but will be converted) (Stories section) |
#35GrummoreNov 23, 2005 22:26:26 | November 23th * A while ago, my brother had draw 6 athasians monsters. They are now available in the Arts section! |
#36GrummoreNov 24, 2005 9:19:04 | Btw, what do you think about these monsters pictures? My brother was interested in comments. Thanks! |
#37elonarcNov 24, 2005 9:25:16 | Btw, what do you think about these monsters pictures? My brother was interested in comments. Thanks! I like the pictures very much, especially the Tembo. In general, I like the ones with the "drawn look" a lot more than the ones looking "computer made" (like the fire drake). |
#38GrummoreNov 26, 2005 22:11:31 | Thanks for the comments Elonarc! UPDATE November 26th, 2005 * I added a new link : The Athasian cartographer's Guild |
#39GrummoreNov 29, 2005 19:43:10 | November 29th, 2005 * I'm on fire! Another while ago, my brother had draw 13 athasians characters. They are now available in the Arts section! |
#40kalthandrixNov 29, 2005 20:42:42 | Cool pics- I like the fire drake and the one with the ship the best. ![]() |
#41GrummoreNov 30, 2005 8:01:35 | Cool pics- I like the fire drake and the one with the ship the best. Thanks from my brother! ![]() |
#42GrummoreFeb 21, 2006 20:50:15 | February 21st, 2006 * Added a new web site, Shattered World. It's a site that gather material from the darksun section of the Wizards of the Coast board. * Updated Nytcrawlr sites link |
#43GrummoreSep 07, 2007 9:46:12 | Long time no update. I will soon try to update my link section. After that, I will go update the link section as well. I will have a few new sites to add and few to remove as well. Though, the email address is no longer available. I was getting too much trashmail there. Once I get an update, I will tell you. You can use the address in my profile instead. Thanks. |
#44zombiegleemaxSep 08, 2007 13:00:49 | I will be checking out the site very soon. thanks for the updated link.:pile: |
#45GrummoreNov 07, 2007 12:13:26 | The Domain name of the is expired. I must wait for a redemption date to renew it with another registrar. While so, you can access the siltskimmer at this IP address : |
#46GrummoreFeb 21, 2008 10:24:12 | New domain name for it is now : .ORG I will finish soon to update my links list, which needed to have a HUGE clean up. |
#47lurking_shadowFeb 21, 2008 15:04:36 | Hey, Grummore, that's good news. Since it's been some time since anyone mentioned this, here you go: your site is quite useful; you deserve a pat on the back. Lurking |
#48xlorepdarkhelm_dupFeb 21, 2008 17:38:47 | "It rubs the lotion on its skin or else it gets the hose again." (Grummore's currently erm.... preoccupied doing what he's told). |
#49GrummoreMar 08, 2008 19:49:02 | Update at ![]() March 8th, 2008 Finally, after many years, an update of the HUGIEST DS links page of all time. :D Go to in the news and links section for further detail. Thank you! |
#50phoenix_mMar 08, 2008 22:53:54 | Cool Grummore and of course thank you. One question though, any new links? |
#51GrummoreMar 08, 2008 23:31:52 | I think I might have one or two, hidden in my address box. Though, I did not had the time to clean this up. Btw, there isnt much DS site that popped up recently on the net... Sometime I feel that DS is a dying dead world... ![]() |
#52GrummoreApr 01, 2015 11:06:15 | Hey! Just found this undead thread of mine. Â How about a little update about something I did in the last 2 days. Â April 1st, 2015 Â This is no April fools :-) Â Did a 2 hours job on the core document for DS3.5e by to rebuild the whole Table of contents mess. Â It's currently on my web site : in the news. Â |
#53KryptonlukeJun 19, 2015 20:38:12 | Glad to see you are still there ^^. |